Schloss Neuschwanstein

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    • Giorno 49

      Schloss Neuschwanstein

      14 ottobre 2017, Germania ⋅ 🌙 11 °C

      In keeping with movie themes, we visited Neuschwanstein Castle today, which is the castle that Chitty Chitty Bang Bang flew over. It is also the castle that Walt Disney reportedly based the Disneyland castle on. It is located in lower Bavaria close to the Austrian Alps, so only just over an hour drive from where are staying. I read that it is Germany's most visited attraction, and judging by the fact that we are entering low season and the place was positively crawling with people, I can well believe it. Craig wants one of those pen's recently placed on Facebook which has written on it "I hate f****n people". There really are some quite obnoxious people travelling out here.

      If we had lined up for tickets to do the 30 minute guided tour, the earliest we would have been able to do the tour was 3.00pm (and we were there at 10.15am) and tours were leaving every 5 minutes! So King Ludwig II might have been called Mad King Ludwig, but I suspect the tourism board is laughing all the way to the bank with this one.

      That said, it was rather a magical setting, and I suspect the external viewing of the castle was more of a spectacle than the inside, so we settled for that. This included a walk to a bridge over a gorge which looked back along the castle. Just nearby, and down the hill, was the castle where Ludwig lived as a child.

      We drove to another nearby village called Füssel which was crammed with typical Bavarian buildings, lots of cobbled pedestrian streets and with the river Lech running through it. Something we have noticed about all rivers in Germany and Austria - they are in a real hurry to go somewhere and could almost be described as swift water. They are also a lovely colour and crystal clear. There were also a larger number of people casually wearing traditional dress in the streets today – dirndls for the women and lederhosen and related paraphernalia for the men. When we were in Munich yesterday, we dropped into a very large retailer of traditional dress. Just the lederhosen shorts alone retailed for circa €200! A dirndl here was around €100 for a more basic version, but we were seeing them up to €600 in Austria for quite ornate versions.
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    • Giorno 70

      Munich - Neuschwanstein

      9 ottobre 2015, Germania ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Many people recommended I see this classic "fairy tale" style castle, and it was worth it! Very stylised unlike the more functional castles I'd seen elsewhere - this was more like a palace. The castle was situated in some stunning scenery too.

      The story behind it is also kinda funny: the king wanted a classic middle-ages castle, which he knew about only from stories, so he had some actual middle-ages castle ruins removed to make way for his idealised version. He also had two other hugely expensive palaces underway, refusing requests to reduce spending, when he was declared insane and moved to an asylum where he promptly drowned under mysterious circumstances.

      Unfortunately the Marienbrücke (Queen Mary's Bridge), which normally has the best views, was closed for renovation, so I guess I'll have to come again another time!

      The area also had another castle (Hohenschwangau, #6) that, confusingly, was built on the site of the old Schwanstein castle, while Neuschwanstein was built on the site of the old Hohenschwangau castle, so they effectively swapped names.
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    • Giorno 5

      Schwangau – Neuschwanstein

      15 agosto 2019, Germania ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Dopo una breve passeggiata per il centro storico riprendiamo l’auto per spostarci verso NEUSCHWANSTEIN.
      Avevamo già prenotato i biglietti online per la visita di entrambi i castelli un paio di mesi prima e avevamo un orario da rispettare, siamo quindi arrivati un pò in anticipo. Consiglio di arrivare con largo anticipo perché c’è davvero una confusione incredibile anche per posteggiare.
      Per fortuna, avendo la prenotazione, saltiamo almeno la fila per ritirare i biglietti. Suggerisco anche di portare con sé qualcosa da mangiare e da bere perché i prezzi sono altissimi sia per il cibo che per i souvenir.
      Iniziamo la nostra visita con il Castello di Hohenschwangau, dove aspettiamo il nostro turno per entrare. I tour sono organizzati per gruppi linguistici, quindi la nostra guida parla perfettamente in italiano. Di certo vale la pena visitare questa splendido palazzo reale che, pur meno famoso del sovrastante Neuschwanstein, offre tanti spunti e curiosità per conoscere la vita di re Ludvig e del castello stesso.
      Una volta fuori da Hohenschwangau iniziamo una lunga camminata in salita verso l’altro palazzo reale. Anche stavolta dobbiamo rispettare l’orario riportato sul biglietto d’ingresso. E’ possibile prendere un piccolo bus o salire su un calesse (a pagamento) per evitare un tratto di strada, ma avendo più di un’ora di tempo si può tranquillamente arrivare a piedi. Poco distante dall’ingresso di Neushwainstein c’è il Marienbrücke, o ponte di Maria, così chiamato in onore della regina Maria, madre di Ludwig II, che è sospeso sopra la gola del Pöllat.
      Da qui si può godere di una splendida vista sul castello ed é il posto ideale per fare delle foto strepitose. Anche per salire sul ponte però bisogna fare la coda, quindi regolatevi con i tempi!
      Il castello di Neuschwanstein è uno dei simboli della Baviera nel mondo. E’ il castello delle favole per eccellenza, fatto costruire dal “re Ludwig II di Baviera (1845-1886) a partire dal 1869 su progetto dello scenografo Christian Jank. Il re, affascinato dal passato, volle edificarlo sullo stile delle antiche residenze feudali tedesche. Neushwainstein domina dall’alto dei suoi 965 metri i paesi di Füssen e Schwangau ed il magnifico paesaggio circostante con il castello di Hohenschwangau e diversi laghi tra i quali spicca per bellezza il piccolo Alpsee. Le sale interne, riccamente arredate, sono un inno al romanticismo e alle antiche leggende germaniche.
      Purtroppo nei castelli non é consentito fare foto.
      Torniamo al nostro agriturismo dove restiamo per cena.
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    • Giorno 11

      Schloss Neuschwanstein

      27 giugno 2016, Germania ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      抵達後沿著小路再走 5 分鐘就到新天鵝堡了!這是沿路的風景。有村莊、有湖泊,另外那一棟金黃色建築物就是舊天鵝堡!





      接著是舊天鵝堡 的城區,這邊的遊客稍微少一點,所以能夠享受在山中的寧靜。如果真要選一個,我還挺喜歡舊天鵝堡的。新天鵝堡的建築是白色為主的古羅馬風格,看起來還是有這麼一點貴族氣息。舊天鵝堡為浪漫主義風格,吸引我的點在於堡壘式的建築,看起來真的有點古老的味道。
      另外,新天鵝堡的建築風格有影響到後來某些建築的建造風格,像 Disney World Magic Kingdom 的灰姑娘城堡,就有點新天鵝堡的影子在。


      最後回搭車處搭車回 Füssen,並好好的著那白色貴氣的新天鵝堡。

      小插曲 7 : 我們在等車時遇到一個台灣媽媽帶著女兒來德國玩 10 天,因為車太滿了所以我們都要多等一班車,而下
      一班車又遲到了,媽媽很緊張問車多久才會到?因為要趕下一班回慕尼黑的火車,我跟他說別緊張,我們也是要趕那班車的。後來抵達車站差 5 分鐘要遲到了!看到看版 「火車誤點 30 分鐘」就稍微放鬆休息一下!後來與這位媽媽聊天才知道她是花蓮人,一位東華大學的老師,而我們也互相分享旅行的所見所聞,聊到慕尼黑才互道再見。 : )
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    • Giorno 10

      Märchenschloss Neuschwanstein

      13 giugno 2022, Germania ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      Unsere Reise führte uns aus dem schönen Franken ins Allgäu. Um genau zu sein, zum Schloss Neuschwanstein. Da wir erst gegen Nachmittag ankamen wollten wir uns auf dem Wanderweg zum Schloss die Beine vertreten. Wir hatten mal wieder Glück mit dem Wetter und wir wurden stets von Sonnenschein begleitet. Da wir schon einmal zusammen Neuschwanstein besucht hatten, wollten wir dieses mal unbedingt die Marienbrücke mitbesichtigen, da wir dies beim letzten mal ausliesen. Doch es sollte auch dieses mal nicht sein, denn die Brücke wird gerade renoviert. Auch wenn wir so nicht das tollste Tourifoto schießen konnten, ließen wir uns die Laune nicht verderben und beschlossen am Fuße des Berges noch zünftig Bayrisch essen zu gehen. Also gönnen wir uns nach unserem Abstieg erstmal ein Bier sowie Alpenburger und Hirschgulasch. So lässt es sich leben ☺️Leggi altro

    • Giorno 3


      22 luglio 2019, Germania ⋅ 24 °C

      Das Schloss Neuschwanstein ist einer der bekanntesten Sehenswürdigkeit in Deutschland und ist Vorlage für viele Märchenschlösser. Es wurde seit 1869 errichtet und zu Lebzeiten von Ludwig nie vollendet. Ludwig wollte mit dem Schloss die mittelalterlichen Sagen unsterblich machen. Wenige Monate nach seinem Tod wurde das Schlöss bereits öffentlich zugänglich gemacht. Die Schlossküche durfte als Einziges im Innern fotografiert werden. Die Aussicht vom Schloss herab ist herrlich. 🏰Leggi altro

    • Giorno 10


      22 agosto 2021, Germania ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Neuschwanstein Castle is probably the most widely recognized building in Germany. Most of us know that this is the castle that inspired Walt Disney.
      Built by King Ludwig II of Bavaria in the 19th century. For some reason, I had thought this was older. It turns out that Ludwig the Insane (as he was known when he was deposed) wished to recreate medieval chivalry.
      The 1st picture is of the castle from across the valley. The 2nd and 3rd pictures are taken in the entry courtyard.
      Unfortunately, pictures are not allowed inside the castle. So I found 3 postcards together in the shop and took a picture of them. This at least gives you a sense of the decor. It is even more extraordinary. Most of the decor reflects the legends made well known in the Wagnerian operas.
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    • Giorno 3

      Schloss Neuschwanstein

      9 settembre 2019, Germania ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

      Um 06.00 Uhr klingelte heute morgen der Wecker, denn unsere Führung für Schloss Neuschwanstein war heute.
      Gegen 08.00 im Örtchen Hohenschwangau hieß es erstmal Tickets holen und den 2,5 km Fußmarsch zum Schloss antreten.
      Nach der Führung sind wir dann noch zur bekannten Marienbrücke gelaufen und noch zu einem höheren Aussichtspunkt.
      Am Nachmittag sind wir dann noch zum Schloss Hohenschwangau gelaufen.
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    • Giorno 3

      Neuschwanstein Castle

      19 luglio 2017, Germania ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      On Wednesday, we got the chance to go and tour Neuschwanstein Castle. Neuschwanstein translates to New Swan Stone. It was believed that after death Kings returned as Swans. Neuschwanstein was one of three castles built by King Ludwig II, however it was not finished before his untimely death at the age of 40. It is said that Walt Disney modeled Cinderella's castle after Neuschwanstein.Leggi altro

    Potresti conoscere questo luogo anche con i seguenti nomi:

    Schloss Neuschwanstein, Neuschwanstein, Neuschwanstein Castle, قصر نويشفانشتاين, Château de Neuschwanstein, טירת נוישוונשטיין, Dvorac Neuschwanstein, Castello di Neuschwanstein, ノイシュヴァンシュタイン城, ნოიშვანშტაინის სასახლე, Castelo de Neuschwanstein, Нойшванштайн, نیوشوانسٹائن, 新天鹅堡

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