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    • Day 14

      Tag 14, Plage de Piémanson

      April 23 in France ⋅ 🌬 11 °C

      Heute wollen wir den wilden Strand von Piémanson besuchen. Wie schon im gestrigen Bericht erwähnt, standen wir vor einigen Jahren mehrmals mehrere Wochen hier direkt am Strand mit dem Wohnmobil. Das ist leider seit einigen Jahren nicht mehr möglich. Man kann wohl tagsüber hier stehen, aber am Abend muss man wieder wegfahren.
      Da es heute sehr windig ist, hat Tine keine Lust, mit dem Fahrrad zu fahren, was verständlich ist, bei einer Windgeschwindigkeit von 53 km/h. Daher fahren wir mit dem Wohnmobil zum Strand und machen dort einen Spaziergang. Auf dem Rückweg besuchen wir noch die Aussichtsplattform der Salzgewinnungsanlage.
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    • Day 89

      Die Camargue

      April 5 in France ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

      Zwischen Mittelmeer und Provence liegt dieses einmalige Gebiet; geformt vom Rhone-Delta liegt es nur wenige Meter über dem Meeresspiegel. Es bietet eine unendliche Fülle an Naturwundern und auch wunderbaren Ortschaften. Ob Salzberge , Flamingos , Leuchttürme, mittelalterliche Stadtmauern, Kanäle.oder einfach nur mediterraner Flair , die Camargue hat unendlich viel zu bieten . Uns begeistert diese Region seit über 20 Jahren immer wieder aufs Neue und vielleicht ja auch euch..🌴🐸🌞Read more

    • Day 16

      Tag 16, Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer

      April 25 in France ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Nachdem wir gestern einen Ruhetag hatten, geht unsere Tour weiter. Das Ziel heißt Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. Der Ort, mit seinen weißen Häusern wird meist nur Saintes-Maries genannt und gilt als heimliche „Hauptstadt“ der Camargue. Saintes-Maries ist ein bekannter Wallfahrtsort der Zigeuner. Wir starten kurz vor Mittag und kommen gegen 14 Uhr am Campingplatz La Brise de Camargue an. Da wir unterwegs oft anhalten, um Stiere, Pferde oder Flamingos zu beobachten, brauchen wir für die ca. 60 Kilometer über zwei Stunden. Gleich nach dem Einchecken, geht es erst mal in den nahe gelegen Intermarché um unsere Vorräte aufzufüllen. Als die Lebensmittel im Wohnmobil verstaut sind, machen wir gleich einen Spaziergang am Strand und dann durch den Ort. Wir sind erstaunt, wie viele Menschen am Strand sind. Wir kennen den Ort gut, da wir schon viele Male hier waren. Dass der Ort immer gut besucht ist, das wissen wir, aber dass er an einem Donnerstag im April schon so gut besucht ist, hatten wir nicht erwartet. Unser Spaziergang führt uns nach dem Strand noch etwas in den Ort. Ich möchte mir an einen bestimmten Stand ein Stück Pizza holen. Was ich immer mache, wenn ich hier bin. Den Stand gibt es schon Jahrzehnte. Ich meine mich daran erinnern zu können, schon 1974 bei meinem ersten Besuch, hier eine Pizza gekauft zu haben. Tine bekommt eine Portion Pommes und ich bezahle lediglich 5 €. Anschließend sitzen wir noch etwas am "Place des Gitans" und sehen den Einheimischen beim Pétanque zu. „Viele Deutsche bezeichnen das in Frankreich als Volkssport auf öffentlichen Plätzen ausgetragene Freizeit-Kugel-Spiel als Boule, der korrekte Name lautet jedoch Pétanque." (Quelle Wikipedia) Als wir genug gesehen haben, geht es wieder zurück zum Campingplatz. Auch dort sehen wir uns noch etwas um. Ich teste kurz die Fitnessgeräte bevor wir es uns vor dem Wohnmobil gemütlich machen.Read more

    • Day 42

      Sea slog

      April 16 in France ⋅ 🌬 16 °C

      Now we were fighting the winds, the fading light and our fading strength. The way to the cycle route had a section of straight road along the canal, which turned out to be a hard gravel path. For 8 kms, we rattled over it till we got to the cycle path. We had to complete the better part of the last hour in the dark using Schopper's lights.

      Finally, at nearly 10 pm we pulled in to a hotel in Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône. The end of the Rhone in the Mediterranean. What a slog it was to get to the sea.

      Today, we floated and gloated over the tailwinds, and then hit an impasse at the highway, and fought the same winds on the way back. We're rather beat up from the day, having covered 93 km today. Kiran is, quite amazingly, still in good spirits.

      We reached the Mediterranean. But not in the way we had expected. Oh well.

      Then we found out that the way out of here with bicycles is only with another challenge, and quite early tomorrow morning. Sleep will not be our succor tonight.
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    • Day 52

      Pont van Gogh

      June 22, 2022 in France ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Na het opzetten van de tent nog een klein rondje. De jongen bij het Office de Tourism vertelde dat het erg de moeite waard is om naar de Pont van Gogh te fietsen. Deze brug is nog dezelfde als degene die Vincent van Gogh schilderde. Helaas niet meer in gebruik maar het geeft wel een speciaal gevoel dat er op dit hout gelopen werd in de tijd dat Vincent van Gogh het schilderde.Read more

    • Day 52


      June 22, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Wat we duidelijk merken met zo lang onderweg zijn is dat alles begint te slijten. Sokken met gaten, slippers met scheuren en een gesprongen thermoskan zijn daar een paar kleine voorbeelden van. Na de Pont van Gogh gaan we dan ook naar de supermarkt om een en ander te vervangen. En natuurlijk ook meteen wat inkopen voor het avondeten. Straks even flink alle informatie doornemen van het Office de Tourism doornemen om onze volgende richting, na Arles, te bepalen.Read more

    • Day 9

      Now in St Gilles - first day completed!

      April 18 in France ⋅ 🌬 15 °C

      We are here, we made it, we walked 21 kms, and all is well! We are so happy, it was a great day, feet a little tired, but after a beer and check into hotel we feel really good. And it is one of the chain of hotels in France where we have experienced lovely dinners, so we are hopeful!

      We set off some time before 9 am I think, and followed the route that we had worked out from Arles, but happily we found that the red and white GR signs continued well, and it was easy to follow the correct path..phew…once we were clear of Arles, it was a flat walk through pleasant countryside, partly a parc naturel, and as we approached St Gilles many vineyards, nothing spectacular…but is was perfect to be a flat walk for the first day, and we managed the 21 kms no problems.

      It was still cold, and I can’t believe it but we both wore all our layers the whole walk! There was quite a strong wind that kept us cool, which was good, and it was mostly sunny except once a cloud gathered over us and a few drops of rain came down, just for a few minutes, then back to sun. And I realised I had forgotten to unearth my hat from my bag…and I felt the sun burning my scalp!! My hair isn’t as thick as it once was…have pulled it out ready for tomorrow.

      Stopped for a lunch break about 12 - had our usual baguette, cheese, apple and chocolate…and just as well we had supplies, as the settlements we saw on the map were not villages, just farms! St Gilles is the first town we have come to…and it seems very pleasant…on a canal from the Rhone, and we crossed the Petit Rhône at one point, one of the two branches of the Rhône delta, and looked as wide as the main river we saw in Arles.

      Arrived here before 2.30 so lots of time to unwind…our room was ready and all is good.

      We have now had a reconnoiter around the town, and worked out our exit route tomorrow - avoiding a tricky GR sign, that was for the GR700 which could have set us off course! The town is just full of camino signs and markers…unlike Arles where this route officially starts, all along the pavement there are Compostelle tiles that led us to a huge church, which had an exhibit of all the French pilgrim routes (which we have taken most of them). But it is not a hugely used path…Along the route today we only saw one other couple of walkers, and quite a few cyclists. And I have decided that this constant wind is the mistral…have looked it up and this is when it blows, especially between winter and spring, and in the Rhône valley and exactly here. At least it is stopping us get hot and sweaty!

      After exploring we stopped for a coffee/chocolate at a bar, then went to a wonderful shop we’d seen with cheeses, charcuterie, wines etc all tantalisingly displayed, and had a glass of local wine. Now downtime till dinner.

      Dinner great…melty brie with salad, guinea fowl with amazing sauce, île flottante…and local red…
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    • Day 51

      Saint Gilles

      June 21, 2022 in France ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      De receptie van de camping bleek voor onze neus dicht te zijn gegaan. Geopend tot elf uur en dan weer van vijf tot zeven. Balen, briefje even goed lezen. Ah, wanneer je aankomt wanneer de receptie gesloten is mag je een plekje uitzoeken en tijdens openingstijden komen inschrijven en betalen.Read more

    • Day 6

      Travel day, now in Arles

      April 15 in France ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      This won’t be long, as it’s already 10.15 and am ready to sleep, but will record a great day! We walked from our hotel to the Gare de Lyon which was part of our walk for the morning, plus our venture out for coffee, but got our train which did leave at exactly 12.13! A very comfortable 4 hour ride through the countryside, stopping at unknown towns occasionally, except Avignon which was about 20 mins before Arles.

      Knew the hotel was not too far from the station, but the map did not show that the streets were medieval cobblestone narrow ways, and we have found ourselves in such an old historic place, just lovely…there must be a modern part somewhere, and we are right beside the Rhone which is big here, getting near the mouth, but we haven’t yet walked beside it. We have 2 full days here to explore and relax, and it is a relief really to be out of the big city, and look on everyone as a potential pickpocket….

      This town is also full of Roman ruins, but not just rubble. We knew there was an amphitheatre (we are staying at the hotel de l’amphitheatre) but it is huge! Looks like Verona, or even the coliseum, but we will explore all that tomorrow. Many historic sights, and the river..

      Just back from a beautiful light dinner, Amr already asleep, and soon I will be.
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    • Day 7

      Beautiful day in Arles

      April 16 in France ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      We are having such a busy but relaxed day. It is cool surprisingly, as it was hot when we arrived yesterday, and we bundled up jackets and thought we wouldn’t be using them till we returned! But today is cool and windy and temperature staying below 20°, so I love it. Occasionally the wind blows a cloud and 2 drops of water fall (you couldn’t call it rain) and then it blows away…mostly clear blue sky and sunny…a wonderful light!

      We set off leisurely after breakfast at a little cafe, and went to the tourist office to get a ticket to see the sights…good value - one voucher for 4 monuments and one museum! Anyway, we started with the cloisters of the enormous St Trophime church…cloisters always lovely and these were good ones. Next we went on to the Roman Theatre. This is actually an amphitheatre and very impressive, with lots of columns and fallen rubble as well…but it is not to be confused with l’Amphitheatre (les arènes) which is the enormous coliseum-like structure! We have yet to have an official visit to this one.

      After the Theatre, Amr thought we should work out the walking route and find where we walk out on Thursday…always a good idea, especially at the beginning of a walk. The map showed some camino signs along a route, and GR signs, so we started looking and did work out the route, but there is never great signage in towns, we did see a few, and we were happy to work out the start. It begins with crossing the Rhône, which at this stage is huge.

      Then, walking back and along the river a bit, we came across another site we wanted to visit, the baths of Constantin…more Roman building…this city is like walking back in time, the slightly crumbling buildings, narrow streets - the only vehicles that venture in this part seem to be delivery vans, and they take up the whole width. The nice thing is that while it obviously attracts many tourists, it is a working town with real people, not just geared for tourism.

      We also popped into the Musée Réattu which was interesting… Réattu did neoclassical paintings and it has other varied more modern works…just a quiet interlude. Then we had lunch…saw a Spanish place that had tapas and was just what we felt like, small plates so we can be hungry for dinner (where we have already decided on!)…that was great..chick peas, octopus, chiperones, until Amr had to fight paying the bill…luckily Amr is on the ball, and when he said a large amount Amr queried and asked for itemised bill and he then said he thought we were a different table…a bit sus…and then had to have cash as the machine wasn’t working!!! Reminded us of Sicily! In the end, I think he charged too little in the confusion…serves him right!

      …Well, now back from dinner. After the last write up we met and went into the Amphitheatre …it is big and has metal work that at first we thought was scaffolding, but realised now it is seating, as the arena is used for bull fighting, and also concerts in the summer. Walking around in it is rather similar to the Coliseum, and there are fabulous views from the towers (that were added in the Middle Ages).

      Then Amr decided it would be good to visit Avignon tomorrow seeing we have conquered Arles, and it is a 17 minute train ride. So with that in mind he made a pilgrimage to the laundromat he had already sussed out and we are clean! (It had been planned for tomorrow, the last day). Now we are back from a really nice dinner. We had chosen 2 places for these 2 nights, and the first one was full so we booked for tomorrow, and went to the other - lovely food - Amr had the daily plat which was a chicken sausage thing with delicious sauce, and I had a cod risotto with amazing sauce and lots of vegetables through it, and a great local wine. They have wine in 500 ml bottles which is so perfect for us!

      There is another tragedy that I must report, and Peter and Simon if you read this will sympathise…Amr can’t find his hat…it is a beautiful Borsalino and we know it was in the train, so not left in Paris, but since then a blank…maybe he took it off in the church we visited yesterday, or maybe on the train….so upsetting, and he needs it for walking too..he says he’ll just use sunscreen, but I know he is mourning… Good night.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Arles, Arlet, آرل, Горад Арль, Арл, Arle, Αρλ, Arlés, ارل, ארל, アルル, არლი, 아를, Arelate, Arlis, Arla, Арль, 阿爾勒

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