Landkreis Diepholz

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Landkreis Diepholz
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    • Day 7

      The Perfect Spot!

      July 14, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      I'd spent hours looking for "the perfect spot" somewhere we could spend my birthday evening, and stay comfortably until Sunday... Finding somewhere to suit all our needs, that is free and lovely and sufficient for days of no driving is harder than it seems.
      But I did it 🥳 it was beautiful and there was a toilet and a bar and a beach, grass, shade, activities etc etc.

      So the police of course came and knocked just as we were getting ready for bed and told us we had to leave 🤣
      Second time ever 😅 what bad luck
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    • Day 29


      July 1, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Nous avons débarqué à midi au Danemark et …… la pluie donc on a roulé.
      On vient de s’arrêter à Oyten au Daisy dîner comme d’hab près de Brême.
      Il vient de s’arrêter de pleuvoir et on a traversé Hambourg sans ralentissement : exceptionnel…. Demain on traîne en descendant au gré de la météo. Nous serons de retour à la maison mardi soir je pense.Read more

    • Day 144

      Dümmersee - leider wieder Regen

      August 27, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Da unser Parkplatz in Bremen recht schattig ist fahren wir weiter Richtung Dümmersee. Werner hat ein richtig gutes Händchen im ausfindig machen von tollen Stellplätzen und so parkieren wir hier neben der Räucherei und werden uns wohl mal ein Fischbrötchen gönnen. Die Radtour um den Dümmersee fällt leider wegen Regens ins Wasser.
      So langsam würden wir uns schon über eine Schönwetter Periode freuen!!
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    • Day 7


      May 21, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Tók þessu frekar rólega og keyrði ekki langt í dag. Beið í um klukkutíma eftir ferju yfir Saxelfi í hádeginu og þegar ég kom til Aldinborgar var ég svo til búin á því - það er nefnilega vel heitt og sól og ég er byrjuð að sólbrenna. Var því komin í næturstað upp úr fjögur. Sýnist verðin vera svipuð og 2019.

      1. Með svona ferjukríli fór ég yfir Saxelfi.
      2. Smá tilbreyting frá akstrinum.
      3. Á tjaldsvæðinu.
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    • Day 25

      På gensyn Amsterdam

      September 12, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Der kom noget af et vejrskifte i Amsterdam, så vi besluttede os til at rykke videre mod noget bedre vejr. Hvor vi lander I morgen, ved vi først i morgen. Kom forbi endnu en af de store hollandske campingudstyr forretninger, og måtte da lige ind og snuse. Kurven var heller ikke tom ret længe😂. Vi er lidt trætte nu, så fandt et Autohof omkring Bremen, hvor vi overnatter. Overnatning er gratis, så længe vi spiste i restauranten. Så vi har lige nydt et par wienerschnitzel, og nu hygger vi med en god film.Read more

    • Day 21

      Goldenstedt ☀️

      August 12, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Unser letzter Stopp unserer Reise ist das Dachzeltfestival in Goldenstedt. Dort angekommen haben wir erstmal unser Dachzelt aufgebaut und viel geschnackt. Hier verbringen wir nun das Wochenende. Das Wetter lässt sich gut aushalten mit 32 Grad. Hier werden schon zahlreiche Wasserschlachten gemacht. 😂Read more

    • Day 21

      Tag 2 in Goldenstedt ☀️

      August 12, 2022 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      Abends haben wir noch unsere Lichterketten angebracht, gemütlich zu Abend gegessen und UNO gespielt.
      Heute haben wir alle bis 9 Uhr ausgeschlafen, dann gab es Frühstück - Brötchen, Milch und Kakao.
      Über Tag haben wir viel gebadet, die Sonne genossen und entspannt. Zum Mittag gab es Pommes mit Currywurst oder Nuggets. 🍟
      Und zu Abend gab es mal wieder Pizza. 😍🍕
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    • Day 34


      May 30, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Perfektes Wetter zum laufen. Etwas bewölkt und frisch und gegen Abend würde es noch einmal richtig warm.
      Der Weg an der Weser entlang war herrlich.
      Abends noch zwei Hütten für die Ressourcenkarte fotografierte und bei der Suche nach Wasser eine super Schlafgelegenheit ca. 500m vom trail entdeckt.
      Eine Fahrradpension bei der man für 10€ im Garten zelten kann. Dusche und Bad können mit benutzt werden. Ein gefüllter Kühlschrank im Außenbereich auf Spendenbasis und ganz wichtig eine Wassertankstelle. Sehr zu empfehlen.

      Weser Radpension Bed & Breakfast am Weserweg
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    • Day 168

      Husky Volunteering

      September 5, 2015 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 14 °C

      Unfortunately our lives as Husky dog handlers were short lived.......whilst we LOVED the dogs and didn't mind the work, the countless hours of sitting around, repetitive jobs and lack of appreciation encouraged us to leave early.

      Basically our day would start at 7am with the commencement of the first dog run. There were a total of 27 dogs mixed between 7 kennels and each kennel would be released into the yard separately to prevent fights and also protect the dogs on 'heat' from being seduced by the boys. This gave us enough time to clean out the kennels and replace the beds with straw when required.

      At 9am it was time for breakfast then we would clean the common areas and bathroom before starting other jobs (stockpiling dry dog food etc). It's 12pm, time for another dog run and add to the ever growing mountain of dog poo.

      From 2pm to 4:30pm we would generally have lunch and play cards. There was 5 old dogs who now lived inside and needed someone to keep an eye on them (2 of the were epileptic and 1 had a massive cancer on her belly) so we couldn't really do anything. The only activity outside the farm was a 40 minute walk to the nearest town to buy a beer.

      430pm was feeding time and ear plugs were recommended as the dogs loved to express their excitement for eating the same food everyday. It takes a lot longer than you think to feed 27 dogs and wash all the bowls! The last dog run of the day was 7pm and generally didn't last more than an hour as it was getting dark and cold.

      The host (Sergeant Ben) has an employee (Christian) who we spend most of the day with and he's a top bloke. He taught us a lot about dog training which was really great but that doesn't make up for all the short falls.

      During the colder months the work does become more interesting as the training for sled dog races in Norway starts. Sergeant Ben has a custom training sled and scooters for this task but it would still be a few weeks till it was cool enough not to burn out the dogs. Christian showed us how all the gear worked though which was cool. The closest we got to actually using the gear though was when Travis put the harness on and pretended to drag Suki on the dog scooter.

      It was disappointing that we were not allowed in the family's house except for a small kitchenette/common room that didn't have a tap so you have to walk to the bathroom to fill up the tub to wash dishes then empty into the toilet etc. We cooked our own food and ate by ourselves and therefore there was no interaction with the family.. we could hear a lot of yelling going on between the parents and the 2 kids in the main house though so it was probably for the best!

      We slept in the world smallest caravan on the other side of the farm which you have to unlock three gates to get there - also annoying. As soon as we arrived we were told we would have a dog sleep with us (his name is First) in the caravan.. "cool!" Suki thought..The catch is he needs full time supervision as he's old, epileptic and poos in his sleep. But having said that we fell in love with him and miss him everyday.

      We loved the dogs and their personalities here but unfortunately that doesn't out weight the feeling of being in prison and feeling unappreciated. This is nothing like the volunteering we have done before.

      We eventually summed up the courage to confront Sergeant Ben about how we felt and tell him that we're leaving (4 days into our 2 month stint). It actually went better than we expected (he didn't flip out, yell or throw us out) and whilst he was not apologetic he understood where we were coming from and was actually nice to us on our last few days. So we leave with mixed feelings..

      First, Pauline, Kazimere, Inuk, Ete, Aiko, Brunick, Alois, Bearcreek, Gipsy, Piki, Puck, Flip, Balto, Willy, Yuna, Jannu, Maya, Boccia, Neiden, Whitey, Joatka, Ranja, Summit, Lotte, Eddie, Joop... We're gonna miss you all! (Except Balto... Still undecided about him!)
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    • Day 31


      August 10, 2020 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Lundi, 10 août 2020
      Nous avons prévu des étapes journalières d'environ 2h de voitures, toujours en direction sud-est, pour finalement arriver en Bavière le mercredi 19 au plus tard. Nous remontons d'abord l'Oste et ensuite la Weser sur de nombreux km. Stolzenau sera notre lieu d'étape, situé juste sur le bord opposé du fleuve, à 3km de la route principale. Mais surprise: “ route fermée” . Nous y arrivons quand même, en passant sur un barrage et des petites routes “single track" comme en Irlande. Nous avons le dernier emplacement “Waterfront" et pouvons observer le trafic fluvial qui monte et descend la Weser. Chaleur oblige, nous allons découvrir ce joli bourg qu'après le coucher-du-soleil. Un bon souper nous est servi à l'hôtel de la Poste, adresse que le gardien du cc-parc nous a recommandée.Read more

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