Landkreis Ludwigsburg

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Landkreis Ludwigsburg
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    • Day 4

      E chi sta megl e me 🐒

      August 21, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Perché mi piace andare allo zoo?

      Per ricordarmi che anche noi, come gli animali dello zoo, siamo chiusi in gabbia e speaso quella gabbia siamo noi stessi a crearla.

      Libertà per gli animali 😀

      Vabbè poo adoro le scimmie ma questa è un'altra storia 🤩
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    • Day 220

      Dienstag Schnitzeljagd Trupp H3 #722

      August 8, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Another excellent DST H3 trail, in the northern edge of Stuttgart. Always great to be back in Germany, and especially Stuttgart. We had over 20 hashers on hand to scamper around this 7.5 Km trail on a rather cool evening for August. Trail included a good mix of stairs and trails, and we followed it up with good food. Nice seeing so many friends. Tschus . . . until next time. On OnRead more

    • Day 14

      A relaxing day in Waiblingen

      October 2, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Gerhard has been in a rowing club since he was
      14 yrs old. I’ve always known this was a big part of his life so I told him I wanted to see his boat. We walked a couple miles along the Rems River
      (pic #1) in Waiblingen, to the boathouse (pic 2). He showed us the 4 man boats and oars (pic 3&4). Pic 5 is Gerhard’s one person boat. He paddles with club members several times a week.
      On the walk back we stopped at a beer garden for lunch. We had “weisswurst”, a veal sausage that is white, you peel off the outer skin. Tradition has it that weisswurst should be eaten before noon! We had weisswurst with sweet German mustard, a pretzel and of course a beer, I had my radler. The relaxed atmosphere of the beer garden invites you to sit back and just enjoy life, enjoy the weather, and for Davor and Gerhard it was a chance to reminisce about fun times in their friendship. It was also a sweet time to talk about Gerhard’s sweet wife, Heike. The last pic is of one of the decorative entrances to Waiblingen.

      Highlight of the day: relaxing in the beer garden
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    • Day 11

      Leaving Croatia

      September 29, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      We left Split and Croatia. I think it was hard for Davor to leave Croatia…..
      Before driving to the airport we went down to the beach that we could see from our Airbnb balcony. It’s a popular beach in the area because of the fine sand.
      Pic 1 was taken down at the beach looking up at our Airbnb! If you zoom in, that white house on the hill with the laundry hanging out was where we were. We were in the floor below the laundry.
      The rest of the pics are at the beach and the views of the passing boats, yachts!
      Late afternoon we flew from Split to Munich. Split was such an easy airport. Our luggage was about
      5 lbs overweight, each of them! We were going to be charged $150 for each but then the lady had sympathy on us! That was nice since we’d already gotten a couple parking tickets in Split! For security we scanned our boarding passes. Because Croatia is part of the EU it was a “domestic” flight. They’d checked our passports at luggage checkin. As our stuff went thru the
      X-ray machines at security someone must have been looking at them remotely because there was only a person at the very end to pull your bag and talk to you if they saw something. We had to board the plane outside but they had a front and back door of the plane open so boarding went quickly! In a country where there are no self checkouts at the grocery store or the gas station….the airport was amazingly efficient!!
      And now, on to Germany where I can read the signs and speak the language!
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    • Day 85

      Emily (3) & Kurti (40) Geburtstag

      March 25 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Emily hat Sonntag auf Montag das erste Mal mit mir bei Oma Evi übernachtet. Wir waren nach dem Frühstück im Streichelzoo Bretten. Emily hatte große Angst vor den Tieren - war ihr erstes Mal. Nachmittag gab es Kaffee und Kuchen im Hof.

      Abends waren wir im Mauritius in Stuttgart-Süd auf Kurtis 40 Geburtstag.
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    • Day 3

      Barock-Weihnachtsmarkt Ludwigsburg

      December 6, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 3 °C

      Jetzt ist der dritte Weihnachtsmarkt meiner Reise angesagt. Ich bin gespannt, was das Wort 'Barock' in der Werbung bedeutet und schlendere los.

      Es ist ein schöner Weihnachtsmarkt. Etwas üppige und überladene Stände als anderswo, deshalb vermutlich 'Barock'. Ich esse endlich eine Portion Schupfnudeln mit Kraut. Superguuut. Plötzlich ist der gesamte, große Markt überfüllt mit Menschen. Es ist Freitagabend, das merkt man. Es wird zuviel für mich und ich habe ja sowieso alles gesehen. Noch schnell eine Tüte mit gebrannten Mandeln gekauft, dann geht es zurück nach Stuttgart.

      Zum Glück habe ich ein Navi auf dem Handy und so finde ich ohne Probleme zurück zum Bahnhof. Bei meinem Orientierungssinn hätte es sonst viel länger gedauert, brrr
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    • Day 1


      August 26, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Heute geht Tobi und mein erster gemeinsamer Urlaub los! Zeus darf natürlich auch nicht fehlen. Sowas verrücktes habe ich noch nie gemacht. Wie haben das Auto gepackt incl. einem Zelt und fahren nun Richtung Norden. Unser Ziel ist Dänemark. Aber wo und wann wie sein werden ist völlig unbekannt!Read more

    • Day 204

      There is no heaven.

      August 15, 2020 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      ... we did the "heaven for Benz lovers".
      It started a bit lets say.. awkward.
      As, however warned, Nika did not like the fact that I really did drive the old lady up until the main entrance.
      Nika does not like to show of.
      But I do.
      So this "we do this together tour" became a lonely walk in the dark.
      But as things go, in the end....
      So. Now to the museum.
      We really liked it, and I think it's worth a visit.
      I missed the cars I came for. Or even hoped.

      It was an exhibition from luxurious and exclusive cars. So I missed the "normal vehicles who made the History of Mercedes Benz .
      I lied if I did not see any W123, but only one 300TD in expo Travel. And a coach an coupe on a trailer in "transport"

      But not any W110, the type as Lieske or even not one!!! W114/W115 the type who saves their ass.
      Also in the department of "life savers"
      Not one ambulance from the type w110 , w115 or w123. A missed goal.. at least for me.
      Anyway. We were right in time, going in the morning, as there was quite a row as we looked outside to our Lieske, who got a visit from two Dutch cars.. a range rover and a defender.
      We stayed for more than 4 hours.
      As we left, we thought it would be nice to go to the Television Tower of Stuttgart..
      (Something like the first concrete tower in the world??)
      Had a coffee and went to the campsite.
      Did not want to go into the city, as the.roads are quite crowdy, many traficlights and... hills !!
      We did a walk into the neighbourhood were we had diner and came home in fear of a thunderstorm. But it just missed us in a mile.
      Heading for a place along the Rhine.
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    • Day 1

      Los geht‘s!

      February 11, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 2 °C

      Um 5:13 Uhr war die Nacht vorbei, alle drei Lichtmanneggers waren viel zu aufgeregt.
      Um 7:02 Uhr standen wir schon bei der Teststation, bevor wir um 7:30 Uhr von Philipp abgeholt wurden. Schnell durch die Gepäckaufgabe und Sicherheitskontrolle saßen wir um 8:40 Uhr schon am Gate 😌
      Dass wir so glatt durchkommen würden, hatten wir nicht erwartet… Frisch gestillt und gewickelt macht der Kleinste gerade schon sein erstes Tagesschläfchen in Mamas Arm und dann gehts hoffentlich mit neuer Kraft und ganz entspannt los! ✈️
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    • Day 10

      Travel by train

      September 9, 2019 in Germany ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Today we had to wake up at 5: 15 a.m to catch our train to Stuttgart but first we had to to take the metro to the train station. The train we had to take in Paris was really easy to find but when we got to Stuttgart all the announcements were in German and our train changed track numbers. Once we were on the train to Zurich everything was fine. Until there was an announcement that said that trains final stop was going to be Singen even though we were still 40 minutes away from Zurich. So we and some of the passengers got on another train from a different train company in the end we got to Zurich.

      When we got to Zurich, we went to the oldest candy shop in Zurich and we bought some chocolate. The candy store has been open since 1836. Then we walked around a bit and saw around 30-40 swans and we saw 8 swans, some pigeons and seagulls just siting on a thing near the water.

      Next we went to Grossmunster church, which is 900 years old. The church was built in 1130 and was finished in 1230. Then we climbed a tower that had 187 narrow steps and some very low ceilings. When we got to the top of the tower there were 4 little balconies that gave us a different view and perspective of Zurich. We climbed down again and went back to the oldest candy shop. Attached to the candy shop was a restaurant where we got hot chocolate that wasn't too sweet, but still very good. The hot chocolate came with a mini plate of whipping cream and there were shavings of chocolate on both the whipping cream and hot chocolate. After finishing our hot chocolate we bought some groceries for dinner and had a relaxing evening in our appartement.

      Aujourd’hui hui on a lever a 5h15 pour nous rendre au gare de train pour prendre un train à Stuttgart. Le train train a Stuttgart été faciles à trouver mais quand on st arriver en Allemagne aucun des annonces été en anglais et notre train a changer de raille. Quand on été sur le train tous été bon.Sauf que notre train est arrêter dans Singen alleux e Zurich alors on est aller sur un train d’un different compagnie et puis finalement nous some arriver en Zurich.

      Puis on est aller acheter du chocolat et du chocolat et du chocolat chaud mais avent qu’on a acheter du chocolaté chaut on a aller dans tour que tu peut voir tous de Zurich dans.
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