
Entdecke Destinationen von Reisenden, die auf FindPenguins ein Reisetagebuch schreiben.
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    • Tag 2


      26. Dezember 2022 in Österreich ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Nach einem ausreichendem Frühstück auf dem Blecksteinhaus ging es durchs Valepper-Tal erst leicht runter, bis wir dann den Aufstieg auf den Schinder antraten. Zwischen Waldspaziergang und hohen Schneewechten am Grat war alles dabei. Die Schneeschuh blieben auf dem Rücken. Nach einem steilen Abstieg durch Matsche-Schnee haben wir unsere Brotzeit auf einer Alm zu uns genommen.
      Am Nachmittag ging es weiter über Waldwege und einen schneebedeckten Bergrücken zur Gufferthütte. Dort waren wir die einzigen im Winterraum, wo wir es uns bei Spaghetti und Pesto am Ofen gutgehen ließen. Auch hier waren wir wieder gute 20km bei 1431hm über 7 Stunden unterwegs.

    • Tag 3

      Endlich Schnee

      27. Dezember 2022 in Österreich ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      Beim Aufwachen erwarteten uns 10cm Neuschnee - endlich konnten wir die Schneeschuhe auch unter unsere Füße schnallen 😁 Es ging los in Richtung Guffert. Allerdings merkten wir sehr schnell, dass wir den Gipfel bei den Bedingungen nicht erreichen würden. Gute Aussicht hätten wir eh nicht gehabt, da die Wolken tief hingen und es morgens noch schneite. Also beschränkten wir uns auch die nähere Umgebung der Gufferthütte und genossen das Stapfen durch den feinen Puderschnee. Auch an diesem Tag waren wir nach 20km, 1000hm und über 7 Stunden Gehzeit froh, abends im Winterraum am Feuer zu sitzen. Einen farbenfrohen Sonnenuntergang gab es gratis dazu ☺️Weiterlesen

    • Tag 29

      Ich schwänze fur Bergen

      13. Februar 2020 in Deutschland ⋅ ⛅ 5 °C

      Franz sends a text on Tuesday night - another hike with Ooli for Thursday morning! As always, I say yes. A good hike can only happen with good weather and school can happen during bad weather, so I decide to take another "Fridays for the Future" and improve my quality of life. Between Franz' text and our hike, I run Wednesday and again the morning of the hike.

      After my run, I meet Franz on the corner, and drive through traffic to meet Ooli. There's lots in Munich this morning. It's a bit unpredictable, I'm told. It takes longer to get through town and Franz makes up for it on the Autobahn, where there is no speed limit. We reach Ooli only 2 minutes later than expected.

      We head towards Tegernsee. Always to Tegernsee! There are so many mountains and beautiful hikes here. And Tegernsee ( and Bad Wiesse) always look adorable. Today the mountains are clear and beautiful even from the car. Driving through the towns always reminds me of fairy tales. I often wonder how many pictures good 'ol Walt took to make his American Disney cartoons so reminiscent of German villages.

      This time we drive past Tegernsee and into the mountains. The snow here is beautiful - it's still fresh on the trees. When we stop, the parking area, trees and trail are all covered in fresh snow. No one has been up the trail since the last snowfall and the blanket covering the mountain takes my breath away before we even start hiking. Ooli jokes that I need to take the lead. The young strong man should carve a path in the fresh snow. I agree and jump to it!

      Here at the base of Rosstein, the snow is already deep. There is no path and quickly the snow creeps deeper and deeper. I find steps by tripping on them as I walk up the hill. Soon the joke is that we're now hiking in our boots through snow deeper than when I had snow-shoes last week with Garnot - only it never ends! We hike and hike. We lose the path many times and I am constantly asking "Wechles weg? Richts? Links?" and always Franz is behind me point the way.

      Ooli comes behind, making sure we don't fall or lose our way. Maybe he's just taking it easy, but either way I push on. The snow is sometimes up to my knees, and several times I stumble and must crawl along. I get a few tips from the experts and try to stay where the snow is more shallow but somehow I always find just the right place to sink in. Luckily my steps show the others where to step (or not step) and we make it to the first hut at 1400 m - but it's closed! We've gone up 6 or 700m, and still have at least 400 more to go. After a short break we continue on. Walking for me is now is more like wading through water, trying to balance on wet spaghetti instead of my usual strong legs. When I stop thinking of it and take in the view all my exhaustion vanishes.

      We reach a false-peak on the way to the top, yet black storm clouds arrive before us. It's still 30 or 40 minutes to the top, and the clouds get darker as we stand looking at them. No one wants to be caught in 1 meter of snow with hours to hike down while it starts snowing - so we pause and head back to the closed hut. We can see the peak as if it's close enough to touch, yet today it will stay out of reach.

      The peak is one of two - Rosstein and Buchstein. Between them is a small saddle where Tegernsee hutte sits. It's also closed, yet I can only imagine the view. Just a few weeks ago we were on Fockenstein and this hutte was pointed out to me - and here we are with it in view! It's sad to turn back, but my stomach rumbles and my spaghetti-legs scream for rest. I regret my morning run.

      We find a nook behind the closed hutte we passed earlier. There's a sliver of sunshine and a pause in the wind where we can rest and snack. As we rest, the clouds begin to disappear and we debate turning back again to reach the peak. Time has moved on without us, unfortunately, and no one thinks there is enough time to go up and return before dark. Instead we pause a little longer and head down.

      There is a most beautiful bench in the sunshine on the way down. We pause again for water and to soak in the sun here, where there is no wind. It's so delightful that Franz and Ooli take the opportunity for a short afternoon nap. Today, I can't help but join in.

      We pass by other hikers - two women who are loud enough for a crowd. This is the new topic: hikers that refuse to enjoy the silence. It makes us laugh as we mourn how we did not reach the peak. When we reach the car, we all check our devices to see our distance. I am disappointed until Franz admits that leading the entire way through fresh snow is hard work, and that we would not have made it so far without me in the lead.

      It's a good compliment, reluctantly given, from Franz. Today I'll take it.

    • Tag 24

      Setzberg und Wallberg

      8. Februar 2020 in Deutschland ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

      Sunny Saturdays are amazing. This one has another hike and new friends. Garnot I met on couch-surfing, a website for .. Couchsurfing. He likes hiking and the outdoors. So do I, so we match well.

      After his surprise invitation on Thursday night, I am excited to meet him. All I know about him is that he's got a good sense of humour and he checked my fitness level before officially inviting me for today, which I used to take as slightly rude, yet now I take as a sign of a good hiking guide.

      I arrive a the Hauptbahnhoff early, knowing there's an hour train ride ahead means I want a coffee to take with me. I love train rides for the fact that you can have a coffee and a nice chat before the hike - and rather than have a nap like last time, I choose a quick coffee stand and pay too much for a cup and head over to the meeting-spot.

      When I arrive, Garnot is unmistakable: tall and looking for someone. He's laughing as I arrive, shouting "I found him!" to a group of strangers who he just invited to come along, thinking one of them was me ;) He brings me round to meet Conny, who is joining us today. Both are full of smiles and trying to figure out how much German I speak - or don't. They're both full of questions as we board the train, and I am too. They joke and make fun of each other, themselves, and me as we ride to Tegernsee, and it feels a little like coming home. There's a way of making fun of yourself, and your friends, that emerges here and it reminds me of favourite moments of home with friends on our way to, from, or on an adventure. I smile.

      The train arrives late, and Garnot is checking his watch. The bus schedule is tight, yet it appears we will still reach the one we need - until we are actually at the bus stop and we realize the one we want doesn't run today!

      Luckily there are many paths to the mountains. We get on the bus that many others are getting on, and many people have snowshoes or cross-country skis with them. We must be getting on "a" right bus.

      Garnot tells Conny and I to sit and relax. He checks his phone looking for a plan B. Always in Germany is there a Plan A and a Plan B or more! Sometimes even a Plan Z. Garnot decides on the new plan, and by the time he tells us what it is, it's time to get off the bus and start walking.

      The sun is shining brightly today, and at our stop only two other people get off. They carry sleds, not snowshoes, and head out first and faster than us. After a few minutes we put on snowshoes, even tho the trail is clear and well-trod. Garnot teaches how to use an avalanche-machine. The LFZ searching device, in-case someone is covered in an avalanche. There's low risk today, but Garnot says it's better safe than sorry. After wandering with Franz in a straw hat and beers, I think this is a bit elaborate, yet I also have no idea where we're going.

      Turns out we're taking the steep trail up. It hasn't been trod on at all, and it's so steep walking is as if we are hiking stairs, stairs in 2 or 3 feet of snow. We pace ourselves well. I practice my German and my listening yet many words are lost on me, yet the times I do understand Conny and Garnot are smiling and laughing at my jokes. It's hard to tell a good joke when you talk like a 3 year old, but it works. Strangely, the few Bavarian words I know come out clear and are entirely unexpected - shocking the two northern Germans I'm hiking with.

      After a few lost paths and sunny pauses, we reach a saddle along a ridge. We hike the ridge to Setzberg where we lunch. As always it is beautiful, offering a view of Tegernsee that everyone envies. When we finally reach the top, my legs are ready for a rest. This is my third day of sport with packed lunches. I wonder if I'm eating enough when I do this much sport, yet as long as I'm moving I have little need for food.

      We hike more, to the ski lift and butte at Wallberg, where many people enjoy the sunshine after arriving without hiking. assisted with the help of the lift. We gaze at a police helicopter parked nearby, yet have important things to do here: get a refreshment and enjoy the view.

      After our pause at the butte, we head down, yet Garnot takes us to the steepest slope, and proceeds to run down as if skiing with his snowshoes. Conny is quick behind and I follow, laughing as I fall with style down a mountain. Garnot calls out to make sure I'm ok, to find out if I've done this before. I call back, shouting happily that I have no idea what I'm doing and that it's so much fun.

      There's much more to the day, yet right now I have to head out as I'm late for a coffee. More later!

    • Tag 10

      In Österreich und Sylversteinspeicher

      18. Mai 2021 in Österreich ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Da führt die deutsche Alpenstraße doch tatsächlich durch eine kleine Ecke von Österreich. Ohne Zollkontrolle, Schnelltest und andere Schikanen. Auch die Quarantäne fällt aus! Um die Statistik dieser Reise etwas zu pimpen gibt es hier natürlich einen Foodprint. Die Bilder vom Sylversteinspeicher gleich um die Ecke, kommen dann auch noch hier mit rein, ist ja noch Platz.

      Der Sylvensteinspeicher, auch Sylvensteinstausee genannt, ist ein Stausee im Isarwinkel in der Gemeinde Lenggries. Er wurde in den Jahren 1954 bis 1959 zum Hochwasserschutz im Isartal gebaut. Im See versunken liegt das ehemalige Dorf Fall, das vor der Flutung abgerissen und einige Dutzend Meter höher an der Straße nach Vorderriß neu erbaut wurde.

    • Tag 4

      Zurück auf Touri-Pfaden

      28. Dezember 2022 in Deutschland ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      Zum Abschied gab es noch einen bunten Sonnenaufgang an der Gufferthütte sowie von den ersten Sonnenstrahlen leuchtende Berge, bevor wir dann erst einmal durch den Schnee runter ins Tal marschierten.
      Im Tal war es ziemlich kalt, aber auf den Fahrstraßen konnten wir uns bei schnellem Schritt einigermaßen warm laufen.
      Wir konnten direkt die Nähe von Straßen und Parkplätzen merken, denn auf einmal trafen wir wieder Menschen und hatten zum Teil sogar Handyempfang. Vorbei an der Schwarzentenn Alm sind wir über sonnige Almenwiesen auf das Seekarkreuz gestiefelt. Der Weg war gespurt, daher waren auch hier die Schneeschuhe nicht notwendig.
      Auf der Lenggrieser Hütte warteten gutes Essen und Getränke, was wir uns nach 24km, 1000hm und 7 Stunden wandern redlich verdient hatten. Nur mit der Nachtruhe könnte es bei dem lustigen Völkchen hier etwas schwierig werden 😉

    • Tag 3

      Tag 1 Guffert Hütte 1475m

      20. Juni 2021 in Österreich ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Etappe 1

      24,1km - 817 Höhenmeter - 7:37h

      Hier ist meine gehen-Aktivität bei Garmin Connect. #beatyesterday……

      Nach einem langem Ebenen Abschnitt, ging es die letzten 4km hoch hoch hinauf zur Hütte. Auf einmal war es deutlich "bergiger". Jetzt auf 1475m sieht die Umgebung schon ganz anders aus und es ist wunderschön still.

      Duschen gibt es hier zum Glück. Anschließend eine Runde Yoga um die müden Beine und den Rücken etwas auf morgen vorzubereiten. Da geht es weiter zur Dalfaz Alm.

      Um 18 Uhr gibt es lecker Schweinebraten zum Abendessen - da freuen wir uns schon drauf.

      Unsere Schlafplätze im Lager sind bezogen und wenn wir Glück haben sind wir dort auch die einzigen Gäste.

    • Tag 3

      Landesgrenze und Mittagspause

      17. Juli 2022 in Österreich ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Auf der Alm gab es ausreichend zu Trinken und eine deftige Wurst- und Käseplatte. Der Weg bergab nach Achenwald führte über Serpentinen stetig bergab auf einem geschotterten Wirtschaftsweg. Hier wurde auch Biene ein Stückchen getragen, weil der Schotter nicht gut für die Pfoten war. Unten angekommen mussten wir nur wenige Minuten warten, bis der Bus kam, der uns nach Achental zum Quartier brachte.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 2

      Fahrradmechaniker Heyen & Pieper

      28. August in Deutschland ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

      Tag 2 begann mit einem entspannten aufwachen in dichten Nebelfeldern. Anschließend ging es durch die relativ schnell aufkommende Hitze Richtung Tegernsee, wo wir auch unsere Mittagspause verbrachten. Leider ging es danach nicht mehr so schnell weiter, da wir (mehrfach) Schläuche flicken der wechseln mussten. Im Zeitplan etwas zurückgeworfen ging es dann in die ersten Alpenausläufer, wo aufgrund der fortgeschrittenen Zeit auf einem Wohnmobilstellplatz das Nachtlager aufgebaut wurde.Weiterlesen

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