Rathausturm Dresden

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    • Dag 3

      Ústí n. Labem-Festung Königstein-Dresden

      1. august 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Die Fernsicht von der imposanten Festungsanlage Königstein auf das Elbtal war leider nicht optimal. Dennoch war es ein idealer Ersatz für den geplanten “Bastei”-Ausflug. Der wegen der Brände in der Sächsischen Schweiz nicht durchgeführt werden konnte. Weiterfahrt nach Dresden mit Mittagessen, Altstadtrundgang und mit anschliessender Dampferfahrt Dresden-Blasewitz-Dresden.Les mer

    • Dag 2

      Let's go

      18. august 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Am 18. August ging es nun tatsächlich los, das Abenteuer ist gestartet. Unser roter Flitzer fuhr auf dem Messegelände in Dresden über die Startlinie und es ging sofort in Richtung Tschechien und wir mussten versuchen, uns ohne Navi zurechtzufinden. Super lief‘s😉
      -> 788km/ 0km
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    • Dag 67

      Dresden, Germany (Days 1 & 2)

      11. oktober 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 77 °F

      What we did:
      - Took what was supposed to be a 2:30-5pm train from Prague. The train was delayed leaving 30 mins later and then we actually sat for 45 mins or so at the Czech/German border. Cops boarded the train and took multiple guys off the train that were traveling alone, without a passport and appeared of middle eastern descent. Per research, Germany is having issues with all the migrants they took in and are really starting to crack down. A similar thing happened when we crossed from Italy into France.
      - We were tired so just grabbed a quick dinner, checked into the hotel and passed out early.
      - Woke up and took a 45 minute train to the “Saxon-Switzerland” national park, which is actually just a national park in Germany. No idea how they landed on that wildly confusing name! Consistently rated a top 5 national park in Europe, we enjoyed the two-three hour hike through the forests and intricate rock formations. The “Bastei Bridge” is a frequent photo cycled through our Windows laptop screensavers. Definitely worth coming!
      - After the hike we tried to find food at 6 different restaurants in the area, which were all closed or surprisingly very unfriendly to foreign tourists. One entirely ignored us. From Google reviews it seems that all the restaurants in this area essentially refuses foreigners and sometimes get openly hostile. WTF Germany
      - There is a barge that gets you across the 50ft wide river from the train station to the park. They pack it full to its max capacity of 320 people. There is no other way to describe it than this barge is a janky contraption. It has no motor and instead is just tied to a buoy in the river and they use some sort of pulley system with the river flow to move it across. Coming over it was only a 5minute experience, but on the way home they packed all 300+ of us onto it and made us sit there for almost an hour. People were losing it! Almost 80 degree heat in tight quarters - there were some elderly people really starting to struggle. I guess we had to wait for a window in which there were no boats or kayakers anywhere in sight before this floating piece of sh*t could cross. Build a damn bridge Germany! This Huckleberry Finn schtick isn’t cutting it. Starting to really question the “German Enginering” touted in the Volkswagon car commercials now.
      - We got back to Dresden and walked around Old Town and the river. Super cool and underrated city! The palace and old buildings are gorgeous and don’t have the tourist chaos of other areas. We grabbed beers at the “Augustusgarten” riverside biergarten.
      - Grabbed some dinner and headed back to the hotel by 10. Watched the 1st episode of the Netflix Beckham documentary on David and Victoria - definitely recommend!

      Where we ate -
      - Dinner of Poke at Hawaiin restaurant M’oolea. Delicious!
      - Train station coffees and croissants for breakfast. Trent ate a pretzel because hey we’re in Germany after all
      - Lunch at KFC. Yes that KFC - Colonel Sanders is a luxury food item over here.
      - Trent had 1st dinner of a pretzel and brat at biergarten. Brat was delicious and gave us faith in German brats again after the clunkers in Munich. Steph opted out of 1st dinner
      - 2nd dinner of Pho at a local Vietnamese place! Not as traditional as Salzburg but good enough for what we needed.

      Fun Facts -
      - Dresden was the old capitalist of Saxony and is surprisingly full of gorgeous old churches and impressive Palace items.
      - Dresden was basically leveled by the UK/US at the end of WW2. There were actually inquisitions for many years after to determine if they acted incorrectly in doing so as the war was nearly over and there were substantial civilian casualties from the resulting fires. Almost all of those old churches/palaces were damaged/destroyed and had to be refurbished/rebuilt afterwards to try and keep the old town vibes. To the untrained eye you couldn’t tell that they were not naturally so old.
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    • Dag 31


      12. juni 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Urlaub - Dresden und Berlin 🌏

      Sonntag ~ Ankunft 🚂
      - Schiffahrt auf der Elbe 🚤
      - Essen gehen ~ La Osteria🍕
      - Unterkunft & Bar🍹

      Montag ~ Dresden 🗺
      - Stadterkundung 👣 (Schloss(-Kirche), Zwinger, Semperoper, Johanndenkmal, Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Frauenkirche mit Führung und Mittagsgebet)
      - Nachtwächterführung 🏮
      - Café Antik ☕️
      - Kochen 🧑‍🍳
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    • Dag 2

      Das Neue Rathaus von Dresden

      30. mai 2020, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Nach unserem ausgiebigen Frühstück ging es an der Tiefgarage vorbei und die Taschen ablegen. Anschließend los zum ersten heutigen Ziel, dem neuen Rathaus von Dresden. Von 1905 bis 1910 entstand der Rathausneubau, da das alte Rathaus zu klein wurde. Bei den Bombenangriffen im Februar 1945 wurde das Gebäude stark beschädigt, so dass der umfangreiche Wiederaufbau ab 1948 erfolgte. Auf dem Rathausplatz vor dem Rathaus steht die 1952 von Walter Reinhold geschaffene überlebensgroße „Trümmerfrau“, die an die vielen Frauen erinnern soll, die die Berge von Ziegelschutt in der zerstörten Stadt nach 1945 abtrugen. Fasziniert hat mich wie immer der Turm des Rathauses. Der Rathausturm ist 100,30 Meter hoch (mit Figur, inkl. Blitzableiter). Eine öffentlich nicht mehr nutzbare Aussichtsplattform befindet sich in 68 Metern Höhe. Da der Turm nicht bestiegen werden kann, ging es für uns weiter zum Alten Markt und der Kreuzkirche.Les mer

    • Dag 3

      Heute Abend vietnamesische Küche

      26. august 2020, Tyskland ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      Nachdem wir zurück ins Hotel sind und uns frisch gemacht haben mussten wir uns nun entscheiden was wir heute Abend essen wollen. Die Auswahl in Dresden ist recht groß und wir überlegten zwischen russisch, italienisch, japanisch, türkisch oder vietnamesischen Essen. Philipp hatte Lust auf asiatische Küche und weil wir alle keine Lust auf Sushi hatten und der nächste Ramen Japaner etwas weiter weg ist, sind wir zum Vietnamesen. Erstmal Pho vorneweg und vietnamesisches Bier 😊Les mer

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