Muḩāfaz̧at al Wādī al Jadīd

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10 Destinasi Pengembaraan Teratas Muḩāfaz̧at al Wādī al Jadīd
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    • Hari 9

      Antike "Merkel"

      3 Julai 2022, Mesir ⋅ ☀️ 38 °C

      Der Totentempel der Hatschepsut gehört alleine seiner Optik und Dimensionen wegen wohl zu den beeindruckendsten Tempelanlage. Denn er ist genau das was man mit den mächtigen Tempelanlagen der alten Ägypter verbindet: majestätisch und prunkvoll.

      Unsere Tourguidin Marta bezeichnete Hatschepsut als antike "Merkel" , so mächtig und einflussreich soll ihr Wirken gewesen sein. So soll sich Hatschepsut stets als Mann gekleidet haben und entgegen der typischen Frauenbilder gebräunte Haut gehabt haben.

      Besonders schön sind die zahlreichen und noch heute farbenfrohen Hyroglyphen und Wandmalereien im Tempel, die Hatschepsut u. a. schwanger zeigen.

      Erst hier in der Tempelanlage viel uns so richtig auf wie heiß es eigentlich war. Gefühlt waren es mindesten 40 bis 45 Grad ohne Schatten und ohne Wind. Tatsächlich sollen es abet wohl "nur" 38 Grad gewesen sein. Kein Wunder das wir im Laufe des Tages knapp fünf Liter Wasser getrunken haben. Was für eine Qual muss es also für die Ägypter gewesen sein, diese Tempelanlagen zu bauen und noch heute in Stand zu halten.
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    • Hari 9

      Das Tal der Könige

      3 Julai 2022, Mesir ⋅ ☀️ 39 °C

      In unmittelbarer Nähe des Totentempel der Hatschepsut liegt das Tal der Könige. Es ist die wohl berühmteste Nekropole der Welt und Zeichen der Hochkultur und Bedeutung des alten Ägyptens.

      Bis heute wurden 64 Gräber entdeckt. Ein Ende der Ausgrabungen ist nicht in Sicht.
      Schon in der Antike fielen die prunkvollen und farbenfrohen Gräber Grabräubern zum Opfer. Einzig das Grab des Tutanchamuns, dass die wunderschöne Bezeichnung KV62 trägt, blieb verschont und wurde erst 1922 vom Briten Howard Carter entdeckt und erkundet. Die wichtigsten der knapp 5.000 Grabbeigaben liegen heute im ägyptischen Museum in Kairo.

      Damit die Gräber noch vielen Generationen nach uns zugänglich sind, werden die zu besichtigenden Gräber regelmäßig gewechselt und die Wandmalereien durch Glaswände vor aufdringlichen Touristen-Händen geschützt.

      Wir besichtigten die Gräber von Ramses I., II. und III., wobei nur im Grab von Ramses III. noch bis heute ein Sarkophag zu finden ist.
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    • Hari 168

      Disappointing last day of the cruise

      5 September 2022, Mesir ⋅ ☀️ 100 °F

      Miles: 3.8 Steps: 9001 Flights: 14

      We had the earliest wake up call yet for the trip - 2:30am! We had to head out early for our hot air balloon ride over Luxor, Egypt!! It was a bit of a journey - left our boat, short van ride to a small ferry, to another police escorted “convoy” of balloon vans to get to the take off point. Not sure why we needed the police escort, but we’ll take it.

      What was especially exciting was we were making history. Today our group was going to be in the largest basket ever used in Egypt - would hold 32 people. They are used elsewhere in the world all the time - but never Egypt. National Geographic was there filming all the preparations and the flight!!

      Unfortunately shortly after we got there, they halted preparations because the winds were picking up. We waited about an hour, and then they canceled the flights for the day. 😢 Egypt hasn’t had the best safety rating for hot air ballooning - there have been some terrible accidents and many deaths here, especially back when the pilots determined if it was safe or not to fly. Now the air traffic control at the airport determines whether they fly that day and so things have gotten much safer. Regardless, we were very bummed. They rescheduled us for tomorrow morning, but around 4:00pm they called and canceled it as well. We’re not here any more days so no ability to keep trying - maybe we’ll try again at our next destinations? Really sad, but glad they care about our safety first.

      We continued touring sites - headed to the Temple of Hatshepsut which was an amazing sight. I was more enthralled with the limestone cliffs. She was a a woman who reigned over Egypt for 21 years, who pretended to be a man.

      Then we went to the Valley of the Kings - the tombs of over 65 pharaohs of Egypt! They were built hidden, into this hillside far from the cities to prevent tomb robbers. We were allowed to pick 3 tombs to visit, and only allowed to stay 10 min in each. It was 10 min too long as it was sooooo hot and humid inside them. I don’t even know how hot it was inside. But when we exited to the 109° outside, it felt cool and refreshing. 🤷‍♀️ just wrong - Crazy.

      Our last site for the day was an alabaster shop. Alabaster is a mineral or rock that is soft, often used for carving. We watched a short demonstration of how they made vases and such.

      And then like that the cruise was over! We booked a hotel room across the river on the West Bank (less touristy section of Luxor) for a couple nights. Our plan is to recuperate a bit after all these early morning wake-ups and marathon temple visits. We’re pretty exhausted.
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    • Hari 6

      Balloon Ride

      18 Oktober 2022, Mesir ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Up and about at 3 am because that is how early you need to be to ride in a balloon. Pickup was 3:45 and not much traffic then. We need to ride a boat to cross the river and while we are waiting on board and having coffee we meet another couple from Airdrie Alberta who become our balloon basket partners. The staging area for the balloons is large as there are 26 taking off this morning. They all carry around 14 passengers. The take off (if you can call it that) is near the Valley of the Kings. From the time the balloon is laying flat on the ground to inflated and all passengers aboard is about 20 minutes. That is about the same amount of time it would take to fire up a B777 for a trip to Toronto, but the balloon is much more dramatic. There is fans blowing, people shouting, great balls of fire churning, and a lot of running around. Liftoff is about 20 minutes before sunrise around 5:30. Balloon captain Amr provides a smooth ride along with interesting commentary on the area. We are airborne for 65 minutes and the touchdown is soft. Our ground support team get a lot of direction from Captain Amr once they grab on to our tether line. The group of 8 ground supporters have to slog through a cornfield so we can alight to a suitably dry piece of ground. More shouting and running around as they collapse the balloon and load the basket onto the back of a truck. Our van transport is waiting nearby and Dianne and I are off to join our other travel companions for the rest of the day.Baca lagi

    • Hari 101

      Louxor 2

      13 November 2019, Mesir ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Journée sur la rive Ouest du Nil, où se trouve la plus grande partie des sites archéologiques. Visite du temple mortuaire de Hatshepsut, une femme phararon (pharaonne?) du 2e millénaire avant JC. Chaleur écrasante dans la Vallée des rois. Les peintures des tombes sont dans un état remarquable. Bon, on ne comprend rien à toutes ces petits hiéroglyphes qui recouvrent les murs... mais ça fait un petit effet déco sympathique. Pour terminer on cherche de l'ombre au magnifique temple de Medinet Habu et on retraverse le Nil en bateau. A la fin c'était un peu le bazar, le guide a failli étrangler un touriste chinois qui était pris dans une frénésie photographique interminable pile au moment de partir et des Américains qui voulaient absolument aller au McDo. Un Egyptien expliquait à des Coréens qu'ici les gens aimaient deux choses : le hashish et la bière. Ah bon?Baca lagi

    • Hari 6

      Valley of the Kings

      18 Oktober 2022, Mesir ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Included in out ticket are 3 tombs that we may choose to see. Out of the 64 we chose Ramses III, RAMSES I, & Merentpah. We have been here before in 2017. Some things have changed. More security, more people than I remember, and one of the tombs that uses to be part of the entrance ticket is now an add on for 100 £E.Baca lagi

    • Hari 9

      Look at these tombs!!

      11 Disember 2022, Mesir ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      We went to The Valley of the Kings. This is the area on the West Bank where the kings tombs were buried. They have found them deep inside of a mountain. Houses were built on top of them. Now how have they been able to burrow into the mountain and go directly to where these tombs are located and not destroy the tombs??? 🧐The technology is real and I want to know more about that 🤓! You can see the 3D model of the mountain and tombs underneath and how deep in the mountains they are. The following posts will show some of the tombs.Baca lagi

    • Hari 9

      Merenptah’s tomb

      11 Disember 2022, Mesir ⋅ ☀️ 79 °F

      Merenptah was the son of Ramses II. Many ancient texts were found in his tomb such as the Book of the Dead. This was usually a papyrus scroll that was part of the funeral procedures that details magic spells written in hieroglyphics and used to assist the dead into the afterlife. They were written by many priests over 1000 years.Baca lagi

    • Hot Air Ballon Ride over Luxor

      19 Disember 2022, Mesir ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      We began our first and once-in-a- lifetime ballooning experience with an early morning pickup from our hotel in Luxor at around 5:00 a.m. We were taken to the ferry docks and went by boat across the Nile River to the West Bank. Surprisingly, there were hundreds of people on the other side being organized into vans to go to the Air Force base where the flights take off from.

      A guide briefed us on safety measures and answered questions that people had. Trucks arrived with the balloons and we watched as the inflation process began. This is when we started to get excited!

      There had to be around 30 balloons with baskets that held around 20 people. Watching and listening to the balloons as they began to fill up (come to life) was awesome. We boarded with the assistance of the ground crew, met the captain and felt the heat from the big fire. The take off was so gentle that we hardly realized that we had left the ground. In fact, there wasn’t even a sense of motion as we floated upward with 19 other balloons.

      Being in the air, gave us a wonderful feeling of peace and tranquility, disturbed only by the noise of the balloon burners. Our flight lasted about an 1 hour from take-off to landing and we reached the maximum height of 500 m. The views of the sunrise and Luxor and all its ancient temples and tombs was breathtaking.

      We glided over farmers’ green fields of sugar cane and bananas and saw the canals used for irrigation. The pilot could rotate the balloon to give us 360 degree views, could go up and down but didn’t have control of the direction we were going in.

      On one side of us was the Nile and it’s famous fertile land and on the other side we could see the desert and mountains containing the Ramses’ tombs and the Valley of the Kings and Queens.

      Before landing, we were reminded of the proper landing position, crouched low in the basket with our backs facing the direction we were going in. Our pilot looked for a smooth spot to land in the desert and we bumped to a stop as the ground crew jumped on the basket and hung onto the sides of the basket to keep us from tipping over. Quickly, they dealt with taking the air out of the ballon as we provided the weight to keep the balloon down.

      What an incredible experience for all of us Phileas Fogg wannabes!
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    • Hari 6

      Tomba di Sethi I

      9 Mac 2023, Mesir

      Nella valle dei Re questa tomba profondissima, si va sottoterra per 187 metri. È conservata in maniera splendida. Anche questa siamo riusciti a visitarla da soli perché ci siamo andati nell’ora più calda. Con qualche bakshish (mancia) siamo riusciti a vedere anche delle camere che non erano accessibili ai visitatoriBaca lagi

    Anda mungkin mengenali tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    Muḩāfaz̧at al Wādī al Jadīd, Muhafazat al Wadi al Jadid, New Valley, محافظة الوادي الجديد, UVL

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