The Dolores Diaries

Ekim - Kasım 2017
Eliana tarafından 35 günlük bir macera Okumaya devam et
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  • Gün 30


    23 Kasım 2017, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌙 23 °C

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    I was really confused when people said that to me today. I keep forgetting. In my mind Thanksgiving​ happened like 3 weeks ago. There's a decent amount of people here. More than I expected for a holiday. It's their on season though because it's way too hot to come during the summer. It was 90 today! That's too hot. No clouds and little shade. I got up early and beat the sun. Hiked 8 miles before it got too too warm. Then I did a few smaller hikes before heading back to camp. It's a really beautiful place. Mountains and cacti. They're​ so much bigger than I thought. They can grow up to 40'. I heard some really interesting birds. No idea what they are. Gotta bone up on my bird calls. But yeah now I'm back at my tent celebrating the holiday by heating up an Indian food packet. Pretty great day.

    More adventures tomorrow!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 31

    Casa Grande/ Lost Dutchman

    24 Kasım 2017, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

    This morning I made the short drive to Casa Grande National Monument. The movie and vc were really well done. The tour was not. Curse you Rebekah! I can't enjoy tours anymore. It was just an old volunteer guy sputtering facts. No purpose, no engagement and there were a bunch of kids bored out of their minds. As was I. I was brainstorming themes for him as he was blathering on. Anyhoo the great house itself was pretty cool. It's 4 stories tall and 700 years old. And great horned owls nest at the top! The people's who built it were really interesting. No one knows what they called themselves or why they built this giant building. But they farmed in the middle of the desert by making this giant irrigation system. There was no hiking there so I drove you Lost Dutchman State Park and did a short but steep hike. Itbwas really pretty there. I'm a big fan of the cacti/ mountain landscape. I'm not a fan of the crazy heat. 85 today. Too hot. So I got nice and sweaty and then drove into Tonto National Forest to find a place to camp and possibly another shortish hike when it cooled off a little. Turns out there's an awesome lake. So I took a dip. It felt so good. It's been a long time since I've swum (swam?). There was that one time Sam and I floated in circles in the Salmon but I don't think that counts. Anyway I went out to the bouys which conjured up all sorts of memories of camping at lake Mendocino every year in my youth. I floated around and enjoyed the refreshing water for a good while. Then I sat on the shore and bird watched until my butt went numb. So many coots. A really fun spontaneous day!

    More adventures tomorrow!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 32

    Tonto/Montezuma Castle

    25 Kasım 2017, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    This morning I went to Tonto national monument. The tour for the upper ruins tour was booked unfortunately. This is why people plan ahead. The lower area was still really cool though. They let you actually walk into the ruins! There was a really friendly volunteer lady that I chit chatted with a bit. It was cool. You could see fingerprints from the original builders. Like casa grande, the place was several stories and built 700 ish years ago and then the people just disappeared. Then I went to yet another ruin at Montezuma Castle NM. There were roughly a million people there. It also had the exact same story. All brilliantly constructed in coves faced so the sun hits the perfectly in the mornings. Then I drove to Dead Horse Ranch state park and did some hiking. Now I'm sitting in front of a campfire. It's been great. Going to another cave dwelling tomorrow.

    More adventures tomorrow!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 33


    26 Kasım 2017, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    I woke up with the sun this morning and went on a nice sunrise hike. It was about 6 miles and pretty uneventful though I did listen to a podcast about cricket farming and now I want to try it. Eating crickets is the way of the future. Anyway then I went to Tuzigoot NM which was yet another ruin. This one was cool because it was a Pueblo on a hill and not a cliff dwelling. It's really well preserved and they fixed up the top part so that you can go in it and stand at the look out area. It's huge. 110 rooms in all. Again it's the same story. We don't really know who these people were, they built it roughly 700 years ago and then kind of disappeared. Then I drove to Arcosanti which I found in the Atlas Obscura. Super interesting. This arcitect guy Paolo Soleri thought the way we designed cities were all wrong. He thought that suburbs were a waste of space and resources that cars were terrible and roads and parking lots took up unnecessary space and rescourses and that nothing worked with nature at all. So he decided to make his own city. He started in the 70s with an experimental permit so nothing is up to code but then eventually they lost the permit and then had to make everything up to code which was super expensive and slowed construction way down. He also refused money from anyone​ because he wanted to do his own thing. So now it's basically this huge (though only 3% completed ) communal living space where like 60 people live and work trying to eventually complete this crazy project. They don't have money so they make artsy bells out of bronze or ceramics and sell them to sustain the project. It's a really interesting place. The vision is that this complex will eventually be its own city housing 5000 people in like 15 acres in the middle of the desert. The arcitecture is really cool. He tried to make the sun work with the building best he could so he used a lot of the same principles as the Native American ruins did. There's a lot of circular shapes and half dome things. So yeah. Interesting day.

    More adventures tomorrow!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 34

    La La Land

    27 Kasım 2017, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ 🌙 12 °C

    This morning I drove about 4 hours to LA. I hiked a little up to the Griffith Observatory where I discovered it was closed on Mondays. That was a real bummer. I wanted do see if I could magically fly so I could dance on the ceiling and reenact parts of La La Land. I'll get back there eventually. So instead I hiked to the top of Mt Hollywood and then down to the Bird Sanctuary in Griffith Park where I saw some yellow rumped warblers and some western scrub jays. Then I ate so many tamales I almost exploded. And finally I went to the Nerdmelt Showroom open mic which is a tiny theater in the back of a comic book store. There were a bunch of aspiring comics there. And then there was me. It was the classic open mic experience where it was a little uncomfortable and most people bombed and it was a little painful. There were like 2 guys that were pretty good though. Yeah that was LA. I'll be home tomorrow or possibly the day after.

    More adventures tomorrow!
    Okumaya devam et

  • Gün 35

    El fin

    28 Kasım 2017, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    I'm in Santa Cruz!!! This morning I saw the ocean for the first time in half a year. Feels good. The weather is nice. I took a break from driving near San Luis Obispo where I sat on a bluff overlooking the Pacific and finished my book. Oh man it's good to be back in Cali. Though it is literally $1 more per gallon.

    I did it. It was a wild ride. All told it was over 7,000 miles driving, 21 states, 30 NPS sites, 130 miles hiking, 49 out of state license plates (damn you New Hampshire!!!), 7 major cities, and 1 baby black bear. It was a great experience and I'm so glad and thankful that I was able to do it. Many thanks to Dolores who held up nicely for the whole trip. Also thank you to Fiz and Peg & Ray and Bob for putting up with me. And of course to my parents for their support. And thank you, dear reader, for following me on my journey. Now I'm back in Santa Cruz and moving in with the boy!

    The adventure has only begun...
    Okumaya devam et