Harpa Concert Hall
When we arrived at the Harpa, we were in for a surprise. There were hundreds of runners, most in costume, leaving the building. Here's what I found online about the event:
"ÍR’s New Year’s EveRead more
When we arrived at the Harpa, we were in for a surprise. There were hundreds of runners, most in costume, leaving the building. Here's what I found online about the event:
"ÍR’s New Year’s EveRead more
McKelvie & I spent part of the morning repacking our bags to ensure we'd be ready to leave bright and early tomorrow, and then we went out to make the most of our last day in Reykjavik. We startedRead more
So after successfully seeing the Northern Lights last night, albeit it in a force ten icy gale, we set off this morning to explore the city.
Hot chocolate stop at the Concert Hall to warm up atRead more
Nach der kleinen Stärkung geht es weiter die Frakkastígur zum Wasser. Dort steht die Solfar, eine Skulptur aus Edelstahl, die ein Wikingerschiff symbolisiert. Wir haben etwas Glück und ein paarRead more
Am späten Nachmittag erreichte mich der Befreiungsschlag. Ich bin weiterhin Corona negativ - wer hätt's gedacht. Schnurstracks machte ich mich auf den Weg durch Reykjavik. Erstaunlicherweise konnteRead more
6) Write about one Icelandic leader you have met: introduce him or her, describe the parts of the leadership system in relation to him or her.
At our “Meet Us Don’t Eat Us” service work, we metRead more
5) Today I had the opportunity to listen to the Icelandic symphony at the Harpa Building, the music hall in Reykjavík. The music was beautiful and it was amazing to see how universal the language ofRead more
Vom Schiff aus konnten wir Minkwaale und Delphine beobachten. Die ganz Großen wollten sich allerdings nicht blicken lassen. Nach einer Stärkung mit Fish and Chips (zugegeben ... dieRead more
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