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    • Day 18

      Oktoberfest 🥨

      September 21, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Well the tent sleeping next to a party on a campground filled with a hundred people went about as well as you'd expect. We pulled ourselves out of bed and enjoyed the included breakfast and got ready to partake in a full day of Oktoberfest festivities.

      We arrived and went straight to a beer tent and enjoyed some lunch. Phill got a Ochsenfertzensemmel (Pulled Ox sandwich) and Bec got a taster platter. After this we explored the very large grounds again before settling into another tent where we met some nice Germans, Italians and questionable Americans that kept trying to get us to sing with them.

      The day progressed and a few more tents were visited and friends made. We ended the adventure with Phill getting his Wiener schnitzel and Bec getting her Apple strudel before making our way back to the campgrounds.

      Seeya in Athens!

      Step count
      Both: 22k
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    • Day 2

      Charles Forte Hotel Charcuterie Board

      December 9, 2019 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 45 °F

      My first dinner will be in the restaurant of my hotel. A five star hotel that is centrally located in Munich. Arrived easily, at check in I got a room upgrade and a 100 hotel credit. Used my Amex points to get the room and the other things for free. What a great way to start the trip.


      Rye bread
      Pickled gherkins
      Roasted chestnuts
      Beet hummus
      Hawaiian black salt
      Smoked ham from Italy

      Vegetable stew.
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    • Day 2

      Mooching in Munchen

      February 22, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      After a smooth 13 hour flight, we arrived in Munich at 7am to a temperature of -2. We caught the train to the city and were lucky that our hotel room was ready, so we dropped the bags and headed for a day's walking around Munich.

      We spent most of the day in the old town, following a trail of caches through town. Lunch was classic tourist - overpriced alfresco in the main square (Marienplatz), consisting of wurst and sauerkraut. But what a setting!

      We went for a short walk in the local area before tea at our hotel.
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    • Day 1

      Munchen 2/8

      August 2, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Munchen, Bavière, sud Allemagne

      Partis à 6h35 de la maison, avion Toulouse Paris CDG 9h40 11h05 puis 2eme avion Paris CDG Munich 13h30 15h30 !
      +1h d'équivalent train de banlieue et nous sommes arrivés avec nos bagages sur la jolie Marienplatz sous un chaud soleil et beau ciel bleu, 26 degrés 🌹🌷🥀🌼
      Marienplatz, Place de l'hôtel de ville et de la colonne de Marie.
      Petit concert de carillon à 17h de la tour horloge du "nouvel" hôtel de ville Glockspiel-Neues Rathaus avec des automates qui célèbrent 2 épisodes de l'histoire de Munich :
      - la fête de mariage du prince héritier Guillaume de Baviere avec Renée de Lorraine en 1568, mariage fêté durant 18 jours dont tournois équestres de chevaliers et mariage très fécond : 10 enfants !
      La scène automate retrace aussi la danse des tonneliers qui brandissent des cerveaux de barils décorés de fleurs pr célébrer la fin de la peste, tradition qui remonte à la peste des années 1515-1517.
      Puis découverte de l'artère commerçante piétonne qui borde la Frauenkirche (cathédrale des Femmes) jusqu'à la Karlplatz puis jusqu'à notre petit hôtel Jaeger (Chasseur!).
      Soirée très détendue dans un véritable Biergarten, l'une des premières brasseries de Munich : l'AugustinerBrauMunchen créée en 1328 !
      Déjà env. 8-10km de marche !
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    • Day 5

      Second day in Munich

      August 5, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Il secondo giorno a Monaco è iniziato con un'ottima colazione salata, necessaria per cominciare al meglio la giornata. Dopo essermi messa in cammino ho raggiunto Odeonplatz dove ho potuto ammirare il monumento Feldernhalle, la chiesa Theatinekirche caratteristica per il suo interno in stucco bianco, la Residenz München con al suo interno il bellissimo giardino chiamato Hofgarten. Da lì mi sono diretta verso l'Englisher Garten (giardini inglesi) ma prima di entrarvi mi sono soffermata ad osservare con ammirazione i coraggiosi atleti che facevano surf sull'onda del fiume. Ho scoperto che è un vero e proprio sport e si può svolgere tutto l'anno! Mi sono immersa poi negli immensi giardini inglesi, facendomi trasportare dall'aria fresca e pulita e dal verde dei prati che mi circondavano. Ho osservato alcune strutture come il Chinesiscer Turm, il Burgfriedensäule, il Japanese Teahouse Kanshoan, tutto questo immerso tra fiumi, laghi, prati e bellissimi animali. Peccato per il tempo e la pioggia, ma nonostante questa ho camminato e addirittura corso per un piccolo tratto proprio per godere di un momento di libertà che resterà unico nel suo genere. Uscita dai giardini, ormai stanca, ho deciso di raggiungere il famoso Hofbräuhaus München, dove producono l'omonima birra, e li ho assaggiato un altro tipico piatto bavarese, i Wiener wurstel con patate e ovviamente l'ottima birra Hofbräuhaus. Rimessa in forze sono ripartita e prendendo metro e tram sono arrivata allo Schloss Nymphenburg, palazzo reale che era la residenza estiva dei re di Baviera. Anche questo circondato da immensi e bellissimi giardini che ho visitato solo in parte poiché il resto non era compreso nel biglietto che avevo acquistato. Terminata la visita sono tornata in centro e li, un po' per riposarmi e un po' per ascoltare il consiglio di un amico di "continuare il viaggio in stato di grazia" cit. ho deciso di partecipare alla messa nella chiesa di Saint Mikael (sì, per lo spirito patriottico ho scelto questa) e nonostante non capissi il tedesco, è stato bello provare a seguire con molta più attenzione il rito e provare anche a cantare in tedesco! Dopo la messa ho fatto un ultimo giro prima di ritornare in ostello dove mi aspettava una birra gratis e una divertente serata karaoke. Domani la sveglia suonerà presto e sarà un'intensa giornata di viaggi.
      La città di Monaco mi ha davvero sorpreso, sicuramente ci ritornerò per visitarla col sole e magari bere ancor più birra all'Oktoberfest 🍻❤️
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    • Day 190


      September 23, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      We awoke after our first night in the tent. It was quite cramped and difficult to get comfortable but we managed to find some positions that worked to get some sleep!

      We went into Munich city centre to meet our friend Amy, who we had met on our Turkey tour a few weeks ago. She had quit her job back in Australia, was travelling for a bit and is now au pairing in Bologna, Italy. She was already planning on going to Oktoberfest this weekend and so it worked out really well!

      We then walked into the festival and it was incredible! Lots of music, people, food carts and surprisingly a lot of rides. The middle Saturday of the festival (which was today) is known as the busiest day of the entire two week festival and this was definitely evident even when we walked in at 11am! It is also Italian weekend!

      We walked for a bit through the streets, taking in the sights before attempting to get a table at the Paulaner tent. This was unsuccessful but even just walking through the beer tent was amazing, so many people and lots of music!

      We then went next door to the Spaten tent where we did manage to get a seat and had our first steins of the day! 🍻 We danced on the benches to all the music (which included songs in English such as "Take Me Home, Vountry Road" and ABBA classics!) We had a fantastic time!

      After Spaten, we got a pretzel (as you do!) and walked to the Hacker-Pschorr tent. This is one of the lesser known ‘big beer tents’ in Australia but it took us a bit longer to get in as it was getting very busy throughout the festival. We managed to get a seat in the outdoor beer garden and enjoyed our second steins of the day.

      After this we went for a snack of kaiserchmarren which is a delicious smashed pancake and apple sauce dish! We then struggled to get into a tent as it was after 5pm and most were closed/already too full. After a few attempts and huge queues we decided to leave the Oktoberfest festival and headed into Munich old town.

      It was really pretty walking around the old town and we managed to get a seat in the oldest original beer house in Munich, Hofbrauhaus. We then got our third steins of the day (with Daniel trying a dark one!) and some delicious pork, sausage and macaroni which we shared for dinner. There was a great vibe and atmosphere in Hofbrauhaus with a band playing and everyone singing and celebrating!

      We then said goodbye to Amy (not knowing if we would see her again) and went back to the campsite to sleep after a very busy day!
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    • Day 193

      Munich - Daniel's birthday

      September 26, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Our last full day in Europe and it was Daniel’s birthday so what better way to spend it than at Oktoberfest!!

      We had a couple of mimosas at the campsite to get us going and got to the festival before it had even opened. We went straight to the Augustiner tent to taste our first beer of the day by 10.30am. Augustiner is the locals' favourite beer and is served out of an oak barrel. After we finished our beers, we went for a walk to the more well known Hofbrau tent where we enjoyed our second round for the day as well as a delicious Schweinehaxen - the famous Bavarian pork knuckle! We were sitting next to some Americans who had just done the Berlin marathon and had some good chats.

      We then had a pretzel on the way to the Paulaner tent, where we shared a beer - the tents were definitely starting to get busier now! We then went to our fourth and final tent where we spent the next four hours - Lowenbrau. It was so busy but we managed to get a seat next to some older German couples and had some great fun attempting to communicate! The band started playing and we got up on the tables and danced the night away. After Daniel had finished his 5th stein of the day we decided to bid farewell to Oktoberfest, but not before grabbing an oxe burger and bratswurst on the way out!

      We made our way back to the campsite to spend the last night in the tent!
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    • Day 2

      Therme Erding

      December 30, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

      Heute ist Entspannung pur angesagt. Wir haben uns angemeldet und sind deshalb am Dayly Spa Eingang bereits erwartet worden. Überraschung des Tages war der gemietete Bungalow am See. Sehr entspannt über den Tag. Wir mussten keine Liegen suchen oder reservieren. Auch wenn die Menschenansammlung oder der Geräuschpegel zu viel wurde hatten wir einen Rückzugsort. Leider waren wohl vier mal so viel Gäste da wie an anderen Tagen und daher die Aufgüsse lübervoll. Trotzdem ein sehr schöner Tag.Read more

    • Day 3

      Tour durch München

      December 31, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 4 °C

      Nach einem ausgiebigen Frühstück sind wir ins Zentrum aufgebrochen. Ein ausgedehnter Bummel durch das Kaufhaus Oberpollinger musste sein. Danach sind wir über die üblichen Touristen Plätze zum Viktualienmarkt gegangen um uns dort unter die Marktbesucher zu mischen, die sich schon auf den Sylvester Abend eingestimmt haben. Glühwein und Snack gehörten dazu. Der Versuch irgendwo eine Kleinigkeit zu essen war unmöglich. Die Innenstadt ist brechend voll. Am kürzesten war die Schlange bei Dallmayr und wir haben tatsächlich einen kleinen Tisch ergattert für einen kurzen Kaffee. Zurück zum Hotel sind wir im Guglhupf gelandet auf einen Aperol und Napoli - Limoncelo Spritz 🙂 nun können wir uns entspannt auf den Sylvester Abend auf der Theresienwiese einlassen.Read more

    • Day 22


      October 6, 2023 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Today in Munich I saw the Diana temple in the Hoftgarten, the Frauenkirche (cathedral), St Peter's Church, the Marienplatz, the old and new Town Halls, and wandered into the Bayern Munich club shop. Later on I went for a run up the Englishgarten.Read more

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