La Charité-sur-Loire

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    • Päivä 7

      La Charité sur Loire

      7. lokakuuta 2022, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 55 °F

      Today was a travel day to our next stop, La Charité sur Loire, which is on the Loire River in the centre of France, in the lower west-end of Burgundy. Our morning was very crazy and quite challenging. Everything seemed to go wrong…wet laundry to pack at the laundromat because we had no time to finish it, a taxi that misunderstood and almost caused us to miss our train, suitcases that seemed to grow and not close, dragging luggage up and down train steps, my purchased wine left on train…totally exhausting and overwhelming.

      But it was all worth it when we reached La Charité sur Loire . Our host, Barbara Jo, met us and the station, and we walked to her house, stopping on the way to see the most incredible view of the small town. She runs a chambre d’hôte (Bed and Breakfast) called La Maison des Mots which means The House of Words. We signed up for the excursion stay which is 5 days. Each day will be different. Barbara Jo is from Vancouver where she owned a culinary bookstore for 20 years. Thus, the name of her house. Actually, the city is called City of Words and you see words, phrases and sentences all over the buildings in town. Well, she bought this house 150 year old house and has completely renovated it. This is the most incredible home that I’ve ever been in, and I hope my photos show this. I love everything about it. Her decor and detail to the history of the house and French design is fantastic. Today, Barbara Jo took us on a tour of the house and then Elizabeth and I had an hour to take a short walk in the town before returning for what they call apéro dînatoire which is like an appetizer dinner with wine. Big meals are usually at lunch. I can’t believe it, but I loved it all and you all know how picky I am. We had radishes that we buttered and dipped them in salt…the good kind of salt and butter! There was duck sausage sliced paper thin. She made a beautiful zucchini flan, and also a tart with sliced potatoes and onions. Oh, I also had a French blue cheese spread on bread with honeycomb honey spread on top of it and then topped with walnuts. I really truly loved it all! Shocking, huh! Oh, the watercress salad and dressing were also fantastic…red wine vinegar, Dijon, and olive oil! I can do it!

      The excursion stay includes all meals and excursion/activities everyday. We can help cook, watch her cook, or just enjoy the food. Her friend, Paula, is here from Vancouver, and it will be the 4 of us. We had a wonderful “apéro dînatoire with great conversation. Oh, there’s also Minette, the cat, who lives here!

      Oh, by the way…this is now my favorite place!

      All of today’s photos are from our short walk here in La Charité sur Loire and also some photos I took of the house tour. I’ll include others tomorrow!

      She has a blog and website is you’re interested https://www.maison-des-mots
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    • Päivä 21

      On the Road Again

      10. syyskuuta 2019, Ranska ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      After our three days of relative inactivity (actually disorganised mayhem), it was time to resume our cycling. After all, that was why we had come all this way to the far side of the planet.

      Before we could start riding we first had to get bikes. That is sort of a basic fact of the universe. But there was a problem, There often is. I received a phone call informing me that the man who was bringing the bikes from Blois was stuck in thick traffic and would be "retarded by at least an hour". We would have to adapt Plan B.

      We had read that there was an amazing market in Nevers that was really worth seeing. A little further research showed that it was apparently close to our hotel. I therefore suggested to our riders that they might like to have a look at the market first, and then get the bikes later. Before I had finished my sentence, the women were already out the door looking for the market and an opportunity to spend money.

      About 45 minutes later I thought I might as well have a look as well. The bikes still had not arrived and the hotel foyer was getting a little boring. I had not walked far when I found Carol and Sam walking back towards me. They were devastated. They had not been able to find the market. Obviously life can not get much wore than this. On further investigation, I found that they had actually walked right past the front door. I had to admit that it was a little underwhelming as it was only a food market and most of the stalls were still locked. There were none of those exciting stalls where women could buy Chinese knock offs at inflated prices. What a letdown.

      The big bike delivery van finally arrived about 10 am and the driver slowly and carefully unloaded all 16 bikes. He did not want help as he wanted to do it his way. About 30 minutes later the bikes were unloaded and then began the familiar process of each rider finding their allocated bike and assessing its suitability. I had been in this position many times before and always find it stressful.

      "My bike's too big", "My bike's too small", "Mine is the wrong colour for my shirt", "I won't ride a ladies bike", "I didn't know we had to ride bikes", "My handlebars are too pointy", "My seat's all funny", "My bottom is hurting already", "How do you change gears ?", "What are gears for anyway ?", "I don't want a pannier", "I want more panniers", "I want lunch".

      It went on and on. It's not easy trying to set up 16 elderly citizens with walking frames, let alone with bicycles. After every single bike was adjusted, poked, asssessed and decorated with ribbons, we were finally ready to go.

      Our peloton slowly wobbled down the main street, watched by numerous bemused locals. We somehow made it to the old city without too much incident, but then stumbled into a complicated sequence of staircases. We had to manhandle all the bikes down the stairs, at times coming close to destroying a couple of the ebikes. It was not an an auspicious start to the ride.

      We finally left the city by crossing the bridge over the Loire. We were on our way at last. Actually we were on the wrong way. I had made a small error of navigation and was leading the group in the opposite direction. I quickly realised my error, the group U turned and we found the correct route.

      What followed next was a beautiful bike path, right alongside a shady canal. This was just the type of riding that we all adored. It was what we needed to settle our nerves after the stress of the morning. You can imagine my joy when I spied a lovely cafe, right on the bank of the canal.

      "This looks like a suitable coffee stop", I yelled.
      "But we have only been riding for 10 minutes", someone commented.
      "We have no idea when the next opportunity will be", I countered.

      Since no one could fault my logic, we all parked the bikes. Actually we spread them all over the precinct in a random array of unlocked vehicles. Arie was no longer here to dictate that all be parked in a precise line with locks and chains galore. We just needed coffee.

      It was now after 12 noon and I think that everyone was happy to sit and enjoy the surroundings. We also took a new group photo to immortalise the occasion. Our adventure on the Loire was now officially underway.

      We never did find another place to buy our baguette lunch. Well actually we did, but they had none left. We rode the remaining 45km on empty stomachs. Fortunately the scenery was absolutely superb - a never ending sequence of canals, locks, tiny flowered villages and quiet bike paths.

      The highlight was the Pont de Canal, an amazing sight which allows the Canal of the Loire to cross the Allier River. It would even have been more amazing to see a barge crossing the Pont, but the canal was deserted. The huge lock at the end had gates which must have been 10 metres high and they were decorated with colourful flowers. From the side, the structure almost looked like the huge Roman Pont du Gard, that we had ridden past in Provence. In nature it would be highly unusual to see two rivers crossing each other !

      By the late afternoon a steady head wind had developed. It was nowhere near as strong as the Mistral we had endured in Provence, but on empty stomachs it was a challenge. Our first view of Charite Sur Loire was a memorable one, cameras were produced and pictures were taken.

      The final kilometre to our hotel involved a long walking peloton through the ancient town. Our hotel was the quaint "Thousand and One Books" hotel. Every inch of the place had been decorated in a literary theme. The staircases were about 30 cm wide and there was no lift. It was going to be the pitstop for the first day of our Loire Ride.

      Our evening meal was at the restaurant attached to the hotel, so we did not have to walk far. Once again the food was glorious. It had been the first time most of us had eaten since breakfast in Nevers.
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    • Päivä 19

      Ruhetag in La-Charité-sur-Loire

      17. kesäkuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Das ist Patrick, dem ich vermutlich nicht mehr begegnen werde und auch den anderen nicht, die immer mal wieder meinen Weg gekreuzt haben, da wir in derselben Richtung unterwegs sind. Die meisten haben einen Schnitt von 80 - 100 km am Tag und auch nur begrenzt Zeit. Ich habe aber Rudi getroffen, den ich vor zwei Tagen auf dem Campingplatz kennengelernt habe. Er stellt seine Reise auch bei Find Penguins rein.
      Ich hatte heute meinen Ruhetag, habe Wäsche gewaschen und das Städtchen erkundet. Es hat eine alte Geschichte mit der schönen romanischen Kirche Notre Dame und liegt an einem der vier historischen Wege der Jakobspilger in Frankreich.
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    • Päivä 11

      La Charité sur Loire

      11. lokakuuta 2022, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 63 °F

      I’ll keep this short. I have tested positive for Covid…no surprise, I guess. I’m pretty sure that I contracted it before coming to France, as I have had a sore throat the entire time, and now it’s progressed. Elizabeth has tested negative. Barbara Jo has no problem with me staying here.

      Before testing, Elizabeth and I spent 3 hours trying to recreate our trip because of the gas situation. In the end we decided to keep our original schedule. We have a full travel day tomorrow to pick up a car back in Bourges, and drive to Brantôme.

      I did mask up and take a short walk through the medieval church …no one was there and it was only a block away. My greatest disappointment today is missing out on cooking a complete French rustic meal at Christian’s house. It is a 3 hour preparation. He was the French teacher who took us to Apremont on Sunday. So, I’m here in my room, packing and then crawling under the covers, hoping to feel better tomorrow.
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    • Päivä 8

      La Charité sur Loire

      8. lokakuuta 2022, Ranska ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      Barbara Jo prepared a beautiful French petit déjeuner which included plum compote, yogurt, apricot juice, croissants & pain au chocolat. Her table presentation was so elegant. We left for the marché (market) where she bought a selection of foods to prepare for lunch. We all relaxed at Couleur Café, a charming, cozy place where we had chai tea and chocolate madeleines (small sponge type cake). Elizabeth and I did a little shopping. Oh, dear! I’ve been looking for the perfect French map to hang, and I found it. It’s in a hard tube which is great, but it will be a challenge as it doesn’t fit in the suitcase!

      We discussed meal selections for today, and I have decided to embrace French cuisine. She is aware of my somewhat limited food selection, but I told her that I really wanted to go outside my comfort zone and try some new food dishes. This is really not a cooking school as I mentioned earlier as we are not actively cooking. Rather, we are being introduced to French cuisine. It’s more like an eating school of French cuisine. She’s great with explaining how she prepares the different dishes. Our lunch had many courses. We started at 1:00 and finished at 4:45! The French take their time eating and enjoying conversation. Nothing is hurried. Glasses of wine are sipped throughout the meal. Our first course was a mushroom pasta prepared with fresh mushrooms slowly cooked in butter with crème fraîche added. This was served over a local nest of pasta. The next course was purée cauliflower which was cooked in water and milk, then drained, and mixed with crème fraîche, salt and pepper and served under a piece of fried cod. The third course was duck confit (we had the leg) served with a cherry sauce and accompanied with yellow and green beans with a little walnut oil, salt and pepper drizzled before serving. For dessert we helped make a fresh pear tart. The entire meal with excellent, and I ate it all! I was quite surprised as to how much I enjoyed the cauliflower purée with fried cod. I’ve had duck a few times in my travels but the cherry sauce made this the best that I’ve had.

      Everyone retired to rest or read. Everyone, but me! After all that food, I took off for a long walk through the town and stopped at Couleur for a chocolat chaud à l’ancienne, a very velvety, creamy hot chocolate. Francis, the owner, remembered me from this morning. He was so kind, and we spoke in French for a while. He even came out to see if I was enjoying the hot chocolate.
      It’s been a good day…

      I added a few photos of her kitchen and dining room.
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    • Päivä 2

      Übernachten an der Loire

      17. helmikuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Die mautfreie Strecke kostet Zeit und ist ziemlich anstrengend - viele Kreisverkehre bremsen uns aus. Wir erreichen, schon bei Dunkelheit, den Stellplatz auf der Insel in der Loire in dem Ort Charite sur Loire.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 79

      Schlösser ade

      4. heinäkuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Zumindest von den bekannteren Loire-Schlössern habe ich heute die letzten beiden gesehen. Die Loire wendet sich jetzt auch gen Süden was für mich Gegenwind nach vier Tagen mit schönem Rückenwind bedeutet. Und ein wenig Regen gab's heute.
      Mein Campingplatz ist auf einer Insel der Loire.
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    • Päivä 39

      La Charité-sur-Loire

      20. heinäkuuta 2022, Ranska ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Mercredi, 20 juillet 2022
      Les 22° affichés au thermomètre, nous font envie de prolonger notre séjour ici. Hier il faisait trop chaud pour aller à la recherche des trésors de la ville. La Charité-sur-Loire, site clunisien, était au 11ème siècle une grande abbaye de bénédictins avec 400 sites-filles du Portugal jusqu'en Angleterre. L'église était à l'époque la deuxième plus grande d’Europe, après celle de Cluny. Un incendie vers les années 1530 a détruit une grande partie de la ville et de l'église, qui fût reconstruite moins grande. Le prieuré, sa cuisine, le réfectoire, sa salle de chapitre et le cloître sont rénovés et l'église en aurait aussi urgemment  besoin. Apres la reformation, la ville était une des quatre cites où pouvaient s'installer les protestants en France. Ville du livre ou Cité des Mots, de nombreuses citations littéraires ornent les maisons à la Charité-sur-Loire. Nous grimpons jusqu'au mur d'enceinte d'où on jouit d'une vue extraordinaire. Le dîner “barbecue” et une promenade sur l'autre pont qui relie notre île à la terre ferme, vont clore la journée.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 38

      La Charité-sur-Loire

      19. heinäkuuta 2022, Ranska ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Mardi, 19 juillet 2022
      La canicule joue les prolongations; nous partons donc déjà vers 8h30 pour arriver à 11h à La Charité-sur-Loire, la ville du livre. Nous n'y croyions pas vraiment, mais nous avons reçu une place au camping municipal sur l'île au milieu de la Loire. Un endroit juste extraordinaire! Nous partons au centre-ville,  pour chercher un resto. La terrasse de la Poule Noire nous accueille et le repas y servi vaut le voyage. Nous profitons l'après-midi de la piscine adjacente au camping. Qu'est-ce que ça fait du bien!
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    • Päivä 18

      Decize nach La-Charité-sur-Loire

      16. kesäkuuta 2023, Ranska ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Heute fiel mir das Radeln schwer, die Anstrengung von gestern steckte noch in meinen Beinen. Die Strecke war besonders am Nachmittag sehr langweilig. Von der Loire war nichts zu sehen. Die ganze Zeit schnurgerade auf einem Damm entlang. Der Abstecher nach Nevers war am interessantesten. Das Städtchen Charité, wo ich jetzt auf dem Campingplatz bin, ist sehr nett. Ich hatte heute Abend ein Abschiedsessen mit Patrick. Ich bleibe morgen noch hier, bummel durch das Städtchen, ruhe mich aus und wasche meine Wäsche.Lue lisää

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    La Charité-sur-Loire, La Charite-sur-Loire


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