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    • Day 25

      Paris / Bamberg

      May 13, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      We were on the metro at 6:07 and at Gare de l'Est by 6:40 to catch the 7:25 train to Bamberg... a trip of 865 or so km. I had wanted to buy a Eurail pass for all our trains, but Anne thought it better to book and buy them individually, and she was right. Seats had to be reserved in any case on many of them, and for us they ran like clockwork.

      It was two trains together, so the walk along the platform to find our carriage was 250m +. It streaked to Strasbourg, then crawled to Karlsruhe and then Frankfurt at 11 (or a few minutes late). We changed platforms for the Regional train for the last bit. It left soon enough (11:30) but stuttered along, stopping everywhere (even where there were no stations) so it reached Bamberg at 14:32... plenty of time to look around.

      Bamberg is quite something. It is called the Frankish Rome, is built where two rivers meet, was first mentioned around 900AD, and is on the UNESCO world heritage list. It also has something like 8 breweries in the centre of the town. We have been here three times before, but always in winter, so summer was a new experience. The days are longer and the colours brighter... although it also brought lots of (mainly German) tourists. We stopped at a laundromat on the way, so did not check in at the hotel (Hotel Messerschmidt Weinhaus) until 3:30. It seems an odd name, but it is the building where Willy Messerschmitt (of Messerschmitt aircraft fame) was born and opened his first aircraft manufacturing business in 1923.

      We have a lovely bright room, and it is almost right in the old town. We organised ourselves, discussed our options for Wednesday /Thursday (still tbd), walked around the town hall just to re-acquaint ourselves, then headed off to meet Max at 6:30 at a restaurant/brewery near his new house.

      When I was an exchange student in 1975, I lived in Neumuenster (NMS), which is between Hamburg and Kiel. I lived with Max's family for perhaps half the year. Much of the other 6 months were spent with two other families, whom we will visit on Friday and Saturday when we are there. Max is a few years younger than me, but we got on well and keep in touch. Max moved to Bamberg perhaps 40 years ago, and began a website design business that did well. He married quite late (say 18 years ago) and has two children (13 and 11). Max was immortalised in the Great Bamberg Snowball Fight of January 2003, when Nico (in his first professional snowfight) was out-manouvered and hit by his own handfuls of snow, while Alistair picked everyone off because no-one could match his range. That was before we all had dinner in a brewery that made smoked beer.

      Tragically, Max's wife died about 15 months ago. Dinner with us had to fit in with school and flute lessons, since Max is now Mr Dad, and it was always going to be a bit tentative, I thought. In reality, it was fantastic. We were bowled along by the unstoppable enthusiasm of 11 yo Jens, who has taught himself English by watching Mr Beast on YouTube, and was speaking excellent English at 120 words a minute. We were stunned - but not nearly as much as his father! His sister Ilka was shyer to start with, but she was soon in control, and the two of them talked to us in English until they had to go home at 8:30. We had seen Ilka as a baby...before she won last year’s Bavarian State Championship for Flautist for her age. The three clearly get on well, but on all of them it must be so hard.

      The plan is to see Max again tomorrow so he can get more than the odd word in, maybe listen to Ilka's flute practice if the teacher allows and it is possible, and wander more through the town. We are also considering one of Max's suggestions for Wed/Thurs: Leipzig.

      The Messerschmidt hotel is excellent. 1. Feels like a traditional European hotel, not American. 2. Big, bright, quiet and clean room, with excellent wifi. 3. Right in the town. 4. Windows that open and small balcony. 5. No tea or coffee, but that's about the only flaw. 6. Jumping ahead, the breakfast (when we had it) was great.

      14,188 steps, 10.9km and 1 flight (which has to be wrong after the ups and downs at the stations...)
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    • Day 26


      May 14, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      We wandered down the street to have breakfast in a café, but not until 9am. It was a fantastic, warm spring day. We went around the town a little and up to the Catherdral and another church up on the high side of town. The biggest church is closed for renovations, and we have seen the many city buildings severeal times before. When Bamberg was a regional powerhouse the administrators had the high side and churches, while the people had the low side and businesses, with the town hall on the very border. It was the burghers saying their admin was as good as that of the lords and nobles.

      We met Max on the Rathaus bridge at 11:30, walked around, then had a coffee before he had to head home to see Jens, who was not well. His is not the easiest of lives.

      The afternoon was spent wandering around bits of Bamberg we had seen before, but only ever in winter (seeing Karl Orff's house again, the flying fox again, the cricket ground (for us) again, the river, the Rathaus etc), then going to Ilke’s flute practice for 40 mins. It was in the same street as the laundromat from the day before, so we knew exactly where to go. She really is good, and her teacher was delighted we came. Ilke also had a favour to ask of us, which was on a secret English project we had to keep hidden from Max.

      Anne had mapped out dinner – two of Bamberg’s eight breweries were in the same street as the music lesson, so we tried the first one. It was simple Bavarian (or Frankish) pub life at its best, in a brewery that opened in 1649. It was crowded with non-tourists playing cards, talking and ordering very large (750ml?) glasses of beer. Dinner was simple pub food, but in massive amounts, and very good beer. After that we walked back through the town by going over a different bridge, from where we could see a SUP paddle-boarder on a very flat and still river, then back to the centre of town while the light was still so good.

      Tomorrow is a train to... drum roll... Luebeck, but not until 9:42am.

      19,124 steps, 14.5km and 6 flights…
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    • Day 21

      Bamberg - St. Elisabeth

      August 9, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Am 24. August 1354, dem Bartholomäustag, feierte man die Weihe der Spitalkirche zu Ehren der Heiligen Elisabeth und des Heiligen Geistes für das um 1328 gestiftete Spital „Zum Heiligen Geist, bei dem Turm im Sand“. Der heute noch erhaltene Chor entstand um 1400, das jetzige Langhaus wurde um das Jahr 1493 errichtet. Nach der Säkularisation 1803 diente die Kirche als Zucht- und Arbeitshaus. Erst 1883 fand die Wiedereinweihung der Kirche statt.
      Durch die künstlerische Neugestaltung der Glasfenster nach Entwürfen von Markus Lüpertz ist die Kirche nun zu einem Glanzpunkt zeitgenössischer Kunst inmitten der historischen Altstadt Bambergs geworden. Außen vor dem Chor der Kirche steht bereits die Skulptur „Apoll“ von Markus Lüpertz.
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    • Day 19–23


      May 8, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Kurzentschlossen haben uns die neu kennengelernten Nachbarn überredet etwas länger hierzubleiben.
      Wunderschöne Stadt und lecker Schäufferla.
      Am Tag danach haben wir mit ihnen Reibekuchen gebacken und abends gesellte sich der halbe Platz dazu.
      Schön wars
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    • Day 255


      September 18, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Die Fahrt von Nürnberg bis Bamberg dauert nur knapp eine Stunde. Wir bleiben trotzdem eine Nacht hier. In einem schön renovierten Hotel, direkt in der Altstadt. Ein Streifzug durch die Altstadt, zum Dom und ans Wasser. verschafft ein Eindruck. Am Abend genießen wir ein feines Nachtessen im Restaurant mit Blick zum Rathaus. Wir suchen eine Unterkunft in Würzburg, Die Hotels in der Innenstadt sind alle ausgebucht. Wir finden nach langem Suchen eine Ferienwohnung in den Rebbergen.Read more

    • Day 5

      Besuch bei den Bamberger Symphonikern

      March 13, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Heute steht wieder die Musik im Zentrum unseres Tages.
      Nachdem wir am Morgen noch etwas in Nürnberg gebummelt und geshoppt haben fahren wir nach Bamberg zu einem Konzert der Bamberger Symphoniker. Die Konzerthalle Bamberg, das Konzert Lokal der Symphoniker wurde 1993 eingeweiht. Sie wurde in der Nähe der Altstadt unmittelbar am östlichen Ufer der Regnitz errichtet,
      Wir hören zuerst von Richard Strauss (1864-1949) „Vier letzte Lieder“ mit der Sopranistin Hanna-Elisabeth Müller. Ihre Stimme welche die feinsten Töne trifft und mit ihrem Volumen den Saal ohne Anstrengung einfach erfüllt gefällt uns ausserordentlich.
      Danach spielen die Bamberger Symphoniker von Anton Bruckner (1824-1896) die Symphonie Nr. 2 c-Moll. Dass Werk in 4 Sätzen ist für uns Laien eine echte Überraschung, wir empfinden es sehr melodisch, abwechslungsreich und leichtfüssig.
      Die Bamberger geben alles und wir sind schlichtweg begeistert.
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    • Day 18

      Bamberg und Hemhofen

      December 9, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

      We stayed the night with Gabe and Daniele in Hemhofen so we could visit the lovely town of Bamberg.

      Mind you, we wasted half the day trying to get our phones sorted. But in the end we were eventually successful in getting a couple of German phone numbers and a big data package (thanks Daniele).

      There's so much we didn't get to see here, so we'll definitely come back early next year when it's a bit warmer.
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    • Day 17

      Bamberg, Germany, Oct 21, 2024

      October 21, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Sailed to Bamberg. Took buses a short distance into town. Our guide Solvey took us to the castle, and the famous town hall built on the river to settle a dispute concerning the town being on both sides of the river. She described the town's signature beer, Rauchbier, (smoke beer). Anna bought a bottle to share at dinner on the ship. We explored town, had tea and pastries at a cafe and Anna found a very nice green leather purse while I listened to a buskerette play pretty music on a violin on the bridge.Read more

    • Day 46


      August 2, 2017 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Drove north from Nuremberg to Bamberg. Up there with one of my favourite places we've visited, it's the oldest preserved medi-evil town in Europe. The river is very fast flowing with old houses along one bank where the fisherman lived. Of course there are also a couple of churches and a palace on the hill.Read more

    • Day 21

      Bamberg - Dom

      August 9, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Der romanische Bamberger Dom St. Peter und St. Georg gehört zu den deutschen Kaiserdomen und ist mit seinen vier Türmen das beherrschende Bauwerk des Weltkulturerbes Bamberger Altstadt. Er steht auf der markanten Erhebung des Dombergs, der noch weitere historische Gebäude aufweist. Im Inneren befinden sich neben dem Bamberger Reiter das Grab des einzigen heiliggesprochenen Kaiserpaars des Heiligen Römischen Reichs sowie das einzige Papstgrab in Deutschland und nördlich der Alpen.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Bamberg, بامبرغ, Горад Бамберг, Бамберг, Bamberk, Μπάμπεργκ, بامبرگ, במברג, ZCD, Bamberga, バンベルク, ბამბერგი, 밤베르크, Bambergas, Bambarg, บัมแบร์ก, 巴姆贝格

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