Pa Tau Kwu

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    • Päivä 82

      Hong Kong Disneyland

      25. huhtikuuta, Hongkong ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      We'd played with the idea of visiting Disneyland in Florida some years ago but decided against it for cost reasons. However, as we were already nearby, we decided to spend the day at the Hong Kong version to see what it was like. We arrived early for the 10 a.m. opening, and as we walked up the drive to the entrance, we both felt the excitement building.

      After getting through, we started with a train ride around the park to figure out the layout. We then decided to go clockwise and began with the Space Mountain ride. James had assured me this first ride was gentle and not too intense; however, we quickly realized how wrong he was. It was a very fast, very twisty indoor dark thrill ride, which I was not prepared for. I finished feeling a bit shaky in my legs and needed to sit quietly for a few minutes. James loved it. I then felt a bit traumatized by that first ride and was cautious about the rest of the rides.

      We did a few more mellow rides, including an Ant-Man and The Wasp ride in the Marvel area and then a boat trip in a lagoon that included a waterfall that was on fire. We then went to the mining village, where we got on another thrilling ride, which was incredible, long, and really loopy and mad. It ended up being our favorite ride, and we had a second go on it before finishing our time in Disneyland.

      We did some more rides and saw a Lion King show, which was a bit cheesy but fun, before heading to Toy Story Land, which was one of James's favorites. We went on the Toy Soldiers ride, which was a drop-type ride that I hated and screamed the whole way through (see video), and the toy car ride, which I point-blank refused to go on, as I hate swinging rides after a bad experience on one in the past. James enjoyed it thoroughly.

      The new Frozen Land was gorgeous, and we arrived just at sunset, which made everything seem even prettier. The rollercoaster ride was a bit disappointing, though, as it was extremely short, and we'd waited in line longer than the ride lasted. We then did the classic It's A Small World boat ride, which was actually really pleasant, and then we went back to the mining ride for a second turn. It was then dark, and the park was looking twinkly and beautiful as we got some tasty dinner and decided to wander around before the evening firework display. There was a beautiful maze with little miniature princess scenes, which was lovely, and then we rode the teacups before taking up our spot for the display and fireworks. They went on for ages and were very pretty. It was a lovely ending to a really fun day.
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    • Päivä 26

      Disneyland Hongkong

      24. syyskuuta 2023, Hongkong ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Eig hatte ich perfektes Wetter, zuerst war es bewölkt und dann sonnig.

      Mir hats sehr gut gefallen, bin alles gefahren, was ich wollte (+ öfter) und war ca 9 h da inkl Essen und Shoppen. Es war schon mehr los, da Sonntag war, dh die lauten Kinder haben dann iwann meine Ohren angestrengt aber es ging. Essen hat ca 19€ gekostet und für die Portion und die sonst so gewohnten Preise war es ok 👍🏻

      F A C T S
      •es fährt direkt eine Ubahn zum DL, da es eine eigene Station und Ubahn dafür hat 🫶🏻 ist nicht so weit außerhalb
      •es gibt wie immer eine App, die heute jedoch ungenau war was die Wartezeiten anging
      •es gibt Trinkwasserbrunnen + an jeder Ecke Snacks sowie Toiletten
      •es soll eine „Frozen World“ ab 20. November eröffnen ❄️🌁
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    • Päivä 26

      Disney Teil 2️⃣

      24. syyskuuta 2023, Hongkong ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Meine Top 5️⃣ der besten Fahrten im Disneyland Hongkong

      1. Big grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine cars
      2. hyperspace mountain
      3. magic Manor
      4. its a small world
      5. iron man experience

      Die Jungle River Cruise hätte auch mega Potential, wenn die dortige Mitarbeiterin nicht während der Fahrt durch ein Mikro (so laut wie ein Megafon) geschrien und mir das Trommelfell zerstört hätte 🤝Lue lisää

    • Päivä 17–19

      Znowu Hongkong (Disneyland)

      19. tammikuuta, Hongkong ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Dobrze było znów znaleźć się w Hongkongu. Coraz bardziej lubię to miasto i za trzecim razem czuję się tu już swojsko.
      Najważniejszym punktem tej wizyty jest oczywiście Disneyland! Na życzenie jubilatki.
      Co dziwne, dzieci było tam mniej niż dorosłych.
      Po dwóch karuzelach weszliśmy do jakiejś atrakcji w stylu gwiezdnych wojen, co okazało się dla mnie najmocniejszym wrażeniem od czasu nadepnięcia na jeżowca. Już wiem, jakie będą moje ostatnie słowa, jeśli będę umierać nagłą śmiercią.
      Potem była masa innych atrakcji, stany euforyczne i histeryczne na przemian. W którymś momencie zobaczyliśmy jakiegoś tatę, który usnął na ławce z pluszową myszką Mickey i zrozumiałam, że albo wypiję kawę, albo położę się obok. Nie wiem, skąd dzieci mają tyle energii. Chyba wysysają ją z dorosłych.
      W sumie byliśmy w Disneylandzie 10 godzin, od otwarcia po huczne zamknięcie, które na zdjęciach bardzo przypomina marsz niepodległości w Warszawie.
      Chyba było warto: dzieci szczęśliwe, my przeżyliśmy i kolejny raz to pójdziemy dopiero z wnukami.
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    • Päivä 359

      Man ist nie zu alt für Disney

      5. kesäkuuta 2019, Hongkong ⋅ ⛅ 31 °C

      Da einer von uns noch nie im Disneyland war, aber total verrückt nach Disney ist, gibt es eine kleine Überraschung und es geht heute ins Disneyland 😍.

      Besonders begeistert waren wir von den ganzen Shows zu den verschiedenen Disneyfilmen, welche wie 30-minütige Musicals waren.

      Abends haben wir für wenig Geld noch sterneprämiertes Dim Sum gegessen, eine örtliche Spezialität die eigentlich eher vormittags oder mittags genossen wird. Es hat uns trotzdem super geschmeckt!
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    • Päivä 4

      Hong Kong Disneyland

      29. toukokuuta 2017, Hongkong ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Ich finde ja für Vergnügungsparks ist man nie zu alt - und fürs Disneyland schon gar nicht. Also boarden wir heute Früh erneut die U-Bahn Richtung Lantau und machen uns auf den Weg zur Hongkonger Mickeymouse.

      Hier ist alles ein bisschen kleiner: der Park ist schell durchwandert, das Schloss sieht aus wie zu heiß gewaschen und die Big Thunder Mountain ist hier auch nicht big enough und heißt daher auch Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars. Das tut unserer Freude aber keinen Abbruch und wir verbringen einen großartig vergnüglichen Tag mit Mickey, Donald, Shows und Paraden - und vergleichsweise faulen 16km Herumgelaufe.
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    • Päivä 205


      22. maaliskuuta 2017, Hongkong ⋅ 🌧 18 °C

      Mit 23 zum ersten mal im Disneyland....und es war magical! Die Paraden und das große Feuerwerk an Schluss waren fantastisch und es hat sich gelohnt unser letztes Geld hierfür rauszuhauen ;)
      Jetzt will ich definitiv den Vergleich zum Disneyland Paris sehen.Lue lisää

    • Päivä 30

      Day 30: DISNEYLAND!!!

      27. kesäkuuta 2017, Hongkong ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      The bestest most magical day!

      Gill wasn't taking any queue jumping nonsense today - told a woman straight at the queue to our first ride 'Winnie the Pooh', and put a large shoving family in their place in the hustle and bustle of the (amazing) 'Festival of Lion King' show.

      A few of our favourite rides were 'Mystic Manor', 'Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine'... for Emma the Slinky Dog Spin', and for Gill it was nice to see 'It's a Small World' again. Emma very proud of Gill's willingness to brave the roller coasters and high rides - 'Toy Soldier Parachute Drop' and Star Wars 'Hyperspace Mountain' (where Gill's hilarious Wookiee impression and reference to the "smoking slug" occurred) were so worth it!

      Disaster struck around 11am... Emma's camera was full - quickly needed to go through the 3000 photos and make some room!

      Everybody should see a Disney parade at least once in their lifetime. They're so grand and happy and fill the whole streets with magic! Enjoyed the 'Flights of Fantasy Parade' in the afternoon, and ended the day with 'Disney Paint the Night' Parade followed by the grand finale: 'Disney in the Stars Firework Spectacular'. Wow. A wonderfully magical way to spend our last night of what has been a fantastic trip.

      Gill & Em x
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    • Päivä 3

      Disneyland Hong Kong

      1. syyskuuta 2017, Hongkong ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Spontan entschließen wir uns noch einen halben Tag im Disneyland zu verbringen, da das mehr oder weniger auf dem Rückweg in Richtung City liegt. Der Park ist heute kaum besucht und daher halten sich die Wartezeiten sehr in Grenzen, weshalb uns der halbe Tag vollkommen ausreicht.
      Die Investition in die beiden Schirme vom Vortag erweist sich als goldrichtig, da es am Nachmittag einen heftigen Platzregen gibt, der uns sonst vermutlich bis auf die Knochen durchweicht hätte. 😅🌂
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    • Päivä 3

      Disney Land Hong Kong

      21. heinäkuuta 2011, Hongkong ⋅ 🌙 28 °C


      Disneyland - Hong Kong, its just not exhilarating. It wont take your breath away, addict you or have you craving more, more, MORE. Its a decent enough novel experience. All the giddy, catchy and irritating Disney tunes are there; Aladdin, the little mermaid, beauty and the beast... songs you thought had died some years ago or been forgotten in childhood are back to drive their way into your skull. I'm not sure what the suicide count is on the 'its a small world' ride, but it must be in the millions. Hearing this song play about 348 times in succession is enough to drive the most hardened will to the brink of oblivion.
      We arrived around 11am. The attractions we managed to enjoy; Tarzan's Island, Space Mountain, the Lion King show, the 4d theatre show, an average fast food lunch, and that's actually about it. This took 7 hours for the record, the worst part being a lengthy, disgusting wait for the space mountain ride. Getting aboard, eventually, was actually pretty fun. The price we paid was a huge wait, with pushing, shoving primitive locals, who behaved with the manners and patience of animals. Even the staff were at times shocked, holding the beasts at bay.

      The 4d ride was awesome, really good quality 3d, smell, the feel of wind, water, to your Disney favorites. Leaving Disneyland, the skies being as blue as we'd seen them in Hong Kong, Nat and I elected to go straight for the peak lookout. We eventually got to the top via public bus 15C, and were treated with some great views. We were just in time, before a typical Hong Kong fog started to descend on the peak. We enjoyed a nice dinner, before descending ourselves on the 'Peak Tram' back to the ground of Hong Kong island. We adventured on foot through the streets at around midnight to Central station and were back home!
      An exhausting day in the end, but another good one :-)
      Tomorrow, Ocean Park, and perhaps an evening boat ride to soak up the city lights for our final night.
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    Pa Tau Kwu, 扒头鼓


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