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Viaggiatori in questo posto
    • Giorno 44

      Paris...the end

      18 ottobre 2022, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 66 °F

      Yesterday I took the bus back to Santiago and today, a flight to Paris. I didn't get to my hotel until 3:00, so there wasn't much sightseeing. I did walk around for a few hours. Even found some shells in the sidewalk.

      Tomorrow I fly home. In some ways, I'm SO ready to be home. In others, I'm not ready. I wish I was still walking.

      Stats: 483.1 km walked, 283.9 km by bus. That's 300 miles walked of the 476 total miles. 35 days of walking.
      Hopefully one day I will return to walk the Camino in it's entirety.
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    • Giorno 3

      The Lady and the Unicorn

      19 agosto 2019, Francia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Woke at 5.00am, so not too bad. Breaky in hotel. The bread is devine. Salami and cheeses.

      Off to Musee du Cluny to see the medieval tapestries The Lady and The Unicorn. They depict the 5 senses along with desire. Massive red and dark wall hangings filled with millefleur and forest animals. Loved this so much. Read the novel and it's Harry Potters common room. So beautiful. The lighting is dark to keep from fading.

      We get to the museum just at opening time, bonus.
      The first room we enter is an old bath house. Massive empty room with a few statues and items from the era. A copper bathtub sits at one end. Loved this room. Next we check out a room full of jewellery and medieval artwork. I come across a golden rose. It looks to be important, so I take a photo. I may sit still one day and learn about it. But not now.

      We look at other tapestries leaving the best til last.
      Then we enter 'The' room. It is quiet, dark, black with a crimson glow from these magnificent tapestries.
      I am beguiled and take my time to investigate each one.

      Loving this so much. Finding treasures that you never think you will ever see. Then here you are in front of them. Always blows me away.
      I love this because it is like time travel.
      I imagine the pressure and artistry it takes.

      The intricate flowers are devine. The bunnies and birds whimsical.

      Even Athena says she really enjoyed seeing them.

      Bucket list tick ✅
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    • Giorno 4

      Schlechter start mit....

      25 ottobre 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      grandiosem Ende 🥰😁

      Heute war Museum angesagt. Louvre stand auf dem Zettel.

      Leider gab es größere Schwierigkeiten 😤beim Einlass. Unser 14:30 Uhr Ticket🎫 wäre dann ein 16 vieleicht 17 Uhr Ticket geworden.

      Das ganze bei leichten Regen☔️...Nein Danke.

      Wir haben uns nach einigen Minuten⌚️ gegen das Warten entschieden und haben an der Stelle die Tickets gegen eine Flussfahrt ⛴️ auf der Seine getauscht.

      Mit dem nächsten Mietroller 🛵 ging es zur Anlegestelle und ab auf dem Dampfer 🛥. Kaum dort angekommen kam die Sonne ⛅️durch und trocknete unsere Sachen und die Frustgetränkte Seele.

      Vorbei an all den schönen Gebäuden🏙, Parks 🏞, Haussbooten und durch zahllose Brücken🌉 tuckerten wir auf dem Wasser 🌊 herum.

      Ein Eis🍦 ließ den Ärger dann ganz verschwinden und mir kam eine Idee.

      Amy schwärmte am Eifelturm 🗼von all den Straßenkünstlern 🛣👨‍🎨🎨die Karikaturen anbieten.

      Also einen 1️⃣5️⃣ Minuten Spaziergang und schon waren wir da. Die Überraschung💥 war geglückt und nach etwas Wartezeit waren wir an der Reihe. Das war ein Spaß!🤗

      Danach eine kleine Shoppingtour👗👚🥻 durch die Einkaufszentren von Paris.

      Abendessen🍴noch einmal Glitzertürmchen bestaunen. Mit dem Roller🛵 zurück ins Hotel 🏨für einen gemeinsamen Abend bei Netflix 📺und "Mc Donald-Snacks".😅

      Grandioser Tag mit sehr viel Lachen🥰
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    • Giorno 20

      Eiffel Tower

      29 giugno 2023, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      It was an early start today. We headed to Kings Cross Station and caught the Eurostar to Paris in preparation for our trip to Disneyland.

      The first thing we decided to do was visit the Eiffel Tower. We wanted to go up the tower, but of course the tickets for the lift up the tower sold out months ago, so it looks like we have a few steps to climb instead. 674 of them to be exact.

      Dani is not a big fan of heights, so she stayed at ground level with plans to seek out a gluten free bakery she had spotted on Google (more on that later). The rest of us, including the Pearce's, headed for the stairs.

      Everyone did a great job on the climb up the stairs even the little ones. However the number of people at the top made things a little unpleasant, especially given that it was quite a warm and humid day. We spent a bit of time enjoying the view and then made our way back down to meet Dani.

      Verdict: it was a fun and worthwhile experience, but the views OF the Eiffel Tower from the ground are probably than the views FROM the Eiffel Tower.
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    • Giorno 15


      18 agosto 2022, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      In Paris waren wir noch im Pantheon (das Highlight von Jan) . Das Pantheon ist eine sehr eindrucksvolle Ruhmeshalle und die Grabstätte berühmter französischer Persönlichkeiten. Wir haben unter anderem das Grab von Marie Curie, Jean-Jacques Rousseau und Josephin Baker gesehen.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 10

      J’aime Paris

      29 maggio 2023, Francia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Jam packed day!! We visited the extraordinary sainte chapel. Glorious glass windows!! Saw the outside of Notre Dame and The Louvre. Did a little too much souvenir shopping… as usual. Ended the day with a dinner cruise on the Seine River and a close look at the Eiffel Tower:)Leggi altro

    • Giorno 55

      Lunettes Pour Nous

      14 ottobre 2019, Francia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      We had a big decision to make. With only two full days in Paris, we needed to choose our activities wisely. One thing we were both in agreement on was that we had no intention of running to and fro all day doing the normal "tourist things". There would be no Hop On Hop Off buses, no Louvre, no Musee D'Orsee, not even an Eiffel Tower in our plans. But what could we do ?

      When we had been in Nantes we happened to notice an interesting shop with the slogan "10 Euros in 10 Minutes". Although you might be excused in thinking it was some sort of fast food place, it was in fact an optician. Their unique claim was that they could make you a new pair of glasses in only 10 minutes, with or without a prescription. Not only that, but the cost could be as low as 10 Euros.

      I had to admit that it had us both intrigued enough to do some further research. We learned that each store was highly automated and could produce the lenses in only a few minutes. Our problem in Nantes was that we had arrived on a Sunday and the store (like just about everything) was closed. But we were going to be in Paris on a Monday. Voila !

      The more we thought about it, the more the idea started to take root in our minds. It certainly would be an experience to have an eye test in France and go home with new spectacles. And so that's what we decided to do.

      Our research had shown that there was a store on the right bank, about 1 km from our apartment. We arrived right on opening time at 10 am and then had fun explaining to the young staff that we were from Australia and were looking for new glasses. We were soon both ushered into a high tech testing room where we had new prescriptions produced (no appointment necessary).

      The next step was to choose our frames. It was here that we discovered that not all the glasses can be produced for 10 Euro. Most of the frames were from 20 Euro to 50 Euro and the price of the lenses depends on the complexity of the prescription. Presumably it was only people who required no correction at all who would be able to get the 10 Euro special.

      Even so, the prices were quite reasonable. Thirty minutes later I was the proud owner of two new pairs of spectacles and Maggie the owner of one new pair. Even with scratch resistance and transition lenses, the total cost was only equivalent to $300 AUD. And did they work ? Yes they really did. It will also be another fond memory of our brief time in Paris.

      The rest of the day we spent walking (and walking and walking) until we both felt completely spent. The weather still continues to be warm and sunny and we even took the chance to have a lovely snooze on a couple of the chairs in the Tuileries Gardens.

      We returned exhausted to our apartment for dinner, before having another nightime walk around the I'le de La Citie. The tourist boats were cruising the Seine and the distant light from the top of the Eiffel Tower was flashing across the low clouds. It had been just about an ideal day in this wonderful city.
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    • Giorno 56

      Final Day in Paris

      15 ottobre 2019, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Yesterday we decided to begin our day with a rather unusual activity - getting new glasses from a French optician. It turned out to be quite an experience, but we both agreed that the end result really was worth it. The glasses were great and the fact that we got them in Paris will make them a great souvenir of this trip.

      Today was our final full day, so we had to decide just how we were going to use our final hours in this incredible city. We had so many options to choose from you might be quite surprised at the decision we made. After a lot of thought, I decided that I would go back to the opticians to get a third pair of glasses. I needed a pair specifically for using while I was sitting at the computer and I couldn't think of a better place to get them.

      So off we went back to the "10 Euros in 10 Minutes" shop. They seemed a little surprised to see us back again, but were happy when we told them the reason. After a new eye test and some selecting the frames, I was soon the proud owner of another pair of computer glasses.

      Since the area around Las Halles was rather unfamiliar to us, we also took the opportunity to explore the large open spaces and fascinating buildings that were there. We finally returned via the Louvre and across the Seine to our apartment. Since my GPS has been inoperative for the past couple of weeks, I could not measure just how far we walked in the past coiuple of days, but I would estimate that it would be at least 15 to 20 km each day. It was enough to make us thoroughly exhausted.

      One thing we have noticed over our our recent visits to Paris is how quickly the city is progressing towards being more and more bike friendly. Many of the major roads have now been narrowed considerably to create safe separated lanes for cyclists, scooter riders and joggers. The shared electric scooters are used by people of all ages and are obviously a very popular alternative for convenient commuting around the city. Paris is still nowhere near other famous bike cities, such as Amsterdam, but it is a long way ahead of Melbourne in this regard.

      After a brief rest we ventured out again. This time it was for a much more mundane reason - to do our laundry. Although the first laundromat we found was out of action due to some sort of malfunction, we did find another one that we had used on previous trips. An hour later we had bags of clean, dry clothes. If nothing else, it might help to make our luggage just a little bit lighter, since clean clothes must weigh a bit less than dirty ones.

      Tomorrow morning we will be cramming our bags for the final time, before catching a taxi to Charles de Gaulle airport. By Friday morning we will back back home in Melbourne. This trip has been one of the very best I can remember, but we are now both more than ready to be back with our family and friends. I hope you have enoyed sharing some of the adventure with us.

      And a final comment - we will surely miss those fresh baguettes every day.
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    • Giorno 69


      14 luglio 2022, Francia ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Nach einem guten Mittagessen am Montmartre, welcher sehr überfüllt mit Besuchern war, begeben Amalia und ich uns zum Notre Dame um danach im Park vom Louvre im Schatten auszuruhen. Am Montmartre lassen wir uns von einem lustigen Fotografen ein antikes Foto machen, er erbittet sich nur eine Spende. Nachdem Amalia mein Kapperl im Schließfach im Museum liegen hat lassen, kaufe ich mir ein Pariser Andenken und habe nun eine neue KopfbedeckungLeggi altro

    • Giorno 3

      Second day in Paris

      3 agosto 2023, Francia ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Il mio secondo giorno a Parigi è stato più rilassante e meno caotico del primo. Ho iniziato tornando alla Torre Eiffel, per ammirarla stavolta dalla terrazza del Trocadero. Nonostante il tempo incerto, ne è valsa davvero la pena! Ho prenotato poi l'entrata prioritaria alla Sainte Chapelle e mi sono diretta in quel luogo ma ho sbagliato direzione del pullman e sono arrivata più tardi del previsto. Per fortuna però mi hanno fatto ugualmente entrare ed ho potuto ammirare le vetrate mozzafiato che caratterizzano quella chiesa. Da lì, a poca distanza c'è la famosa Notre-Dame, ancora chiusa a causa dell'incendio che l'ha distrutta nel 2019, ma grazie alla mostra di un famoso fotografo è stato possibile osservare le foto dei danni presenti al suo interno. Poi mi sono diretta verso il quartiere latino, visitando la chiesa di San Severin, passando per la famosa università della Sorbona e la biblioteca di Shakespeare. Proprio lì accanto c'era un ristorante con tipica cucina francese e ho deciso di assaggiare il cibo locale, in particolare la Confit de Canard (Anatra) che, contro ogni aspettativa, era davvero molto buona! Nel pomeriggio ho scelto di visitare il bellissimo Jardin du Luxembourg, dove mi sono rilassata mangiando un ottimo macaron al cioccolato. Lì sono rimasta colpita dai bambini che giocavano con le barchette in un piccolo laghetto, erano molto felici. Poi però è arrivato il temporale e siamo corsi tutti al riparo!
      Poiché è difficile muoversi sotto la pioggia col navigatore, ho deciso di fermarmi in un bar per prendere un caffè e rilassarmi osservando le vite delle persone che camminavano davanti a me. A volte non ci rendiamo conto di quanto sia bello fermarsi anche solo ad osservare, non è mai tempo perso!
      Terminata la pioggia mi sono diretta verso il Pantheon e in ultimo ho visitato la chiesa di Sant Etienne dove si trova la tomba di Sainte Geneviève, il santo patrono di Parigi.
      Penso di aver visitato molto in questi due giorni e sono soddisfatta, non mi resta che salutare questa bellissima città, piena di arte, gioia e amore.
      Domani si parte per la prossima tappa del mio interrail. Stay tuned!
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    Paris, Parys, ፓሪስ, París, باريس, ܦܐܪܝܣ, Париж, Горад Парыж, প্যারিস, ཕ་རི།, Pariz, پاریس, Parighji, Paříž, Парижь, Парис, Παρίσι, Parizo, Pariis, Pariisi, Parîs, Páras, 巴黎, Parĩ, પૅરિસ, Paarys, Palika, פריז, पैरिस, Párizs, Փարիզ, PAR, Parigi, パリ, paris, პარიზი, ប៉ារីស, ಪ್ಯಾರಿಸ್, 파리, Lutetia, Paräis, Paries, Pariggi, Pari, Paryžius, Parīze, Parī, Париз, പാരിസ്, पॅरिस, ပါရီမြို့, Париж ош, Parigge, पेरिस, Parijs, Pariižu, ਪੈਰਿਸ, Paryż, پیرس, 75000, پاريس, Паріж, Paríž, Baariis, பாரிஸ், పారిస్, ปารีส, Pariž, Lungsod ng Paris, پارىژ, Parij, Parixe, פאריז, Parisi, Bahliz

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