Dimos Meganisi

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    • Hari 8

      25 SM nach Meganisi

      2 Jun 2022, Greece ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Da unser Wasservorrat zu Neige geht und wir ein paar Einkäufe erledigen wollen legen wir einen Stopp in Kioni ein. Volkmar darf Anlegen üben und beim zweiten Versuch klappt es auch hervorragend. Der deutsche Segler, der uns beim Anlegen hilft, erklärt uns, dass seiner Meinung nach Kioni das schönste Dorf der Ionischen Inseln ist. Nach einem Gang durch den kleinen Ort schließen wir uns seiner Meinung an. Offenbar denken viele Segler ähnlich, denn obwohl es erst Mittag ist, füllt sich der Hafen schnell. Wasser bekommen wir für fünfzehn Euro mit einem dicken Schlauch ans Boot geliefert. Der Supermarkt ist zwar klein, hat aber ein sehr gutes Angebot. Fisch gibt's leider keinen, Adriane findet aber ein Restaurant in dem wir schöne große frische Garnelen bekommen. Auch in diesem Ort hätten wir gerne die Nacht verbracht, nutzen aber statt dessen den schönen Wind und segeln in den Norden von Meganisi und wollen dort in der Atherinos Bay ankern. Die Bucht ist ziemlich voll und die Ankerketten der mit Landleinen vor den Ufern liegenden Booten ragen weit in die die Bucht, so dass wir keinen Ankerplatz finden, an dem wir ausreichend Kette stecken können. Wir wollen eh lieber unsere Scampis in Ruhe grillen und verlagern deshalb in die östliche Bucht, wo wir den Anker werfen und das Boot mit Landleinen sichern.
      Heute gibt's die Garnelen von unserem Bordgrill und Sabine zaubert dazu Pellkartoffeln mit leckeren Dipps.
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    • Hari 69

      Skorpios J Kennedy Beach

      4 Jun 2022, Greece ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Lefkada to Jacqueline Kennedy Beach. A short trip to Skorpios to find the Onassis islands prohibited to anchor. An engine around the island and finally we found an anchorage on Jacqueline Kennedy beach. Narrow anchorage - apparently only allowed during the day time. Many fish swimming around GypsyDjango - great for photoshoots 🥹

      10.56nm 2:45:21
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    • Hari 7

      noch ein Tag in der Bucht von Abelaki

      25 Ogos 2022, Greece ⋅ 🌧 28 °C

      Natürlich heisst unser Boot Blue Pearl und nicht Black Pearl - Captain Sparrow lässt grüssen 🙃.
      Um 7h weckt uns ein Gewitter ⛈, Kontrolle, ob Buganker und Heckleinen halten, unser Schiffchen ⛵ macht das tip top. Das Nachbarschiff hat weniger Glück, sie müssen ablegen und in der Mitte der Bucht neu ankern.
      Die Wetterlage bleibt heute gewittrig, darum beschliessen wir, noch einen Tag in dieser schönen, geschützten Bucht zu bleiben.
      Ein kleiner Spaziergang zum Hafenstädtchen Vathi, das auf der anderen Seite unser Bucht liegt, sorgt für Abwechslung.
      Am Abend hat sich das Wetter beruhigt und in den nächsten Tagen sollte es sonnig bleiben 🌞.
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    • Hari 6

      Meganisi, Bucht Abelaki

      24 Ogos 2022, Greece ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Heute ein kurzer, dreistündiger Schlag von Lefkas zur kleinen Insel Meganisi. Wir finden einen wunderschönen Ankerplatz in der Bucht von Abelaki.
      Ein gemütlicher Tag... schwimmen, spazieren, faulenzen ☺.Baca lagi

    • Hari 57

      Atokos to Kephalonia to Meganissi

      28 Jun 2023, Greece ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Despite still being my favourite island Atokos does have some slight downsides. Having tucked ourselves into a smaller bay with shore lines, rather than trying to find a space in the much more overcrowded pig bay, we felt confident that if the wind behaved as forecast we would be beautifully protected by the cliff behind us. As always though, the wind forecast didn't translate into reality and the consistent westerly wind never materialised, leading to a gusty night with wind directly to our side. Not ideal at the best of times when tied to the shore, but especially worrying with a shallow rock less than 20 feet in the direction we were being blown in! Needless to say it wasn't the most restful night we've had but as always Odyssee held perfectly and all our worrying was for nothing. The following morning our Swedish neighbours set off early and not a moment too soon it turns out. Ten minutes later we heard a huge splash as a chunk of the cliff just above where they'd been untying their shorelines spontaneously dropped into the sea, and within the space of Sam's morning coffee three more sizeable chunks fell! It was a good conversation starter though with the three Australian lads in the boat on the far side of the bay as it turned out we'd both initially assumed the splash was someone from the other boat tombstoning off the cliff. Luckily the rock where we were tied was a hardier kind but I was still relieved to get the lines detached and to be back on the boat in one piece!

      From Atokos we travelled further south to the bay of Vathy on Ithaka, a very pretty little town with a nice local feel, especially in the evening when we came across a local brass band concert in the town square. As Ithaka is supposedly the island that Odysseus came from it felt a little bit like a homecoming for our Odyssee so I decided we ought to do something cultural and visit the Acropolis of Ithaka whilst we were there. Despite our best intentions to go in the cooler morning, we faffed (as per usual) so long that by the time we'd lugged the bikes ashore and donned our most impractical sweat-inducing rucksack it was midday and we ended up climbing a very sizeable hill in over 30 degree heat to what even I will acknowledge was the most disappointing monument in the whole of Greece. At least we felt we could justify our ice-cream when we got back to the town but I reckon I'm going to struggle even more than usual to convince Sam to visit "old stuff" now!

      After two days in Vathy we travelled across to Kephalonia to the town of Fiskardo on its north east coast, where we discovered some lovely hiking trails around the two lighthouses and the surrounding woodlands. After dinner on the first night we decided to explore further round the coastline in the dinghy and discovered an amazing cave! It didn't look like anything particularly impressive on our approach but once we pulled up in the entrance and got our head torches out we discovered it had large caverns and a network of pathways that led way back into the land.

      We planned to have another leisurely morning in Fiskardo before heading to the west coast of Kephalonia for a few days but we woke up to find the weather had other ideas. Overnight the wind forecast had changed from a normal calm, windless morning to gusts up to 27 knots and rain all day around Kephalonia, so we swiftly set off and headed back to the east of the inland sea where the conditions were much nicer. This actually worked out well as Ellie and Andy, another couple in their 30s who we'd met in Preveza Marina, were still in that area so we were able to meet up with them in a nice enclosed bay for dinner and drinks. The next morning, they headed off early but Sam and I had a leisurely start and made the brilliant discovery that one of our shorelines could be used as a slack line. Unfortunately, neither Sam or I have much talent for it and there were more spectacular belly flops (me) and dives (Sam) off the line than walking but it was good fun to try!

      From Kalamos we made our way back up to Meganissi and found a little bay all to ourselves in a small cove. The only negative that appeared in the reviews on Navily was that some people had spotted rats on the shore at night. This is a problem if you have lines to shore as the rats can make it on-board your boat. With Sam vetoing my first suggestion that we could get a ship's cat to do our "ratting" we had to come up with another solution. We headed into town to find something that could be made into a DIY rat guard on our line and found the answer was the lid to a giant tub of popcorn! Our journey back was a little more energetic than we anticipated as we'd dinghied up to a jetty which it turns out was part of a private resort, fine on the way out but which involved my best "ninja-warrior" skills to get back in over the locked gate! Once back on the boat though we discovered a great cinema set up on the stern and enjoyed a film night and made a start on our massive popcorn pot!
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    • Hari 5

      L'isola di Skorpios

      9 September 2022, Greece ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Bagno all'isola privata dei miliardari. Piccola spiaggia e acqua trasparente. L'isola di proprietà della famiglia Onasissis dove ci furono le foto scandalo del bagno nudo di Onassis e Jacqueline Kennedy.
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    • Hari 5

      Ritorno a Nidri

      9 September 2022, Greece ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Di ritorno verso il porto di Nidri, attraverso le isole dei principi con navigazione a vele spiegate. Splendida giornata grazie al mitico capitano Geraminos e alla sua ciurma.
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    • Hari 6

      Little Vathy, Meganisi

      5 Oktober 2018, Greece ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Today brought excellent weather once again with the forecast predicting virtually no wind - wrong again.

      The briefing and breakfast were in the beach restaurant, where the meal was held the night before, but there wasn't very far to go today so the aim was to use the engine to once again find somewhere to stop for lunch and a swim. Essentially, this is what happened but before long the wind increased, the sails were raised and the engine turned off. You can see from the route for today that far more time was spent at sea than the day promised according to the forecast. The sailing was great in fact.

      The wind had disappeared after the stop for lunch and a swim (Rob wasn't such a wimp this time) so the engine was used to cruise to Little Vathy to end the day.

      The evening was once again a group meal but with pre-dinner drinks provided by the floatilla Captain and his wife ... though it's probably more accurate to say the drinks were included in the charter price. On the way there Rob managed to capture something approaching a sunset, though only on his phone, but it was better than nothing of course, though not quite the glorious event he was hoping for.
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    • Hari 5

      Sailing to Spatochori

      4 Oktober 2018, Greece ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      The journey to Spatochori was straightforward with the aim to find a pleasant cove or bay to drop anchor for lunch and to go swimming ... and this is exactly what happened. Penny was first in the water followed by Rob who, it has to be said, was a complete wimp about getting into the water. The water was lovely once you were in, Rob just made heavy weather of it and took ages. Yes a real wimp, but once he was in he agreed the water was lovely and both Penny and Rob messed about in the water, accompanied by large blow-up pineapple (there's a theme going on here don't you think) until it was time to raise the anchor and continue the journey.

      On the way to the port for the night there was a strange sighting. Tom and Rob were sure they spotted a skull & crossbones on another boat. Could there be pirates in these waters, me-hearty? Rob managed a blurry photo of the offending vessel so what do you think? Will there be dastardly deeds on the High Seas before nightfall?
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    • Hari 5

      Spatochori, Meganisi

      4 Oktober 2018, Greece ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      The pirate ship sailed into the distance, clearly not at all interested in the bounty aboard Rincewind. Let's face it, your average pirate will never look mean and scary manning the cannons with a large blown-up pineapple under one arm. That pineapple was undoubtedly the saviour of the day.

      Before long the day's destination came into view and Captain Penny asked if Rob would like to take the helm to steer Rincewind onto her birth, so Rob took the wheel while Alan and Tom looked after the ropes. This was the first time Rob had done this and it was a delicate operation too ... the yacht had to be taken-in backwards (the standard way in Greece) but he also had to go manoeuvre around another boat into the reserved slot against the pontoon, whilst avoiding a group of swimmers nearby. Rob managed it perfectly and was really proud of his success, with the G&T's being used to toast the achievement a little later.

      Having completed the drinks tradition and showered, Penny, Tom and Rob took the path up to the viewpoint above the small marina. They were hoping for a good sunset but once again the light never came. The view was amazing though and well worth the effort of climbing all those steps. The main village was there too so a little time was spent having a quick look around.

      The evening ended with a group meal in the beach restaurant with the crews of all ten boats attending. It was a great evening and also a lovely atmosphere afterwards when Rincewind's crew chilled on her deck for a while before bed time.

      Another day comes to a close.
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    Dimos Meganisi, Meganisi, Μεγανησίου, MGN

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