Le Croisic

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    • Giorno 42

      Final Rest Day in Le Croisic

      1 ottobre 2019, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      After the continual frenetic activity of the previous few weeks it was a relief to finally know that there would be no riding today. There would also be no need for packing, moving bags, finding hotels, etc. In fact we had lots of time and very little to do with it. It was heaven.

      The breakfast room of our hotel was actually across the the road in the waterfront restaurant where we had dined the night before. You could not imagine a more spectacular place to enjoy your morning baguettes and orange juice. The building is situated right on the edge of the Atlantic and has panoramic windows on the ocean side that offer continually mesmerising view of the ever changing waves crashing outside. It was the sort of place you could spend hours, just watching the ocean.

      Of course, there was one essential task that had to be done. Our bags were bursting with laundry that urgently needed the services of a washing machine. We already knew that there was a coin laundry, only about 1 km away from the hotel. So that's where we headed. The next hour was spent watching the clothes do round and round in the washing machine, then in the dryer. It was nowhere near as exciting as watching the waves, but it was a soothing feeling to know that you would finally have clean clothes once again.

      One incredible feature of this part of the world is the huge tidal range. At low tide the water recedes so far away that you can no longer see it. At the fishing port all the moored boats are left sitting on the sand. It is quite a sight to behold, especially when the tide turns and the water starts russhing back in again. Over the space of 20 minutes I sat and watch the entire scene change before my eyes. Boats that were stuck firm are lifted from the sand and start bobbing away in the water.

      Le Croisic is very clearly a holiday location and, at this time of the year, most of the houses are already locked and shuttered for the winter. It does seem like quite a waste seeing so many magnificent homes being left empty for so many months at a time.

      In the evening we met for the final group dinner of the ride. We had been booked into L"Estacade Restaurant. This is a Michelin restaurant that is rated number 1 out of about 50 in Le Croisic. We discovered that this rating was richly deserved. The food and service was simply superb. It was a magnificent way to end an incredible trip.

      After dinner we had a lengthy walk back to the hotel, but the evening was mild and the wind had dropped. It was a magical feeling, walking back through the narrow streets, lit by subdued sepia lighting. I suspect we were probably all a bit noisier than we should have been, but it really didn't matter much since the place was almost deserted.

      In the morning our group will disperse to places all over Europe. What an unforgettable time we have shared together.
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    • Giorno 41

      Mission Accomplished

      30 settembre 2019, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Although we had already ridden to the mouth of the Loire at St Brevin, our ride was not yet fully completed. We all know that the Tour de France is not completed until the riders enter Paris and ride around the Champs Elysees. That final day for the Tour de France riders is something of a formality, the maillot jaune has already been effectively won in the final day on the mountains.

      If yesterday was something of our final day in the mountains, then today was our epilogue. While we had achieved our primary aim, we still had to continue our way westwards to the wild Atlantic coast at Le Croisic. It still had the potential to b e another really challenging day, especially as the weather forecast was for more rain and very strong winds from the west. This would not be an ideal way to complete our ride, but we would have to accept whatever was thrown at us.

      You can imagine my relief when I awoke to find that the rain had stopped. So had the wind. That was a very promising development. We donned the cycling gear for the last time and went down to attack the breakfast buffet. The breakfast itself was in keeping with a large casino hotel, so I took maximum advantage of what was on offer. I then gathered the group together for a group photo in front of the hotel.

      Then it was time to begin our final day. The first challenge was to safely get across the huge bridge across the Loire to St Nazaire on the right bank. This bridge was built in the 1970s and was for many years the longest bridge in France and the longest cable suspended bridge in the world. At 3.4 km long, it certainly would take a brave cyclist to try to ride across it, especially as there is no bike lane and the wind at the top would be horrendous.

      We had arranged for a mini bus transfer of ourselves and our bikes to the other side. The only problem was that it could only transfer 7 of us at a time. This meant that the first group would have to wait by the side of the road for 40 minutes, until the others arrived. I did the right thing by volunteering Maggie and I to join this first batch. Another 5 people reluctantly joined us. We took the bus trip and then waited. And waited. I got tired and decided to sit down, unfortunately right in the middle of a puddle of water I had not seen. Result - a wet backside.

      When the group was finally complete, we were glad to see that the wind was still lacking and the rain was absent. It was ideal for riding. Russell and I had also done a little research and found that the route could be "fiddled with" in order to save us quite a few uneccessary km. I call it a stroke of genius and the rest of the peloton seemed to agree.

      Although we had been expecting a flat final day, we did manage to find quite a few moderate sized hill and one big one along the way. It made us happy that we had excised those extra kilometres.

      One surprising feature of the houses in this region were the lovely thatched roofs. They almost made us feel we were cycling in the UK.

      The final major attraction was the impressive medieval walled city of Guerande. Not only is it fully surrounded by a massive stone wall, it even has a moat as well. It looks like it has come straight out of the Dark Ages. We were also somewhat surprised that it was very quiet. Although we had expected it to be full of tourists, the place was almost deserted. Not only was it a Monday, but we arrived right in the middle of the siesta time. Fortunately a couple of the cafes were open, so we were able to get some sustenance before the final leg to Le Croisic.

      After leaving Guerande we immediately found ourselves riding through the famous salt pans of the region. Here salt is harvested from the sea water in a huge array of interconnected shallow ponds. It is quite a spectacle, but it is also highly exposed to the wind. As we drew closer and closer to the coast, the headwind started to blow in our faces as a reminder of what might have been if the weather bureau had been correct.

      With our final destination almost in view there was a feeling of exhileration in the group. The route had been changed since we last rode this section and the revised version gave us a lovely tour of the city before we began the final cruise to the hotel. With the waves crashing on the rocks to our left and the magnificent stately homes on our right, it certainly makes for a memorable sight.

      When I announced that the ride had been completed, everyone dismounted and hugged each other. We had shared so much together and it is an indescribable feeling to have achieved something we had been anticipating for over a year. It was also time to do what we always do at such times - take a group photo.

      We noticed a lady walking towards us and asked if she would take our picture. She entered into the spirit of the occasion with enthusiasm, almost getting run over as she stood in the middle of the road. She also told us that we had arrived just in time for the next king tide. It would be there in just a couple of hours. How is that for perfect planning ?

      All we needed now was a hotel to stay in. We had previously stayed in the nearby Les Nids Hotel, but is was now closed and boarded up. The replacement hotel was Les Vikings and I have to admit that it looked absolutely dreadful from the outside. Large pieces were missing from the facade, the paint was peeling, it looked derelict. I was more than a little worried. It would not be a great way to finish such an epic ride if we had to spend the last two nights in a dump.

      Our fears dispersed as soon as we entered the front door. Apparently we are the final guests to be housed here before the full restoration takes place. As soon as we leave the place will be closed so that the builders can start. We were thrilled to find that, not only were our rooms huge, clean and modern, but they all faced the ocean. We ran back and forth from room to room in a silly game of "you show me yours and I'll show you mine". I knew that I had a very happy peloton.

      That evening we had dinner in the oceanfront "Restaurant de L'Ocean". You could not get any closer to the water than this place and we looked through the panoramic windows at the setting sun and the huge waves crashing against the rocks below us. It was a night to remember.

      Yvonne Parsons had spent some time collating statistics of our ride along the Loire. This is what she calculated. Total time in the saddle - 57 hours. Distance ridden 812 km per person. The total vertical distance climbed was over 4,000 metres. Of course this does not include the riding we had already done in Provence. I could also add another very important statistic - Number of punctures ZERO. It truly had been an epic ride in every sense of the word.

      We now have a free day in Le Croisic, before we all begin to make our own ways back to Australia.
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    • Giorno 28

      Pausentag mit kleinen Radltouren

      20 maggio 2023, Francia

      Ein echter Pausentag, bevor es wieder Richtung Heimat geht.. Vormittags machten wir es uns sehr gemütlich, ehe wir mit den Radl ins nahe Dorf fuhren. Dort besuchten wir die tollen überdachten Markthallen und fanden dann im Café am großen Platz wieder einen Tisch für eine kleine Einkehr.

      Dann gings zurück zum Campingplatz, wo wir ein spätes Mittagessen genossen, Zimmerstunde in der Sonne, danach gings an den nahen Strand. Ein tolles Erlebnis mit dem wir so nicht gerechnet hatten, denn hier gibt es ganz tolle Felsformationen am Meer, die sogar für gewagte Klettertouren genutzt werden!

      Dann gings um die Halbinsel wieder zurück ins Dorf, ein paar Sachen wanderten auch noch in die Packtaschen, ehe es wieder zurück an unser Basislager am Campingplatz ging..
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    • Giorno 61


      23 ottobre 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Es ging dann noch ein Stück weiter: Auf die Halbinsel KERVENEL in die Ortschaft LE CROISIC.

      Dieser Gemeinde haben wir sicherlich Unrecht getan, da wir nach der Übernachtung gleich wieder weitergefahren sind und die Sehenswürdigkeiten der Ortschaft nicht angeschaut haben.

      Wir sind im Dunkeln gekommen, morgens (um 08:20) von der Polizei unseres Übernachtungsplatzes verwiesen - das Wetter war trüb ==>> also ging's weiter.
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    • Giorno 19

      Bretagne Teil 1: Le Croisic und Carnac

      21 settembre 2021, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      An der Küste in Le Croisic (eine Empfehlung von einem random dude in Nantes, der uns angesprochen hat, weil er unsere Sprache als Schweizerdeutsch identifiziert hat 😄) bleibe ich 3 Nächte auf einem schönen, kleinen Camping und verbringe einen ganzen Tag davon mit Fahrten zu Mr.Bricolage (das franz. Äquivalent zu Hornbach) und mit dem Flicken des Wasserproblems.⚒️ Danach mache ich mich auf den Weg weiter Richtung Norden. Der Pointe de Merquel sollte eigentlich nur ein kurzer Zwischenstopp sein: Ein Spaziergang zum kleinen Leuchtturm, ein kurzer Sandwich-Stopp und dann weiter nach Carnac. Auf dem Rückweg zum Büssli gehe ich aber an diesem schönen Strand vorbei und kann nicht widerstehen… Also bleibe ich ein paar Stunden am Strand und geniesse die Sonne und das Meer.🏖️ Die Nacht verbringe ich auf einem Supermarkt-Parkplatz in der Nähe von Carnac. Leider wird am Morgen genaau dort das Gras gemäht, sodass ich schon sehr früh wach bin. Nicht so schlimm, denn so kann ich die berühmten Menhire (Steinreihen) anschauen, bevor die Touristenmassen auftauchen. Dann liegt noch eine lange Fahrt in die Region Finistère vor mir, wo ich mich für die nächsten Tage in der Nähe von Crozon niederlasse.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 4

      Le Croisic

      25 novembre 2021, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Gestern Nachmittag bin ich in Le Croisic angekommen. Ein kleines Apartment direkt am Hafen ist bis nächste Woche mein Feriendomizil. Tolle Lage für Ausflüge und Spaziergänge, und alles ist in der Nähe. Besonders wichtig: Fischereihafen mit Poisonerie in Sichtweite. Aber auch Metzger, Café, Bäcker etc. direkt nebenan. Natürlich ist aktuell absolut keine Saison, viele Restaurants haben zu, aber ich mache die Meeresfrüchte sowieso lieber selbst. Das wird der Schwerpunkt der nächsten Tage sein.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 9

      Anmerkungen zum Alleinreisen

      30 novembre 2021, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Jetzt bin ich eine Woche alleine hier. Das nehme ich zum Anlass genau darüber etwas zu philosophieren. Ich genieße es einfach zu machen was ich will. Keine Abstimmungen zum Thema Essen, Tagesplanung und Zeitmanagement ist erforderlich, aber irgendwann wird es auch etwas einseitig, die Ideen vom Partner sind oft auch eine gute Ergänzung. Man lernt sich selbst schon besser kennen, kommt auf Gedanken die man sonst nicht hätte, und lebt eine Weile nach seinem eigenen Rhythmus. Vieles ist für mich aber alleine ziemlich öde. Gut essen zu gehen macht mir alleine keinen Spaß. Ganz wichtig ist für mich auch einen gut gefüllten E-reader dabei zu haben. Morgen geht es in Etappen wieder zurück. Hier beginnt es sich auch langsam zu wiederholen.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 2

      Ausflug nach Le Croisic

      19 marzo 1982, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Auf dem Programm steht heute eine Ausflug zum Atlantik. Erste Attraktion ist die die Pont de Saint-Nazaire, eine über die Loire führende Schrägseilbrücke, die Saint-Nazaire und Saint-Brevin-les-Pins verbindet. Die 1974 erbaute Brücke war damals die Schrägseilbrücke mit der weltweit größten Stützweite.

      Weiter geht es dann zu unserem Tagesziel Le Croisic. Das etwa 4.000 Einwohner zählende Küstendorf versprüht viel maritimes Flair. Wir würden gern länger bleiben.
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    • Giorno 20

      The End of the Ride

      20 settembre 2013, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Although we reached the mouth of the Loire yesterday, our ride was not quite over. We still had one more solid day of riding to reach our final destination of Le Croisic. The final day of any extended ride is always filled with mixed emotions. Although it is something of sense of relief to complete the challenge that we set ourselves that is always tinged with the sad realisation that our wonderful adventure will soon be ending.

      One of the final highlights of the ride was reaching the amazing medieval, walled city of Guerande. Not only is the city surrounded by huge walls, but it is also surrounded by a fully functioning moat. It was the perfect place to stop for our final afternoon tea of the ride.

      All too soon we were back on the bikes and riding through the expansive salt flats that mark the outskirts of Le Croisic. We rode through the town and on to our hotel, where we dismounted the last time.

      As is usual there were lots of hugs and kisses to mark the end of the ride. That evening we celebrated the completion of another successful trip by having a meal at the large seafood restaurant, situated right on the beachfront. The memories of that evening will last a lifetime.

      Throughout our ride, Maggie had been staying in a B&B on the Isle St Louis, one of the two famous islands in the centre of Paris. While we were cycling, she was having a great time exploring the city that she had waited her whole life to experience. On the final day of our ride, she caught the train from Paris to Le Croisic and joined the rest of the group.

      Tomorrow morning the group will break up to make their own ways back to Australia. Maggie and I will now begin our own adventure - exploring France for the next month.
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    • Giorno 37

      The End of the Road

      30 settembre 2015, Francia ⋅ 16 °C

      Day 37 In Which Nous Sommes Ici a Le Croisic

      The final leg of our France ride was not meant to be the most difficult. No more than the last 100 metres of the climb to the summit of Everest or the final few strokes in the English Channel swim. After all, we only had about 50 km left to ride, there were no major climbs left and the weather was as close to perfect as we were ever likely to get.

      The problem was that my body was not perfect. I had spent a restless and mostly sleepless night with a tangle of delirious thoughts racing through my head. That toxic baguette from the previous day had left my stomach empty and my energy levels at around zero. My big problem is that I had never failed to finish any of the previous 30 or so overseas rides we had conducted in the past 10 years and I really didn’t want to blot my copy book at this late stage.

      When the alarm went off at 6 am, the only thing I wanted to do was hide from the world and wish the whole thing was over already. Somehow I crawled out of bed and staggered to the bathroom, tripping over my suitcase in the process. The day was off to a great start. Maggie looked at me and asked “Are you sure you really want to ride ?” Of course the answer to that one should have been blatantly obvious – of course I didn’t. On the other hand I knew that there would be a peloton of yellow jersey wearing riders who would need someone to lead them the final few kilometres to Le Croisic.

      I tried to face breakfast, but a few mouthfuls of orange juice and a little tub of apple puree were the only things I could trust my stomach to hold. I then bundled the panniers for the final time and tried to fill myself with some plain old bloody minded stubbornness.

      Our final day began with a short bus ride over the huge estuary bridge to nearby St Nazair. This bridge would make the Westgate Bridge look like a little tacker by comparison and the combination of a very narrow bike lane, high winds, vertigo and speeding trucks would not make it either a safe or pleasant proposition.

      On the other side of the bridge we were reunited with our bikes for the last time. The final 50 km would take us north, away from the Loire and to the delightful coastal town of Le Croisic. Since we would no longer be riding the Loire a Velo bike path, the navigation also promised to be a bit more challenging.

      The first few kilometres out of town seemed to meander back and forth, without making any real progress. It did not take long to realise that I had virtually no strength left at all and even the small climbs were seeming like mountains to me. I was however aware of one change that had taken place in the following peloton. For most of the trip the group had sorted itself out into the “serious riders” and the “naughty girls”. While the former always liked to ride at the front and set a brisk pace, the latter group loved to fool around at the back making numerous unnecessary toilet stops, taking pictures of just about anything, and riding as slowly as possible without actually stopping.

      The naughty girls group consisted mainly of Eugenie, Sally, Carol and Maggie. When Carol had her unfortunate accident in the shower at Angers, the naughty girls were depleted to only three members, but I did notice a change in their riding behaviour from that point on. Rather than always laughing at the back, on quite a few occasions they actually burst through to the front and even looked like real riders. On this final day of riding I was surprised and pleased that the errant backmarkers were now occupying the front of the peloton. All of these women had all taken up cycling only relatively recently and it was an amazing achievement to not only complete the ride, but to get stronger as the ride went on.

      After about 25 km we reached the small town of Andre des Eaux. This was our final chance to buy supplies for a picnic lunch a little later on. I still could not face eating anything (especially a baguette), but I did enjoy resting in the warm autumn sunshine. About another 10 km further on we rode into the amazing medieval walled city at Guerande. I remember being astounded when I saw this place for the first time and I knew that the group would enjoy some time to explore the place before the final section to Le Croisic.

      While the others went into the medieval city I lay on the grass and used my helmet as a very uncomfortable pillow. At this stage I knew that the only section left to ride was the flat section through the salt pans. Nothing would stop us now that our final target was almost in sight.

      An hour later we remounted the bikes. The afternoon sun was warm on our faces and the friendly tail wind returned to give us a welcome assist. A couple of minutes later I discovered that the battery in my GoPro camera that I had carried around my neck for the entire ride had gone flat. It reflected the state of my own energy reserves.

      In less than an hour we were gathered on the waterfront of the Atlantic Ocean, looking out at the vast expanse of water. With the lovely white holiday cottages and the sounds of seagulls filling the air, I am sure it will be a moment that none of the group will ever forget. It was a time for well earned hugs, kisses and congratulations to all. What an amazing time we had shared together.

      When we arrived at our hotel we found that we were not the first ones there. David and Carol had arrived earlier in the day and were there to provide a huge welcome for us. We were all so glad that they were able to complete the trip that they had set out to do. Maybe it had to be finished in a hire car, but at least they would be able to share the excitement with us. Compared to the challenge that they had both faced with Carol’s broken leg, riding a few extra days on a bike seemed a distant second.

      That evening we gathered for our celebration dinner at Restaurant de L’Ocean , a prestigious seafood restaurant situated right on the beachfront. With its panoramic windows providing a breathtaking view of the ocean, it would have been hard to imagine a more fitting end to an incredible trip. Unfortunately sometimes things don’t always turn out exactly as planned.

      As we sat down at the starched white table cloth and the impressive array of crockery and cutlery I was very conscious of my distinct lack of breeding. For someone who was brought up with just a knife, fork and spoon, I still cannot really feel at home in this sort of establishment.

      The meal began and I was a little surprised when we were given no choice whatsoever. It would be a pity if you did not like seafood as the only choice available was to either eat it or go hungry. We were even more surprised when we were never offered a drinks list, but one of the young waitresses just worked her way around filling every glass. I could have tried to tell her that most of the riders in Group don’t drink, but I didn’t think that the message would have got through. Apart from the wine, none of us were given anything other than tap water to drink. A rather strange way for such a fancy restaurant to operate.

      I did manage to eat quite a lot of my dinner but by around 9 pm I was feeling sick and exhausted and excused myself and went back to the hotel, leaving Ross and David to sort out the final arrangements. It was only when the group returned to the hotel that I heard the rest of the story. Apparently when the group rose to leave, they were presented with a drinks bill with a wine cost of over 40 Euros per bottle (around $70AUD). Considering we had never asked for the wine and were given no choice as to any other option, David and Ross refused to pay this charge. I think if I had have been there I would not have been able to maintain the same degree of self control that they apparently exercised. By this time the young waitress really had a bad attitude and even refused to accept the meal payment voucher because it had a tiny piece missing from one corner. It was a shame that such a lovely day had been tarnished by such petty and unprofessional behaviour.

      Since we were all booked in to return to the same restaurant the next evening, in the morning I returned to the restaurant to discuss the matter with the staff. It seemed that everyone had experienced a wonderful change of heart and that it would be “no problem” to provide us with just about anything we wanted. I just hoped that my appetite might have returned enough for me to do it justice.
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    Le Croisic, Ar Groazig, کرواسیک, Croisic, Crociciacum, 44490, Кроазик, Ле-Круазік, 勒克鲁瓦西克

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