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    • Dag 4

      Race day

      29. september 2019, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Heute war es soweit. Es gilt: Ich gegen die Strecke.
      Wecker gestellt, ein kleines Frühstück. Zusammenpacken und nur nix vergessen!

      Schon beim Aussteigen aus der S-Bahn wird dir erneut die Dimension dieser Veranstaltung bewusst. Da wälzt sich eine Lawine an Menschen Richtung Startgelände.

      Dann, im Startblock des Hauptfeldes: du siehst unbeschreiblich viele Menschen, die auf das gleiche warten wie du: den Startschuss.

      1 Stunde(!) nach dem Profis sind wir endlich dran und die Meute H wird losgelassen. Das Wetter ist angenehm kühl, aber zwischendurch regnete es ordentlich und der Wind machte es zeitweise extrem kühl ☔❄️

      Lange ging es ziemlich nach Wunsch. Erst die letzten 2-3 Kilometer waren eher mühsam. Aber da muss man durch. Stehen bleiben geht bei km 40 gar nicht 😅 Lieber langsam dahintuckern, das Feeling genießen gleich durch zu sein und Zeit nehmen für ein Foto mit dem Brandenburger Tor im Background.

      Als Goodie gibt's bis Mitte der Woche einen ordentlichen Muskelkater.

      Vorest werde ich das Laufen wieder zurück schrauben . Und vier Marathons sollten doch genug sein 🤐
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    • Dag 9

      Day 9🇩🇪

      29. juli 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      Woke up in Fürth, a small village near Nürnberg, Germany. We went into town early to get breakfast and walk around before our train for Berlin. Stopped at a local bakery and got a few pastries and a coffee from the nearby Starbucks. I felt quite tired so I was a bit grumpy that morning (sorry Lampros!).
      Today is a big day of travelling, since our final destination will be Copenhagen, Denmark. It’s a big trip with 5 different trains to catch. There are direct trains to Copenhagen from Hamburg but they’re all booked and we can’t get any seats. So it’ll have to be that way! We are prepared!
      Getting to Berlin we had just a couple of hours, so we walked out of the station, went to gate of Brandenburg, saw the parliament “Reichstag” building and the Jew monument. Then walked back to the station, had a delicious Chinese “make yourself” bowl, and ran to our next train. Next destination Hamburg.
      Getting to Hamburg we had an hour to spend, so we again walked out, went about a bit and then back to the station. From Hamburg, we had to go Flensburg. In the beginning we got the wagons mixed up a bit, so we had to run to the right one and I got a bad cramp - but we eventually got there and found seats next to each other. The time was passing and we were getting tired..
      Getting to Flensburg we had to wait for two hours before the next train. When that train arrived there were only two wagons but a lot more people then they could fit. The train journey was 1h 30m, and more than half the people on the train were standing cause they weren’t any seats. On top of that, because we were crossing boarders they had to check our passports so they made all the people that were standing to get off the train and then board it again. Getting to Fredericia we - again - had about an hour to spare and we were getting hungry, but there was nothing around to eat - plus it was super early in the morning so there was also nothing open. We shared a couple of cereal bars and waited for the next train. It started getting cold so I changed from shorts to trousers. At last, our last train arrived, we boarded quickly and tried to sleep. Last destination - Copenhagen!
      We arrived in Copenhagen early hours of the morning, found the bus to the zoo and called Stamos to open up for us! It felt so nice to be here. ❤️ home away from home. Having a shower, getting to bed and waking up to lots of washing!!!!😂👖👚👕🧼🛁🧺
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    • Dag 5

      Follow the foodie!

      27. april 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      Anne stayed the night with her friend last night and said she would meet us in time for our visit to the roof of the Reichstag. Rob, Anita and I had a slow, lazy start to the day then got the train to Hauptbahnhof, (Berlin Central Station). It is an amazing place, and enormous. it has three different levels, lots of shops and is very busy, it is a modern architectural and engineering masterpiece, much of which is probably lost on busy travellers focused on catching their train on time.

      We wandered over towards the river and wound our way around to the Motke Bridge, which points directly to the Reichstag, it was from this very spot that the Soviet 3rd Shock Army began their final assault on Berlin in the early hours of the 30th of April 1945 heading for the Reichstag, the fighting was so fierce that it was not until the 2nd of May that it was finally captured. It's capture was more symbolic than anything else as it had not been in use since it was burned in 1933 in an arson attack that Hitler blamed on communists.

      From there we wandered down towards Tiergarten and walked through the park coming out at the main road that runs from the Brandenburg Gate to the Victory Column. As we walked towards the Reichstag again, we came across the Soviet War Memorial, but it was closed off with security fencing. I noticed that the gate wasn't locked and so we broke in, 2 minutes later about 40 other tourists came in after us. For some reason I thought of Kathleen ringing a bell. Fortunately we discovered that it was open from the other side so we were not going to get hauled off by security.

      It was everything you imagine a Soviet memorial to be. Apparently it was built just a few months after the capture of Berlin from stonework taken from the destroyed Reich Chancellery.
      According to Google translate, the inscription on the memorial says "Eternal glory to heroes who fell in battle with the German fascist invaders for the freedom and independence of the Soviet Union". I couldn't help but think of Wilfred Owen's great poem, Dulce et Decorum Est:

      Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,
      Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,
      Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs,
      And towards our distant rest began to trudge.
      Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots,
      But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;
      Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots
      Of gas-shells dropping softly behind.

      Gas! GAS! Quick, boys!—An ecstasy of fumbling
      Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time,
      But someone still was yelling out and stumbling
      And flound’ring like a man in fire or lime.—
      Dim through the misty panes and thick green light,
      As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.

      In all my dreams before my helpless sight,
      He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.

      If in some smothering dreams, you too could pace
      Behind the wagon that we flung him in,
      And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
      His hanging face, like a devil’s sick of sin;
      If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
      Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
      Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
      Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,—
      My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
      To children ardent for some desperate glory,
      The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est
      Pro patria mori.

      The Latin phrase is from the Roman poet Horace and translates as “It is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country.”

      As I said it was everything you imagine a Soviet war memorial to be, and in the same style as Soviet memorials all over Eastern Europe. I've posted a picture of it on this footprint. It is a curved stoa topped by a large statue of a Soviet soldier. The landscaped garden is simple but compliments the design of the memorial, with two Soviet howitzer artillery guns flanking the memorial and two T-34 tanks at the gates. when you walk through the memorial there is a museum behind it with photographs of its construction. I found it quite beautiful.

      We left and continued on to the Reichstag and had coffee and a pastry (I had a berliner) and then Anne arrived and we went into the Reichstag - I was questioned at security about the Epi-Pen in my bag. I am glad we went up to the dome, via a long spiral walkway - not only did I get a lovely photo of me with the very lovely Anne, but also the views of Berlin were fantastic.

      After a quick lunch of excellent tomato soup in a restaurant where we sat at a table literally on top of the Berlin Wall, we wandered down towards the cathedral. The architecture all around us was beautiful and exactly what you imagine a great European city from the 18th century would look like.

      In the evening we met with Mirjam, who walked us along the East Side Gallery, a section of the Berlin Wall 1316 metres long, with graffiti on one side and on the other artworks by artists from all over the world. It was interesting, and Mirjam obviously loved it. She is a real foodie and wanted to take us to a branch of Mustaphas, apparently they serve the best donner in Berlin, so we walked and walked and walked with Mirjam constantly checking Google Maps. Eventually, we realised that the branch in question had closed down, and so following Mirjam we went to the main branch by which time we were all quite hungry I think. There was a decent queue outside but it only took about 20 minutes, Mirjam ordered for me, with my food allergy in mind. As I said, Mirjam is a foodie and I would always trust her recommendations and let me tell you reader, it was fabulous. we went back to the apartment full, and very happy after another great day in Berlin.
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    • Dag 4


      19. juli 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Questa mattina come detto precedentemente visita di Praga alla
      luce del sole. Bellissima non bella. Confermo quanto riferito da tutti sulla città. Poi dopo pranzo nel parcheggio della Lidl siamo partiti alla volta di Berlino perché Baby ha voluto cenare in un biergarten. Si è mangiata un ottimo bratwürst ed io per non essere da meno mi sono pappato un ottimo stinco.
      Fin qui tutto normale, allora perché la giornata è stata chiamata “Clndestini”?
      Perché una volta finito di mangiare abbiamo fatto un giro nella nuova zona della spiaggia lungo il fiume facendo sfogare la bella e una volta finito era tardi. Ops i campeggi sono chiusi… 😬
      Che problema c’è? Si dorme per strada in clandestinità. Quindi trovato un quartiere tranquillo grazie a park4night quatti quatti senza dare nell’occhio abbiamo preparato il letto senza alzare il tetto e buonanotte a tutti.
      Domani saprete com’è andata…
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    • Dag 2

      1ère journée

      16. april, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Bonjour tous le monde !
      Aujourd'hui, nous avons passé une super journée ! ... Malgré la pluie...
      En premier lieu, la visite du musée de l'Holocauste, mémorial aux juifs victimes de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, était des plus intéressantes et plus touchantes.
      Petit pique-nique confectionné par nos soins à midi...
      Puis on enchaîne avec la visite du Reichstag, le parlement Allemand, à 13 h. Super vue !
      Après la pluie vient le beau temps, et les boutiques ! On est ensuite allés au Mall of Berlin, une très grande et moderne galerie marchande.
      Après quelques trajets en métro, on poursuit avec l'exploration d'AlexanderPlatz et de tous ces magasins ! Génial !
      À demain pour de nouvelles aventures !
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    • Dag 3

      Tiergarten & Victory Column

      15. juli 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Looking west from the Brandenburg Gate, we spotted the Victory Column, and we decided to walk through the Tiergarten towards it. Our main connection to the Victory Column is Wim Wenders' Wings of Desire, yet another film that colored my perception of Berlin. Along the way, the first sight we encountered was the Memorial to Persecuted Homosexuals Under Nazism, which is a monolith-like block with a viewing window that showed a looped video of struggles, persecutions, and triumphs of the LGBTQ community. Other sights we saw en route and back included a playground (Jeff climbed the rope structure), a war memorial to Russians killed in Berlin in World War II, various statues, and a circle of stones Jeff nicknamed "Germanhenge".

      After Tiergarten, we made our way back to our hotel on foot

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    • Dag 12

      Berlin walking tour

      7. juni 2023, Tyskland ⋅ ☁️ 24 °C

      Today we went on a Rick Steve’s city walk tour, walking from the Reighstag towards the famous Brandenburg gate and learned about the many layers of Berlin history, including the sombering Holocaust memorial. In the evening I went to check out the open air milonga by the river, and it was quite an interesting sight, with very electric crowd. The we went to the milonga at Mala Junta dance studio, and it was just ok, younger and cliquish crowd - interesting to see the different vibes of different milongas.Læs mere

    • Dag 4


      1. september 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Jill and I were able to go inside the Bundestag Visitor Dome that sits atop parliament. The dome is full of mirrors and you can see directly into the chambers. This is to remind the politicians that the public is watching (so behave!) 😅Læs mere

    • Dag 56

      Berlín 🇩🇪🌭

      9. december 2022, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 0 °C

      Alemania, un país que después de tanta guerra siempre se vuelve a levantar

    • Dag 1

      Schloss Bellevue

      21. juni 2019, Tyskland ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Das Schloss Bellevue im Berliner Ortsteil Tiergarten ist der erste Amtssitz des deutschen Bundespräsidenten. Es liegt im Zentrum von Berlin am Nordrand des Grossen Tiergartens direkt am Spreeufer, unweit der Siegessäule, des Reichstagsgebäudes und des Brandenburger Tors.Læs mere

    Du kender måske også dette sted med følgende navne:

    Tiergarten, Tiergarten Bezirk, Berlin-Tiergarten, Тыргартэн, טירגארטן, Тиргартен, 蒂尔加滕

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