Plateía Klathmónos

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    • Day 15

      Last call from Athens

      September 9, 2023 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Bevor wir uns auf den Weg zum Flughafen machen, noch ein kleiner Spaziergang durch Psirri.

    • Day 1

      Academy of Athens

      July 8, 2017 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      The Academy of Athens building is located a short walk from the city center, Syntagma. It is the leading research faculity in the country and it is operated under the Ministry of Education. It is considered a modern landmark of Athens, being built in 1885. Much of the sculpting was created by neo-classical sculptor Leonidas Drosis.Read more

    • Day 7


      April 10, 2017 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Our hotel did free breakfast but we were both just so exhausted we slept through til 11 because checkout was at 12 not 10! woo!!
      We asked the hotel to order us a taxi which we caught to our next Bnb. It only cost 7€. Our host is so beautiful. She gave us a full-on 30 minute orientation to her house and how to get around she offered us a home made sweet that I had in one mouthful and oh my did I regret it. In Greece there is this citrus fruit I can't remember the name of but it is more sour than a lemon so they only cook the skin. It was horrible. Will didn't even touch his. Don't blame him even though it was rude.
      Our host made up this big booklet which has maps and is info, it's really cute. After our orientation we went for a walk in search for breakfast/lunch. We found this place were they were the friendliest Greeks I have yet encountered. The man was so loud and happy and enthusiastic about us trying his coffee and pizza. Both were great - or so Will said the coffee was.
      "42 years the receipt has not changed" he kept telling us about his pizza.
      We nearly walked out with out paying by habit because they expect you to pay after and not before which we are use to so we ran back in and apologized. We then went to a little convenience store and stocked up on local chips etc. we fist ate this DELICIOUS peanut butter flavored chip balls. Amazing! :)
      We then had a 3 hour nap...
      we are now trying to go get dinner but can't for the life of us figure out how to open the front door. So we are waiting...
      30 minutes past and we thought we would give it one last try before accepting the fact we would have to share a snickers bar for dinner.
      We did it! :)
      Will doesn't know what he did, I think it was by accident but I don't care, we're free :D

      We tried locating an ATM but again they avoid electronic money like nothing else so we failed which meant we ended up at dominos. I got a Greek salad because I'm in Greece ^.^
      I did my first weekly Facebook update and uploaded some pictures. We're now lying in bed watching shawshank redemption.
      Earlier I send a very long email to the Italian consulate asking them to explain and review our tour and previous Bnbs :)
      I'm pretty excited to skype my parents, do washing and go to the Olympic stadium tomorrow :)
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    • Day 2


      July 29, 2019 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

      Tras hacer el check in la tarde del 28, nos fuimos a aprovechar lo que quedaba de día. Fuimos a ver el cambio de guardia del Consejo Heleno (el parlamento), ya que en domingo no llevan el traje de militar, sino el uniforme típico que diseñó una reina y que está claro que ella nunca se lo puso. Vimos la catedral católica, la plaza Syntagma, donde tienen lugar las concentraciones y protestas ya que está frente al Parlamento, la "calle Larios" ateniense y cenamos una pita en un sitio recomendado acertadamente por TripAdvisor. Tras eso, volvimos andando al hotel, y de camino vimos más ruinas aún, como la antigua puerta a la ciudad o una excavación de un trozo de la ciudad antigua.

      Al día siguiente nos dimos el primer madrugón del viaje, a las 6, para que nos dieran una panorámica de la ciudad. Nos llevaron al antiguo estadio Panatinaiko (para todos los atenienses), pasamos de nuevo frente al parlamento y otros edificios, y nos fueron contando un poco de historia de la ciudad. Pablo dice que la guía le recordaba al de Egipto, porque todo se había inventado en Grecia y cada museo, edificio, etc era del "Top 5" del mundo: batalla más importante, edificio, museo más grande...

      Tras ello nos subieron a la Acrópolis (bueno, al aparcmiento) y tocó ascender a patita hasta lo alto, parándonos cada X para que nos explicaran a que dios se le había dedicado cada templo, el por qué de algunas esculturas, etc.

      Arriba vimos el Partenon, el templo a Atenea/Nike, el antiguo templo a Hefestos, y las 11 columnas que quedan del templo a Zeus. La verdad es que en su momento, tuvo que ser macro espectacular.

      Tras verlo todo, bajamos de nuevo la colina y fuimos al barrio de Plaka, donde te avasallan por todos lados pero hacen cosas muy chulas. Allí compramos algún regalillo y comimos en el primer sitio donde pillamos, que también fue un acierto.

      Volvimos al hotel a que se cambiasen de zapatos y reanudamos el paseo por la ciudad. También vimos el arco de Adriano, al que adoran aquí, y la triada de edificios clásicos de atenas: La Biblioteca Nacional (no pudimos entrar porque había cerrado 15 mina antes), La Universidad (las clases se dan en otros lados, pero aquí son las graduaciones, etc), y la Academia Nacional, además del tribunal supremo, que tiene el mismo nombre que los tribunales de la Grecia antigua y que ahora mismo no recordamos. Por último, cenamos por ahí y nos fuimos a dormir, porque al día siguiente tocaba madrugón n°2, a las 5.00 para salir hacia Mykonos.
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    • Day 9


      April 12, 2017 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Had a small sleep in. We've planned for today to be a lazy day. First though we had another uncomfortable breakfast eating stale food. To be fair, the jam was amazing.
      We then left the house to go to their Woolworths equivalent to buy Will shaving cream and me some moisturizer because my skin is so so dry!
      We (Will) stopped in for a coffee on the way.
      We are liking Greece more and more but we think it's to do with the area. People are much nicer and smile. We got a free treat at the bakery. Oh and last night Will got a beer on the house too.
      We bought the stuff then went home. Im a little over the walk now I've done it a few times. Its like looking at a concrete city with only a little greenery. Boring. A lot of Athens looks like, or rather reminds me of abandoned mental institutions. Clearly run down, abandoned, graffiti covered sterile buildings.
      We bought more of the peanut balls for our movie day in bed. We patted a cat on the way home :D
      As I wrote my journal for yesterday Will looked up how to get to Thessaloniki on Friday and bought train tickets. It will take 5.5 hours on the train. Eh.
      We then had some snacks as we watched X men on the laptop.
      Our host family is hilarious. They are literally yelling at each other every 5 mins. The Main host will be talking to us and the mum will swoop in and starting speaking in Greek to her and the girls face is always like "omg mum, shut up just give me a minute"
      It's very Greek. We cant tell if they are fighting Or if that's just how they communicate haha.
      I then had a very long nap. :)
      Dinner time now. Our host family has ordered us some delivery food. MORE TZATSIKI YAY! We are also going to try Moussaka, which is a traditional dish I'm not expecting to like.

      It took 45 mins to come. The Greek salad and tzatziki was great. The moussaka was alright, it tasted like potato but our host said it looked different so maybe it wasn't mousakka after all.
      We watched V for vendetta then went to bed. A very uneventful day but enjoyable all the same :)
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    • Day 7

      Athens: The Museum

      November 11, 2013 in Greece ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

      The museum at Athens makes every other exhibition of ancient Greek artifacts look pale. This is the mother lode. Here we see the development of Greek statuary from its stiff Egyptian antecedents all the way up through the creation of statues that almost seem to move and breathe.Read more

    • Day 6

      Essen und Einkaufen in Karlovasi

      July 5, 2018 in Greece ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Abend wollen wir in einer hochgelobten Strandbar am Potami essen gehen; dem Hippies. Allerdings sind es trotz Sichtweite 30 Minuten zu Fuß, um vom Haus dorthin zu kommen. Und abends steil bergauf zurück. Wir entscheiden uns für das Auto. Allerdings ist es verdächtig leer hier und nach kurzer Wartezeit erklärt uns eine freundliche Bedienung, dass die Küche 18:00 Uhr schließt. Offensichtlich eine Tagesbar. Schade, denn die Karte sah vielversprechend aus. Was nun? In die x-beliebige Taverne gegenüber geht natürlich nicht - Touristenfraßgefahr! Also das Internet befragt: Soul Meze soll sich lohnen. Ist aber ein paar Kilometer entfernt im Ort.

      Karlovasi ist keine kompakte Stadt, sondern besteht aus verschiedenen Ortsteilen, die relativ getrennt voneinander liegen. Bisher haben wir noch keinen Ortskern wahrnehmen können. Das Navi führt uns; und tatsächlich, es gibt einen Ortskern, sehr schön sogar. Ein Platz, umgeben von Restaurants, mit Rathaus und Kirche. Geht doch!

      Nur das Soul Meze hat zu. Stühle hoch, einfach zu. Scheint nicht unser Tag zu sein. Also doch in die erstbeste Taverne mit Tourifraßgefahr? Die Burger&Pizza-Bude kann Frank verhindern und dann sitzen wir endlich an einem schönen Tisch, inmitten des abendlichen Treibens und nach dem ersten Bier ist die Welt wieder schön. Es gibt als besondere Empfehlung ein in Pergament geschmortes Lamm. Sehr schön, mit unglaublich aromatischen Tomaten. Als das Bier alle ist, bestellt Frank ganz griechisch Ouzo, Wasser und Eis. Eine schöne Sitte, die sicher mit nach Hause reist.

      Auf dem Rückweg zum Auto sehen wir, dass das Soul Meze inzwischen offen hat. Es serviert offensichtlich keinen Tourifraß und hat noch zu, wenn die hungrigen Touris kommen. Reingefallen!

      Nachdem sich herausgestellt hat, dass Restaurants nur mit Auto zu erreichen sind, soll mal wieder gekocht werden. Wir fahren am nächsten Tag wieder nach Karlovasi, um zu sehen, was es so gibt. Und es gibt viel! Karlovasi ist keine Touristenstadt, sondern ein lebendiger Ort, an dem es alles, gibt, was man zum Leben braucht.
      Gleich nach dem Parkplatz stehen wir vor einem blitzsauberen Fischgeschäft mit schönem Angebot. Kleine Pulpettis und zwei Kalmare dürfen mit. Dann noch super reife Pfirsiche und Zutaten für einen griechischen Salat. Samischer Weißwein steht schon kalt.

      Leben wie Gott in Griechenland!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Plateía Klathmónos, Plateia Klathmonos, Πλατεία Κλαυθμώνος

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