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    • Dag 2

      Landesgartenschau Allgäu

      29. mai, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Heute morgen bei gutem Wetter gehen wir uns die Austellung ansehen… ist cool gemacht weil sie eingentlich in einem alten Industriegebiet gemacht wurde.. das Highlight ist der Aussichtturm welcher ohne Tragkonstruktion nur mit verleimter Brettkonstruktion erstellt wurde .. die Holzbauingenieure kammen aus Stuttgart und ZürichLes mer

    • Dag 32


      23. august 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      After we left the fairy tale town of Rothenburg we got back on the road to the mountain countryside where we were going to do a fair bit of hiking. But before we got there we wanted to go to an old nazi concentration camp at Dachau which was very confronting because we learnt all about what they did to them and where they stayed and the terrible conditions they went through. We kept driving and we got to the mountains kinda like Mont Blanc but these where smaller( not by much ) our little house was next to a little river and a few of the mountains. We met a really nice lady who owned the Airbnb and we just chilled out for the rest of the day.

      Our next day we woke up semi early to catch a gondola up a 2628 metre mountain and then walk down. It was very steep and Rocky but the views were amazing . As we were going we saw cows with bells attached to their front and they didn’t have any gates either, people paragliding off the mountain and mountain bike riders which confused me because the hills were extremely steep! Even at the top there was this hangover part that hung over the big drop 1km. It didn’t help that it felt like it was wobbling. After our walk down the mountain we all kinda hated each other after a 5hr hike, but Dad planned to go on this swim in a lake, which I didn’t really want to do, but we did it. And I’m so glad I did, the second I got in I wasn’t hot anymore,it wasn’t salty and it just dropped off into the deep. The sand at the bottom was so soft because the lake was so still that when you touched it your hand went straight through it like air. It was so deep that you past this invincible line in the water that when you dived down and passed it it was freezing cold. We even had a big view of the Mountains behind us and a few fish and ducks.

      The next day we woke up extremely sore. But in spite of that we wanted to go to Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein Castle. We had a tour around hohenschwangau which was a big yellow castle and was said to be their summer retreat. It was much more colourful than any of the castles in France and all the furniture in it was original,only because German medieval history seemed more peaceful (sort of)We then walked up to Neuschwanstein Castle of which the Disney Castle was based on and one of the most famous castles in Europe. We walked around the White turrety tower and went on the bridge above it ( which didn’t feel very stable at all). But all and all was a really good sight seeing day.

      Our next day I believe was one of my highlights. Dad had planned this gauge thing which was near our first mountain hike. It was around a 3 hour hike through a gorge. Minus 20 minutes to walk to it, but it was no boring 20 minutes. We walked passed a few horse and carriages, some really cool little huts, a busker at a cafe playing a piano accordion ( which was very different from the kind of music we hear at our dining places ) we even saw a grass cutting competition of people cutting grass in traditional German cloths and cutting grass with the weapon like the grim reaper uses. Thankfully these guys did not look like no grim reaper. Once we got to the gorge we immediately had to pull our rain jackets on due to all the water flying about. It was so loud in their because of the water rapids that run through there. The walk pathway was cut into the wall of the gorge so in some parts we were walking through stone tunnels. On the other side we ate lunch next to the calmer water and had a competition of who could keep their legs in the ice cold melted ice mountain water. I got 3 minutes 10 and won, but at the cost of not feeling my legs for a while after.

      Our next and last day we had a bit of a rest day ready for our journey to Austria tomorrow
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    • Dag 11

      Munich and Obergriesbach

      31. desember 2017, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      The sleeper train was quite an adventure😀 We had a German bunkmate named Ute😀 that actually reminded me a ton of Tina's friend Ute. She was super sweet but snored up a storm. Thank God for ear plugs. Those bunks are comfy but when someone figured out how to keep the sheet in place let me know😀 We had to kill a few hours waiting for car rental...then off to Obergriesbach. Wow what a beautiful German country town. And the Airbnb is unbelievable here. The down side is it's 45 min out of the city. We spent a few hours here in the house before heading off to the concentration camp D a c h a u. We spent a few hours there and it was very powerful. Everyone needs to visit at least one such place in their lifetime. From there we finally got to see where Wyatt lives and plays. Everything was closed but we finally found a place for pizza and groceries. After eating we went on a walking tour of downtown Munich. That is such a beautiful city! Hundreds of people were out on the streets since it was New Years Eve. After that Donn and I headed back here to our airbnb (yep..and got lost) while the kids were going out on the town. I was a little nervous but finally I did get a text saying they made it home about 1:30 safe and sound. Donn and I stayed here and had a wonderful evening with our wine and beer and fireworks over the countryside. Happy 2018 everyone! We love you all.Les mer

    • Dag 430–437

      Jeden Tag ein neues Türchen

      13. desember 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Von München aus treten wir den Schlussspurt an: Wir schlagen uns einmal von Ost nach West durch Bayern und Württemberg bis nach Baden, wo wir den Rhein als Wegweiser für die letzten Kilometer erreichen.

      Vom Schnee der letzten Woche sind nur noch Pfützen geblieben und an einigen Stellen zwingen uns Hochwasser-Stellen zu kleinen Umwegen.

      Unterwegs öffnet sich für uns jeden Abend eine neue Türe: Dahinter verbergen sich immer eine warme Dusche und ein warmer Schlafplatz, aber immer auch viel mehr. Wir stoßen auf leckere Abendessen, eine Adventsfeier, eine Winzerei, eine Runde Doppelkopf, einen Weihnachtsmarkt, Reiseträume, Hütehunde und Kuschelkatzen.

      Und da unsere Gastgeber:innen immer an der Reise interessiert sind und immer unterschiedliche Fragen stellen, öffnen wir auch viele Türchen mit Erinnerungen, die wir auf unserer Reise aufgesammelt haben.
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    • Dag 4

      … weiter nach Roanoke

      10. oktober 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      „Take me home country roads“ - heute wird uns der Indian Summer „packen“ Entlang des Blue Ridge Parkway mit herrlichen Kurven und fantastischen Ausblicken erreichen wir Roanoke, auch genannt The Star City of the South. Eventuell sehen wir Schwarzbären im Great Smoky Nationalpark.
      Wieder noch einer von den beliebtesten und meist besuchten Nationalpark in den USA.
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    • Dag 3

      Auf geht es nach Waynesboro

      9. oktober 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Dann ging es wieder ganz frü los und die Erwartungen und die Freude darüber ist groß. Über den wunderschönen Skyline Drive schauen wir schon die ersten Herbstblätter vom Indian Summer an und freuen uns auf noch mehr Farbenpracht. Ein Abstecher in den Shenandoah National Park, wo der Schauplatz der letzten Schlacht des amerikanischen Bürgerkriegs war. Die Stadt, die einst von Amischen und Mennoniten gegründet wurde.Les mer

    • Dag 1


      24. juli 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Autobahn, Regen und viel Stau sind heute unsere Begleiter. Daher haben wir uns entschieden zügig abzufahren und sind am Friedberger Baggersee gestrandet. Wir haben uns die Instax Bilder angeguckt und sind immer noch geflasht von euren tollen Bildern und den good vibes.🥳Les mer

    • Dag 33


      9. oktober 2019, Tyskland ⋅ 🌧 11 °C

      Nachdem wir uns 2 Tage Zeit genommen hatten den Jetlag zu überwinden, fuhren wir weiter Richtung Schwarzwald.
      Der erste Stopp, ein kleiner Badesee in Friedberg.
      Nach einem verregneten Tag gab es Abends noch etwas Sonne.
      Donnerstags weiter nach Ehingen an die Donau. Außer einem schönen Stellplatz gab es nichts zu sehen.
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