I love History especially anything that has relevance to the Bible. I love Antiques, Food, wine, and Royalty! Read more Australia
  • Day 6

    Statue of L, W T Centre, Little Italy

    May 25, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Today we woke to another glorious sunny day. We have been so fortunate with the weather. We caught the subway all the way to the other end of NY where the government free ferry took us for a ride to Staten Island which passed the Statue of Liberty and gave us a good photo opportunity. We only stayed on the Island for an hour as we wanted to get back and explore elsewhere. We arrived back and then headed to the world trade centre where the memorial to the twin towers had been established. It was very sobering and the memorial was extremely well done. 3000 names were inscribed in the stone around the edge. It was quite surreal. There were cute squirrels running around and the boys enjoyed feeding them. We then caught the subway to ‘little Italy’ and thoroughly enjoyed wandering around and soaking up the sights and sounds. We ended up at an authentic Italian restaurant and enjoyed a delicious meal. The owner took a liking to Hudsy after he thanked him for the meal and promptly got one of the waiters to get T-shirts as gifts for the boys! We left there and could hear the sound of drums playing, so of course had to go see what all the noise was about. A huge group of women drummers were playing in the street.. it was fabulous. We then FaceTimed Jakey and sang “Happy Birthday” for his 30th. Washington Arch was not too far from where we were so we walked up there and enjoyed the ambience of the evening with a jazz band playing in the distance and people sitting around and just enjoying themselves. This is NYC.. eclectic, vibrant, busy.Read more

  • Day 5

    Natural History Museum, The Edge

    May 24, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    This morning we got going a bit earlier and caught the subway to the Natural History Museum. It’s next level!! 4 floors of amazing exhibits. I got a bit emotional as I was blown away by Gods creation small and great. What an awesome God we serve. We spent a few hours there and then went in search of some lunch. James found a bagel shop and Jess and I had a Falafel wrap. The boys enjoyed a huge slice of pizza. Jess and I spotted a thrift shop and enjoyed a quick look around. After lunch in the beautiful park of the grounds of the museum we decided to catch the subway to the ‘Edge’ - a huge building with an elevator that takes 52 seconds to reach the 100th floor. The views are simply breathtaking. NY is absolutely huge. We saw where the twin towers had stood and it made sense how it could have happened. We could see all the icons that make up this incredible city. By this time the boys were getting tired and hungry so we left, bought an ice-cream from the street vendor and then Jess navigated her way back home on the subway with us all following in tow. J&J are having a date night tonight, watching the broadway show Aladdin, and I am on kid watch and enjoying a cozy night in.Read more

  • Day 4

    Met, Grand Central, NY Library

    May 23, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    This morning after a very good nights sleep and a sleep in, we caught the bus into central park and walked to the Met. It is such a grand building and we took the traditional pics on the steps. J&J decided to spend time in the park and I bought a ticket and wandered around the Met for 3 hours. It was just amazing! There was a special Van Gogh exhibition - the real deal paintings! It was awesome along with Monet, Rembrandt and many other amazing artists. I absolutely loved all the interesting artefacts and walked the length of the museum in my element. I was starving by this time and bought a lamb gyro from the famous street carts which are everywhere. It was delicious! I met up with J&J and we caught the train to the Grand Central station.. and Grand it is!! We then walked to the library which is another amazing building. We came across the “Chrysler building” .. and started singing NYC!! We walked passed Bryant park and there were people everywhere enjoying the live music and afternoon sun. Another fabulous day in NYC!Read more

  • Day 3

    New York

    May 22, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Sunday morning we packed up from our overnight motel stay (and a brilliant nights sleep) and packed back into the RV and drove an hour across LA to drop it off. LA is just a massive city. The highways are huge and look like a giant roller coaster up, down and crisscrossing over each other. It is surrounded by a mountainous range which is quite impressive. We then caught an Uber back to the airport and caught our flight to NY. There is a 3 hour time difference so we arrived at 12.30 after midnight and didn’t get into bed till 3 am NY time! Luckily organised Jess had a motel booked near the airport. We slept in this morning and then packed up and headed to the subway to get to our Airbnb in Manhattan. It was epic traveling with kids and bags and trying to navigate our way there but once again Jess was amazing with directions and James and I handled the kids (who were so good considering the travel they have done over the last few days). We dropped off our bags at our cozy Airbnb and then headed back out to catch the subway again to Central Park so that the kids could have a play. It was a lovely warm day and people were out and about picnicking and enjoying the weather. We then walked to Times Square and had a quick look around, and decided the kids had had enough and we were all tired.. so headed back for a lovely homemade bolognaise and early night.Read more

  • Day 1

    Arrival in LA

    May 20, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    I arrived safely in LA, flying Fijian airlines. The first leg to Fiji was good except a gentleman in Business class had a cardiac arrest and upon arrival, I waited 45 minutes before I could get off the plane.. bit stressful as my next flight was an hour later. Anyway boarded the flight to LA and ended up in the middle row, middle seat between two large Fijian men, child crying in front and man snoring behind. The joys of travel 😩.. 9 hours later I finally got out and waited in the crazy LA customs line for an hour before getting my bag. J&J picked me up in the RV and what a welcome I had!! We drove to Manhattan beach for a walk on the pier, and then ended up at an authentic Mexican restaurant for dinner, and a chilli mango margarita. Relaxing at the motel this evening and ready for a big sleep!Read more

  • Day 1

    Sydney Airport

    May 20, 2023 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    I was so thankful when Joe offered to drive me down to the airport this morning on this glorious May day. I received a cute video from 2 excited boys who can't wait for Nana to come! So thankful for this opportunity to travel again. First time on my own on a long haul flight :)Read more

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