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    • День 41–43

      Météores - Kalambaka

      10 апреля, Греция ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      10/04 :

      Ce matin je me lève pour prendre le bus pour les Météores, à Kalambaka.

      Après un peu de bus j'arrive à mon hostel. Le check in est fait par un Belge (donc en français ça change) qui est super sympa ! Il me conseille plein de choses à faire c'est vraiment top. Et l'hostel a l'air vraiment bien, super cuisine... Je me fais rapidement à manger et il est déjà 15h45. Après avoir parlé avec une autre ville faire française sur les choses à faire je démarre. L'objectif est de faire une petite randonnée pour avoir de beaux points de vue sur les monastères mais sans les visiter.

      Je démarre, j'arrive sur le premier chemin et 2m plus loin une tortue ! Sam la française m'avait prévenu que je pourrai en voir mais je m'attendais pas à en voir si facilement. J'en ai par la suite vu 10 en tout. Et on entend en permanence des bruits dans les feuilles donc on sait qu'elles sont là. Les chemins sont agréables avec de super vue ! Tout est super impressionnant et semble être irréel. Les chemins sont parfois escarpés, ça fatigue les jambes ! Je prends énormément de photos, un tri s'imposera. Après une bonne marche je rentre à l'auberge. Je me douche puis fais une bague avec mes fils de bracelets brésiliens. Puis repas et dodo.

      11/03 :

      J'ai super bien dormi ! J'étais toute seule dans ma chambre donc c'était calme et il y avait des volets donc plus de noir que d'habitude. Je prends un petit dej rapide et passe à la gare pour avoir des infos pour les trains en direction d'Athènes ! Et oui, c'est le retour des trains. Mais ils ne sont pas dispo sur l'appli interrail donc je vais en gare, et en montrant mon pass j'ai un ticket gratuit.

      Puis repas du midi et je me mets en route pour les monastères. Sur la route j'ai encore de super paysages ! Je visite deux monastères, les plus grands. C'est intéressant mais il y a vraiment beaucoup de monde, on a du mal a circulé. Les églises sont à chaque fois très impressionnantes. Après beaucoup de marche je rentre à l'auberge et passe une soirée tranquille. L'ambiance de l'hostel est vraiment super agréable. Je discute un peu avec les gens, fais des recherches pour quand je vais retrouver Nils ... La soirée passe tranquillement et je vais me coucher.

      Les photos étaient difficiles à choisir, désolée pour la quantité ! Et pas de photos des églises, c'était interdit.

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    • День 103


      23 декабря 2019 г., Греция ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Am Sonntag kam ich in Kalambaka (seit dem 10. Jahrhundert unter dem Namen Stagi bekannt) an. Und an diesem Tag hat es tatsächlich geregnet :) Ich erkundete trotzdem den Ort, besichtigte die Kirche Kimisis Theotokou aus dem 11. Jahrhundert und machte es mir im Hostel gemütlich. Außerdem schmiedete ich Pläne für dir kommenden Tage.Читать далее

    • День 14

      More monasteries in Meteora

      15 октября 2019 г., Греция ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Since we hadn’t crammed all of the monasteries into one day, we still had two we wanted to visit. We asked at the desk for suggestions to round out the day, and presto, we had another great day. First, Nikolas suggested we walk, not drive, to the first monastery. We took the original centuries old stone walking path from about a mile away and hiked up through shady forests — a much nicer arrival than just pulling up in a rented car and parking!

      After visiting the two monasteries, we then took his tip to take a detour that would bring us to a place where we could see several more monasteries in ruins, as well as many hermit caves (occupied till the 1950s!). It was quiet, and kind of surreal — the caves still had wooden ladders dangling down outside of them, but no human habitation anywhere. A really nice way to end the day. We ran into one German family there, and we all remarked on how nice it was to get away from the tourist destinations for a bit.

      We have had excellent meals here — just going to TripAdvisor’s top rated places has served us well everywhere we have been so far. Here in Kalambaka we have been to numbers 3 and 5, and tonight we will drive to number 1! Lots of good vegetables, salads, yoghurt dips, grape leaves, we are eating very well.
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    • День 13

      Loving the monasteries

      14 октября 2019 г., Греция ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Meteora has six medieval monasteries all within an 11 km circuit from our base of Kalambaka. Bus groups leave early, forge ahead and get their visits done in time for lunch at a big taverna. We are lucky to have two days, and also to have brought snacks along for eating up there, so we had no rush to finish it all in one day before lunch. Not very efficient, I guess, but really lovely. Between 10 and 4 today, we visited three monasteries, climbed 60 floors according to my phone, and just pulled off to walk and enjoy the views wherever we were. All have chapels covered with murals, many of which could use a benefactor for restoration, but all of which just ooze with humanity and devotion.

      Just a totally great day, except for witnessing one uncomfortable nasty exchange between a French tourist and a nun who was insisting she put on a wrap around skirt before going into one monastery. I also think that it’s silly that men can wear pants but women have to cover their pants with a skirt they give you. But IMHO the monastery is the one that gets to call the shots and I was kind of amazed at this woman’s rudeness. Aside from that, the rest of the day was filled with a lot of peace, I even got to light some real (not electric) candles to think about my mom, the rest of my family, and my many friends with all sorts of health struggles.
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    • День 12

      Travel day

      13 октября 2019 г., Греция ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      We slept in a bit, since today was a travel day. We were headed north about 300 kms, to an area called Meteora, where there are six monasteries dating as far back as far as the 11th century, all of which are perched on rocks, high above.

      All started well, till our phone couldn’t give any directions. Turns out I hadn’t downloaded a map that went far enough north to get us to Meteora. As google maps gave out, and things were looking very complicated, I decided to go to a Shell station to ask for directions. The very wonderful Marieta from Bulgaria, who spoke perfect English, was working there. She couldn’t give me directions but offered me something better — Wifi!!! So I downloaded more Greece maps, and off we went.

      Our hotel has a “fitness center”, but I bet no one has used it in years or ever. Nothing was working, but after a lot of help from one of the maintenance people, the bicycle was sort of working. The elliptical, no way. Oh well, since I was in the same room as the indoor pool, I was sweating in no time!

      We have two full days here, and we will take it at a relaxed pace. It is an amazing site.
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    • День 25

      Meteora Klöster 2.0

      1 октября 2022 г., Греция ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Die ersten 5 Bilder zeigen das Kloster Agia Triada - Heilige Dreifaltigkeit. Auf den ersten Blick sieht man den Weg hoch nicht und es wirkt komplett freistehend. Oben begrüßte uns eine ungewohnte Stille ( viel weniger Tourismus), aber eine frisch und sehr aufwendig restauriertes Kloster. Es wurde in der zweiten Hälfte des 15. Jahrhunderts erbaut und erlangte 1981 durch den Dreh des James Bond "In tödlicher Mission" Berühmtheit.
      Das letzte Kloster für heute war dann das Kloster Agios Stephanos. Es wurde im 16. Jhd auf Ruinen aus dem 12. Jhd. erbaut, wurde im 2. Weltkrieg zerstört, danach wieder aufgebaut und seid 1961 ist es ein reines Frauenkloster.
      Alle Klöster haben wunderschöne Wandmalerein in den Kapellen, die man aber nicht fotografieren darf.
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    • День 23–26

      Quelques jours aux Météores ♥️

      22 апреля, Греция ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      Après une journée de pluie ininterrompue un peu longuette, le soleil est de retour et nous passons une chouette journée : randonnée bien pentue vers le monastère de la Sainte Trinité que nous visitons.
      Les enfants sont bien motivés. Les sites sont impressionnants,
      On a la chance de voir trois belles tortues à notre pause pique-nique.
      Et on termine par un feu de camp barbecue !
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    • День 11

      Les météores à Kalambaka

      10 мая, Греция ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Hier soir nous sommes donc arrivés à kalambaka la ville au pied des météores. Le temps n'était vraiment pas de la partie et je n'ai pas eu le courage de vous tenir au courant mais je me rattrape aujourd'hui.
      Laissez-moi tout d'abord vous expliquer ce que sont les météores. Chez nous les météores ce sont des pierres qui tombent du ciel en Grèce c'est tout à fait différent.
      Les Météores, littéralement "suspensions dans le ciel", sont un ensemble de monastères orthodoxes perchés au sommet de gigantesques colonnes de grès. Ces impressionnantes formations géologiques, sculptées par l'érosion au fil des siècles, offrent un spectacle époustouflant et une ambiance presque mystique.
      Au vu de la météo nous avons gardé l'exploration des météores et la vie des monastères pour aujourd'hui.
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    • День 20

      Meeting nuns in the air

      5 сентября 2019 г., Греция ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      We have booked a day tour today to view and walk through the magestic Monasteries of Meteora.

      I have, in the past, seen pictures of these ancient buildings sitting high atop of sheer mountains. But I always thought they were located in Nepal and thus unobtainable.

      During my planning for this trip, I discovered they are in the north of Greece. Woo hoo, I am damn well going to see that!!

      Thanassi kindly collected us at 6.15am and dropped us at Larissis station. We all enjoyed a coffee and croissants whilst Thanassi and Athena chatted away in greek.

      Then our train arrives at 7.10 am and we say goodbye to Thanassi with big hugs.

      Luckily we have a first class carriage and we settle in for a 4.5 hour ride.
      I read and look out the window at the flat land and little farmlets.

      Finally the train is speeding toward the mountains. I get excited when I spy the unusual sheer drop mountain structures of the monastries and stick my face to the window.

      We arrive at Kalabaka station at 11:30am. A small country station in a one street town.

      The small tour buses are lined up ready for their groups.
      Ours is called 'Meteora Thrones' it is purple so I will easily remember it. Nick is our guide.

      I am in awe of this scenery. My head is upward trying to spot a red terracotta roof atop of these rock columns.

      In the 1300's the monks lived in the caves in the side of the mountains, but a leading monk told them to build up top of the rock so people would see how close they are to god and want to join Christianity.

      Our first stop was 'St Nicholas' Monastery.

      Athena and I walked up a steep cobblestone hill with much effort, then tackled the stone stairway on the side of the rock. Athena needed plenty of assistance but we got there.

      At a small pokey entrance we handed over our 3 euro to the monk, chucked our shawls on and went to explore.

      Inside was still pokey. We walked through cosy little rooms with long wooden benches and Byzantine religious artworks. The brick walls featuring throughout. Little rooms went off here and there like a maze.

      Once we got outside to the covered balcony, the view was amazing. You can see far and wide so high up.

      The Greek word, 'Meteora', means 'suspended in the air' and I certainly felt I was!

      Poor Theens sat down in an alcove and told me to go ahead as she couldn't move. Fear and the shakes had got the best of her.

      I scallywagged around investigating every nook and cranny and there are heaps. Unbelievable views everywhere you look. I got to the highest point at the bell tower loving every second until our time was up.

      It took the monks 60 years to complete the buildings. They used scaffolding to pull up the materials.

      There was 24 monasteries originally.
      8 remain and only 6 of those are active.
      The Turkish invasion caused a lot of fleeing to the monasteries.

      It takes 5 years to study to become a monk. Their diet is vegetarian, with fish at Easter and Christmas.
      They communicated via their bells.
      16 nuns live here.

      Our next stop is 'Varlaam'.
      It looks high up from the front but the buses park in close behind the tall rock. A short walk around a massive boulder and a suspension bridge greats you.

      Athena decided then and there to give this a miss!! People scared of heights can't do wobbly bridges!! 🤪

      I took off, up, up, up the brick steps clinging to the side of the mountain. Sheer drops at my side. Wow! Feeling so good to be alive.

      You can see the other monasteries from here perched atop the rock columns.

      The poor priest at the front desk got a look at my cleavage whilst I sweated and struggled to get my shawl on. His face told me a lot and looked at me as if to say 'Are you for real lady?'
      Whoops! I was hot and exhausted and my shawl was tangled up. Oh well.

      Inside Varlaam is beautiful. Small brick buildings, topiary bushes everywhere, a massive rotunda for the bells. Looks like a fairytale scene in the sky.
      I enter a doorway and am faced with a massive wooden barrel. Of course the wine makers.
      Very peaceful.
      This is my favourite one!

      I make my way back down to the buses and to Athena, while some ning nong is getting photos of himself hanging onto the staircase wall. If he slips, he dies. Made me ill to watch him.

      Athena and I grab some selfies and look through the stalls of souvenirs then onto the mini bus.
      I am sitting on the aisle and my seatbelt clasp is digging into me. Athena has wide shoulders so I cannot sit straight up on my seat, but am slightly tilted. (I end up with a huge purple bruise on my buttocks)

      We are told the highest peak is 615 metres and this area was once a lake of pillars.
      Game of Thrones used Meteora in the 'Sky cell' cave scene with Tyrion.
      I let out a loud woo hoo on the bus at the mention of GOT. The producers covered the existing buildings with clouds.

      We stop at a rock ledge for our panoramic photos. It goes way out and is high above the ground and I cannot believe I walked out on that without fear.
      A guy called out 'where is game of thrones girl' and it turned out to be psycho man. He got me to take shots of him doing full on kicks in the air like judo. I made him do it about 6 times and he was spent. Couldn't cope any more. Ha, ha haha. Suffer.

      From here we can see everything.

      Including the 'Holy Trinity' monastery, built in the late 14th century. It was used in James Bond's 'For your eyes only'.

      Final stop is 'St Stevens'.
      This is huge and is the nunnery.
      Easy to get to, Athena comes along.

      Once again pretty and serene.

      There are wooden seats inside that all have arms and are in a round. Like a meeting place.
      I sat in one and asked Athena to take my photo.
      Next minute, this scornful looking nun tells me off for crossing my legs whilst sitting. 'you do not cross your legs whilst sitting!!!'
      Athena started to giggle, the nun turned to her and told her off for using a camera. Well I lost it then, I had to walk away giggling like a child.

      I reckon if I was brought up by those nuns, I would be the naughtiest kid on the planet.

      Our tour over, we were dropped off at the station at 4.30pm to catch the 5.15pm. (I have been told not to rely on Greek transport so was a bit sceptical)
      It arrived on time. Hooray!

      We were in 1st class and I had a nap. Of course Athena took a photo of me!!!
      We left our little first class carriage as Athena informed me that a pungent smell was coming from someone.

      We stood up next to the snack bar and sang french songs to each other looking out the window, (in memory of our first Europe trip)

      Whilst I have been blogging Theens has been on Greek Tinder. Now she decided she's staying and will get married.
      Athena likes beards these monks may be her type!

      Our train ride home was interesting. Just stopped. 40mins, no announcement.
      I annoyed Athena no end asking her to ask someone what is happening.
      She said 'no one knows'.

      Lights off, engine off. We are in a sheep paddock halfway home and it is getting dark.
      The conductor passes us and always weirdly smiles at me and grabs my shoulder as he walks past.
      I thought maybe it is good he knows me in case we have to find other ways to get back to the hotel.
      We went back to our seats after an hour. Athena fell asleep and I chatted to the Scot with the American wife and the Japanese couple. We spoke about everything.
      Studio Ghibli was a highlight.

      After a 2 hour delay. We got to Athens station where no taxi wanted us as our hotel is too close to make it their worthwhile. Athena was getting frustrated.

      "Athena here..... Getting a cab in Athens is like finding a husband on Tinder.... Non existent!!!!!!.. There were 100 taxi's & and not one was interested in driving us to our hotel. I was asking & they were nodding oxi (no). Sandra & I finally found a lovely man & he said yes!"

      Back in the hotel, I am starving. I go grab some Singapore noodles at the local Chinese shop.
      Athena went straight to sleep as she was well and truly over it by 12.45am.
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    • День 170

      Tag 168.3: „Schwebende“ Klöster

      3 февраля, Греция ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      In „Kalambaka“ angekommen, haben wir unseren Homie auf dem gebührenfreien Parkplatz beim Bahnhof abgestellt und gesichert. Danach machten wir uns auf dem Weg mit dem Auto zur „Klosterrunde“. Gerne hätte ich eine Wanderung gemacht, aber über 10 km und 6 Stunden unterwegs sein, erschien uns mit den Kindern etwas zu lang.
      Die „Metéora“-Klöster gehören zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe. Der Name „Metéora“ leitet sich von altgriechisch metéōros, was heißt „in der Luft schwebend“ (in der Bedeutung „Himmelserscheinungen“) ab. Dieser Name beschreibt die Lage der Klöster, die auf hohen Sandsteinfelsen gebaut wurden und bei dunstiger Luft manchmal zu schweben scheinen. Die gesamte Anlage besteht aus 24 einzelnen Klöstern und Einsiedelein/Eremitagen, von denen heute nur noch sechs bewohnt sind. Die restlichen achtzehn Klöster sind entweder zu schwer zu erreichen oder wurden wegen Einsturzgefahr verlassen.
      Wenn man so langsam den Berg hinauffährt zwischen in die beeindruckende Felsenlandschaft hinauf versteht man die Magie dieser Kulisse von der viele sprechen. Diese Gegend hat eine ganz besondere Aura und der Anblick ist faszinierend. Wir stoppten beim Kloster „Agia Triada“ (Kloster der Heiligen Dreifaltigkeit) bei und in dem der James Bond Film „In tödlicher Mission“ (1981) gedreht wurde. Früher konnte man viele Klöster nur mit Strickleitern erreichen, jetzt sieht der Weg wilder aus als er ist. Im Kloster kann man ein paar prunkvoll gestaltete Kapellen sehen und ein Mönchszimmer. Wenn man durch das Kloster durchläuft, hat man eine wunderschöne Aus- und Fernsicht.
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