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    • Hari 1–2

      We zijn onderweg! Champagnestreek

      26 Juli, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Het was zover, vrijdagochtend vertrokken we eindelijk na een intensieve verhuis week. De eerste etappe richting Portugal was gelukkig niet zo lang. Vanuit Huppel reden we naar Epernay, historisch hart van de champagnestreek. Leek ons wel logisch om de reis af te trappen met champagne 🥳🥂

      Zo geschiedde. De reis verliep zeer soepeltjes. Omdat we nog niet meteen konden inchecken in het hotel boekten we meteen maar een tourtje bij een wijnhuis. Uiteraard met alleen champagne. We leerden veel, bijvoorbeeld dat champagne wel drie tot vier jaar moet liggen. Daarna wordt zorgvuldig met de hand of machine de fles gedraaid om de rest gisten te verwijderen alvorens de kurk er op kan. Na al deze nieuwe kennis moesten we natuurlijk proeven. Champagne is niet onze favoriet, maar toch maar een flesje meegenomen 🫣🍾

      In de avond nog even wat gegeten en daarna snel de ogen dicht. We waren aardig gesloopt na het verhuizen en afscheid nemen van alle lieve vrienden en familie.

      De volgende ochtend stond de trip richting Bordeaux op de planning. Wederom om 8 uur de auto in voor een zeer regenachtige rit.. 🌧️ het schijnt, dat in Bordeaux de zon schijnt... We gaan het zien!
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    • Hari 8

      Up, up and away in Épernay

      21 September 2022, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      While we were wandering around the town we kept catching glimpses of the tethered balloon, so we decided we may as well take a ride and hopefully see some spectacular views 150 metres up. We chose the “with champagne” option - nice in theory, but not very practical and pretty crappy champagne. I think our taste buds now demand fine champagne and can’t tolerate the cheap stuff.

      We had wonderful 360 degree panorama views out over Épernay and the surrounding champagne region. Bronwyn is claiming this as her first balloon ride but I am challenging the veracity of this.
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    • Hari 30

      Epernay - im Herzen der Champagne

      25 Agustus 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Hauptzentrum der Champagner-Produktion: Eparnay.
      An der „Avenue de Champagne“ liegen die großen Champagnerhäuser: Moët & Chandon, Mercier, Boizel, Gobillard, Pol Roger,…

      Darunter: Kilometerlange unterirdische Gänge und Millionen Champagnerflaschen, die hier sorgfältig reifen und aufbewahrt werden...
      In 30 Metern Tiefe fahren wir mit einem Zug zwischen tausenden Flaschen auf 18 km Länge und lassen uns durch diese Welt führen. Und Champagner zu trinken gibt’s einfach an jeder Ecke 😍🥂
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    • Hari 1

      Start in Epernay🥂🍾

      24 Mei 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Heute 6 Uhr ging’s auf in Richtung Frankreich. Von Frankfurt aus haben wir rund 4h gebraucht. Die Fahrt war relativ entspannt, wenig Verkehr. Angekommen haben wir uns mit einem ersten Hafermilch Cappuccino und Macarons belohnt.
      13 Uhr Stand eine Führung bei Moët auf dem Plan 🥂🍾
      In den unterirdischen Gängen lagern unzählige Schätze (rund 1 Million Flaschen). Nach der Verkostung ging es von Epernay noch weiter nach Reims. Dort befinden sich neben Pommery noch viele weite Champagnergüter, aber dieses war mit Abstand das imposanteste. Von Ruinart waren wir zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt recht enttäuscht, jedoch findet dort ein Umbau statt und die Visualisierung lässt hoffen 😉👍🏼
      Zurück im Epernay ging’s zum Check ins Hotel und nach einem kurzen Restaurantbesuch im „La Banque“ direkt ins Bett. Wir sind seit 5 Uhr auf den Beinen und wollen unsere Kräfte schonen…Morgen gehts weiter nach Paris 😍🇫🇷
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    • Hari 6

      We DO get our kicks from Champagne

      19 September 2022, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Today we had a busy schedule. In the morning we toured the Moët Chandon Champagne House, which is the largest House in Epernay. It was established in 1743 by Claude Moët. The company was renamed Moët et Chandon in 1833 after Pierre-Gabriel Chandon de Brailles became Remy Moët’s son-in-law and joined the company as a partner of Jean-Remy Moët, Claude Moët’s grandson. They did not start producing champagne until 1840 and introduced their first vintage in 1842.

      Initially their champagnes were very sweet and were drunk for dessert, but they started to produce dryer ‘brut’ wines to appeal to English tastes. The Poms wanted to drink their champagne with their meal! It is one thing the French now thank them for. Their best selling brand , Brut Imperial, was introduced in the 1860’s. Their best known label, Dom Perignon, is named for the Benedictine monk, who is remembered in legend as the “Father of Champagne”.

      Moët & Chandon merged with Hennessy Cognac in 1971 and with Louis Vuitton in the late 1980’s to become LVMH (Louis-Vuitton-Moët-Hennessy), the largest luxury group in the world. Moët & Chandon produces 28 million bottles of plonk annually!

      There are cellars that we toured are 15 metres down, but there also cellars 30 metres below ground and they have kilometres of tunnels! The tour was very informative and fun and at the end the sommelier Brian explained the process of how the Imperial Brut is made, before we all said “chin chin” and drained our glass. We had a chat to a friendly group of Americans who were on a day trip from Paris while we were quaffing our champas.
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    • Hari 4

      Champagne & Cathedrals, Part 2

      18 Agustus 2023, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 86 °F

      I decided to let myself sleep an extra hour and take a later train to Epernay. It was a lovely ride through historic vineyards of the finest grapes in the world. After arriving, I strolled down the splendid Avenue du Champagne! What a dream! First stop was Champagne Mercier, with their famous train ride through the caves. The tour was supposed to last two hours but instead took half the time, so I stopped in the garden at Perrier-Jouet to try the famous Belle Epoque! After finishing my glass, I made the less than two minute walk to the biggest house, Moët & Chandon. Lovely tour and net nice people from the Netherlands and a lady from just outside of Baltimore! Back up the street to Champagne Venoge. I was the only person on the tour, but my wonderful Italian guide Antonela made it a wonderful experience! She gave me lots of extra activities to do as well! Feeling pleasantly buzzed, I made a quick stop at the Museum of Champagne before strolling down to Eglise Notre Dame de Epernay. After lighting a candle and taking a quick look around it was back to the Avenue and my final stop at Champagne Boizel. I enjoyed my tasting in the company of a lovely Australian couple. By this point I’d eaten little more than a few slices of baguette so I remedied the problem with a bag of Doritos from the train station vending machine, before boarding my train back to Reims! What a day!!Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 8

      Flights of fancy

      21 September 2022, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      After floating above Épernay we headed back to the apartment for a bite to eat. We planned to have a few Champagne tastings (flights) this afternoon, well at least Bronwyn and I did.

      We first did a bit of shopping - we have been well behaved during our stay, only buying Champagne and chocolate so far. We bought a couple of souvenirs before heading to our first tasting at Champagne De La PROPRIETE. Ian joined us and we had six different champagnes; they weren’t too bad and they came with snacks. We then moved onto Janisson Baradon for our next tasting. (Ian elected to skip this tasting and instead went to the Champagne museum.) Here we had five champagnes:- Brut, Extra Brut, Grande Réserve, Blanc de Blancs 2014 and finished with a Brut Rosé. All had fairly low sugar added, which suits my palette.

      During our tasting we starting chatting to a retired Dutch couple on the table next to us. They were really fun and were spending 2 weeks in Champagne. The afternoon flew by and before you knew it Ian was back form the museum. We headed home to have dinner, which comprised of quiche and green beans from our Charcuterie, some yummy bread from the boulangerie (one with chorizo and one with lardons) and macaroons for dessert, all washed down with a bottle of Jean Milan Rosé.

      We had tried to book into a restaurant called Why Not for dinner but they were fully booked, so our makeshift meal in our apartment was a nice alternative. Tomorrow we leave for Lyon, and will be up early as our train to Paris is at 8.30am.
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    • Hari 8

      Exploring Épernay on foot.

      21 September 2022, Perancis ⋅ ☀️ 10 °C

      We had no commitments today, so had a lazy start to the day. I went out and purchased some baked goods from another local Boulangerie and we headed out around 10am to do a self-guided walk around the town that was recommended by the Tourist Office. Unfortunately, not long into the walk we found it difficult to ascertain some of the landmarks as the print on the map was tiny (my eyesight is pretty good but even I struggled), so decided to go a bit off piste and do our own thing.

      We went past the Hôtel De Ville (town hall), Théâtre Gabrielle Dorziat and Église Notre-Dame. At this point we found it impossible to follow the map, so we just meandered down the streets, stopping at various buildings or areas of interest. We saw the Portail Saint-Martin, Maison de La Lune (a funky Art Nouveau house) and Église St-Pierre et St-Paul. There was so much to look at and on such a lovely day it was nice to explore the town.
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    • Hari 6

      More from beautiful Épernay

      19 September 2022, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Épernay is a wonderful picturesque town with so much to see and take in. The flowers are still amazing and the parks are so well kept.The people are very welcoming and friendly and have tolerated my attempts to converse with them in French. I have got up early to get baguettes and pastries from our local boulangerie, and have successfully purchased some wonderful meats and cheeses from our local charcuterie. Our apartment is in a beautiful old building full of character.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 5

      We are in Champagne Heaven

      18 September 2022, Perancis ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      After lunch we first went to the tourist office to get some advice on how to best tackle the city. We ended up walking a kilometre up and back Champagne Avenue, chocked full of champagne houses - both big and small. It is a beautiful avenue full of beautiful buildings.

      There are a number of establishments where you can sit and have champagne tastings or a bottle. We decided to go for a tasting, which we thoroughly enjoyed. We even got to meet one of the local champagne producers, Damien Férat. We really enjoyed his champagne, but instead of telling him that I loved his champagne, I told him that I loved him! This gave everyone a bit of a laugh - I think I even blushed! (Ed - it was a Champagne moment!)

      Epernay is a stunning town that is beautifully kept with a wonderful range of grand houses and Chateaux. Can’t wait to explore more tomorrow.
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    Anda mungkin juga mengenal tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    Épernay, Epernay, اپرنه, エペルネー, 51200, Эперне, Еперне, 埃佩尔奈

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