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    • Dag 32

      Day 29 - Chalons en Champagne to La Chau

      19. maj 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      A nice variety in the walk today. Some riverside walking, along La Marne, cultivated fields and some canal walking (back on the Canal Lateral a la Marne). The hotel I'm staying at tonight is right on Le Fion River, I can see it from my window. I went on a Vivid style of river cruise last night in Chalons called Barque Métamorph’eau’ses it was really lovely. Classic ending though; rather than return to where we started; it finished in a park with no lighting at 11 pm at night! Thankfully, I had undertaken the audio guide tour of the city and knew exactly where I was. Note the lone rubbish bin in the middle of nowhere. P.S. I met, together, a Spanish man, walking the Saint-Jacques Compostelle, and a French man walking the VF - the two paths coincide for quite a bit.Læs mere

    • Dag 10


      20. september 2022, Frankrig ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Parked up last night and tonight In the town of Chalons En Champagne. Slap bang in the middle of Champers country. Today - 15 minute bike ride into town and then onto the train with the bikes for a 40 minute trip to Reims. How cool are the French trains round about here - bike racks in every car . Reims is another good stop in our travels and the Tattinger story was well worth it . 4 Kms of caves, (originally hacked out by the Romans) where we were, holding 2 million bottles. A further 10 kms of caves belonging to Tattinger hold another 20 million- fascinating. And then into town for a beer before heading back to Leo. All in all a great day
      On the road again tomorrow.
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    • Dag 21

      Camping Chalons de Champagne

      7. oktober 2023, Frankrig

      Für euses letzte Weekend womer underwegs sind hemer chli en längere erholigs Ort / Camping gsuecht womer chli sii chönd und das geniale Herbstwetter uf eus wirke lönd … natürlich seid de Ort scho alles mit was mir eus etspanne düend … „Champagner dit salut a tout le mond… bon weekend…Læs mere

    • Dag 15

      Champagne, Champagne

      17. maj 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Today we went to a wineyard we visit two years ago, it was over 700km one way so we only visit this place today but it was a lovely trip. The champagne It's not so cheap but very, very nice. Then we went back to the campsite and eat a prawn/ crabstick sallad with a prawn sauce with dill and red union and roasted garlicbread. And ofcourse champagne, ( from Lidl). We will stay for one extra night so we'll leave at friday.Læs mere

    • Dag 14

      Chalons en Champagne

      16. maj 2023, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Today we went to Chalons en Champagne to camping in the city for two days so we have enough time to visit a lot of wine yards and decide where we shall by the champagne, it's always funny. We found a sunny place to stay on so we sat out the hole afternoon, took a glass of wine and eat a lovley dinner with chees stuffed pork cutlet, baked potatos with union and chees, parsnip and red union, very nice. Tomorrow is a new day!Læs mere

    • Dag 2

      Frankreich vs. Deutschland

      15. juni 2021, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Nach dem Frühstück noch 7 Fässer Bier eingekauft und los ging es Richtung Frankreich. Unser Ziel war eigentlich Sully-sur-Loire, aber nach ca. der halben Strecke war es schon genug und außerdem wollten wir irgendwo mit Franzosen das Fußballspiel sehen. Wir sind also von der Autobahn abgefahren, auch in der Hoffnung im Ort Chalon en Champagne was schönes zu sehen bzw. zu erkunden.
      Der Ort ist allerdings eng und nicht besonders einladend. Deshalb haben wir uns den Campingplatz angesehen und beschlossen dort zu bleiben. Erstens konnten wir so noch etwas in der Sonne chillen und es sollten in der Bar auch die Fußballspiele gezeigt werden.
      Das mit dem chillen hat schonmal geklappt und im Hintergrund hört man das Spiel Ungarn : Portugal.
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    • Dag 8

      Campingplatz 5 - Chalons-en-Champagne

      26. juni 2021, Frankrig ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Mit ach und Krach sind wir in Chalons-en-Champagne auf dem Campingplatz angekommen.
      Wieso sag ich das genau so? Weil Emily kurz vor dem Ziel echt schlecht gelaunt war und nur geschrieen hat, Jonny hat unterstützend dazu piepen müssen (is ja klar gell...) und die Restreichweite ist 20km vor dem Ziel von 70km auf 0km gesprungen.
      Naja wir haben es geschafft und auf den Schock hin haben wir uns erst mal ein Baguette über den Brötchenservice fürs Frühstück vorbestellt 😅

      Damit die Party aber grad noch weiter geht, haben Jonny und ich bei unsere Camping-Ankomm-Gassirunde (machen wir auf Empfehlung der Hundetrainerin auf jedem Campingplatz) jemand tolles wieder getroffen.... man muss vielleicht dazu sagen, gestern in Verdun, sind wir am Ende unserer Camping-Ankomm-Gassirunde einem Depp von Mensch samt Hund begegnet! Hab ich mich aufgeregt!!! Aus dem nichts ist einer von 2 seiner Hunde aus der Campsite rausgerannt (war natürlich nicht angeleint 🙄... was ich echt hasse!) und hat Jonny direkt angegriffen. So doll das er vor Schmerzen geschrien hat und sich hinterher nicht mal mehr anfassen bzw. Hoch heben lassen wollte.
      Der Depp von Mensch hat passender weise natürlich kein Deutsch oder Englisch gesprochen und Hundisch scheinbar eh nicht, sein Hund hat ja kein Stück reagiert.
      Echt super!

      So und wenn haben wir wohl bei unserer Camping-Ankomm-Gassirunde getroffen? Genau „Arie“ so heisst der Hund, der mal wieder ohne Vorwarnung mit Vollgas aus dem Camper raus gerannt kam und wieder auf Jonny los wollte. Dies mal konnt ich aber schneller reagieren und Arie hat daraufhin ganz schnell kehrt gemacht und sein Herrchen hab ich erst mal noch gehörig beschimpft... hoffentlich treffen wir den so schnell nicht mehr!

      Der restliche Abend die Nacht waren auch eher mittelprächtig, der kleine Zwerg hier ist definitiv erkältet und ihre Zähne drücken wohl richtig richtig bös. Gefühlt hat Sie den ganzen Campingplatz zusammen geschrieen... alle möglichen Globulis, Salben, Gels und zu letzt auch ein Zahngel mit Betäubung später hat sie ganz unruhig geschlafen, aber immer hin etwas geschlafen 🙈
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    • Dag 51


      1. juli 2019, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

      Right now I'm on the outskirts of Chalons en Champagne which was a convenient stop on the way north. Tomorrow will be Saint Omer.
      What a difference today's ride was. I came out of the heat wave which is affecting most of Southern Europe and the temperature dropped by 15c over yesterday so for the first time in weeks I arrived at the end of my day not needing to jump in a shower or a pool or a river to cool down.
      I told the sat nav to avoid the toll roads as I'm not in a hurry and it brought me via long straight empty roads through forests and little villages so I'm going to do the same tomorrow which will be 5 hours riding.
      I'm a couple of miles out of town in one of those budget hotels business men use conveniently near the main road. It's surrounded by discount stores and there is a gypsy camp across the road. They have very nice and very clean caravans and I notice they are connecting into the street lamp supply for electric and down a man hole for water.
      I went for a walk to find a restaurant and decided on the one which had an acronym for a name which I presume means King French Cuisine. I chose chicken.
      As I was riding today I thought about the differences I've experienced in the adventure. The lowest temperature was at home on the first day when the screen of the bike froze as I took it out the garage next coldest was in Montenegro in the mountains when I started the day at 5c. The highest I've seen was 42c in Sardinia. I rode on a road which had snow 3 metres high each side in Austria and I had so much rain coming down the Balkan coast I abandoned my plan to go to Greece and caught a boat to Italy from Albania.
      I described today's accommodation. I've also stayed in four star hotels, three and two star. This is a two star. I've used Airbnb staying at people's houses. I stayed at a family house who invited me in when my hostel was closed. I've used four or five hostels and enjoyed them all. I slept in a chair on a ferry and in the restaurant of another ferry. I slept on Andrews settee for two nights.
      So it'll be nice to get back to a familiar bed and not have to pack and move on in the morning and not spend the evening planning the next days ride and finding somewhere to stay.
      I'm taking a night off from sight seeing as I'm out of town. Saint Omer will be nice, I remember it from staying there when Mandy and I traveled in the MG.
      Not brilliant photos today. I took one to try to show the straight and empty road. Just as I took it a car appeared on the horizon. I took another in a bar I stopped at for a coffee at lunch time. It had a 1930s BSA on a plinth in the restaurant area. It belongs to a friend of the bar owner. I also took a photo of the view from last night's hotel in Dijon just as the sun set over the railway station.
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    • Dag 489

      Vitry to Chalons en Champagne

      25. juli 2020, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      We like the new Canal called Canal Lateral a la Marne it is only 64km long with 15 locks. Things started well the canal was wide and deeper than the previous one the locks are all operated by twisting rods before the lock. Things started well three quick locks but then we went into the next and nothing happened the gates didn’t close, no lights, alarm didn’t seem to work either and phone engaged. Umm found a second number to call and were informed someone would be there, an hour later and we were out!
      We got to Chalon en champagne early afternoon checked in and walked around the town lots of history, churches, wooden buildings, canals etc, nice place. The mooring is in a pretty location next to a lake, lots of people promenading. We visited the market this morning, they were giving free Covid tests if you had I’d and address to send results. The market was smaller than expected but lots of fresh produce we bought nectarines and strawberries.
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    • Dag 17

      Last Night on our France Tour 🥲🥲

      18. august 2021, Frankrig ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Tonight we stay in Chalons-en-Champage - called Venice of France. A small historic Village inbetween the Champagne Area. Tmw we do a Champagne Tour

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