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    • Päivä 3


      8. heinäkuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Dinan, pequeña ciudad bretona que nos ha robado el corazón 🧡 Sólo nos ha faltado el traje de época para sentirnos en pleno medievo. Sus callejuelas empedradas rebosantes de casas coloridas con entramado de madera son de lo más pintoresco. Desde la Rue du Jerzual, la calle más antigua de la ciudad, atravesando la Porte du Jerzual y siguiendo la Rue du Petit Fort, no sólo hemos notado su pronunciada pendiente (me pregunto cómo podía ser la única vía de paso para trasladar las mercancías desde el puerto a la parte alta de la ciudad) sino que hemos llegado al Vieux Pont, el puente viejo sobre el río Rance, que se abre al actual y precioso puerto deportivo. Pero es que si esta ciudad medieval es bonita de día, de noche no nos ha dejado indiferentes. Sus luces, mezcladas con las piedras de las calles, las casas y el agua del río, deleita imágenes difíciles de olvidar.
      Una buena cena en uno de sus increíbles restaurantes del puerto, como en L'Atelier Gourmand, para hacer de esta tarde un momento único en el tiempo 🥰
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    • Päivä 9

      Auf zu neuen Taten (Strand)

      27. elokuuta 2022, Ranska ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Wie immer:Ein Frühstück am Morgen (draußen versteht sich) vertreibt Kummer und Sorgen. Sonnenbad nach der Ankunft. Camping Cup de Frehel. Ein Traum an den Klippen. Mit dem Fahrrad bis ganz oben zum Cup De Frehel und am Nachmittag baden im Meer. So ein schöner Tag.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 7


      19. lokakuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ 🌧 59 °F

      Today, we visited Dinan, a town in Brittany known for its medieval ramparts, cobblestone streets, and half-timbered houses. We enjoyed seeing the beautiful interior of Baselique Saint-Sauveur and its English style gardens. We had time to explore the city market and enjoy a local snack of galette-saucisse for lunch.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 8

      Saint Malo/Dinan

      26. elokuuta 2022, Ranska ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Wir starten den Tag mit einer Fahrradtour nach Saint Malo. Diese Altstadt muss man einfach gesehen haben. Wirklich eine Reise wert. Wir sind begeistert. Danach fahren wir weiter nach Dinan. Einen tollen Campingplatz gefunden und uns auf den Weg in die Stadt gemacht. Wahnsinnig schöne Stadt, mega tolle Altstadt. Wir sind begeistert. Da die Restaurants erst um 19 Uhr öffnen müssen wir die Zeit erstmal überbrücken. In einem schönen Restaurant direkt am Fluss Pizza gegessen . Schönen Abend draußen verbracht.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 9


      5. huhtikuuta, Ranska ⋅ 🌬 17 °C

      Nach den Worten Victor Hugos hängt Dinan "schräg über dem Abgrund wie ein Schwalbennest". Vom 14. bis zum 18. Jahrhundert gab es hier einen blühenden Handel mit Leinen, Leder, Holz und Getreide.
      Diesem Wohlstand verdankt Dinan sein prachtvolles architektonisches Erbe, das man heute noch sieht: wunderschöne Fachwerkhäuser in der Altstadt, die von der dicksten und ältesten Stadtmauer der Bretagne umschlossen wird.
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    • Päivä 5

      Exploring St. Malo and Dinan

      6. syyskuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Our journey continued as we bid farewell to the coastal beauty of Trégastel in Bretagne, setting our course for the charming destination of Barneville Carteret in Normandy. But, as always, the road held captivating detours, and today's adventure began in the picturesque town of St. Malo.

      As the first rays of sunlight bathed the coastline in a warm, golden glow, we arrived in St. Malo, greeted by the gentle sound of waves lapping at the shore. It was an invitation too enticing to resist, and we took a leisurely walk along the beach, the sand cool beneath our feet. Witnessing the sunrise over the tranquil waters of the English Channel was a serene and magical start to the day.

      Our appetite for adventure and exploration led us next to the medieval village of Dinan, a place steeped in history and charm. The narrow cobblestone streets wound their way through the town, past half-timbered houses that seemed frozen in time. The imposing silhouette of the old castle and the grandeur of the ancient churches whispered stories of centuries gone by.

      Breakfast was a delightful affair in the heart of Dinan, where we savored delicious local fare while surrounded by the echoes of the past. The blend of flavors and the ambiance of this medieval village made for a truly memorable meal.

      As we bid adieu to Dinan, we continued our journey toward Barneville Carteret in Normandy, knowing that the road ahead would bring new adventures and discoveries.
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    • Päivä 27

      The Tables Fly in Dinan

      16. syyskuuta 2017, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Today turned out to be one of the best days we have had so far. The rain has abated and we were all able to ride out of St Malo in fine and sunny conditions. This area is famous for its huge tidal surges and impressive waves. The entire waterfront of St Malo is protected by a massive stone wall which extends far out along the coast. This wall provided the perfect path to begin our ride.

      We then proceeded past the massive Citadel of the "old city", made famous in the novel "All the Light we Cannot See". After the cold and wet of the past few days it was delightful to be able to savour the sunshine and ride to the accompaniment of hundreds of Atlantic seagulls. It did not take long for the spirits of our riders to soar and the recent challenges were already starting to fade into vague memories. (Actually at our age, memories of most recent occurrences quickly fade into oblivion).

      The ride followed the Rance Estuary for most of the day and we were able to see the rapid flow of water as the tide turned. There is actually a large tidal power station built here that harnesses the power of these super tides. This was built back in 1966 and at that time it was the world's first tidal power station.

      A short distance further up we stopped to examine an old building and discovered that it was a flour mill that had been powered for hundreds of years by the rides and only stopped working in the 1980s. We happened to arrive just in time for a local historian to give us a complete tour of the 4 story structure and its workings.

      The ride itself was flatter than some of our recent days but still had a fair collection of climbs that served to get the heart beating heavily. For the four ladies of the "electric peloton", this gave them repeated excuses to roar past the rest of us who were still battling our way to the top of each climb. Sometimes the thought of an ebike does seem very tempting.

      The final 10 km or so followed the bank of the Rance and was one of the most beautiful bike paths I have ever had the privilege to cycle along. This took us all the way to the amazing historical city of Dinan. This spectacularly well preserved city is packed with beautiful half timbered buildings, some dating back to the 15th century. The biggest challenge was wheeling our bikes up the rough and steep cobble stoned streets to our hotel, which turned out to be situated in the highest part of the town. Maybe what they say about pain might actually be true. And in case you don't know what they say, it goes something like this "Pain is weakness leaving the body".

      It was only much later in the day that things really started to heat up and I experienced something I had never seen before. Our restaurant for the evening was the "Fleur du Sel", only a short walk from our hotel. Our group of 13 was welcomed at the door by the tall owner with the incredibly deep voice and we were ushered to our seats in the rear room.

      Although the Ghostriders were obviously the guest of honour and had been allocated the largest table, there were also a couple of smaller groups of French speakers in the same room. Over the next hour or so the noise level and merriment in the room grew steadily, along with the temperature. The thoughtful host/owner then obliged by opening a high window to let the evening breeze in.

      This was a kind gesture but it sent the temperature of the room plummeting. One of the Frenchmen at the next table decided it was time to show his ingenuity and bravery by closing the window. Since it was too high to reach by hand he started poking at it with an iron rod. His antics were greatly egged on and cheered by us. He started to get bolder, reaching higher and higher in an attempt to close the window. The cheering grew louder. Maybe we should have realised then that this might not end well, but we didn't.

      The Frenchmen's friends upped the ante by lifting him high above the table to poke the window from a better angle. He almost succeeded, but just as we all started to clap loudly, disaster struck. The large fellow toppled over and fell right into the centre of their table. The table collapsed and the guy fell right into the middle of a confusion of broken glasses, wine, food and cutlery. The whole place immediately fell silent. The floor was strewn with broken plates and the remains of the owners finest glassware and cuisine. The broken table lay in pieces. The owner came back in, looked at the carnage and he might have said "Sacre Bleu", but I think it was more like a string of French oaths. Everyone was embarrassed. It certainly was memorable. The food was a little delayed but our desserts were excellent and the owner's fury did seem to abate a little as the night wore on. We certainly won't forget it in a hurry.
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    • Päivä 39

      France, Dinan

      16. heinäkuuta 2017, Ranska ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We left Amiens in plenty of time to have a nicely paced drive to Dinan to meet the host at our cottage between 2.30 and 3.30. What we got was an absolutely bloody nightmare of a drive, not realising that with Bastille Day on Friday everyone, and I mean everyone, in France had decided to hit the road for a long weekend and they all heading in the same direction as us. Every other autobahn and autostrada we have driven on have a very modern and efficient approach to collecting tolls - you either buy a toll pass and stick it on your windscreen and get zapped as you through under a camera or, as in Germany they're free. Not so in France. Apparently, and i don't know how true this is, the different departments in France couldn't agree on a national system as they were all fearful of loosing money so there are tolls booths at the beginning and end of small stretches of autostrada. You have to pay, or get a ticket for the next stretch at each of these points. An extra two hours was added to our trip. We finally arrived in Dinan and after a bit of confusion (sometimes the GPS is really bloody unreliable) we found the cottage and it is delightful. Right by the edge of the river and close to the Port of Dinan. There is quite a bit of history to this town and we made the decision to sleep in and just explore Dinan on our first full day. Dinan was originally a trade village and an important strategic and defensive post back in the 1500's. It is known for its half timbered houses, well preserved castle wall and castle and keep, abbey and medieval town. It is quite steep (very) leading up from the port through narrow little cobbled streets. It is also very heavily tourist -y here, most from over the water in England. Man they can whinge, but enough of that, I could go for ages on conversations I've overheard and then I'd start to sound whingey. We walked up to the castle, walked the wall, went into the castle, and were lucky enough to be here for the annual Harp Festival. I can see why it never really took off as an instrument. I'm pretty sure there wouldn't have been much heading banging or mosh pits going on back in the day. Had a great lunch at a restaurant serving sea food given we're only about 10k's from the coast just about everyone serves moules (mussels) at the least. Tomorrow we are off to the second most visited attraction in France - the Mont St Michel. We have been advised to get there early to avoid the hordes. Can't wait - this is on my bucket list.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 40

      France, Mont St Michel

      17. heinäkuuta 2017, Ranska ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Well, we certainly weren't disappointed. The advice had been to get there early as it is apparently the 2nd most visited tourist attraction in France, and so looking at 50k drive we left about 9am. The forecast had been for a fine day of 27 degrees but when we left it was a very foggy 19. It is quite well organised - you arrive at a large car park with visitors centre and can walk the 2.5k's to the Mont or take a bus type thing or horse and cart. We walked. All the better to take some absolutely stunning photos. We arrived at low tide so got the full vista of the Mont surrounded by sand. And it really is everything I expected it to be. Once you get there it is quite small, all narrow winding cobbled streets leading to a very steep straight up hill walk to the abbey which has had pride of place at the top of the rock since about the 12th century. There is some outstanding art work in quirky places throughout the abbey - I particularly liked the big gold dragons foot gripping the top of one of the battlements, and the large eagle trapped in a stone cloister. There is not much village to speak of, what was there is now a conglomerate of very touristy shops and some food places. Roge spied a lovely looking restaurant on our way in and very fortuitously booked us a table for later. Who would have thought it would get so crazy busy?? It was a good thing we were ready to leave when the crowds were at there worst. The fog had cleared and it had got quite hot by the time we had to walk back to the car - we got a whole different set of pic's on the return trip.Lue lisää

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