Quartier Saint-Victor

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    • Dzień 89

      Gourmets und Genüsse ;-)

      19 września 2019, Francja ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      ...nach dem vergangenen Tag, wo uns auch die Vergänglichkeit nochmals bewusst wurde, sind wir nun mitten im Pariser Flair auf dem Wasser der Seine unterwegs und verwöhnen unsere Geschmacksnerven ☺️

      Die Bootsfahrt im schwimmenden Restaurants 🥰 eine Überraschung von Nicky ❤️
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    • Dzień 7

      Paris in the sunshine

      10 maja, Francja ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Got up super early, to shower, pack and make sure I left the flat clean. I looked a bit like a donkey, with all my bags - one tote on each shoulder (plus my cross-body handbag) and then the VERY full backpack holding them on. Waled to the train station and got there in time. No problem with the train, and I love how they tell you where to stand (happens a bit now with UK trains, too) for your carriage.

      I had a window non-table seat, which was so much easier than the route up. I could get easy access to everything I needed and wasn't cramped and the TGV fold down tables are massive, so I was able to set up my laptop and connect to the WiFi and get a chunk of work done. And I finished and sent something out before the battery ran out. Then sat and enjoyed watching the views out the window and reading my book a bit.

      Easily found the hotel (a different Ibis, this time, by the Gare de Lyon). And did a few bits of work then went and wandered. I walked down to the Seine and then walked along a lovely bit where there lots of plants and statues in little bits by the river where people were dancing (there was one bit where were dancing salsa and another where people were dancing go 1950s music, I think.

      Did some more wandering. Took photos of lots of doors. Sat and had a beer and read my book and a bit later I stopped for a meal - goats cheese salad and fries, which was quite nice. And then wandered slowly back to the hotel. There's a whole bunch of interesting little galleries and funky shops under some what look like railway arches and I noticed trees and plants above, and it turns out to be a green walkway, so I'm hoping to have a little walk up there tomorrow before my train.

      Ans so... almost home. This time tomorrow I will be.
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    • Dzień 3

      Place du Mange

      16 września 2022, Francja ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      After leaving Pére La Chaise, we headed across the Seine to make our way to where we had booked lunch (more on lunch to follow in a separate entry).

      What I love about Paris is all the little markets that service the various suburbs within this glorious city. We wandered around one today in the Place Mange area, full of the locals shopping for supplies for today’s meals. They are so vibrant and colourful and have such wonderful aromas. A wish of mine is to spend 3 to 6 months in such a place within Paris and experience this type of living first hand. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 29

      Jardin des plantes

      11 października 2023, Francja ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      ... and at the end of this walk I stumbled upon the Jardin des Plantes with even more nice places to enjoy this last evening of warmth and sun.
      It features also a statue of a man fighting a bear. I'm team bear here since I don't particulary like hunters in general and this guy in particular. Why is that pervert naked? Is bear killing some sort of fetish to him? I really think that bear did indeed a service to society. Clearly the hero in that story. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 1


      1 kwietnia 2023, Francja ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C


      Ich dachte mir für diese Reise eine Art «Trek by Track» zu machen – das reimte sich meine Birne heute den Tag durch zusammen. Eigentlich kommt es von «Track by Track», also wo Künstler etwas zu ihren Liedern und deren Bedeutung erzählen. Nun erzähle ich von meiner Musik, von Stücken und Passagen die mir viel bedeuten und mich auf meinem Abenteuer begleiten. Musik bedeutet für mich viel, wirklich sehr viel. Deshalb kommt im Übrigen auch meine Reisegitarre mit – und ja die muss wohl oder übel auf den Ben Nevis (mein ultimatives Ziel) hochgetragen werden. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 52

      Paris, Nous t' Aimerons Pour Toujours

      11 października 2017, Francja ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Someone once coined the famous saying that "all good things must come to an end". While I do not agree with the saying itself, it is nevertheless true that our 2017 European Adventures are now rapidly drawing to a close. Within 4 days we will begin the long journey back to our parallel universe in Australia.

      Although the trip is coming to an end, the memories will last for a lifetime. I recently read the results of a research investigation into the sorts of things that bring lasting happiness. The results were very interesting. They showed that, while the "happiness" that comes from the acquisition of material things (fancy houses, cars, clothes and money) is very fleeting, the happiness that comes from travel lasts for many years. Even more surprising is the finding that the pleasure from travel actually increases, rather than decreases, with the passage of time. Over the past years I have certainly found this to be the case.

      Yesterday we sadly bade a final farewell to Auray and caught the SNCF train to Paris Montparnasse. The train was "slow" until it reached Rennes (only between 150 - 180 kph), but then we joined the brand new Grand Vitesse (High Speed) line to Paris. For the next hour the train seldom dropped below 290 kph and was express all the way from Rennes to Paris. The total distance from Rennes to Paris was covered in less than an hour. Why oh why can't we build trains like that in Australia ?

      After leaving Montparnasse Station we caught a taxi to take us to our hotel in the region of the Sorbonne and the Pantheon. The driver started chatting in very good English and told us that he had lived in Paris for the past 29 years, but would soon be going home to Portugal to work in his brother's restaurant in Porto. He was obviously very excited to be going home and more excited when I told him that I would be bringing a team of bike riders to ride in his country next year.

      When I made the booking at The Hotel St Jacques I had requested that we have a "quiet, non smoking room with a nice outlook". They must have taken this request quite literally. When we arrived at the hotel we were informed that our room was on the 6th floor. We would have to take the tiny elevator to the 5th floor and then navigate a narrow, spiral staircase into the roof space. It only took a few return trips in the lift to get us and our luggage to advanced base camp on the 5th floor and then I set about manhandling our bags up the staircase. About halfway up I almost dislocated my shoulder when I bashed it straight into the sloping roof.

      By the time we reached le chambre trente, it made for an interesting discovery. Although the room was small (although larger than many other rooms we have stayed in in Paris) it did have a panoramic view over the surroundings. And what was that in the distance ??? It was the distinctive shape of Sacre Coeur Cathedral standing proudly on the Butte Montmartre. That almost made the climb worthwhile.

      In the middle of the night I awoke and decided to stand on the balcony and see what was happening so many floors below. Although it was the wee small hours of the morning, there were quite a few people wandering about the streets. Some of the shops were still open. People were happily chatting and a few motor scooters were zooming their owners home. In the apartments opposite some of the lights were still on. As I have said many times before, Paris is NEVER boring (not even in the middle of the night).

      Now that the ride is over I thought it might be time for a few rough statistics:
      Total Number of Riders - 22
      Number of Riders doing all 4 sections - 7
      Total number of km ridden - well over 20,000 km
      Places visited - Germany, Switzerland, France, Jersey, Guernsey and Sark
      Number of different bikes used (in 4 sections) - 5
      Type of Bikes - All were European Touring Bikes (quite heavy but well adapted for this type of riding), In sections 2 and 3 we had very good Specialised Brand bikes, many equipped with solid puncture proof tyres. In the Channel Islands the bikes were basically rubbish bikes that had not been serviced for decades (but this contributed much to the laughter)
      Number of Injuries - 3 minor crashes, 2 falls into stinging nettles and one heart attack (and that was a first)
      Number of different hotels stayed in - 27
      Number of baguettes eaten - impossible to determine
      Favourite cake - tarte citron avec meringue
      Favourite place - St Malo
      Favourite region of France - Brittany
      Overall enjoyment rating - Excellent

      Our next French ride is planned for 2019 and already I can't wait to start all over again.
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    • Dzień 6

      Dîner sur la Seine

      13 września 2018, Francja ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Mardi soir nous sommes allez voir la Tour Eiffel scintiller, c’était très beau. Mercredi matin visite de la rue Mouffetard ou l’on retrouve plein d’étalagistes (fromage, fruit,pâtisserie) et plein de mouches. Puis visite du cimetière du Père Lachaise, on a vue plein de pierres tombales de gens connus et un mausolée au nom de Vallé. Puis visite des galléries Lafayette, la seule chose que l’on a pu se permettre c’est une photo de moi avec en arrière plan la Tour Eiffel. Puis dîner au pied de l’Arc de Triomphe. Retour à l’appartement pour se préparer à notre souper, on doit être au bateau pour 19:45. Départ à 19:00 pour être en avance.. On prend le RER moi je dis côté A et Daniel B, je ne suis pas obstineuse on prend B et ce n’est pas le bon côté. On change de direction mais notre avance vient de foutre le camp. On arrive à la station Tour Eiffel à 19:55 Daniel fait un appel pour les aviser mais on répond qu’ils ne peuvent rien faire, alors c’est la course jusqu’au bateau habillé de nos plus beaux atours. On arrive au bateau à 20:10 . On apprend que le départ est pour 20:30. Daniel est en nage et a très mal au genou . Une fois embarquée on oubli tout et profite du moment. Au retour le RER est fermé, pas question de marcher c’est soit le métro ou un taxi, ce sera le métro. Une fois arrivée à l’appartement c’est friction du genou et thylénol arthritique pour les deux. Avec une moyenne de 15 km de marche par jour il faut diminuer la cadence on ne se pratique pas pour Compostel. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 4

      Troisieme journée

      11 września 2018, Francja ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Hier visite d’église (Notre Dame et la Sainte Chapelle ) jardins des plantes et du Luxembourg et 12,6 km soit 17 126 pas. Aujourd’hui Versailles et ses somptueux jardins. Au début le terrain de Versailles totalisait 8 000 hectares, aujourd’hui 600 et l’érablière 6,4 et on trouve ça très grand lors de la saison des sucres.

      Versailles est très beau et en démesure. Je comprend pourquoi le peuple s’est révolté. Journée chaude sans nuage ( Murielle commençait à souffrir un peu ). Près de 25000 visiteurs ça fait du monde à messe.
      Aussi je résume la journée de lundi:
      . Levée 11h ( on s’est couché vers 19h la veille = 15 heures de dodo)
      . Visite de tout ce que Murielle décrit plus haut.
      . Souper indien à l’appart ( l’ascenseur toujours hors fonction ) Murielle m’a surpris avec son choix de mets, par contre il en reste pour un autre diner, le vin a été plus populaire.
      . Nuit normale pour moi mais moins acceptable pour Murielle.

      Demain, je vous reviens avec notre kilométrage de la journée, elle n’est pas fini ( pauvres chaussures ).

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    • Dzień 4

      No title

      11 września 2018, Francja ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Bonjour à tous

      Hé oui le grand jour est enfin arrivé. J’ai jamais vu autant de monde à Dorval, mais c’est pas grave on part. Sitôt passé les douanes, Daniel prend 2 tylénol nuit car il veut dormir dans l’avion. Hélas je perd connaissance alors il s’occupe de moi et les dodos viennent de s’envoler. Arrivée à Paris on fait comme les parisiens on prend le RER avec nos valises qui pèsent une tonne. On arrive à l’appartement trop tôt on prend une petite collation et on essai de faire passer le temps avec un petit verre de vino. Il est trois heure on récupère nos clés l’appartement se trouve au 4ieme et l’ascenseur est en panne,là elles sont très lourde les valises car il faut monter un escalier en colimaçon et on doit monter 4 étages car le rez-de-chaussée est l’étage zéro. Je suis sure que ce soir on n’aura pas besoin de berceuse. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 11

      National Museum of Natural History Paris

      12 listopada 2017, Francja ⋅ 🌧 8 °C

      We're moving out! I've contacted our booking company and they have frozen the landlords account. He's agreed to let us leave 4 days early without a fee. This morning we managed to find a cute little hotel, with 10 rooms, overlooking the Seine River. We move in tomorrow!

      Today was a big day! We walked over to the Jardin Des Plantes and the National Museum of Natural History. It's another cold, rainy day! They say it's unusually cold...we have amazing luck with odd weather...haha. This place is fantastic! It is mostly taxidermy displays on multiple levels with the ceiling full of lights and a storm simulation that plays every so often. It's amazing! There is also a Children's Museum with so many interactive and fun displays. We had a wonderful time exploring the museum inside and out!

      We ran into a rain storm as we were was SO cold! We weaved through the streets of Paris, coming across some very neat areas...unfortunately, the weather didn't want us exploring too much outside today. We walked over to the Pantheon. The history here is incredible. It was neat to see the Foucault Pendulum and the girls really enjoyed exploring the tunnels (mausoleum) where many are laid to rest....including the very famous Marie Curie.

      The rain let up a bit as we were leaving the Pantheon, allowing for a pretty spectacular view of the Eiffel Tower in the distance. We were water logged and exhausted, so we made our way back to the apartment to pack up....and have our wine of course...once the kids were sleeping! We need to buy screw top wine and drink straight from the bottles as our apartment doesn't even have a corkscrew or wine glasses....go wine glasses??? It's much cheaper than buying soda...which only comes in a couple options....basically Orange or Peach Iced Tea...ugh. Even at the grocery stores, the options are limited! Good night!
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