Vallée de Puaue

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    • Tag 2

      End of travel + Day 1

      7. November 2022 in Französisch-Polynesien ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

      We made it!
      I’ll be honest when I say this day was exhausting. It’s easy to think of a honeymoon to be very romantic and relaxing, but the effort and energy that goes into actually getting to the destination is often forgotten. I’ll try and make it short.
      Departed our flight to Tahiti (Papeete specifically) at 9:50pm and landed at 4:00am. We were lucky enough to get the middle seat open during that flight! We got through customs by 5:30am and took a bus to the ferry “terminal”. We boarded and left for Moorea on the ferry at 5:55am. We don’t arrive at Moorea until 6:45am. From there we took another bus (thank god it was only a 5 minute ride) to our resort. We arrived around 7am. Where it got rough was we were not given our room until 2pm…. Matt and I were running on snacks and probably 3 hours of sleep. Tears were almost shed at times thinking how exhausted and gross we felt. Matt, unfortunately has come down with some cold as well and is trying to sleep it off. So we finally get our room at 2pm, shower, and now Matt’s asleep till dinner. I, of course being Kristi Hibbs’ daughter, cannot relax and I’ve completely unpacked my suitcase, organized the bungalow for the week, and now writing this with a glass of wine in hand.
      In better news, the weather is AMAZING!!!! We just missed a huge storm that hit Moorea for the last three days and it’s expected to stay nice and sunny until Friday.
      Hopeful things will only go up from here!

    • Tag 3

      End of day 1 + day 2

      8. November 2022 in Französisch-Polynesien ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

      Welp! Funny looking back at ending my last post saying “hopeful things will go up from here!” Because they most definitely did not.
      Matt ended up running a fever and passed out multiple times between the time of 5:30pm and 10pm. Long story short, since I’ll save sharing the gross details that happened in the bathroom, we ended up having to call the resort to call an ambulance and take us to the hospital. Matt got an IV and was required to stay the night there, but I could not. I call a taxi back to the resort and got back by 1:30am. At this point it’s been a 24 hour day… a pretty shocking start to the honeymoon.

      Matt arrives back at the resort at 7am this morning and is feeling better but not great. His fever is gone and is just battling a cold. We were supposed to golf today but moved it to tomorrow and cancelled our snorkeling tour since we weren’t sure if Matt would be able to handle 4 hours of snorkeling. Instead of golfing today we rented snorkeling gear and just swam around our resort. Saw some great fish and beautiful coral.

      Definitely trying to make the most of the trip but just so happy that Matt is feeling a little better and back at the resort.

    • Tag 6

      Last day

      11. November 2022 in Französisch-Polynesien ⋅ ☁️ 79 °F

      I can’t believe it’s already the last day!

      Today was very relaxed, which was nice! Woke up, had breakfast, took a nap, went snorkeling, “vegged out” on our phones, and then got ready for a nice dinner! We splurged and made a reservation for the 5 course meal for our last day. It was very yummy! We both agree that Matt’s beef tenderloin was our favorite dish. I got their Mahi dish which was also very good.

      The rest of the night is filled with more Netflix and relaxation. Tomorrow will be dedicated to packing and traveling home!

      Cheers to a honeymoon! It was such a blast even with the multiple bumps in the road. What’s marriage without a couple of hurdles to get over anyways!

      Looking back, I do have to give a quick shoutout to Steve Hibbs for helping me calm down and get through the first day of the honeymoon with matt getting sick. Having to call an ambulance and getting to a hospital in a foreign country, let alone on almost zero hours of sleep, is a great way to panic! Dad helped me walk through the steps that would need to be taken if certain things arrive. Appreciate any and all help!

    • Tag 4

      Our first “normal day”

      9. November 2022 in Französisch-Polynesien ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

      It finally feels like the honeymoon has started!

      We ended up going to bed Tuesday night before 9pm and woke up at 6am since we were both exhausted from the days before. Matt woke up feeling much better, just still fighting a little cold. We took it slow in the morning and then rented bikes to the golf course that was about 2 miles away! It was great seeing Matt back to his normal self and the golf was so much fun! Matt ended up 3 over for the round (with the exception of a couple breakfast balls) and I got a birdie! Afterwards we found a burger joint, but ended up sharing a HUGE ceaser salad and a side of fries.

      Matt decided to continue his bike ride to a local grocery store while I went back to the room and snorkeled around the resort. Once matt got back, he decided to take a nap while I caught up on reading.

      Later that night, we went to happy hour and got some very yummy appetizers to split for dinner. We walked around the resort and ran across an event happening which was some sort of local tribal dance. It was so fun to see! We went back to the room and ended the night watching some Netflix!

      The cat that I keep posting pictures of comes join everyone at breakfast and we’ve named him Franc. 🙂

    • Tag 5

      Day 4

      10. November 2022 in Französisch-Polynesien ⋅ ⛅ 79 °F

      We’re back on track!

      Today was another slow morning that started out with some mimosas on the deck. We decided we want to get out of the resort again and just started walking. We actually ran into a beautiful view point! We stayed there for a bit and then decided to walk back and explore other beaches near the resort. Matt ended up finding a coconut and set his mind to getting it open, which about 20 minutes later, he succeeded! Walked back to the bungalow and had to taste it. Matt liked it but not my cup of tea.

      We got lunch delivered from a local Banh Mi Restaurant and it was MASSIVE! So yummy but so much fun! We relaxed at home for awhile before deciding we wanted to check out the pineapple juice factory/distillery. Got a taxi and walked around the factory and tried some of their rum!

      Got back home and went to our happy hour again and ordered some room service for dinner! Back at the room and currently watching Netflix! A great day!

    • Tag 35

      Bora Bora u. Moorea 2

      13. April in Französisch-Polynesien ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Ein letztes Mal genießen und dann Abschied nehmen. Es steckt schon viel wahres dahinter wenn Leute behaupten hier ihr persönliches Paradies gesehen zu haben. Wobei für mich Moorea an erster Stelle steht. Es ist aber nicht nur die atemberaubende Landschaft die sich hier darstellt. Es ist auch die Stille und die Lebensweise der Menschen. Das Wort Stress kennt hier keiner. Von morgens bis mittags Kokosnüsse pflücken. Ab Mittag Fische fangen und schon ist der Tag um. Alles schön langsam 😉🤣. Stress was ist das?
      Heute Abend geht es nach Hawaii. Die Fahrt dauert 4 Tage. Danach gibt es dann 9 Tage lang Inselvergnügen.

    • Tag 48

      Week-end a moz

      20. Februar in Französisch-Polynesien ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Encore moz ,

      Ici c’est vraiment la petit île où l’on part s’évader à 30 minute en bateau de Tahiti

      Nous avons ramassé des ananas en plein nature ( on avait pas trop le droit mais chute)

      Beaucoup d’ananas sont produit ici
      J’ai enfin acheté ma première vrai perle 😍

    • Tag 14

      Moo'rea in relax

      15. Oktober 2022 in Französisch-Polynesien ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Oggi giornata di relax a Moo'rea, tempo splendido, ci siamo rilassati in spiaggia e fatto anche snorkeling, dato che già dalla spiaggia si possono ammirare tantissimi pesci. Al pomeriggio abbiamo tentato il SUP, ma eravamo veramente scarsi, colpa forse anche della forte corrente. Abbiamo anche fatto una passeggiata al tramonto in un percorso consigliato dall'hotel, ma non era niente di che. Alla sera cena a buffet con specialità polinesiane (pesce su tutti) e tanta musica.Weiterlesen

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Vallée de Puaue, Vallee de Puaue, Q31932613

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