Travel Day.
Well we're on our 4th train of the day. Been to Dusseldorf and Wuppertale. Now on our way to Stuttgart. Seen some really cool things like the flying train in Wuppertale. Had some terrible chineseRead more
Well we're on our 4th train of the day. Been to Dusseldorf and Wuppertale. Now on our way to Stuttgart. Seen some really cool things like the flying train in Wuppertale. Had some terrible chineseRead more
Wir sind nun in Solingen, haben Carola und Christoph (Uschi's Bruder) besucht, und fahren am frühen Abend zur Geburtstagsfeier vom Marco, der heute 60 wird.
Zuvor besuchen wir die Jutta und denRead more
Wir treffen uns in Düsseldorf und es geht los. Zunächst nach Amsterdam und von dort weiter nach Bergen. Soweit der Plan. Nur leider werden wir wegen Überbuchung aussortiert und können erst 6 hRead more
Im Grünen, neben einer nicht stark befahrenen Landstraße. Recht schräg überall. Aber wir haben es geschafft, fast grade zu stehen. Es besteht nicht die Gefahr, dass jemand heute Nacht aus dem BettRead more
We had one last stop before reaching our final stay in Amsterdam.
Originally we had randomly picked a small but nice sounding town named Limburg an der Lahn. It looked like it had some nice scenery &Read more
Wir haben uns noch mal umorientiert und sind zum Parkplatz des botanischen Gartens gefahren. In Park4night steht was von 20 Parkplätzen. Ja, für PKWs sicher, aber Womos, die länger als nenRead more
A late train and indeed checkout give us time to take a last ride on the Schwebebahn to the Alter Markt so we could hunt down the Bronze Tuffi…..although we only shoot animals with camera phonesRead more
Meeting my German family
Left Berlin in the morning and met the family I will be staying with in Wuppertal (courtesy of Luise who we met while she was also backpacking in her uni break). We went toRead more
The thing that most surprised me about Karl Marx's home town was that it was his home town. When I visited Trier a few years ago, I couldn't believe how such a place could have bred such a mind. TrierRead more
You might also know this place by the following names:
Kreisfreie Stadt Wuppertal
Traveler The flying train looks fun.
Traveler Mike performed (uncle) near Stuttgart and the Black Forest
Traveler Seen any Porsches Great so much country