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River Spean

Oplev andre rejsendes rejsedestinationer, som skriver en rejsedagbog på FindPenguins.
  • Dag 23

    No Ferry for You

    29. september 2023, Skotland ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

    We left our cozy park up early to make sure we had plenty of time to catch our ferry to Mallaig. It rained pretty much all night, and it was still raining when we headed out. Once we got back to the coast, we could see some pretty serious white caps, especially in open water areas. We drove by one of the ferry terminals and saw that the sailings were canceled. We checked online, but they weren't going to make a call on our ferry until an hour before sailing. The wind was crazy and the rain was coming sideways. It was twice as long to drive, but if we went to the ferry and it was canceled, it would add an extra hour of driving, so we decided to just do the drive. We were almost to our destination when we got a notice that the ferry was canceled. Good decision. The scenery was beautiful as always, and we were mostly on two lane roads, so you would think it was an easier drive for Randy, but that wasn't the case. More traffic and less sheep. Also, gale force winds pushed our little camper van around, so it was a physical drive. We stopped at a few lookout points but not a lot to see because of the weather. We arrived in Fort William about the time we would have been getting in line for our ferry. We found out later that the previous days sailings had also been canceled. We took care of a few housekeeping details, propane, diesel, water, waste, and groceries. To get groceries we parked near the rail station, what a lucky break. First, we were able to see the Jacobite Special, otherwise known as the Hogwarts Express, to leave the station, and secondly, we found our parking spot for the night. Once all was in order, we headed out of town to see the Glenfinnen Aqueduct and hopefully get some pictures of the steam train crossing the aqueduct. Wow, what an experience. On the drive out, we could see the tracks running alongside the road and along the shores of the loch. Once we reached Glenfinnen traffic was crazy, we managed to find a spot in the huge carpark and couldn't believe the number of tour buses. It was pouring rain but still there were people everywhere and the train wasn't due for an hour. There were several viewing places, and the paths were muddy and slippery. I guess a combination of all the rain and the hundreds of people walking them. We wandered around for a while; raincoats, rubber boots, umbrellas, and cell phone cameras, we were ready for anything. It really was a fun experience. Great people watching and we met some fellow travelers and shared our stories. We did get some good pictures. After the train went by, it was a mad rush to get out of the parking lot. My suggestion was we take our time, dry off, and leave after the rush. What was I thinking, Randy had strategically parked to get out ahead of the crowds. We were halfway back to Fort Williams before I even had my seat belt fastened. We settled into our parking spot for the night and sat back and watched other people pull in for the night. Someone backed in beside us, didn't see the sign, and crunched the back of his camper. Out came the duct tape, and all was as good as new. Since we were very close to the city center, we decided it was time to find a pub and have dinner out. Success on both counts. Another wonderful day in Scotland.Læs mere

  • Dag 46

    Ben Nevis & Glenfinnan

    16. september 2023, Skotland ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    We tackled Scotland's highest mountain and in doing so apparently completed the 'National 3 Peaks Challenge' (we also climbed Scafell Pike in England and Snowdon in Wales). Some people even do this in 24 hours 😱. Since Ben Nevis is the highest of them all (1345m) we knew it wasn't going to be easy but when Miel discovered that there was an alternative, even more challenging route to the top, including a ridge scramble, his mind was set. It turned out to be the best choice because we were almost alone until we reached the crowded top. Unfortunately, Miel twisted his ankle again in the last kilometers (this time so hard his hiking boot even tore 🙈).

    We deserved a rest day and drove to Glenfinnan to join the hundreds of Harry Potter fans admiring the Jacobite Steam train crossing the viaduct 🚂. We took a dip in the icy Loch Shiel and found a beautiful spot to admire the sunset and spend the night.
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  • Dag 9

    Into the Highlands

    3. september 2023, Skotland ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

    Day 7 & 8
    Everywhere I go in the world, I see places that remind me of Kentucky. I found that place today between Edinburg and the Highlands. Rolling green pastures, fields, and forests with fences and walls, but with one difference - not as much junk sitting about. Yes, KY has its areas of well-kept properties, but still much more so in Scotland. On our drive into the highlands, we had to stop at The Green Welly for a road trip resupply. It's kind of a truck stop/Buc-ee's. Lots of folks here.

    A significant event occurred for Adam on this trip. Two years ago, Mason purchased a small plot of land here in Scotland and gifted it to Adam. This officially makes him a Scottish lord. I'm serious. He owns 1 square foot of land, or something equally as small, in Scotland. The seller is bassically a land trust company that sells plots to pay for trees to be planted. I've included a photo of lord Howell standing on his land, with one foot anyay, next to the tree.

    We had our first real travel through the highlands as we drove between Ochy and Glencoe on the A82 route. The desolate green landscape with rounded mountain peaks projecting grey colored rock against a green grassy canvas is quite a beautiful sight, and so unlike the Colorado Rockies. We pulled off the main road at one location to drive to a waterfall on one of the same routes that James Bond drove the Aston Martin in the movie Skyfall.

    Once we made it into Fort William and settled into our AbnB, we went out in search of a place for dinner. Almost everywhere we went to required a reservation, and they were booked up. We finanally found a food hall. Is this the way it is going to be on the rest of the trip? The next night, we gave in, as many places were closed on Sunday, and settled for a burger place called Jiggy Burger that was owned and run by a guy from Boston. We had a nice chat with him about hairy cows and their elusiveness.

    My original hope while in the Glencoe area was to do a few miles hiking along the Highland Way or hiking to the top of Ben Nevis, the highest peak in Scotland. But, the day to do so proved to be one of low cloud cover and rain. Maybe next time. Instead, we visited a ruined castle, had lunch in Fort Augustus next to a cool set of stairstep locks along a canal that fed into Loch Ness, and ended the day with a backroad drive to a touristless waterfall. It was fun to climb on, But not so fun for Kim as she got to experience the wrath of the midges. It was a great day in spite of the clouds and rain.

    Tomorrow we go to see a famous train on our way to the Isle of Skye.
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  • Dag 6

    Ziel 6 Fort Williams

    24. august 2023, Skotland ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

    In Fort Williams angekommen hat es mit dem regnen 🌧️ aufgehört 🤩. So konnten wir los um noch etwas einzukaufen. In diesem Zuge haben wir gleich mal geschaut 👀wo morgen die Zugfahrt startet.
    Dann ab zum Wohnmobil kochen 🧑‍🍳, Nicole hat Schnitzel gemacht und ich habe Pommes 🍟 beim goldenen Bogen geholt 🤣🤣lecker war’s.
    Beim Abendessen ist dann noch die schöne Dampflok vorbei gefahren 🤩und jetzt den müden Mann in sein Bett bringen 😴gute Nacht
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  • Dag 48


    30. juli 2023, Skotland ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Heute also der Caledonische Canal.. Interessant. Man nutze die Zeit, es geht sehr langsam voran. 1 1/2 h für eine Schleusentreppe. Dann hatten wir das Zooerlebnis, nur seitenverkehrt. Wir haben zwar mit 248 Pfund den Eintritt bezahlt, kamen uns aber vor wie hinterm Gitter bei den Affen. Jeder noch so langweilige Schleusenvorhang wurde bestaunt, gefilmt und fotografiert. Naja, dafür war das Wetter ausgezeichnet und die berüchtigten schottischen Midges Mücken hatten Flugpause. So liegen wir abendlich gemütlich am Ende von Loch Lochy, und werden gleich in den Floating Pub wandern.. Davor aber hier unser Bildmaterial…Læs mere

  • Dag 8

    Stage 7: Kinlochleven-Fort William

    13. juni 2023, Skotland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

    Heute ging es auf zum großen Finale nach Fort William. Zum Wachwerden führte der Weg direkt am Anfang über mehrere Kilometer steil bergauf, somit war das Shirt gleich zu Beginn nass durchdrängt denn es war heute wieder sehr heiß 😄 Von oben konnte man nochmal zurück blicken auf das kleine Örtchen Kinlochleven, das direkt am Loch Leven liegt. Die nächsten Kilometer führten durch ein sehr lang gezogenes wunderschönes Tal, wo hier und da die Schafe blökten und die riesigen Berge einen so klein vorkommen ließen. Ein wahnsiniges Naturerlebnis....
    Alle Wanderer suchten sich heute ein schattiges Plätzchen für eine Pause. So kam es dazu, dass sich mehrere Wanderer an einer schönen Stelle an einem Bach versammelten, kurzerhand die Schuhe auszogen und ein kleines Fußbad war der Himmel auf Erden 😄 Doch irgendwann musste es auch weitergehen und somit wurden die Schuhe wieder geschnürt, noch ein paar Kleidungsstücke in dem kühlen Nass getränkt und weiter ging es! Es ging auf einem schönen kleinen Pfad einige Kilometer weiter bevor es dann im letzten Abschnitt stets an der Straße entlang Richtung Fort William ging. Rechts ragte sehr imposant der höchste Berg der Highlands empor, der Ben Nevis mit seinen 1.300 Höhenmetern. Einige West Highland Way Wanderer hängen diese Bergbesteigung noch an den Weg dran, man braucht dafür aber einen kompletten Tag. Das Ende des Trails ist wirklich schön gemacht, man findet am Ortseingang von Fort William das originale Ende des Weges. Vor einigen Jahren wurde das Ende dann aber in die Fußgängerzone verlegt mit der berühmten Statue "Man with Sore Feet", ein Mann der auf der Bank sitzt und sich seinen schmerzenden Fuß reibt. Am Abend stieß ich zuerst mit zwei Deutschen Wanderern auf den Weg an und später ließ ich noch mit einer Gruppe von Belgiern den Abend ausklingen.....
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  • Dag 1

    Fort William

    3. juni 2023, Skotland ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

    WAUW!!! Wat een dag!!! We vertrokken in alle vroegte naar Schiphol om daar rustig in te checken en nog even te ontbijten.
    Het vliegtuig bleef vrij laag, dus de uitzichten waren fantastisch!
    Meteen bij aankomst de huurauto opgehaald en rijden maar. Dat was even wennen, zo aan de linkerkant, maar Nina was stoer en heeft ons veilig naar Fort William gebracht.
    Onderweg prachtige uitzichten en overweldigende natuur. Je weet niet waar je kijken moet gewoon.
    Af en toe een stop gemaakt om even te genieten!!!
    Nog even rondgelopen en wat gegeten om vervolgens op tijd onder de wol te kruipen.

    Op naar morgen en nieuwe avonturen
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  • Dag 8

    Tag 7: Schafweid - Fort William

    8. maj 2023, Skotland

    Es hed die ganz Nacht gstürmt und grägnet, darum heds ned so cheibe vell Schlaf gäh. Am 08.20Uhr simer darum au scho wieder wiitermarschiert, dick ipackt i üsne Rägejaggene. Die letzte 11km uf Fort William hend sich ungemein zoge, will mer zerst ufere Schotterstrass mit Stei wo definitiv ned für de menschlich Fuess gmacht sind und na uf Belag id Stadt ine lauft. Aber hüt am 11i simer acho, todmüed, duregfrore und hungrig. Darum hockemer jetzt inere Pizzeria, freued üs ufs ässe und vor allem ufd Duschi nachher im Hotel. ABER MER HENDS GSCHAFFT! 155km i 6.5 Täg 🎉Læs mere

  • Dag 5

    Doorzettingsvermogen 100

    4. april 2023, Skotland ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C


    Dag 2 van de Great Glen Way hike, EN OOK METEEN DE LAATSTE DAG. Want wij als veel beenspiermensen, hebben de drie-daagse-hike, in twee dagen geplaceerd met die duizend kilo op onze rug (please, iemand, stuur mij een masseur). We zijn gelukkig ni ik contact gekomen me de dood, kippen of kinderen, maar enkel met prachtige natuur. Het weer was iets dreigender, maar nogmaals gunde het universum ons een droge dag.
    Omdat we dus een dag eerder in Fort William zijn aangekomen dan gepland, hebben we ook een last minute hotel geboekt, maar het is zeker iets verre van slecht.
    Dan nog maar eens een hamburger weggewerkt, en nu die dode pijne voeten en benen en alles laten rusten.

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  • Dag 3

    Guten Morgen aus Fort William

    24. oktober 2024, Skotland ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

    Heute ging es nach einem leckeren britischen Frühstück auf eine kleine 10km Wanderung den Cow Hill hoch. Gute Aussicht auf den Ben Nevis (höchster Berg Großbritanniens) und auf den Fjord vor Fort William. Jetzt kurze Pause und dann geht's weiter auf eine zweistündige Bootstour Robben (kloppen) und Delfine beobachten. Wir lesen uns 😎🤘Læs mere

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