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    • Jour 8

      Arrival Port Saint Louis, France

      11 avril 2023, France ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      An 8:00 a.m. delivery had us up and walking from the hotel 3 kms. to the Port in order to meet Sea la Vie as she arrived from Hendaye. The delivery went smoothly and into the water she went...she still floats! Lots to sort out and to put together, including the mast, but Day 1 complete under a sunny sky and le Mistral wind and a few temporary bad tempers!En savoir plus

    • Jour 465

      The End

      19 octobre 2022, France ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      We have had 15 months of ‘livin the dream’ and now we are at the end.
      We have finished our trip in Port Napoleon because we hear that it is a good place to sell a boat.
      Régal is now on the market with an agent here and we have a busy ten days getting her ship shape and ready for sale.
      Port Napoleon is the perfect place to get stuck into jobs as there is nothing else to do here. It is a giant boatyard with lots of warehouses, boat services and a small restaurant with a few hotel rooms. There is a town two kilometres away but it is only worth the walk when we need some shopping. The whole area is infested with mosquitos and they are vicious, biting at any hour of the day and sometimes even through our clothing.
      We are happy to spend most of our time onboard Régal getting through the list of jobs. We winterise the boat and take care of little repairs here and there but the biggest task by far is packing up to move out. We pack 6 big boxes and ship them home and yet we still have piles of stuff. Luckily we are able to give some of it to several nice people around the boatyard who are renovating boats on shoestring budgets.
      When we haul out we move into the on-site accommodation but spend most of our time on Régal. We clean her hull and paint on anti-foul so she is pretty as a picture.
      When we hire a car Colm and I escape the packing and cleaning for a while and go on an overnight trip down memory lane. We travel to Saint Marie de la Mer, a town I worked in for a summer when I was seventeen. We stay in the hotel where I worked which is nicer than I expected. It is so lovely to go back there even though the people I had known are long gone. We have a walk through the Camargue and see the famous flamingos, horses, bulls and also some river rodents called coypu.
      Once we are back to the boatyard we are flat out getting all our stuff off the boat and into our 12 check-in bags! When the car is full to the brim we take a deep breath and have one last walk through Régal.
      She is a beauty and we have loved her.
      We are so grateful to her for keeping us safe and bringing us to so many wonderful places. Thank you Régal for all the happy memories.
      And thank you everyone for following our journey.

      This is Régal crew over and out.
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    • Jour 14

      Salinen und Naturschutzgebiet

      20 mai, France ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Nach einer Nacht mit sehr schlecht schlafenden Baby ließen wir den Morgen langsam angehen. Am späten Vormittag waren wir dann soweit und machten uns mit den Rädern auf die Camarque weiter zu erkunden. Unser erster Halt war der Aussichtspunkt der Salin der Giraud, von wo aus man auf die rosa Schimmernden Salinenbecken und den riesigen Berg aus abgeschöpftem Salz blicken konnte. Leider ließen sich hier noch keine der in der Gegend ansässigen Flamingos blicken. Also ging es weiter in das Naturschutzgebiet Domain de la Palissade wo man entlang verschiedener Wanderwege das Marschland und die Brackwasserseen erkunden kann. Wie liehen uns sogar ein Fernglas aus, da die ganze Region für ihre vielen Vogelarten bekannt ist, mussten jedoch feststellen, dass wir keine Ornithologen werden. Aber wir entdeckten endlich ein paar Flamingos, wenn auch leider zu weit weg um sie gut fotografieren zu können. Auch die weißen Camargue-Pferde konnten wir im Grasland neben den Wegen beobachten, sowie eine Rotte glücklich grunzender Frischlinge.
      Zufrieden mit dem Tag ging es per Rad zurück ans Wohnmobil und wir hoffen auch eine ruhigere Nacht.
      Morgen ist ein Strandtage am Plage de Piémanson, den wir bereits gestern kurz besucht haben und wo wir nicht übernachten konnten, geplant man kann ja schließlich bequem direkt an Strand parken und so den Tag quasi am Strand direkt vorm Wohnmobil verbringen.
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    • Jour 16

      What a difference...

      19 avril 2023, France ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      Waking up Monday morning was a dream as the wind had dropped and it was calm and quiet! No howling, screeching, whistling wind, no whitecaps on the water and the boat was steady and level. We were able to get so much done in one day: both sails on, reconnected the bilge pump, swabbed the deck of salt and grit, rebuilt and installed the windvane and installed the depth sounder/speedometer. This last exercise required us to remove a plug in the bottom of the boat letting the sea 🌊 in 😬 and replacing the plug with the instrument. I expected a geyser to shoot upward soaking and blinding us while the boat filled...but it flowed in gently to sea level and we plugged it without difficulty and only a bit of water to sponge up.
      We've met a lovely 🇬🇧 couple and have shared 2 evenings and a game of Mexican train. They are heading west in their catamaran to the Canal de Midi up to Bordeaux and we are heading East. We'll share 1 more evening tomorrow with them and their guests. We are awaiting 2 deliveries then we'll set off towards Marseille provided Le Mistral wind doesn't blow again!
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    • Jour 12


      15 avril 2023, France ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      Today is our 5th day on the boat and all is proceeding well with only minor hiccups and a few 🤬!
      On day one after the boat went into the water, we got the engine going (tempoarily), the dodger and bimini up, the solar panels in and powering up and the living quarters emptied of sails and organized. The engine overheated which required Bob to don his diesel mechanic hat to repair, to no avail.
      Day 2: The Volvo mechanic came, blew into the in/outtake tubes, added some grease, et voilà, success! 10 minutes and €€! Bob had done the correct repairs, he just didn't know the tricks of the trade in spite of having a lot of hot air!😁🤪
      Bob worked on the mast, putting it together and sorting stays and lines while I was the swabbie, cook and general gofer.
      Day 3: More of the same.
      Day 4: Mast on! Stays attached and tightened so the mast won't fall over 😬 👍.
      Today the boom, and the lines are on but we do not dare to add the sails or we may take flight!
      The weather has been sunny with temp. from 5C at night to 22C but the wind!😯🤯💨💨💨 It blows 22-50 kms! Today we've reached +55 kms! I've told Bob we'll be staying at the dock until the wind slows down. Peut-être un mois???! Fortunately there are no waves although we woke up one morning at 0300 hrs. being tossed and turned. We leapt out of bed to rescue parts topside before they rolled into the sea!
      The 6km (round trip) by 🚲 to the grocery store is a challenge due to the wind but easy returning as the wind carries us home!
      Electricity is at a premium so only items under 500W can be plugged in. I figured out our heater worked after suffering a couple of nights/mornings and a cold 🚽 seat! 🥶 Sadly, the hairblower wattage is too much so I am back to my Medusa-like coiffure and Bob looks like he's been electrocuted!
      Bob the Barista has been re-employed under the threat of mutiny or keel-hauling, depending on the hierarchy of the day!
      We've met some lovely people, U.K., Swiss, Dutch and French. We enjoyed drinks at the yacht club and were questioned whether we were true sailors after stopping at 1 🍺 (to their 5!)
      The boatyard has a huge number (1000) of boats on land here in various states of seaworthiness, including 1 each from Quebec and Halifax! Catamarans seem to be the most common. The town has a harbour full of boats and there is another huge boatyard down the road. The town is typically French: shops close over lunch and on Sundays.
      Experiencing today's terrifying wind, I'm beginning to wonder whether canal cruising and stopping at cafes/pubs is the life for me?!
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    • Jour 259

      Port Saint Louis du Rhone

      8 décembre 2019, France ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Well we have been in our winter marina for just over a week and feel we are getting to know the place quite well. While we have been here though two of the other visiting liveaboard boats have left, we think there is one other boat with full time residents and a few weekenders. The facilities (loos, showers and laundry) are clean dry and wonderfully warm, there is also a common room with TV and DVD that we can use. There is a supermarket nearby that sells John’s preferred GF bread and well stocked chandlery’s so John is mostly happy. He however a bit concerned about the temperatures, one morning this week we were showing only 2.5 degs on the external thermometer and that’s early December he’s not sure he will like January and February very much. Take a Five now looks a little different as we have removed the Missen mast, we aren’t thinking we will put it back as we haven’t used the Missen at all and without it we feel we have so much more deck space. Sadly there is no gym for me to use but I have found a boxercise type class that’s very energetic and hope to start running again soon, niggling Achilles injury just not healing, and am using common room for Pilates/yoga/body balance type workouts. We are planning to cycle to Arles when weather is cooperative for an overnight stay, it is about 35km if the signs are to be believed. And the buses to Martigues allow us to visit a large Bricolage (DIY) store, John is thinking about building a folding table around the Missen tabernacle?
      So far we have had at least two good days for each bad one but this coming week doesn’t look so good forecasted winds with gusts around 45km/hr every day except Wednesday which is good as Wednesday is market day.
      We try to do a longish ride every day and have ridden to the beach every few days and have started a little beach cleaning, just a carrier bag of plastic bottles each visit as well as collecting some of the more interesting finds that I will put on the photos to see if anyone can invent a story to link them together.
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    • Jour 286

      Stray cats

      4 janvier 2020, France ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

      So we have found the local strays they live next to the local cemetery and someone has built them shelters and feeds them. Now we do too! The most we have seen there at any time is 10, most are grey and white, there is one Siamese and some tabby’s. They are all very healthy looking no cat flu which was everywhere in Greece and most look cute, but John says I can’t have any. I have also attached a picture of John holding the homemade lemon cheesecake that I made for New Years Day, it was surprisingly good.
      The final photo is of part of the interior of the bar at Salin de Giraud as promised.
      Our latest scavenging finds well the ones worth mentioning were this McDonalds toy and some stickle bricks who remembers those?
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    • Jour 24

      Flamingos in der Camargue

      27 avril 2023, France ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Die Camargue ist eine riesige Sumpflandschaft, durchzogen von Kanälen und Lagunen, Dünen und Sandbänken.

      Mehr als interessant an der Camargue ist die Tierwelt. Es sollen über 400 verschiedene Vogelarten hier leben. Teilweise kommen sie aus Nordeuropa hier her um zu überwintern. Die Salzseen sind das von Flamingos beherrschte Reich. Sie finden hier ihre Nahrung insbesondere kleine Salzkrebse.En savoir plus

    • Jour 335

      Late afternoon stroll

      22 février 2020, France ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      After a busy day, well not really who am I kidding, we decided to go for a walk upriver along the Rhône but off the main walking/cycling trail. The scenery was lovely but it was missing the spring flowers that you see in Guernsey. All we found were a few daisies and the May blossom, no bulbs of any description. It was still very pretty and peaceful and the sunshine was magnificent. Each day we are managing to do a bit of boat work, at the moment we are redoing the sikaflex seals between the saloon and the decks as they were getting a bit rusty and we really don’t want that spreading and weakening the top side of the decks.
      Well there is now only a week to go till we leave Port Saint Louis. We won’t be starting the canals straight away but soon 🤞. Yesterday and today have been sunny days and with a lot less wind than predicted.
      We have met another Brit he has bought his boat here for the new owners to collect so won’t be here long but a really interesting guy. About my age I think but has been on boats since he left home at 16 and sailed his 25foot yacht to Portugal. He has all the tickets and now captains all sorts of super yachts both as crew and to relocate. He had some great stories to tell of his adventures over the years. He lived in Majorca for a while and worked with Street Angels the charity that helps drunken Brits get safely back to their hotels I think they are based in Magaluf. We also said goodbye to Nicholas our French Normandy friend as we met him on our way back to townafter going to the Chandlers to buy more paint (ours had ‘gone off’) and his plans keep changing so we might not see him again.
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    • Jour 325

      Take Five without masts

      12 février 2020, France ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      Well that’s it the boat is now ready, it is mastless. The de-stepping was quick and painless and DMS are dumping the old missen mast for us. They are now removing the spars and wrapping it all ready for collection and transport to Rouen. No rush we don’t anticipate getting there before June.
      The morning of potentially our final open water sojourn until the English channel was not great. We awoke to find a catamaran sinking alongside the quay where it appeared to have been towed by the local lifeboat crew. We don’t know what happened but it was definitely entertaining and I now know that my aerobic instructor is a fireman. Thankfully after about three hours of pumping three pumps both hills were again afloat and it has been moved to an official mooring for now. The pretty pink picture shows storm Ciara on its way to Guernsey.
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    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhône, Port-Saint-Louis-du-Rhone, Lo Pòrt dArle, Pòrt Sant Loís, 13230, Пор-Сен-Луи-дю-Рон, Пор-Сен-Луї-дю-Рон, 圣卢伊斯-迪龙港


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