Budapest III. kerület

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    • Day 3

      👐 Tandem 🚲²

      April 17, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Sull'Isola di Margherita, per la prima volta sia io che Fede proviamo il tandem.

      Ci siamo divertiti molto (almeno io) e malgrado la preoccupazione della neofita siamo riusciti a fare minitrail con discese di terra, pezzi con radici e qualche passaggio scassato dentro dei ruderi.
      Abbiamo asfaltato in velocità altri ciclisti in tutinaaaa ⚡️
      "vi asfaltiamoooo".
      Siamo andati anche entrambi senza mani e anche se ci si è chiuso lo sterzo 4 volte, non siamo finiti con i denti per terra 😅🦷

      🚌🌊 Scioccati scopriamo che un autobus che circola per le strade della città è in grado di galleggiare sull'acqua... Oh JJJJESUS!! ARE YOU DRIVING IT??? 😨
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    • Day 13

      Terror Museum

      December 27, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      This was our last day in Budapest, and as a result, we had to fit in as much as we could before saying goodbye. This meant a quite early wake-up and walk toward the Margerat bridge and on to Margaret Island. This is a beautiful walking, running, and cycling track, recreational area, and a social hub through the many bars, spas, and gardens on the island. Not to mention the small zoo, ancient ruins, and plethora of sporting fields. Something for everyone. Unfortunately, it would be far less busy due to the winter season containing far fewer tourists. As such, it didn't have the atmosphere I expect it normally would. This, plus being the morning, meant it was quite quiet other than for those exercising. I would love to come back during spring and see the park come to live with colour as well as people. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the stroll through the garden and peacefulness that it came with. Eventually, though, we turned around to head back to the city, this time following the river. This was particularly interesting as the river is very full and has flooded the roads right along the river. This meant that, although the track was safe from flooding, we could see the first-hand effects of the large amount of water in the river. After the hour or so walk, we arrived at a museum I was incredibly keen to see, in a very macabre way. It was the museum of terror that showed the communist / fascist influence on Hungary and the impact it had on its population. It was a very eye-opening and scary museum that did a good job at painting a picture of life under the soviet union. Although it did talk about the impact that the Nazis had on Hungary during WW2 and the influence it had on the political stability of the nation, I mentioned this during one of my earlier logs and so I will move onto the soviet period. The Soviet Union ruled and occupied Hungary all the way until their dissolution in 1991 through the Hungarian people republic politcal party. Making Hungary a one party socialist state. The soviets rule was brutal and massively exploitative. The soviets treated the Hungarians horribly, censoring their free speech, beating and harassing the people with the secret police (AVH), forced work in labour camps (600,000 hungarians), indiscriminate killings, torture, and much else. The museum walked us through the heart-wrenching stories of some survivors who did everything in their power to try and fight for their country and what they believed was right. The lucky ones would end up in jail, which was little less than torture, while the rest enduring weeks, if not months of actual torture, or worse yet, were killed. Those who went into jail experienced the array or torment that the Soviets were capable of. All cells were the size of an office cubicle, some specifically designed to ensure that the individual can never stand (the roof bring about 4 foot tall), they could never sit or lie down (being barely enough space for a human to stand), or could never remain dry (maintained a few inches of water in the floor of the cell). Meanwhile, every inmate would have zero idea about the date, time of day, season, or any detail about the outside world. It was a horrific experience to have been through. Only after a revolution in 1991, and with incredible international pressure from the UN and other countries, did the Soviet Union agree to leave Hungary. Bringing an end to a 45-year occupation that saw a million Hungarians killed and millions more incarcerated, tortured, beaten, and harassed. The soviet union completely disbanded just a few months later. The scars of their occupation are rife through the country and many, many families today have relatives that suffered under their rule. Sadly, the museum didn't allow photos, likely due to the graphic and confronting nature, so I didn't get many photos from the days. It was just the T54 Russian tank that was first used during the first revolution by the Hungarians. In the background is a photo of all the victims of the terror inflicted by the Nazis during WW1 and the soviets post-WW2. It was quite difficult to eat after this experience, but we wandered briefly before finding a good Hungarian restaurant for some proper Goulash. It was my first time having the dish. After this, we headed to the shopping centre to try and catch some sales. Although we bought a few things, the crowds were a bit crazy so we decided to just head home and relax before a travel day tomorrow.Read more

    • Day 3

      Isola Margherita

      March 17, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Tra Buda e Pest si trova questo spazio verde dove scoprire molti angoli. Dal minizoo, ai resti del convento francescano distrutto durante l'invasione turca.
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    • Day 2

      Széchenyi Lánchíd (Kettingbrug)

      April 19 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Na een heerlijke late lunch bij trattoria Pomo d'Oro (Thea pizza en ik lasagna) zijn we naar de Donau gewandeld, waar we heen en terug over de beroemde kettingbrug
      (Széchenyi Lánchíd) zijn gewandeld. Dit is de oudste brug van Boedapest (1840 - 1849) en toen hij werd gebouwd de langste van Europa. Wederom een paar mooie foto's gemaakt, om vervolgens langs de Donaukade verder te gaan.
      De kettingbrug doet een beetje aan de Brooklyn Bridge in New York denken, alleen kleiner.
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    • Day 9

      Sziget - Klappe auf die Zweite

      August 15, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ⛅ 32 °C

      Die Zeit rast. 6 Tage Festival hört sich in wirklichkeit nach viel an. In Szitizens Sprache aber nach wenig. Wie schnell diese 5 Tage um waren und von vielen Höhepunkten, Lachen, Schwitzen, Tanzen und Freude begleitet wurde. Das Ende gestern ordentlich mit spätem schlafen gehen hinausgezögert und heute nochmals geniessen und schauen das die Stimme nicht ganz verloren geht. Wir lieben dich Sziget.Read more

    • Day 10

      Immer noch Budapest

      October 8, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Also wir sind gestrandet, GsD in Budapest und nicht Mohács oder irgendwo in der Pampa. Die Donau ist für die Passagierschiffe und schwere Schiffe nicht mehr befahrbar. Zu wenig Wasser!
      Gestern haben wir dann wieder eine Gruppe geschnappt und sind nach Szentendre geradelt. Bei massivem Wind. War es um 7 Uhr früh 18 Grad, hatten wir beim zurückrasen nur mehr 14. Und es wurde richtig kalt... brrrr. Wir sind zu verwöhnt! Franzi und ich erkundeten noch eine mögliche Tour in die Budaer Berge, ich hab dann aber entschieden, dass es zu anstrengend für die Leutchen wäre. Abends gab es grandiose Musik von der slowakischen Acapella Gruppe Four You.Read more

    • Day 7

      in Budapest angekommen

      August 11, 2023 in Hungary ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Am Donnerstagabend sind wir in Budapest im ArenaCamping angekommen. Heute Morgen geht es nun endlich auf das Festgelenge 🥳🎉, des grössten Festivals Europa‘s. Atemberaubende Stimmung mit super Acts. #SzigetFestival#Party#Budapest#GlampingRead more

    • Day 7

      Päuschenspot 1 Tag 7

      August 28, 2022 in Hungary ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Gestärkt geht's weiter entlang der Donau an den ersten Sehenswürdigkeiten vorbei, über die Margaretenbrücke zur Margareteninsel, wo wir uns verwundert über die ganzen Jogger bei 30° auf eine Bank sitzen und durchschnaufen.Read more

    • Day 1

      Budapest Sziget

      August 9, 2022 in Hungary ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      Sziget war geil. Etwas zu lange, etwas viele Gitter und etwas zu viele Menschen. Früher war es freier, unbeschwerter, weniger reguliert. Ich glaube ich bin einfach älter geworden. War aber trotzdem noch magisch. Etwas weniger Saufen als früher, dafür viel mehr Zirkus, Gauklershows, Comédie und so weiter geniessen.

      Trotzdem verlangte uns das Sziget einiges ab. Wir wurden beide Krank, hatten Fieber, Schnupfen, Husten und holten uns auch noch einen juckenden Ausschlag, der von Flöhen stammen könnte. Aber wer weiss das schon so genau?
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    • Day 48

      'The Body' & Water Polo

      June 22, 2018 in Hungary ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      After the 'exciting' night with a couple of hours of interrupted sleep, we entered the exhibition 'Body'. We were astonished how accurate the dead bodies have been prepared showing every single muscle, the whole nerve system, our blood circulation, the digestion process and the bones. We were wondering why the prepared bodies were so small? By asking, we got to know that only Asian bodies have been prepared, which we think was kind of odd to be shown in Europe...

      After that, we relaxed at the Danube and watched the Red Bull Air Race pilots during their training session for the race on Saturday.

      After some sufficient hours of sleep in a beautiful apartment, we went to the semi finals of Waterpolo. Why did nobody tell me before that Waterpolo athletes are so f** well trained and good looking ? (Wi)
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Budapest III. kerület, Budapest III. keruelet

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