Arrondissement de Roanne

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    • Tag 7–8

      Day 7 - Propieres to Le Cergne

      28. April in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Had a fab meal in Propieres - Simon went all out with an entrecôte steak!
      Simon sets a vignette….
      Having hobbled out of the restaurant for a post dinner cigarette I was already bracing myself to get through the noisy, busy bar. Which I did with just a few call-outs. Coming back through the bar, I was collared by a loud mouthed French dude, who proceeded to barrack me in front of his little gang as to Where are you from? Are you English? Then speak French, speak French…
      Unfortunately my head went to —-!
      After my 19 km walk, big steak and beer 😳 we proceeded into an awkward stand off where we all stood in silence. I nearly said ‘Bonjour’ - the only French word that came into my head - thank goodness I didn’t 😂
      The cocky French dude - let’s call him Luc - started barracking again and in my fatigued state I muttered ‘le fatigue’ and ‘Bon nuit’. Then I turned to make my escape to find myself trapped behind a large party of new customers making their way into the restaurant 🙄 and all I could hear bouncing off my back was ‘bye, bye English, bye, bye English’ and still I couldn’t think of one clever French phrase to say - not even ‘comment sa va?’ Having made it safely back to the table I must of looked harried as Mary looked up and said ‘you’ve been a twerp haven’t you?’ I sat down and said ‘Yes, I’m afraid so!’
      So onwards to today. The ponchos were out and on as it promised to be a wet day ahead! Wasn’t too bad actually main rain came half an hour before arriving at our destination. More mountains, pine forests and lovely views.
      A German mother and daughter also doing our route so we overtake them on a daily basis as they set off an hour before us. We are staying in same accommodation as them tonight again so may learn more about them over supper. 18+km completed today.
      P.s. Simon says his feet and legs are losing that ‘eczema’ look - which is nice 😊

    • Tag 8–9

      Day 8 - Le Cergne to Charlieu

      29. April in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Had a lovely stay in Le Cergne - well looked after by Phillipe and Martine. They had baked an amazing array of products and spoke good English so communication was much better. The other guests were our German friends mother and daughter Monicka and Francesca from Heidleburg. So we had odd 3 way chats in French, German and English 😂
      Today was very soggy as it rained most of the walk, we were coping til near the end when the path became a mire and muddy stream, testing our footwear to the limit - soggy sock city!!
      We entered Charlieu hungry and close to the edge. It is a beautiful medieval town but sadly on a Monday all is closed 😢
      We dropped our bags in our beautiful apartment and went in search of a supermarket. To our joy we found a bar open 🙌
      We started with coffee, then enquired about food only saucisson offered. We ordered 2 , the bar man looked doubtful trudged off and brought 2 large big chorizo type sausages hanging from a string- we all laughed and agreed 1 was sufficient. So we tucked into this with bread and gherkins and couldn’t resist a couple of cold beers - what an odd lunch!!
      Hit the supermarket for some evening food then headed back to flump out in our apartment for the evening. 19 km accomplished on a wet Monday.

    • Tag 9–10

      Day 9 - Charlieu to La Fromagerie

      30. April in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      After a chatty breakfast with Delphine our host in Charlieu we headed into town for some bits and bobs as today is a shorter walk 🙌 and we are under strict instructions not to arrive at our destination until after 3!!
      The sun is out and it’s very warm ☀️
      Our track was flat and bordered by fields and farms. We crossed canals and the river Loire. Stopped for a coffee at a marina type place, very civilised 😊. To ask for the bill you say ‘ l’addition s’il vous plait’
      Simon went off to pay and said ‘is it le subtraction s’il vous plait?’ 😆
      Thank goodness he checked…
      We stopped in Le Benisson Dieu for lunch, this literally translates as ‘God’s Blessings’ and has a beautiful abbey at the centre. As we had time we stopped for lunch having enquired did they do omelette? However once we sat down the only option given us was steak!! - God’s Blessings perhaps?!!
      Then onto our destination for the evening - The Fromagerie- literally the cheese house. Fortunately non been made here for the past 10 years. It’s very rustic with an eco toilet 😳.
      We are waiting for Stephanie to bring our supper of quiche, she comes on a cart at 5! We hope 😉

    • Tag 10–12

      Day 10 - La Fromagerie to Saint Haon le

      1. Mai in Frankreich ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      We woke up to a foggy start at La Fromagerie, Simon spotted a deer groaning in the mist while having his morning coffee. Breakfast from Stephanie on the cart was a big improvement on supper 🙌
      We set off on today’s trek - just under 20 km! Today is a bank holiday in France so once again all is closed. Simon says France is shut, it’s like a permanent seventies Sunday.
      The forecast had been for rain but God’s blessings were still with us and it remained dry 😊.
      The way was fairly level with very few ups and downs. Just long wet grass and mud to contend with.
      We planned lunch in Saint Romaine La Motte, all was closed bar a pizza takeout- so yes we shared a pizza, they also threw a free coffee in 👍
      We arrived in Saint Haon le Chatel feeling worn out and ready for a rest. We are in a room in a French families home. The town is quaint and medieval in character. We have a rest day planned tomorrow so will explore the town further then. So next update will be on Friday when we’re on the move again. 125 km walked so far 👣👣👣

    • Tag 12–13

      Day 11/12 - St Haon le Chatel to Saint J

      3. Mai in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Before we get started just a little matter about socks - too many socks garrotte your ankles - our good friend Nick in Japan has caught onto this from personal experience! And he’s now launching himself into this very important project, sitting at his designing desk as we speak mulling the problem 🙌🧦🤞.
      We enjoyed a relaxing day yesterday around St Haon le Chatel and its neighbouring town Renaisance. Having gone through the now familiar experience of being watched and scrutinised through a 3 course dinner, attempting pigeon French on the first evening, we took ourselves out to eat and had a boozy lunch. We went shopping in Carrefour for anyone of Walmley background. Thought better of going to the Caberet due to the expense!!
      Simon managed to get key stuck in lock once back and Valerie the host suddenly loomed out of nowhere and also spent 10 mins huffing and puffing over said key, whilst flooring Simon with her rapid French 😂 fortunately I had escaped to the loo!!
      Today has been a beautiful sunny day - until I tried hanging laundry out 🙄
      And a long but pleasant walk through hills, meadows, quaint towns, acres of vineyards and plenty of the usual wildlife. As ever most things shut - apart from the hair dressers- these must be key to French life!! Ended up getting a coffee in the post office- and used their loo!
      Arrived at our destination after a 6 hour walk in blistering Sun 🌞
      Now waiting for the 7.00 opening time of local restaurant for a rejuvenating meal and a glass of local plonk 🍷

    • Tag 13–14

      Day 13 - Saint Jean Saint Maurice to Pom

      4. Mai in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Today is Simon’s birthday and the Plodicus is very tired - he is plodded out.
      We had a leisurely start to the day as the cafe we were planning for breakfast didn’t open til 10! We headed up there at 10 to find they would only serve coffee and hot drinks 😳. All other restaurants were shut 😭 so we headed off on our longest walk yet on empty stomachs. 6 Km on we came to the village of Bully - this to our relief had a campsite with an open cafe 🙌. So we were able to feast on a cheese baguette 🥖 and hot drinks. This set us up for the remaining 14 kms.
      We were doing quite well up until the last 4km when Mary wanted a sit down and Simon decided to bolt for home! Result Mary’s tired feet made her a little ratty. 😂
      We have a lovely apartment overlooking the ancient priory.
      Simon keeps getting worrying flashbacks to his surprise party last year 😆 but feels safely far enough away for no repetition!!
      We are booked into a local restaurant for hopefully a nice birthday meal 🤞

    • Tag 11


      22. März in Frankreich ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      10 Tage lang dauerte unser Abenteuer, und was für eine Zeit es war! Wir sind durch die malerischen Landschaften Frankreich und Spaniens gedüst und haben dabei wunderschöne Übernachtungsplätze entdeckt - ein echtes Highlight! Unterwegs durften wir supertolle Menschen kennenlernen, besonders aus Alicante, und endlich wieder Sebastian und Sophie sehen. Ein schönes Geburtstagsfest war das Highlight.

      Natürlich hatten wir auch unsere kleinen Abenteuer, wie die 1000 Leichen an unserer Frontscheibe - ja, das war vielleicht ein Anblick! Aber mit schönem Wetter und angenehmen Temperaturen konnten wir darüber hinwegsehen. Zum Glück gab es keine unschönen Zwischenfälle, und wir haben eindeutig festgestellt: Diese Art zu reisen ist genau unser Ding! Es macht einfach Spaß, neue Orte zu entdecken und dabei so viele großartige Menschen kennenzulernen. Auf viele weitere Abenteuer! 🚐💨✨

      Aber wichtig ist, wir haben nichts Negatives erlebt, keine schlimmen Unfälle gesehen, wurden nicht bestohlen und alles ist noch heil. Endlich konnte Noldi etwas Offroad fahren und die Temperaturen sind perfekt um zu Reisen.

      Allen, die sich für unsere Reisen interessieren ein herzliches Dankeschön. Mir macht es riesig Spass diesen Blog zu schreiben oder auch Videos zu kreiren, denn bei diesen langen Fahrten muss ich mich ja beschäftigen und das kann ich problemlos und wenn sich darüber noch jemand freut macht es umso mehr Spass.

      Ich weiss, in 10 Tagen nach Spanien hin und zurück war sehr sportlich, aber es hat sich mehr als gelohnt 😍.

      Lieber Sebastian nochmal herzlichen Dank für Deine Einladung zum 🎂 Geburtstag 🎈 🎁 und wer sagt, wir seien nicht spontan…der irrt sich. Das kannst du bestätigen. Wir haben sofort auf die Einladung zugesagt und sind froh darüber. Das waren soeben mal schnell 3700 km 🙈.

      Wir ziehen es jetzt durch bis nachhause um morgen noch alles aufräumen zu können und zu putzen, waschen etc. und freuen uns schon jetzt auf die nächste Reise….👍😘💯

      Danke fürs Lesen.
      Susanne und Noldi

    • Tag 12

      Clermont-Ferrand to Montpellier

      25. April in Frankreich ⋅ ☁️ 43 °F

      An early start found us eating breakfast from a boulangerie/viennoiserie. Cindy had a brioche bun with chocolate bits and I had a croissant filled with chocolate and a creamy almond paste covered in thinly sliced almonds. Delicious. An easy walk to the tram followed, and both tram and the bus were not crowded. That's one good thing for departing early. We had a leisurely wait at the train station and we're one of the first on board. That is a great thing about getting on a train at its originating location.
      Being under the weather and just climbing 63 stairs with luggage, we didn't do anything else this evening.

    • Tag 26

      Man soll aufhören, wenn es am Schönsten…

      24. Mai 2023 in Frankreich ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Unser Abenteuer neigt sich dem Ende zu, heute haben wir nochmals 400 Kilometer absolviert und uns durch die Auvergne Richtung Loire bewegt. Es war eine sehr abwechslungsreiche Fahrt und mehr als einmal haben wir die riesigen Landflächen bestaunt, welche unverbaut vor uns lagen. Ein kurzes Stück haben wir uns auf die „Route Nationale“ begeben um aber festzustellen, dass das viel zu viel Zeit kostet.
      So sind wir am frühen Nachmittag am einfachen aber wunderschön gelegenen Campingplatz an der Loire angekommen. Den Nachmittag haben wir hängend und lesend verbracht und sind dann zum Abschied ins Dorf zum Essen. Auch hier begegnete uns wieder morbider Charme einer typisch französischen Kleinstadt. Pizza war gut, der Rotwein auch und so liegen wir zufrieden in der Koje und sinieren über 4 Wochen Camperferien. Fazit: wir haben die Scheidung nicht eingereicht und haben es auch nicht vor. Ich kann für mich sagen, dass es nicht viele Menschen gibt, mit denen ich dieses Abenteuer machen würde. Es hat funktioniert, wir haben das prima gemeistert, auch wenn es grundsätzlich Diskussionen gab, wie so ein 6.40m Camper zu fahren ist😊
      Morgen steht uns die letzte Etappe bevor und auch wenn ich mich auf zu Hause freue, ist doch etwas Wehmut beim Gedanken dabei, dass dies die letzte Nacht im der kuscheligen Koje ist🥲

    • Tag 14


      9. September 2022 in Frankreich ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Die Reise führte über das Dorf Semur -en - Brionnais
      Charlon,Arc - et - Senans nach Besancon. Unterwegs
      haben wir eine Sonnenuhr und ein Haus mit bossierten Säulen fotografiert.
      Da es noch Recht früh am Nachmittag war beschlossen Helga und ich eine Weiterfahrt nach Colmar. Nach 400 km nochmal. 200 km obendrauf.
      Die Aufgabe haben wir auch noch erledigt.

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