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    • Hari 44

      Nuremberg Day 3

      16 Jun 2023, Jerman ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Today we went to Bamburg, a lovely little town 40 minutes away that has a brewery that do unique smoked beers. The train station here is huge, so we gave ourselves plenty of time to find the platform.

      Bamburg is a stunning little town with heaps of medieval architecture. Each place we’ve been has an old part of town which is unique and beautiful. The town hall in Bamburg is in the centre of a bridge with beautiful artwork on the outside. You’ll see in the photos above. We headed up to the castle area which was massive and cars were able to drive up there. The footpath and car path look very similar. We walked around the garden which was a mini maze. The scent of the garden was divine, the flowers were full of fragrances.

      We walked into the big church which was pretty cool as well and then headed to the brewery where Steve enjoyed some smokey beers. Tegan wandered around town and did some window shopping. The sky began to turn so we headed back to the train station and back to Nuremberg.

      Back in Nuremberg we had a dirty chai which is chai with a shot of coffee and it was delicious. We’ve never had anything like it. We came back home to relax a little and then went out for dinner at the Vietnamese restaurant again which was yummy. We strolled around town — it’s crazy it doesn’t get completely dark until 10pm. We are in for a rude awaking when we head back home.
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    • Burgers en tentoonstellingen

      10 September 2022, Jerman ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      De laatste dag in Duitsland. Morgen reizen we door naar Oostenrijk. We besluiten Nürnberg aan te doen en naar het Neues Museum te gaan.

      Nürnberg is een vrij grote stad in de regio. Qua inwonertal vergelijkbaar met Den Haag. Parkeren doen we in een parkeergarage in het centrum met nog veel plekken vrij. Na parkeren snappen we waarom. Oud, krap, stoffig en vies. De lokali’s staan graag in de rij voor de moderne en schone parking 30 meter eerder. Niet getreurd, parkeren is maar een klein deel van de dagbesteding.

      Anne-Marie begint tekenen van hangriness te vertonen, dus we duiken linea recta een willekeurig restaurant in. Fränk’ness in het centrum van de stad, pal naast het museum. Prachtig ingericht, sjiek èn modern, deep house muziek op de achtergrond. Schot in de roos.

      Een kaart met vier lunchgerechten. Wij gaan voor de BBQ Kalfsbraadburger. Een lichtgeroosterd krakelingbolletje besmeerd met zachte mayonaise en belegd met ‘pulled & grilled’ kalfsvlees, met een topping van spitskoolsla, gemalen cashewnoten en gesmoorde paprika. We zijn het al snel eens dat we in tijden niet zo’n lekkere burger hebben gegeten.

      Het Neues Museum heeft een prachtige tentoonstelling over kunst en design en een tentoonstelling over de werken van Evelyn Hofer en Richard Lindner, een Duitse fotografe en Duitse schilder die in de 60er en 70er jaren in de VS woonden en werkten. Ook het museum zelf is een ‘work of art’.

      Op de terugweg gecombineerd boodschappen doen voor ons en een lekkere supercharge voor Tessie voor de rit naar Oostenrijk morgen. We sluiten de dag af door te zien hoe Max de tweede plaats in kwalificatie van Monza pakt.

      Bedtijd om morgen vroeg te verkassen, op tijd voor de grote prijs van Oostenrijk!
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    • Hari 6

      Friday - Nuremberg!

      19 Ogos 2016, Jerman ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      So somehow we managed to wake up at some ridiculously early hour on Friday morning to catch the five hour train to Nuremberg. Very comfortable, even though we were pretty much zombies at this point. (*TESSA* I risked my guts by ordering a dish from a german menu without knowing what it would be and a dumpling soup arrived. I was so happy!) We also enjoyed sharing our cabin with a couple of dogs, as it's common for people to bring their dogs on the train (which is legal too).

      Our hotel was a very short distance from the train station (and there is also a pub downstairs (*T* the cutest pub ever!!) which we took advantage of later). After a short time settling in, we did a walking tour of Nuremberg. It is a beautiful, picturesque city and Tessa couldn't keep the smile off her face the entire time. (*T* so much beauty, so much learning, so much frankonian pride and so many sausages - how could I be unhappy?!) We grabbed some beers and local Fraconian wines as well as the local speciality Rostbratwurst, small sausages served in threes.

      Following some shopping (*T* hellas yes, I bought a freaking amazing jacket) and a late three hour nap (in which we slept through our alarms), we headed downstairs to our hotel's pub for drinks and more meat than you could shack a stick at (*T* and gravy, sticky dumplings, etc. The highlight was a slow cooked peppered steak a lot like brisket. Let's face it, I'm here for the food). I had my first litre of beer of the trip, which will hopefully not be my last.
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    • 4642 Dietfurt nach Nürnberg

      18 Mei 2022, Jerman ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Der Altmühltal-Radweg sollte eigentlich in Deix-Karikaturen-Radweg umbenannt werden. Ich weiß, man soll nicht gemein sein, aber a Freud hätte er schon gehabt, der Deix hier.
      Der Homus bisicletus ist hier überall anzutreffen. Meist gehört er der Gruppe der Super-Ager an und rottet sich im Allgemeinen zu Gruppen von 4 Individuen zusammen. Manchmal bilden sie auch richtige Großfamilien von bis zu 40 Individuen. Wenn sie erhobenen Hauptes, gestrecktem Hals, konzentriertem Blick und geschwellter Brust einem hocherhoben auf ihren motorisierten Stahleseln entgegenkommen, ist der beste Weg der Verteidigung die Flucht. Irgendwie erinnern Sie mich immer an Don Quichotte.

      Aber jetzt genug des Lästerns. Was haben wir heute erlebt.
      Nach Dietfurt weitet sich das Altmühltal immer mehr und der Radweg führt wieder durch Wiesen und Felder, kaum mehr an der Altmühl entlang und führt uns über Kinding (, Greding (, Thalmässing bis nach Hilpoltstein ( All diese Orte sind immer sehr herausgeputzt und laden zum Verweilen ein.

      Nach rund 2/3 der geplanten Strecke halten wir in Hilpoltstein unsere wohlverdiente Mittagspause. Hilpoltstein liegt nahe am Main-Donau-Kanal ( Dieser führt direkt und schnurrgerade nach Nürnberg und wir beschließen, diesem anstelle der geplanten Route nach Nürnberg zu folgen. Wir radeln am geschotterten Treppelweg direkt neben dem Main-Donau-Kanal. Es ist nicht gerade sehr aufregend, aber wir machen Meter. Um 17:00 Uhr erreichen wir nach fast 100 km unser Quartier in Nürnberg.

      Ja, die ersten 4 Radltage liegen hinter uns, morgen ist ein Ruhetag in Nürnberg geplant. Wir werden es gemütlich angehen und unseren Wadeln ein bisschen Ruhe und Entspannung gönnen.

      @Radwege: Die Radwege sind alle großartig gekennzeichnet und man käme fast ohne Navi ans Ziel. Wenn asphaltiert, dann gleitet man fast über den Asphalt, so fein ist dieser. Man hat fast keinen Rollwiderstand. Auch die geschotterten Radwege sind einwandfrei, nur wenige Schlaglöcher und ebenfalls sehr rollfreudig.

      @Wissbegierige: ich werde ab jetzt auch bei einigen Highlights Verlinkungen zu den entsprechenden Wikipediaeinträgen hinzufügen.

      Tour in Komoot:

      animierte Tour:
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    • Hari 9

      Day 9: Nürnberg

      17 Julai 2019, Jerman ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      Notre modeste expédition hispano-canadienne envisage aujourd'hui arriver à Nürnberg vers 15h. Pour cela on devra se réveiller vraiment tôt (vers 5h45). Cependant, par des raisons liés au terrain ou notre tente se localise je ne pourrai pas avoir un sommeil décent- et cela pèse sur le mood du binôme pendant la journée, car je suis de loin le plus festif des deux. En allant vers la gare, on croit voir un bébé scorpion.

      Malgré ça, Amé est vraiment douée pour trouver des trucs qui peuvent remonter mon état d'esprit. Après de prendre un train qui peut parfaitement contribuer au 25% des émissions de CO2 globales, elle prend l'initiative pour nous conduire jusqu'à un café à Jesenice (Slovenie) où tout coûte vraiment peu et le café est vraiment bon. On a l'impression qu'au delà de ce merveilleux endroit il y a peu de trucs qui se passent dans cette ville.

      Avec un peu de retard, on arrive dans cette ville allemande qui nous plaît beaucoup dès le premier moment. On rencontre notre host de couchsurfing (la fantastique Silvia) et on passe la soirée en connaissant les trucs plus typiques de la culture bavaroise: histoire de goûter les glaces, bières et saucisses locales. Avec les anecdotes superbes de Silvia (Amé est tellement bouleversée par elles qu'elle percute une lampadaire sans se rendre compte) on termine cette longue journée assez crevés.
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    • Hari 10

      Day 10: Nürnberg

      18 Julai 2019, Jerman ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      After a night on a couch that feels like the Queen of England's bed, we get ready and have breakfast with Silvia, sharing hilarious anecdotes (she is really funny). Today, we will ride our bikes around a park with a lake, and have our picnic/dîner (at a Québecois time) with her.

      Nuremberg's bike lanes are really well-organized and drivers here are very patient with bikers, so our way there is really enjoyable. We check out the horrible and cold architecture of the buildings that used to be the wonders of the Nazi madness- and that now are nothing but forgotten stones next to a lake where duck families swim alien to human nature.

      We enjoy our meal in the park, and after that we head to the city centre again, where we walk around during our last hours in the city.
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    • Hari 25

      Notorious Nuremberg

      5 Oktober 2019, Jerman ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Nuremberg's recent history is rather notorious, but the good thing is that the city doesn't shy away from its role in the period up to and including World War II.
      No leisurely lie-in this particular morning as we were due to head off at 8.15am for a tour of Nuremberg. We had another Scottish - born guide who was very pleasant, knowledgeable and informative. She is at least the third such guide we have encountered - Scottish born, long-term German resident and married with family to a local spouse. Is it a form of Scottish emigration that we were hitherto unaware of? Could it be that the Scots are always able to find better quality partners overseas? At least that's Brian's line and he is sticking to it.
      It was about a 15 minute drive to our first stop, the ruins of the giant and infamous Zeppelinfeld parade ground which was the scene of Hitler's Nazi rallies. One has to be there to really appreciate the extent of Hitler's megalomania and the scale of the buildings that he commissioned and his architect Albert Speer designed. To give an idea of size, some 700000 Nazi Party supporters attended the 6th party congress in 1934. Sufficient of the structures, including the grand platform from which Hitler harangued the party faithful, remain. One can get some idea of his megalomania by visiting this and other nearby structures, including an overscale copy of the Roman Colliseum which was never fully completed. Sheer madness.
      From there, we drove past the courthouse building where the famous Nazi war trials took place.
      We then headed to the other side of Nuremberg where our guide took us for a walk around part of the old city. It is certainly very attractive and boasts the biggest enclosed area of any walled city anywhere.
      We were then free to wander round and explore for a couple of hours. Nuremberg has a lot of interesting old buildings as well as some excellent shops. We lost a bit of time while Brian searched out a camera shop where he could get a replacement lens cap for the new camera. Camera shops are few and far between these days so we were very pleased to have found one. We could have happily spent a lot longer in Nuremberg, but unfortunately time was limited as we had to move on. One good thing was that even though it was cold the rain held off for the entire day.
      We were leaving the Main river and setting off on the Main-Danube canal which links the North Sea to the Black Sea. It is a major engineering feat, being 171 kilometres long, and has 16 giant locks. Many of the passengers, us included, spent a couple of freezing but fascinating hours on the top deck as the ship manoeuvred its way through some of these locks, which are impressive engineering structures. Three of them each have lifts of 24.7 metres, and most of them are at least 15 metres. They are 12 metres wide,. making it a tricky feat to steer our 11.5 metre long ship in there without hitting the concrete sides. We calculated that the largest of the locks required over 50000 cubic metres of water each time to fill it, equivalent to more than 1000 times the volume of our pool back home. Each lock took over half an hour to navigate. We were very lucky though because we got green lights all the way. If there are other ships either ahead of us or coming towards us then we could get delayed for a long time.
      In the afternoon a guest lecturer came on board and gave us an excellent half hour illustrated presentation about the canal and its history, which really put things in perspective.
      It seems the original canal dates back to Roman times when, obviously, it would have been dug entirely by hand. Nowadays the locks are all controlled remotely from three control rooms.
      Early in the day we were told that we'd be meeting the sister ship to the Amaverde heading in the opposite direction. Then, later, we learned that it wouldn't be happening because the other ship had had to abandon its voyage due to the low water levels in the river system. In other words we were very lucky to have made it through without us having to be offloaded and put on buses.
      After dinner we relaxed in the lounge with a couple of drinks while the on-board entertainers played and sang songs from our era. Mary made a name for herself and received many compliments for her enthusiastic singing and dancing.
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    • Hari 2

      Norimberga, alla scoperta della città

      31 Disember 2018, Jerman ⋅ 4 °C

      Norimberga è una città metropolitana nel nord della Baviera. È caratterizzata da un'architettura medievale.
      Le fortificazioni e le torri di pietra dell'Altstadt (città vecchia) sono un esempio caratteristico della città. È anche il centro economico della franconia.Baca lagi

    • Hari 76

      Nürnberg Noel

      18 November 2023, Jerman ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      Intercity 🚉# 25 arrived in Nürnberg... beautiful 😍

      Although, it's beginning to look a lot like 🎄🎅... I'm not ready 😟

    • Hari 1


      17 Jun 2023, Jerman ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Heute mit dem schnellen Clio von Worb bis Nürnberg gefahren.

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