Landkreis Trier-Saarburg

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Landkreis Trier-Saarburg
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    • Day 9


      July 28, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      … der Regen lässt nach und wir entscheiden ein Pause einzulegen und eine Kleinigkeit zu essen - direkt am Radweg treffen wir auf Reza‘s Buvette - der Buvette-Mann ist zwar erst am Einrichten und trotzdem können wir eine Bestellung aufgeben … 😃Read more

    • Day 6

      Ferry at Wasserbillig

      June 1, 2022 in Luxembourg ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      The first stop today was at Wasserbillg wher we crossed tha Mosel after riding along the river Sùre for about an hour. A great road with no traffic and perfect temeratures. Today we had 290 km to travel and unfortunately there was little or no cafè on route.Read more

    • Day 9


      June 12, 2022 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      In Trier angekommen hatten wir einen sehr langen Weg von unserem Parkplatz bis zum Start des Stadtrundgangs zu gehen. Ca. 45 Minuten.

      Felix und ich haben auch das geschafft obwohl das Altstadtfest und die vielen Besucher es nicht einfach machten. Um 14:30 Uhr kam unser Führer und die Führung begann obwohl Guildo Horn gerade vor der Porta Nigra seinen Soundcheck machte.... Dadurch haben wir nicht alles verstanden.

      Über all die Bauwerke zu schreiben wäre zuviel, nur soviel sei gesagt. Die größte römische Stadt nördlich der Alpen war zuständig für die Verwaltung der gesamten römischen Reiches nördlich der Alpen und 8 Kaiser hatten hier ihren zeitweisen Sitz.

      Eine der Städte wo man nochmal hinfahren müsste. Einen Favoriten unserer Tour kann ich noch nicht sagen. Berühmter Sohn der Stadt ist übrigens Karl Marx.

      Unser Stellplatz für die Nacht liegt 15 min. außerhalb in den Weinbergen. Der Grauburgunder schmeckt sehr lecker 😋 Unser Abendessen gab es bei den Kleingartenfreunden Trier Ost 👍
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    • Day 23

      Trier Altstadt (durchfahrt)

      October 9, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      So mir sind wieder underwegs richtig Moselgebiet und hend bide durchfahrt no churz bim örtli Trier ghalte … Trier isch eini vode älteste Städt in Deutschland und meh chan zahlrichi antike und mittelalterlichi Baudenkmäler entdecke, von denen 8 sogar UNESCO als Welterbe uszeichnet worde sind…. Mir sind aber nome das nördliche Stadttor Porta Nigra und de Dom go aluege … bevor mir weder witer gfahre sind …Read more

    • Day 28

      Mehring to Trier

      September 14, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 16 °C

      One of the lessons I have learnt from all the previous rides I have done is to beware of the so called "short days", as often these can throw up the most unexpected challenges. Today's ride was originally supposed to be only 28 km - an absolute doddle in anyone's language. It did not turn out that way.

      The captain explained that there had been a problem with our intended mooring point in Trier. Apparently, this choice location had now been snaffled by one of the larger cruise ships (probably a Viking), and that we had now been relegated to a rather second (actually fourth) rate mooring about 8 km out of the town. To make matters even worse, the mooring was right in the middle of an ugly industrial estate, surrounded by stinking metal recycling plants and toxic waste dumps.

      The change of mooring point also had a further negative impact on our day's ride. The city of Trier is the oldest city in Germany and is famous for its impressive Roman ruins. It was certainly a place we wanted to explore, but, just like the old Roman buildings, our plans were also in ruins.

      Since the new mooring point was about 8 km before Trier, we would have to ride ahead to the city, and then ride the same path again to get back to the boat. If that was not bad enough, the following morning we would have to ride it a third time as we resume our ride along the Moselle. It was not the way it was meant to be.

      We started the ride at about 9 am and made good progress till we stopped at a substantial coffee shop for morning tea. Just as we were sitting in the sunshine, enjoying our drinks, a rather terrifying event took place. Every mobile phone (and I mean EVERY MOBILE PHONE) started pinging with an emergency alert message. Since the message was in German we had no idea what it was telling us.

      All around the coffee shop people were looking at their phones in horror. Surely Putin had not done the unthinkable, and pressed the red button? I looked up at the sky, expecting to see the vapour trails from incoming missiles. Fortunately the only trails I could see were from the normal air traffic.

      After several minutes of communal confusion, the waitress gradually assured everyone that it was just the government testing their alert system. Apparently it is something that is done once a year. For us, it was a rather unsettling experience, and certainly increased our anxiety levels off the scale.

      We continued on for a short distance, trying to regain our composure, when we struck the second major challenge of the day. The trail was completely closed for some sort of reconstruction. For a time, we did not know whether to just ignore the sign and try to go around it. Finally we decided to try to navigate our way instead.

      The fact that there were no detour signs made the navigation that much harder. We didn't really know where we were going, but just rode around a complex series of local roads, until we finally worked our way around the blockage. It added significantly to the distance we had to ride that day.

      After narrowly averting nuclear disaster, and negotiating a meandering detour, we finally reached Trier about 2 pm. By that time it was very hot, and the sight of a huge throng of tourists was not a welcome one. We went in search of somewhere quieter to rest for a while.

      Most of us had elected to participate in a "guided tour" of the city. I normally avoid these unpleasant experiences, but somehow decided to throw common sense aside and pay the 20 Euro fee for the unpleasant experience.

      The tour started at 3 pm. It was the hottest time of the day, so we all hoped it would be short. It wasn't. It went on and on, with lots of dates and other details that were immediately forgotten. We staggered around the city, just wanting the thing to end.

      When the tour finally finished at around 5 pm, we still had to get back to the boat. This is where the real circus began. There were about 50 of us in total, who all required guiding out of the city and back to the Olympia. Our cycling guide on the boat was a confident blonde German called Julia. Since she was going to lead us back to the boat, we thought it would be simple and straightforward. It wasn't.

      Julia did not seem to know where we were. The huge conga line of riders followed her as she twisted and turned through the narrow streets. I soon started to doubt her navigation, as we were heading in the opposite direction to where we should be going. I have never ridden in such a huge peloton, riding along busy roads in a major city. It was not only funny, it was potentially very dangerous.

      Julia eventually realised that she was going the wrong way, and the giant peloton found itself right back in the centre of the city - exactly where we had started about 20 minutes earlier. This really was developing into a very long day.

      After some more confusion, the correct path was finally located, and we started back toward the Olympia. By that time riders were stretched out over a huge distance, and several became disconnected from the group. It really was a perfect example of how NOT to lead a group of riders.

      It was after 6 pm by the time that we reached the familiar safety of the boat. It was almost dinner time. What a day.
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    • Day 8

      19. September

      September 19, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Das Wetter ist perfekt für die Cache-Tour mit unseren E-Bikes!.
      Nach dem ausgiebigen Frühstück machen wir uns auf den Weg! 33,5 Km und ca 40 Caches später sind wir im Olivengarten beim Nachtessen mit Apfelwein!!
      Hoch zufrieden und sehr müde (waren nette Bike-Wege zum Teil etwas zu steil für mich😗musste ganz schön anstrengen)mit vielen schönen Ausblicken hier entlang der Mosel neigt sich der Dienstag dem Ende noch duschen und dann ab ins Bett! Morgen steht Trier auf dem Plan. Mit den Bikes entlang der Mosel...
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    • Day 9


      September 20, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Heute radeln wir mit unseren E-Bikes nach Trier...Beat braucht dringend eine neue Velo-Brille(die Alte wurde von mir "überfahren")
      Beim Sport Simon im Einkaufszentrum in Trier wurden wir fündig....ein feines Mittagessen später gabs einen kleinen Stadtbummel (wir waren 2018 schon mal hier) und dann radelten wir der Mosel entlang zurück zum Campingplatz...55Km hat dieser Ausflug entlang der Mosel gebracht...ein schön ausgebauter Radweg übrigens.Read more

    • Day 13

      Dag 13

      August 18, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Vandaag rustig de dag begonnen en het plan was om ergens op een camping in Luxemburg te staan, maar de camping was helaas vol.. dus zijn we doorgereden naar de grens van Duitsland waar we een andere leuke camping hebben gevonden! Het bijzondere is dat de rivier waar we aangrenzen met de camping precies de scheidingslijn is tussen Luxemburg en Duitsland! Wij hebben vanavond gegeten in Luxemburg en we slapen in Duitsland😂! Ze spreken hier Frans, Duits, Engels en Luxemburgs. Heel bijzonder als je iets probeert te bestellen, want je begint in het Frans en eindigt in het Duits 😅😂
      Vanavond hebben we onze nieuwe jeu de boules ballen geprobeerd en dit resulteerde in een gelijkspel 👌.
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    • Day 6


      May 22, 2023 in Luxembourg

      Nach 3 Tagen wandern und Natur war heute wieder Kultur angesagt.
      Mit dem Bus ging es wieder nach Echternach und wir haben das kleine Städtchen besichtigt. Schön ist das Abbaye d'Echternach mit der Willibrordusbasilika. Die Gebeine von dem heiligen Willibrord liegen in einem tollen Marmorsarkophag in den Katakomben. Dort befindet sich auch eine Quelle deren Wasser eine heilende Wirkung nachgesagt wird und viele Pilger anlockt.Read more

    • Day 23

      Aussicht Moselgebiet & Riesling

      October 9, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Die Mosel - eifach en Reis wert …. Persönlich gfalled eus eifach die schöne Rebbärge… da chamer sich nöd satt luege … do sägemer Halloo Riesling …. Im schööne Leiwen hemmer no en chlini Riesling Degu dörfe erlebe …. ProstRead more

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