Regierungsbezirk Mittelfranken

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Os 10 melhores destinos Regierungsbezirk Mittelfranken
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    • Dia 46

      Das Nomadenleben genießen

      4 de novembro de 2022, Alemanha ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Die letzten Tage waren weniger spektakulär in Bezug auf Sightseeing oder ähnlichem.

      Wir besuchen noch ein paar Freunde und Familie im Großraum Nürnberg, bevor wir dann Deutschland verlassen werden.

      Gestern abend waren wir mit einem unserer Kinder noch lecker brasilianisch Essen. Es war ein kleiner Vorgeschmack auf unseren großen Wunsch und Traum Brasilien zu erleben und zu erfahren Wir können euch die brasilianische Küche nur ans Herz legen.

      Für heute haben wir uns auf einem kostenfreien Womo Platz im Landkreis Fürth niedergelassen und genießen den Blick auf die Burg und Umgebung.
      Gut, dass wir bei Zeiten hier waren, denn der Platz füllt sich schnell.

      Ich frage mich, warum viele andere Städte es verschlafen, einfache Womo Stellplätze zu schaffen.
      Wir stehen hier kostenfrei und haben auch die Möglichkeit der Ver- und Entsorgung. Es gibt auch ein kostenfreies WC. Strom und Wasser ist gegen kleines Geld zu beziehen. Ist so einfach.

      Der Platz selbst liegt sehr zentrumsnah und wir wollen morgen die Chance nutzen, den Ort und die nähere Umgebung zu Fuß erkunden.
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    • Dia 47

      Burg Cadolzburg

      5 de novembro de 2022, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Heute haben wir die Burg Cadolzburg im gleichnamigen Ort in Mittelfranken besucht und eine kurzweilige Wanderung durch den angrenzenden Wald unternommen.

      Die Burgbesichtigung war für Emma mit ihren Hummeln im Hintern (gerade mal 11 Monate alt - also Emma, nicht die Hummeln 😉) nicht wirklich spannend und total laaaaaangweilig.

      Der Weg durch den Wald danach hat ihr um Welten besser gefallen. Nur die Sache mit der Geduld muss sie noch lernen, wenn wir uns mal auf eine Bank setzen und nur schauen und die Stille genießen.

      Schon verrückt, auf den eigenen ehemaligen Spuren wieder unterwegs zu sein. Ich habe von 1995 bis 2001 in Cadolzburg gelebt, damals aber die Schönheit des Ortes so nicht wahrgenommen.

      Egal, es ist niemals zu spät, Dinge und/oder Sichtweisen zu ändern. Es ist wichtig, sie ab und an zu hinterfragen und zu prüfen, ob das noch den richtigen Stellenwert für einen hat.

      Es war die richtige Entscheidung, hier am Ort länger zu verweilen.
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    • Dia 8

      Day 8 part 2!🇨🇿🇩🇪

      28 de julho de 2022, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      By this time though, we had to head back to the hotel to collect our rucksacks. On our way there we passed Lennon wall which I loooveeed and Charles bridge again. On the bridge we passed a stand with beautiful pictures of the Lennon wall and got a few for my room. My favourite kind of souvenir. ❤️
      After getting our rucksacks we went on the tram to visit the dancing house, a unique building with glass that looks like it’s twisted (I would say).
      Then we had to get on the train for a 5 hour ride to Nuremberg. On the way I slept and Lampros was looking at our next train journeys we will have to plan. We also booked our next stays and some other exciting things I’m not going to reveal!!
      Getting to Nuremberg we went to Furth where our hostel is to leave our rucksacks. Then we went into Nuremberg for something to eat and to walk around. There was a classical concert going on with a lot of people, and stands of beer and local food. We got two sausages with bread and a beer each and enjoyed the remaining of the concert. Then we headed back to the train station to go to our room and get some rest. Tomorrow is a day full of travelling so we need the batteries! Goodnight from Germany!
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    • Dia 136

      138ème étape ~ Schnaittach

      16 de dezembro de 2022, Alemanha ⋅ ☁️ -2 °C

      Balade dans la neige au milieu de la forêt avec notre Mélody.
      La neige fraîche sous nos pieds, le calme environnant, une impression de paradis.
      Nous avons marché jusqu’à la forteresse de Rothenberg, malheureusement fermée en hiver.
      Puis, après un bon repas, on a pu expérimenter une nouvelle façon de faire la vaisselle. Effectivement nos tuyaux ont gelé alors on innove. 😂
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    • Dia 4

      Seligenstadt, Germany

      2 de julho de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 73 °F

      We went to Seligenstadt after where we had lunch, walked around and had some ice cream. It was such a pretty place. We stumbled upon a castle wall, that was from 1188! It is the oldest in Germany! (Some of these pictures are from Schloss Johannesburg)Leia mais

    • Dia 14

      Erlangen, Germany

      13 de junho de 2022, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Well, we arrived in Germany. It only took us one tram, five trains (I lost count really), one bus and 20 minutes of walking. We started at 07:45 and arrived at approximately 15:00. We were beyond tired as we took our last steps for the day! Note to self - travel shorter distances with three littles in tow. They really did great! The last train was the toughest as we loaded on, but found no seats. I was carrying a large backpack and Mabel, roughly 60lbs, I think. We had been trading off holding her, but at that point Seth was navigating us. Luckily, upon arrival we were greeted by Pablo, his friend's dog, which quickly perked our girls right up.

      We arrived into the Erlangen area in Germany just as the poppies came into full bloom for the season. This is their sign that summer is here. This also means warmer weather for me! We may have a couple days above 90 degrees.

      While in the Erlangen area, we spent time with old friends of Seth's. His friend was a big part of Seth's inspiration to go on this European adventure and part of his interest in learning German this past year. If you did not know, along with completing his Master's in Finance, he also began studying German quite intensely. Seth visited this friend last after our youth mission trip to Spain 21 years ago. This couple has been so kind to invite us into their lovely home and show us around Bavaria. They even lined up bikes for us all, so we can see the town like a local. This is a big biking community. His home is so funky and artsy with four levels surrounded by a flower and vegetable garden. He remodeled most of it himself and built his own furniture - lots of talent here.

      We have enjoyed many meats and Adalynn helped his wife cook a traditional German meal of potatoes, white asparagus and ham. We went to purchase the white asparagus the day before from a quaint, neighborhood farm. Mabel is very carnivorous and prefers the small cured sausages. Demi enjoyed beef tartare with cracked salt and pepper on pita bread. Addy really enjoyed the prosciutto the best. I prefer to stick with fresh vegetable from his garden and any chocolate.

      Here the kids have truly had a blast! They luckily had some toys on hand that were an extra surprise of fun for the girls. This couple is just so wonderful! Lots of fun and memorable conversations!

      Then we ventured on bikes into Erlangen for the best pizza of my life with this magical (just an exceptional parmesan) cheese and arugula made by an Italian family. Oh my! No words can describe it well enough!
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    • Dia 105

      Erlangen, Germany

      12 de setembro de 2022, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Well, here we are living in Germany just outside Nuremburg.

      Things we are learning:
      *Recycling rules are intense
      *Their "spicy" salsa tastes like Texas bbq sauce
      *They are not fans of doing things digitally, which requires lots of paperwork and extra bike rides
      *Google translate and deepl are my good friends now
      *We are trying to bike everywhere and have no car (by choice)
      *A picture of walking home after grocery shopping: Mabel chilling in the bike seat with her feet resting on my seat, a grocery bag on either handle bar, large backpack full and me walking trying to keep the bike upright over a 1km walk - a little bit much (I need to learn to make smaller trips)
      * There is a season here called fall where leaves turn gorgeous colors.... Hahaha
      * Most houses have total blackout window shutter things that are amazing!

      School attendance is quite strict, but they have lots of play time at school. The big girls are attending a German public school. Mabel will start a German kindergarten (Prek) in November. They really enjoy school and are learning to speak German quite quickly. Most kids walk solo to school by the age of six. I am working on feeling ok with this. They could totally do it.

      Our neighborhood is quiet and many homes around are built in the 30s. We live near a large forest and can bike so many fun places. Experiencing life from a different angle...
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    • Dia 24

      Angersee/Baggersee Baiersdorf

      23 de junho de 2022, Alemanha ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      We took a family bike ride to a sweet swimming spot! On the way we saw a ginormous bird nest that just seemed unreal. They have one on top of an old church here that they try to keep well cared for, so it's inviting for the birds to return to.

      There was a sandy beach on this little pond. Lots of children's sand toys laying around for the children to play with. Since school is still in session here, there weren't very many people there. The water was cool, but not too cold. The water was a little clearer than the ponds at home, we could see fish swimming. At least we knew no snakes were around. Seth and the girls had fun attempting to corral fish into their sandy pool creation.

      Our friend here borrowed some kick boards and an inflatable unicorn for the girls. They also lent us their beach blanket and shade tunnel. The shade tunnel was a nice alternative to a beach umbrella in terms of weight and bulk. This was important, since I had to load up everything on the back of my bike and my backpack.

      Nothing like a little relaxing at a local swimming hole. We only saw three people changing naked nearby! Many natural lakes here are spots to swim in the "natural," but they are discreet about it. They believe in getting close to nature often. Many of the swimmers seemed to pop in for a swim on their work break or something.

      Seth and I relaxed while the girls played for hours. We eventually had to head back since T-bones needed to be grilled.
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    • Dia 20


      7 de julho de 2022, Alemanha ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Today we went on a tour of Nuremberg with a local guide. We went by the ruins of a stadium where Hitler held his rallies. We went to the building where the Nuremberg trials were held but only saw a model of the courtroom since the actual courtroom is still in use. This afternoon a local historian spoke to us about the relationship between Russia & Germany throughout history.Leia mais

    • Dia 13

      Sömnbrist? Javisst!

      24 de julho de 2023, Alemanha ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Det blev inte mycket till sömn i natt💤🥱
      Tydligen kör man med full belysning här även på natten i tåget… ”Sovmasken” gick runt bland barnen och när de väl bestämt sig för att sova gick det fort.
      Dock slumrade jag själv mest med ett öga öppet😂
      Svårt att slappna av efter att ha hindrat Ville 4 ggr från att promenera iväg i sömnen…

      Vid 6.30 var tåget framme i Hamburg. Trötta men tappra barn som knallade av tåget och på nästa. Vi hade egentligen tänkt att äta frukost i Berlin men kände att barnen behövde sova lite mer så jag lade om rutten och tog ett tåg som kom in direkt på spåret bredvid så de fick sova 2 timmar till på resan till Hamburg (älskar interrail, några knapptryckningar så har hela familjen nya biljetter laddade i appen!).

      I Hamburg såg barnen en Harry Potter-affär som dock inte öppnat än så nu blev det frukost och sedan besök i affären😍

      Efter detta blev det en kort tur med tunnelbana då det är spårarbeten och tåget till Kiel då går från en annan station.

      Nöjda barn som äntligen fick åka dubbeldäckare!

      I Kiel blev det lyxfika och sedan incheckning på färjan som ska ta oss hem.
      Vi fick gå ombord på färjan redan kl. 15. Jag och Sigge gick på upptäcktsfärd medan de andra slappade i hytten❤️

      Nu blir det tax-free, minidisco, quiz och lite annat.
      Det gäller att gå ”all in” sista dagen😅
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Regierungsbezirk Mittelfranken, Mittelfranken, Middle Franconia, Meza Frankonio, Franconia Media, Moyenne-Franconie, Media Franconia, Middel-Franken, Środkowa Frankonia

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