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    • Day 4

      Endlich angekommen

      July 6, 2020 in France ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Bin heute zum Teil den Fahrradfernwanderweg gelaufen und ansonsten zum ersten Mal der Muschel gefolgt 😊 dann die letzten Km per Bus. Ich konnte nicht mehr😩und bin nun auf einem schrecklichen Meeeegaaacampingplatz gestrandet🤬Read more

    • Day 6

      Dag 6

      April 18, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

      Vandaag weer naar een nieuwe locatie: Biarritz.
      Het was maar een goede 2 uur rijden dus dat viel gelukkig mee.
      Eenmaal aangekomen een wandeling gemaakt naar het strand. Het staat hier bekend als een surf regio. Dit zie je meteen aan de golven. Ik ben maar op het strand gebleven om even te zonnen.☀️
      ‘S avonds nog een lekkere pasta gegeten op de camping.
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    • Day 48

      Biarritz und Atlantic zum Abschied

      December 25, 2022 in France ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Eine hügelige Radtour fast bis Jean de Luz und zurück mit einem entdeckten Parkplatz für 8 € incl
      Strom und Wasser bei Camping Milady, den ich heute Abend für die letzte Nacht ansteuere. Frisch versorgt mit Strom, Wasser und leeren Abwassertanks für die 2 oder 3 Etappen der Rückfahrt nach Hause ins Ruhrgebiet und Schalke 04
      ( keine Witze die Nationalelf ist auch nicht Besser )
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    • Day 3

      Cafe au lait aka redemption

      March 25 in France ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Mission of the day, which I set myself and therefore accepted, was to not let being a little bitch get in the way. A regret I bring home from anywhere with a language barrier I've travelled is prioritising 'not looking silly' over an experience I want, and as much as the French have a reputation for helping you along in your self loathing, damn it, I wanted a cafe breakfast.

      Well. Turns out either I'm amazing or the folk in Biarritz are angels or maybe everything just came together today. I stormed (walked) into Les Halles, and seized the day (ordered a coffee) and took up space (sat quietly on a stool) and took my bloody time (ordered a pastry when my coffee was gone) and demanded (muddled through) it all in French and DID IT (did it).
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    • Day 2–5

      Finally French

      May 7 in France ⋅ ⛅ 57 °F

      Settling into Biarritz with a walk around the seaside town, stopping in a square for lunch at Brasserie Le George. The sunshine is cutting the chilly coastal breeze. Next up spa time at the hotel and maybe a nap.Read more

    • Day 4

      4. Tag Stadt und Meer

      October 5, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Heute haben wir uns Baguette und Croissants (die liegen hier wie Schmuck in einer Auslage in Vitrinen - die sind komisch die Franzosen) sowie frische Wurst gekauft und am Strandmäuerchen mit Blick aufs Meer verspeist. Nach dem leckeren Frühstück sind wir auf und haben immer wieder neue schöne Wege entdeckt. Am Petit Plage haben wir 3 Std. verbracht. Dort sind keine Wellen und man kann normal schwimmen - auch mal schön, ohne dass man umgehauen wird 😀 Zum guten Schluss am Cote des basques, dem Supersurferstrand den Bierdurst gestillt und einen tollen Sonnenuntergang erlebt. Da wir abends beim Cabo nur "Müll" (Chips und Schoko) in uns rein schieben und wir nur schmale Franzosen sehen, hat Wolli sich wenigstens sportlich betätigt - die Dinger stehen übrigens überall in der Nähe eines Strandes 😇Read more

    • Day 2


      May 4, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      After breakfast at my hotel, I walked a few blocks to the Gare Montparnasse train station to catch my train bound for Bayonne. It was a 4+ hour train ride and I spent most of my time sewing Camino patches onto my backpack. Nothing like waiting until the last minute! 🙄 I do love train rides, however, so I made sure to take in the sights of the beautiful countryside and the vast yellow fields of rapeseed.

      After arriving in Bayonne, I had to wait quite awhile for a taxi to take me to Biarritz, a charming seaside town. When my taxi did show up, my driver was a woman and she apologized for not speaking English. I apologized for not speaking French and then we both rode in silence to my hotel.

      My room at the Hôtel Littéraire Jules Verne was lovely and within walking distance to the restaurants, shops and the beach. I got restaurant recommendations from the hotel staff and opted for one with local fare given I was now in Basque Country.

      The roasted peppers I ordered for my starter were cooked to perfection with the perfect amount of salt flakes that glistened in the light. Unfortunately, I was so famished that I ate most of them before I thought to take a picture. 🤣 For my main course I enjoyed trout and paired it with a Pinot noir. My girls will tell you that there’s nothing better than French bread in France and the bread on my table was no exception. I also love how they served it in a small bag.

      During my dinner I had the perfect view of the almost full moon coming up in the distance. What a beautiful sight! Afterwards I strolled through the streets of this inviting town and then ventured down to the waterfront to take in the beautiful sunset.

      Back at my hotel I discovered a Sleep Bar on a table near my room with three containers filled with herbs. The sign next to them explained that you were to fill a small bag with the herb of your choice and place it under your pillow. Of course, I did just that, but to no avail, I had a terrible nights sleep. 😩Maybe a third glass of wine would have been more sleep-inducing. 🥴

      The buffet breakfast in the morning was wonderful with the BEST creamy scrambled eggs, assorted breads and jam, yogurts, cheeses, and make-your-own waffles. A perfect start to another wonderful day! ☺️
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    • Day 296


      April 9 in France ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Bei traumhaften Sonnenschein, ging es gestern nach Biarritz. Wir haben einen schönen Rundgang gemacht, erst ein Stück an der Küste entlang, dann durchs Städtchen zurück zur Promenade.
      Heutzutage kommen nicht mehr die Adeligen aus Europa in das mondäne Seebad, dafür aber viele Surfer.

      Da es den ganzen Tag sehr warm war, hatte ich mich schon auf den kalten Pool gefreut. Während wir noch auf den Bus warteten, fing es leider an zu regnen und als wir zurück am Zelt waren, war ich dann auch nass genug. Heute war das Wetter auch sehr unbeständig, darum kein Ausflug, sondern schlafen und lesen.
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    • Day 11

      Ah, Biarritz

      July 21, 2023 in France ⋅ ☀️ 70 °F

      Someone once told me that his favorite place in Europe is Biarritz so I was predisposed to like this seaside town with several beaches, surf, great food, diving, great food, narrow streets, great food, basque charm, great food and beautiful people on parade. Oh, the weather was pefectly delightful as well.

      While I was only there two brief nights I had the best chocolate sorbet I have tried (and I try them all. Pamplona was a close 2nd, fwiw), fresh delicious seafood, a delightful morning yoga session/swim, a beautiful sunny afternoon swim and stroll watching wavelets and happy people on the beach, and an evening swim workout.... All on separate beaches within a short stroll from the best AirBnb experience I've had.

      I reviewed an incredible seafood market, fell in love a thousand times (ok, maybe lust?), vicariously geared up for scuba, window shopped boutiques, appreciated art, savored a cold beverage or two, and watched some Brazilian fellow jump over a flag. Incredibly patient people tolerated my butchery of their language; among the most notable were A) my airbnb's dog who cared not one lick for how I mispronounced commands: he accepted scritches in 3 languages; and B) the very happily drunk young man at the bus stop at 7:30 AM who was delighted to muddle through a combination of French, Spanish, English to learn a little about where I am from, where I am going, and to heartily recommend that I visit Ustaritz. He is from there and I suspect he is biased... But certainly enthusiastic.

      It helped a great deal that good friends who I have known for nearly 20 years in Costa Rica live part-time in Biarritz and kept me company for the day. Many thanks to you, Jean Marc and Rhonda. I look forward to the next time that our paths cross.
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    • Day 2


      March 24 in France ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      So Biarritz is lovely, big surf scene here and it's got pockets of fanciness without being in your face about it. Always a sign of a town doing well when there are tonnes of e-cargo bikes and exotic mid-sized dogs. It shows they've got time to think about the nice-to-haves and space to physically put them. Also there's lots of public toilets?! That are free? Without a woman in it demanding coins!? If covid put a stop to that then it might have all been worth it to be honest.

      Check in wasn't until 3pm so I spent a few hours walking around the waterfront, grateful for the incredible stink resistant qualities of merino after four flights and about 40 hours in transit. This included a locally sourced Red Bull which was not big or clever of me but look it needed to be done, see previous sentence. Also it will make Josie laugh.

      Coming back to the hotel I was thrilled to receive a room upgrade and noted a strong orange velvet couch motif, thoughtful of them to make me feel at home. Unsure if I was more excited about my gigantic sandwich or a shower at this junction, I enjoyed them simultaneously.

      Laundry is going to be a daily grind so I knocked that out then, 4pm local time, crawled in for what I intended to be a small nap but ended up taking me to 9.30pm. I did a late night 5km walk, being Sunday and maybe just the way this place is, it was very quiet and I felt safe mum I promise.

      In a feat of self discipline I managed to fall straight back to sleep at midnight so I reckon I'm on the body clock bandwagon now, let's bounce.
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