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    • Dia 3

      Arc de Triomphe

      2 de agosto, França ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Bevor es heute in Stadion geht in die deutsche Fanzone, haben wir uns noch auf den Weg zum richtigen "Arc de Triomphe" gemacht.
      Um rüber zu kommen, braucht es Mut und Stephan, die Ruhe in Person 😂 Alleine hätte ich mich das nicht getraut.

      Vom Inneren konnte man dann sogar bis zum Olympischen Feuer gucken
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    • Dia 4


      3 de agosto, França ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Auf dem Weg zum Bahnhof Paris Est fuhren wir diesmal eine ganz andere Strecke, und fuhren quasi einmal um Paris rum. Dabei fuhren wir in ganz tollen modernen Zügen und stiegen in einem richtig modernen Bahnhof um.
      Im Bahnhof Paris Est stiegen wir dann in den TGV, und waren dann super pünktlich wieder in Karlsruhe. Das hat alles ganz toll funktioniert, und auch die S-Bahn raus nach Wössingen fuhr dann bald drauf.
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    • Dia 2.084

      Arc de Triomphe

      7 de junho de 2023, França ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Der Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile (dt. Triumphbogen des Sterns) oder kurz Arc de Triomphe ist ein von 1806 bis 1836 errichtetes Denkmal im Zentrum der Place Charles de Gaulle in Paris. Er gehört zu den Wahrzeichen der Metropole. Unter dem Bogen liegt das Grabmal des unbekannten Soldaten aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg mit der täglich gewarteten Ewigen Flamme, im Französischen Flamme du Souvenir (dt. Flamme der Erinnerung) genannt, im Gedenken an die Toten, die nie identifiziert wurden. Das ganze Jahr hindurch finden Kranzniederlegungen und Ehrungen statt, die ihren Höhepunkt in der Parade am 11. November finden, dem Jahrestag des Waffenstillstands zwischen Frankreich und Deutschland im Jahr 1918.Leia mais

    • Dia 2

      La Tour Eiffel

      23 de abril, França ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Heute haben wir uns mehr oder weniger nur dem Eiffelturm gewidmet. Wir fuhren zeitig mit der Metro zum Eiffelturm. Dort suchten wir noch ein paar Büxli, welche wir auch fanden. Es wurde überall versucht kleine billige Ramsch Eiffeltürmchen zu verkaufen. Na, ja wir blieben standhaft oder machten Angebote, auf welche sie sich nicht einlassen konnten oder wollten. 😃 Am Ende kriegten wir trotzdem sieben solche Türmchen für einen Euro. Danach ging es hinauf zum Eiffelturm. Wir liefen zu Fuss hoch und fotografierten den Turm von überall. Und auch die Aussicht genossen wir in vollen Zügen. Es war wärmer oben, unten wehte ein bissiger Wind 💨. Danach ging es zu einem späten Mittagessen. Dem Arc de Triomphe statteten wir auch einen Besuch ab. Und dann ging es noch zum modernen und neuen Paris, zu La Défense. Später am Abend tuckerten wir gemütlich mit der Metro zurück zum Hotel. 🏨Leia mais

    • Dia 2

      Grande Arche

      7 de junho de 2023, França ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Die Grande Arche (deutsch „großer Bogen“) ist ein modernes Bauwerk in Gestalt eines Triumphbogens, dessen Form an die dreidimensionale Projektion eines Tesserakts erinnert. Es steht im Hochhausviertel La Défense in der Stadt Puteaux, westlich von Paris. Dieser neue Triumphbogen trägt offiziell den Namen La Grande Arche de la Fraternité, wird in Paris häufig aber auch L’Arche de La Défense oder einfach La Grande Arche genannt.
      Bild 10:
      César Baldaccini, genannt César, (* 1. Januar 1921 in Marseille; † 6. Dezember 1998 in Paris) war ein international bedeutender französischer Bildhauer des Nouveau Réalisme. Während er unter seinem Nachnamen so gut wie nicht beziehungsweise nur Eingeweihten bekannt ist, ist er als „César“ weltberühmt. Er hat auch den César, die Trophäe des französischen Filmpreises, geschaffen.
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    • Dia 7

      La Defense

      25 de julho, França ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      On Thursday morning, Jeff began his official duties. His first order of duty was to get his accreditation and his competition kit. While he was doing those tasks, I ventured out for my initial explorations. I have been to Paris several times before in the 1990s, so for this trip, I utilized Atlas Obscura as my guide for finding weird and wonderful things in the city.

      To get to the city, I first had to return to La Defense, which is a ten minute walk from the hotel. At La Defense, I marveled at the modernist architecture, including the iconic Grande Arche, and the expansive public space. While exploring the area, I thought of the video for a 1997 song called Stay by German DJ Sash! which was filmed at this site. Here is the clip:

      La Defense also features one Atlas Obscura site: a sculpture of a giant thumb.…

      We visited La Defense many times on this trip because we had to walk there and back to get to and from the Metro. On one occasion, we mixed things up a little by exiting the Metro one stop earlier. At that earlier stop, we found a giant chair next to a pool. We also took an alternative route back to the hotel, and we came across some unoccupied buildings and an artificial waterfall.
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    • Dia 15

      An Unexpected Early Au Revoir

      2 de agosto, França ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Our original plan was for me to stay in Paris until August 4th. That plan, however, came to an abrupt halt when our friend who was house sitting for us sent us a number of frantic messages while we were eating breakfast to tell us that three of our indoor cats had exploited a weakness in the fencing of their outdoor patio play area and found their way out of the house. Jeff and I initially decided not to cut short my stay, but, after Jeff left for the pool, I decided to return home on the next available flight because the cats would be more likely to come back into the house if I were around, and it wasn't fair to our friend to shoulder the burden of trying to get them back into the house. I also thought Jeff would be in a better position to focus on his judging if I were home to take charge.

      I found a same day flight that would only cost $471 more, and I decided to take that flight. I notified Jeff, packed up, and called an Uber to take me to Charles de Gaulle Airport. Along the way, I passed the diving stadium where Jeff was at.

      Jeff is in Paris until August 11th. I cannot even begin to describe how proud I am of him that he has persevered through some difficult circumstances to fulfill his dream of judging the Olympics. This has been a very special trip and one we won't easily forget. The fact that we got to celebrate Jeff's birthday and our anniversary on this trip made it even more special.
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    • Dia 11

      Yun der Weltenbummler

      17 de junho de 2018, França ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Am Abend haben wir einen Süd Koreaner Namens Yun kennengelernt. Nur mit seinen Moto reist er um die Welt. Mut um Träume zu erfüllen muss man haben. Ein interesanter und liebevoller Mensch. Gute Reise

    • Dia 138

      Paris and home!

      15 de junho de 2018, França ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      The first thing we did in Paris was ride along the Seine on our loaded bikes past almost every great monument.  It was a great way to enter the city.  When we stopped to see Notre Dame Cathedral, (which was amazing and surrounded by throngs of people) we were approached by a woman from Vancouver about to depart on a bike tour with her family and I just happened to ask if she knew someone, and sure enough we both know Marnie and Denise in Vancouver.  It was great to share stories and tips, and it felt as if we were passing the torch. 

      Paris is like a museum. I'm sure the inside of the museums are fabulous, but the outsides, and all the monuments, squares, and old apartment buildings are just as interesting.  Although Paris has 20 times the population density of New York (and that doesn't include the tourists) they have enormous squares like football fields and lots of green space.  We did a day trip on the train to Disneyland and had some good rollercoaster rides, but it did not live up to all the hype, far from it.  We perhaps saw another side of Paris.  We camped in Bois de Bologne, an expansive park only  20 min bike ride from the Eiffle Tower, shopped at the grocery store in the neighborhood across the Seine and rode our bikes all over Paris just looking at everything.   On our trip to find the Catacombs (old limestone quarries now under the streets where 6 million parisian bodies were deposited in the 1800s in order to clean up the cities overcrowded cemeteries)  we came upon a community market that they hold only twice a year and it was 10 blocks long, full of antiques and junk and music and all sorts of people.  Caleb and I loved it, and it drove Marty crazy!  We did not actually go into the Catacombs as the lineup was hours long.  Like I said, the sights of Paris are overcrowded with tourists, and the lineups frightened us away from most places.  We did perservere with the Eiffle Tower, giving up one evening, but returning the next morning. We walked up the stairs to the second level and then went right to the top on the elevator and it was spectacular!  It is 1000 feet tall, and was the tallest building at the time (around 1889).  Mr Eiffle built it for the Paris Expo, and he not only designed it but his factory built it, and he financed it!

      Biking in Paris is quite normal.  Men ride in their fine suits with ties flying behind them, and women in their skirts and heels fly long in the bike lanes (shared with the buses), or on the bike paths. We figured out how to bike everywhere, and to navigate the traffic circles, only resorting to the cross walks on some of the bigger ones, like Arc d'Triumph (I would love to see the last part of the Tour de France when all the bikers come towards the arch with the crowds roaring).  We ate croissants every morning, watched several of the World Cup games, and were excited to be going home. 

      Our last adventure was going to the airport where the cab that we had specially ordered was too small, and so Marty went to the airport with the first cab and our bikes and gear, and the kids and I waited for a second cab.  It was morning rush hour, and there were none available, so we took the shuttle bus, and transfered to the airport bus. After 45 minutes on the bus I was concerned, and checked for the location of CDG airport and couldn't find the "I am here" dot.  Because we were on the wrong bus going to a different airport.  We raced back in a Taxi to the correct airport, but had missed the flight cut off. Marty had been waiting by himself, with no contact, for 3 hours thinking the worst.  Oh dear...  another flight 2 hours later.

      So now we are Ontario bound, for a family visit, then Vancouver and driving home.  It has been quite the journey.  Jorja, loving being with her family, Caleb learning to live within it.  We loved the biking, the old stuff, some of us loved the languages, but it was a long time to be away. We have missed family and friends and our projects and look forward to rejoining our communities and moving forward. 
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    • Dia 65

      Eiswürfelfüße und strömender Regen

      2 de dezembro de 2022, França ⋅ 🌧 3 °C

      Ein grauer, eiskalter Tag mit strömendem Regen in Paris, sowie Eiswürfelfüße und -Händen nach unserer Fahrradtour durch den wunderbaren Park in Paris. Danach gab es zur Belohnung Kartoffelpüree mit Würstchen zum Aufwärmen für alle und am Abend noch einen Spaziergang im Regen mit Dancing Eiffelturm und Feuerwerk und Pommes im Weißen Riesen.Leia mais

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