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    • Dia 40

      Foss Loss

      5 de junho de 2023, Islândia ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

      The word for waterfall in Icelandic is ‘Foss’ - and today Loss (and I) got up close and personal to quite a few.

      We slept in until 6.50am, got ready and headed down to our breakfast where we discovered a new favourite spread (see photos). As we headed out to the car Loss commented “I’d like to try to finish a little earlier than we did yesterday - if we could get in before 8.30pm that would be great”. Noted.
      I approached the Suzuki with a little apprehension as I wasn’t confident of it’s ability to withstand a night out in the open. To my mild surprise, it started first try . . .

      We left Fludir at 8.30am heading south to pick up the ‘circle road’ and to circumnavigate the island in an anticlockwise direction.
      A bit like ourselves, the Suzuki decided to have a leisurely start to the day. It was quite happy in first gear and could sometimes hold its own in top gear on straight and level roads, but any of the gears in between were about as useful as a chocolate teapot.
      By a combination of (a) turning off the airconditioning (b) working the accelerator in a fashion to try to avoid all those ‘in between gears’ and (c) tucking in to the slipstream of a cement truck - I was able to get us up to the legal limit of 90 kph after 22 minutes of driving.
      All our driving to this point had been at sea level and we were trying to convince ourselves that this was a manageable situation until we had to climb our very first hill. As our speed gradually reduced to about jogging pace it was clear (a) (b) and (c) were not working so I had to employ option (d) as well which was to reduce onboard weight by asking Loss to get out and walk behind the car on such hills.
      This seemed to be satisfactory - I was now able to hold a steady 10kpm up this gentle incline.
      However, I shortly realised I had to do something more drastic when I glanced across to see Loss smiling and waving at me from the passenger seat of the combine harvester that had just overtaken me at the crest of the hill. That was simply too much to bear.
      A phone call to ‘IceRentals 4x4’ a little later elicited a sympathetic response and they promised to send a replacement vehicle from Reykyavik (4.5 hours driving time) to meet us at our destination (Foss Hotel Glacier Lagoon) this evening. I was pleased but slightly sceptical at the same time.

      Before our first ‘Foss’ was a brief visit to ‘The Lava Centre’ which had lots of interesting information about the whole geological profile of Iceland including a display showing how many earthquakes had happened in the last 48 hours! We then drove on 20 minutes to Seljaalandfoss which was spectacular. You are able to actually walk right in behind the falls and armed with all our waterproof gear we did exactly that.
      10 minutes further walk up another pathway led to Gljufrabui waterfall which is hidden in a canyon. Again, we were pleased we had brought all the waterproof gear for this as the spray from the falls would have soaked us.

      Next up was the DC3 plane wreck on the lava beach at Solheimasandur. The plane crashed there in 1973 and ‘simply had to be done’. I had assured Loss that it was a 40 minute round trip walk out from the car park. Unfortunately I had misread my own itinerary - it was 40 minutes each way. The silence on the return walk from the wreck to the car was only broken by the roar of the large 4WD bus zooming by that could transport you there but we were too stingy to pay the $80 for the privilege.

      We then drove on 30 minutes to Skogafoss which is an absolutely beautiful waterfall. By this time the sun was shining and we got a great rainbow effect from the mist when viewing the falls from above.

      Continuing on, we drove around past Eyjafjallojull volcano (the one that erupted for several months in 2010 and shut down aviation across much of Europe) to Fjadragljufur which is an amazing river canyon that has carved out a deep path in the landscape. We stopped here and had a little lunch in the car at 4.15pm before continuing on across the Eldhraun Lava field - the world’s largest lava field that just looks like a black, lunar landscape.
      Although my itinerary called for us driving out onto the Renyisfjara black sand beach at Vik, we decided that it would be difficult to explain to IceRentals that they not only had to take the Suzuki back - but they also had to retrieve it from the beach because it had become bogged in a footprint that it was unable to climb out of . . .

      We weren’t done for the day yet as we still had quite a bit of ground to cover - next on the list was one of Iceland’s gems - Skaftafell. This is a combination of bush walks, waterfalls and glaciers which attracts people from around the globe. I had planned that we would do one walk here this afternoon to see ‘The Black Falls’ and then another different one tomorrow morning to get up to the head of the glacier.
      We parked and got ourselves ready and headed off at 6.25pm for our hike.
      It had turned out to be a warm, clear day (albeit a little hazy from time to time) and given the uncertainty of the weather here, we thought we should make the most of the conditions. So we did both hikes this evening with a combined time of about 2hrs 15 minutes. The glacier looked fantastic in the evening sunshine and the haze dissipated significantly during our walk to reveal a memorable view of the region.

      By the time we got back to the car and then drove another 25 minutes we were very pleased (and surprised) to see our replacement car waiting for us and then checked in to our accommodation at about 9.30pm. Dinner at 10.30pm. Finishing this blog right on midnight.
      As we have already done tomorrow morning’s walk, I have promised Loss a sleep in after 30k steps and 24km walked today.
      Her final words tonight? “And one more thing - if we could get in before 9.30pm tomorrow night, that would be great”. Noted.
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    • Dia 4

      Auf geht's Richtung Osten

      22 de março de 2023, Islândia ⋅ 🌬 -1 °C

      Heute morgen ging es nach dem Frühstück los, ungewiss ob wir unser Ziel erreichen werden und im warmen Hotel schlafen können, denn die Straße Richtung Osten war gesperrt aufgrund der Wetterverhältnisse und viel Informationen konnten wir online nicht erhalten wann sich dies ändern sollte.

      Daher haben wir das Beste aus der Situation gemacht und haben die Sehenswürdigkeiten auf der Route besucht. Erster Stopp der 6500 Jahre alter Krater Kerið, der definitiv einen Abstecher wert war. Weiter ging es zum Urriðafoss, einem Wasserfall der als solcher kaum zu erkennen war. Aber die Schlucht mit den Wassermassen die sich ihren Weg durch die Eisschichten bahnen waren definitiv sehenswert.

      Der nächste und letzte Stopp, vor der Straßensperrung war der Skógafoss. Hier verbrachten wir einige Zeit und konnten dem Wasserfall ganz nah kommen. Glücklicherweise war die Straße wieder geöffnet nachdem wir fertig waren mit unserem Sightseeing und es ging weiter Richtung Vik, dort machten wir einen kurzen Spaziergang am schwarzen Strand und dann brach der schwierigste Teil unserer Fahrt an, denn es wurde immer windiger und eisiger und teilweise konnten wir nur weniger Meter sehen durch den wehenden Schnee. Nach zwei Stunden Eis und Schnee konnten wir jedoch unser Hotel sicher erreichen
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    • Dia 5

      Ice Caves in Iceland

      23 de março de 2023, Islândia ⋅ 🌬 -2 °C

      Heute war der große Tag - wir wollten den größten Gletscher Europas besteigen den Vatnajökull, der 8100 Quadratkilometer umfasst, anschließend wollten wir Eishöhlen besichtigen. Angekommen an dem Treffpunkt unserer Tour mussten wir leider feststellen, dass der Eingang der Höhle vom Sturm versperrt war, daher buchten wir kurzer Hand eine andere Tour in Jökulsárlón.

      Hier konnten wir zwar keine Wanderung auf dem Gletscher machen, aber die Eishöhlen beeindruckten uns auch so. Nach kurzer Fahrt in einer Art Monster Truck und einem ca. 20 minütigen Spaziergang mit Eisspikes und Helm durch den Schnee waren wir auch schon da. Langsam gingen wir immer tiefer in die Höhle rein und teilweise waren über 20 Meter Eis über uns. Die verschiedenen Blautöne in der das Eis schimmerte, die runden Formungen der Wände und Decken, all das machte die Tour zu einem einzigartigen Erlebnis.

      Nach insgesamt drei Stunden kehrten wir wieder zurück. Im Hotel angekommen entspannten wir im Spa, an der Bar und bei einem schönen Abendessen im Hotel Restaurant mit Blick aufs Meer.

      Am späten Abend noch das Highlight, der Aurora Alarm ging los und kurze Zeit später konnten wir die Polarlichter vom Parkplatz aus bestaunen, ein perfekter Abschluss des Abends.
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    • Dia 11

      11. Tag Höfn - Skaftafell

      7 de maio de 2019, Islândia ⋅ 🌧 3 °C

      Augen auf, Vorhang auf und Schneeflöckchen! So starteten wir in den winterlichen Tag.
      Unsere erste Sehenswürdigkeit war die Gletscherlagune Jökulsárlón, die an den Nationalpark Vatnajökull im Südosten Islands angrenzt. Ihr ruhiges Wasser ist mit Eisbergen aus der umliegenden Breiðamerkurjökull-Gletscherzunge durchzogen, die Teil des größten Gletschers Europas ist, dem Vatnajökull. Die Lagune fließt durch einen kurzen Wasserlauf in den Atlantischen Ozean und hinterlässt dabei Eisbrocken auf einem schwarzen Vulkansandstrand, wo die Eisberge aus der Lagune an Land treiben und einen magischen Ort erschaffen.
      Eine der außergewöhnlichsten Eigenschaften des sog. "Diamand-Strandes" ist, dass er niemals gleich aussieht. Selbst, wenn man ihn mehrfach an einem Tag besucht, sieht der Strand immer wieder anders aus und die natürlichen Eisskulpturen werden sich ebenfalls verändert haben, geschmolzen sein oder aber neu angespült worden sein. Viele der Eisberge sind über 1.000 Jahre alt und sind auf ihrem Weg durch die enorme Lagune bereits geschrumpft und genießen nun ihre letzten Momente, bis sie sich mit dem Atlantik vereinigen werden.

      Nach diesem Naturschauspiel ging es zu der kleineren Gletscherlagune Fjallsárlón, von der aus, wir einen klareren Blick auf Eisschollen und die Gletscherzunge hatten.

      Am Nachmittag hatten wir mit einem schönen hiking trail rund um den Wasserfall Svartifoss ein tolles Kontrastprogramm, da uns dort mit grünen Wiesen, kleineren Bäumen und Sträuchern eine vielfältige Landschaft erwartete. Der Blick von der Bergkuppel auf Weideland und Meer auf der einen Seite und Eisgletscher auf der anderen Seite, war ebenso schön, wie direkt auf den Wasserfall vor den Basaltsäulen zu schauen.

      Morgen wird es nochmal winterlich, denn dann geht's rauf auf den Gletscher. Die geführte Wandertour haben wir gerade gebucht.
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    • Dia 5

      Another Day in South Iceland

      10 de fevereiro de 2018, Islândia ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      It was a slightly later start today, having been out so late. We had a pleasant breakfast, packed our gear and off we went even though our first stop was pretty much still in the hotel grounds. Tony had wanted to visit Iceland at this time of year as there's a good chance of photographing frozen waterfalls, so this was what we did. It wasn't a huge waterfall compared to those we saw last time and will see in the next part of our trip, but it was a frozen waterfall nevertheless and it was sitting there waiting to be photographed.

      The main photo of this footprint is of our hotel which, as you can see, is somewhat on the boxy side but don't be fooled ... it's warm, comfortable, has a lovely restaurant and the staff are very friendly. What more would we want. Cheaper wine perhaps!
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    • Dia 5

      Different Every Time

      10 de fevereiro de 2018, Islândia ⋅ 🌧 3 °C

      So why no photos of the ice cave?

      We left the beach and turned up at the meeting point right on time, as did a young couple from Chicago who'd travelled from Vik (our next stop) that morning and had only just made it in time due to the weather conditions further west and having persuaded the authorities to let them through the road block ... a storm was coming and route 1 was being closed to traffic.

      We waited. We chatted and waited some more but no-one turned up from the company to take us to the cave. No other passengers turned up either and now it was 15 minutes past the time we were supposed to leave. Rob then read a text message saying the trip was cancelled due to bad weather. It wasn't bad at Jokulsarlon as you can see in the photos, but it was going to be. It was going to be so bad the bridge there and the road were to be closed at 3pm.

      There was another company at the cafe who do visits to an ice cave and we discussed with them about joining one of their trips tomorrow. So we spent a little time at the lagoon before leaving to cross the bridge just before it closed. We were a bit disappointed to be honest, though we had been told our money would be refunded for the trip.
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    • Dia 7

      Fantastic Weather Again

      12 de fevereiro de 2018, Islândia ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Woke up to another lovely day with brilliant sunshine. We didn't expect this and if we had then maybe we should have gone to Diamond Beach for the sunrise. Mind you, we do have 4 million photos of those diamonds so maybe 1 million more would be overkill. Anyway, here's a better photo of our hotel.

      Did we say we'd recommend this? We do.
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    • Dia 12

      12. Tag Vatnajökull-Nationalpark

      8 de maio de 2019, Islândia ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      Augen auf, Rollo rauf und... Sonnenschein!
      Heute ging es zum zweiten Mal in das Skaftafell Wildnisgebiet des Vatnajökull-Nationalparks. Zu seinen imposanten Gletschern gehört der Öræfajökull. Dessen Gipfel Hvannadalshnúkur ist mit 2.110 m die höchste Erhebung Islands.
      Öræfajökull ist seit der Besiedlung zweimal ausgebrochen und wird auch "Einöds-" oder "Wüstengletscher" genannt, da rund um den Gletscher für mehrere Jahrzente alles Leben ausgelöscht wurde.
      Umso beeindruckender ist, dass man hier sog. "Gletschermäuse" findet. Dies sind kleine Mose, die mit Kleinstlebewesen ein eigenes Ökosystem bilden und so zwischen Eis und Lavagestein überleben können. Es gibt nur wenige Gletscher auf der Erde wo dies überhaupt vorkommt.
      Nachdem wir in einen 15 Meter tiefen Eistrichter gucken konnten, durch eine Eishöhle gekrochen, durch Eisspalten und alle Zonen des Gletschers gelaufen sind, haben wir auf dem oberen Plateau das tolle Panomara genossen. Beim Abstieg haben wir Wasser aus dem Berg getrunken, dass einen 200 Jahre langen Weg hinter sich gebracht hat. Es war klar, kalt und schmeckte ein bischen nach Stein.😉

      Am Nachmittag, nachdem wir Helm, Sicherheitsgurt, Eispickel und Spikes abgelegt und uns mit den Essensresten vergangener Tage gestärkt hatten (das Restaurant am Visitor Center war geschlossen 😱), haben wir dann noch einen Trail gemacht, wo wir einen klasse Ausblick auf eine andere Gletscherzunge hatten.

      Der Nationalpark war sehr beeindruckend, aber ist auch ein Ort, wo der Klimawandel unmittelbar sichtbar wird. Denn man konnte deutlich erkennen, welche großen Spuren die Erderwärmung hinterlässt, hier mehrere hunderte Meter lang...
      Deutlich wird einmal mehr, dass auf der Erde alles mit allem zusammenhängt und zwar in mehrfacher Hinsicht: Denn so wie wir zur Erderwärmung beitragen, so hat der Öræfajökull mit seinem zweiten Vulkanausbruch die Französische Revolution begünstigt. Seine Aschewolke zog über Europa, lies die Ernte veröden und der Druck der hungernden Bevölkerung auf die Obrigkeit wurde letztendlich zu groß. Ein sicherlich mahnendes Beispiel in der Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Natur!
      Morgen kümmern wir uns wieder mehr um die Tiere und schauen mal bei den Island-Pferden in Vik vorbei.
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    • Dia 3

      Soaking wet

      6 de setembro de 2021, Islândia ⋅ 🌧 9 °C

      After a well night rest we wake up again rather early. Together with a few other people we're the first to enter the breakfast buffet at the hotel. It's a grey and rainy morning but that doesn't affect our anxiety to go out and explore more amazing things.

      Having filled up our tummies we check-out and head once more for the black sanded beaches. Not far from where we finished yesterday, near Dyrhólaey, there is a basalt formation on the beach. Not far of the shoreline three sharp rocks clearly stick out of the water. According to legend three trolls came out to sea to pull ashore a ship. They were surprised by dawn and were frozen into stone and they have remained immortalized since, as a warning to their kin. If you're a fan of these kind of tales, Iceland has plenty of stories about elfs and trolls.
      When entering the path to the beach we are warned several times by signs about sneaker waves. This beach is notorious for very unpredictable high waves and people are advised to stay at least 30 meters away from the water's edge. The Atlantic Ocean is unpredictable and gives waves a lot of time to build up in strength and size. People who were surprised by these waves have died here.
      We take pictures of the wild waves crashing ashore not far from the basalt columns that are rising up at the bottom of a mountain. Being warned about the danger of this beach we have one eye looking through the camera's viewfinder, and the other on the shoreline. And not in vain, because every now and then we have to run further inland to prevent our feet getting wet.

      We continue the ring road further to the east and make a quick stop at Hjörleifshöfði. I honestly have no clue how to pronounce this too. It's a lonely mountain on a little peninsula with a lot of beautiful flowers around it in spring or summer time. On our rainy day in September, however, none of these flowers still remain. Nevertheless, we decide to have a quick look at the trail that leads up to a viewpoint and explore a nearby cave. As we leave the ring road, we trade asphalt for black sand. It drives softly and following the tracks of previous cars it gives a taste of the off-road adventure.
      From the parking area we have to look for the start of the trail, but with the use of our smartphone we quickly get on the right track. From the viewpoint we get an incredible sight over nothing else than a black desert with at the horizon the ocean, which is often hard to see due to the clouds. Judging by our map we must be standing right above the cave. The steep cliffs in front of us give you a sense of how tiny and insignificant we are in this world.
      We walk back down and drive with the car a bit further around the mountain to see the cave. You can literally park the car in front or wherever you like. No roads in this area.
      The cave has a little arch through the front dividing it into two big holes. From the inside it provides a great opportunity to take silhouette photos.

      This was a calm and not touristic stop, which will probably soon chance when we visit Fjaðrárgljúfur. For us, better known as "the Bieber gorge" simply because we can't manage to pronounce this one either and we've read that Justin Bieber's videoclip of "I'll show you" was recorded here. Since then, many tourists have visited the gorge and sometimes it's even closed off.
      When we arrive at the parking lot there are a lot of cars but compared to July or August I guess this is still okay. The path is clearly marked and set out by ropes so people don't go too close to the edge. Probably a rather recent chance as you can still clearly see the marks and destruction of people who went to spots that stick out a bit further into the gorge. It is a shame that everything is so restricted now, but at the same time we're happy to see that Iceland is taking measures to protects it's beautiful nature. Things don't grow here as quickly as down south, especially mosses.
      At the end of the gorge, there is a waterfall and a viewing platform. It's weird to see how the earth just pulled apart these giant pieces of land and left this crevice in between.

      Many pictures later, we drive to Skaftafell national park. This is the biggest national park in Europe and offers many multi-day hiking trails but also one very famous shorter hike to Svartifoss. A waterfall surrounded by black basalt columns. Just before arriving to the park, we catch our first glimp of the immense glacier that lies in the park. Because of the low clouds and rain today, we couldn't really see into the far distance. We pay for parking and take our lunch at a picknick table that is covered from the rain. The whole day it has been drizzling and there isn't enough time in between stops for the clothes to dry again. Luckily our rain jacket and trousers don't let any water through, it's just all damp. After lunch we start a hike of about 3h to see both Svartifoss and Sjónarnýpa, a viewpoint overlooking the glacier.
      The trail starts with a graduate climb and very quickly gets us out off the beaten track. We enjoy the tranquillity and views we get along the way. Little berries, waterfalls, every now and then a view in the distance.
      After a good while we arrive at Sjónarnýpa, the view is so rewarding. Everywhere in front and below us there's ice. White ice, blue ice and ice with black sand or dirt on it. Once again we're blown away by the magnitude... you can see people down below who are merely black dots. I'm sure that some movies were filmed here! Later that day we googled it: turns out many of Iceland's glaciers were used in various movies.

      We need to go back a bit on the trail to find our way to Svartifoss. When we arrive, there are many tourists, but by the time we've taken our pictures most of them had already left again. So... we could take more pictures. We continue our downhill walk and pass two houses with grass roofs. After a long and rewarding walk we finally get back to the parking lot. We take of our drenched clothes and drive to our next hotel. In the evening we had an amazing meal in the hotel's restaurant. Really nicely decorated dishes and mix of flavours. In Belgium this would surely be a dedicated restaurant and never to be found in a hotel. Thinking about all the amazing things we've seen in only three days time, we go to bed.
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    • Dia 5

      Cafe Vatnajökull

      3 de janeiro de 2022, Islândia ⋅ 🌙 0 °C

      Na deze lange wandeling, gingen wij moe en voldaan door naar Hali, waar wij komende nacht gaan overnachten, maar natuurlijk niet zonder onszelf onderweg nog even op te laden met de lekkerste warme choco tot nu toe.Leia mais

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