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    • Day 12


      August 31, 2022 in India ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

      Exploring Agra fort in yet another downpour after a very eventful meal where Lauren passed out, Bethany got locked in the restaurant toilet (within a disused hotel room) and had to scream to be let out cos no signal and got served literal raw meat. Made up for tho cos this was unexpectedly super cool, even after taj mahal!!Read more

    • Day 32

      Im AC Chair Car (CC) nach Jaipur

      October 14, 2022 in India ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Am Bahnhof angekommen, laufen wir am Steig mal wieder an das falsche Zugende. Kein Problem, wir haben genug Zeit eingeplant. Bei den ewig langen Zügen in Indien muss man locker 5 Minuten Laufzeit vom einen Ende zum Anderen berücksichtigen. Dafür bekommen wir noch ein paar Äffchen zu Gesicht, die sich in einem Wagon verirrt haben. Auch der Kuchen, den Timo gerade noch hatte, gehört jetzt einem Makaken. 🐒

      Nach einem kurzen Aufenthalt in Agra geht's für uns schon wieder weiter. Auch wenn wir nicht ganz fit waren, haben wir zumindest die wichtigsten Spots gesehen. Zudem hatten wir eine schöne Unterkunft, das Aman Homestay, mit gemütlicher Dachterrasse.
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    • Day 52

      Taj Mahal - ein Denkmal für die Liebe

      October 22, 2022 in India ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      Zum Grand Final unserer kleinen aber intensiven Indienrundreise soll es heute zum Taj Mahal gehen. Der größte Liebesbeweis der Welt und eines der sieben Weltwunder. Da dreht mein romantisches Herz bereits bei Abreise in Südafrika am Sender. Indien. Romantik. Liebe. Hach. Der Großmogul Sha Jahan ließ das aus reinem Mamor gebaute Denkmal für seine Frau - seine große Liebe - erbauen, die bei der Geburt seines 14. Kindes starb. Das Ganze dauerte ca. 20 Jahre, bis auch er verstarb und daher wurden beide im Mausoleum begraben. Ein Symbol der unsterblichen Liebe. Ist das nicht schön? An alle Herren: da könnt ihr euch mal ne Scheibe abschneiden. Kann doch nicht so schwer sein zu verstehen was Frauen wollen? Tonnen von Marmor!!! In meinem Fall bitte vor meinem Ableben. Danke. Ansonsten lassen wir einfach Bilder sprechen. Auf die liebe Liebe...

      ...und auf die Realität. Daher vielleicht noch eine kleine Ergänzung. Denn beim Verlassen eines der schönsten Bauwerke der Welt müssen wir wieder feststellen, dass von den Einnahmen des 40Euro teuren Tickets leider nichts bei der Gemeinde von Agra hängen bleibt. Wir werden direkt in eine Verkaufsstraße geleitet. Unter uns, ein schönes Kleidchen, Schmuck-KlimBim, ne Postkarte... irgendwas hätte ich mir in meinem 'Taj Mahal Love Mood' mit Sicherheit auch für einen überteuerten Touristenpreis gegönnt und es in mein jetzt schon volles Weltreisegepäck gestopft. Und irgendwie wäre vielleicht auch ein Café danach nett gewesen. Aber wir befinden uns erneut in nichts außer Dreck! Und das direkt neben dem Taj Mahal. Da liegen Menschen, Hunde, Kühe, Dreck, Kot. Jeder zieht an dir, dass du die verblichene Taj Mahal Schneekugel von 1991 kaufen und das leckere Essen vom Straßenrand kosten sollst, dazu am Besten für einen Weg von 100Metern eine Rikscha UND ein Taxi nehmen sollst und laaaangsam geht uns dabei echt die Puste aus. Anscheinend gehört alles unmittelbar zusammen. Weltwunder und Armut.
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    • Day 13

      J 12 & 13 - Agra

      September 24, 2023 in India ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

      Après 8h de train (sans cafards cette fois-ci), nous voilà arrivés à Agra 🤗
      On a commencé par visiter le fort d’agra, puis nous sommes allés voir le couché du soleil sur la rive en face du Taj Mahal.
      Le lendemain nous sommes allés voir le majestueux Taj Mahal 😍 une véritable merveille ♥️

      Après la galère à (re)commencée .. on pensait avoir un train à 13h et arrivés en début de soirée..
      arrivés à la gare : aucun train de disponible pour notre prochaine destination - Varanasi.. seule solution partir à une gare à 40 km de là et attendre le train jusqu’à 00h 😪
      Au final on s’est retrouvé à prendre un bus couchette, à l’indienne, qui devait partir à 20h et arriver à 6h. Au final des courses nous sommes arrivés à 10h30 à Varanasi … sains et saufs après près de 15h de bus 🤪
      Bus dans lequel on a eu l’impression d’être sur un trampoline tout le trajet tellement nous faisions des bons à cause de l’état de la route, et des suspensions du bus.. 🚌
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    • Day 2

      Delhi --> Taj Mahal und co --> Delhi

      July 22 in India ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      - kaum bis nicht geschlafen
      - um 6:00 Uhr abgeholt worden --> 3,5 Stunden zum Taj Mahal (Wow!), sehr schöne und informative Tour bekommen
      - danach noch ein guided Trip zum Agra Fort und zum "Baby Taj" (eigentlich "Mother Taj" wie wir heute gelernt haben)
      - anschließend das erste vernünftige Essen seit ca 24 Stunden genossen
      - 4,5 Stunden zurück zum Flughafen in Delhi
      - Anschlussflug bekommen 👍
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    • Day 22

      Agra (Taj Mahal)

      October 18, 2022 in India ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Taj Mahal! Mooiste gebouw wat ik ooit heb gezien, elke verwachting is overtroffen. 4:30 opgestaan om als een van de eerste naar binnen te kunnen en zonder toeristen rond te lopen.
      Onderweg naar de Taj Mahal bijna aangevallen door kudde straat honden die mijn koekjes wilden. Uiteindelijk toch maar eieren voor m’n geld gekozen en de koekjes op de grond gegooid. Ook ruzie gemaakt met een tuktuk chauffeur die me 3x de normale prijs wilde laten betalen.

      Man die lag te slapen (denk ik) op het perron, style, familie foto + ik en een koe.

      Nu onderweg naar Delhi met een bus. Eerste conclusie is dat koeien op een snelweg niet echt helpen tegen files :)
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    • Day 5

      Taj Mahal

      December 3, 2023 in India ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      Today has been all about the Taj Mahal. We dressed for the occassion and it didn't disappoint. One of the most beautiful buildings I've ever seen. Just as good 30 years after my first visit. Dinner and mango margaritas topped off an excellent day.Read more

    • Day 5

      Moving ... again????

      April 9, 2017 in India ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Today was a start at 7 not early to me anymore. We got on the road straight away and headed to a palace, which looked very nice. Funny moments dude come when Rupes pointed out we shouldn't be pooping on the floor while pointing at elephant faeces, and when Noah, Chris and Joe bought turbans. We then hit the road again and headed 5 hours to Agra, with only one stop. I am in the hotel now and am very comfortable.Read more

    • Day 11

      Agra Fort

      October 13, 2019 in India ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      Agra was the capital of the Moghul empire in India during the middle of the second millenium, and Agra Fort was the seat of government here and the residence of the royal family. Building began in the 15th Century with additions by successive rulers. The first pic looks at the fort from outside. Second is a palace built for the son of the first shah. Third is the courtyard of dance where the ruling family and guests were entertained. Fourth is in the pleasure hall of the harem. Fifth is the harem garden, and last is the audience hall.Read more

    • Day 23

      Taj Mahal, Agra

      December 8, 2019 in India ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Wake before sunrise to head to Taj Mahal. Touts waiting outside building saying we had to buy tickets at the building they were standing in front. Us and other tourists didn’t trust them so walked to the entrance of Taj Mahal thinking the true booking office would be there. No desk there, just a line with ppl who already booked tix. Asked them where booking office is - where the touts were. Bought tix, got water bottles and shoe covers with tix. Taj Mahal was beautiful. Cleanest place we’ve seen in India. Walked back to cc Yoga House and got cash on the way back. Will have brekky at guesthouse thinking it would be convenient. Got there, host just woke up, told us to just text him on WhatsApp when we’re ready to order from their menu. Messaged him shortly after for 2 omelettes and 2 masala chai - he replied to confirm he received the order. At 30 mins still no food. At the 45 min mark, saw a guy with groceries in his hand going into the kitchen. Texted host to ask how our food was going as it’s almost been 1 hr and just saw a guy with groceries, hoping that wasn’t our food. Guest from Malaysia came up with pack and sat with us. No reply from host - he came up, didn’t acknowledge us and went into the kitchen to help that guy with the groceries. Came out with our tea at 1 hr mark and said our food is coming, reminded him it’s been over an hour since we ordered. He didn’t apologise and instead explained how the Malaysian guy missed his train this morning and had to help him so that’s why our food is late. We said it’s not his fault and that he could’ve simply told us that our food would’ve been delayed and we wouldn’t have had an issue. He again tried to explain the guy missed his train and that if he didn’t miss his train our food would’ve been on time.. he had to arrange a private taxi for him to get to airport. Reminded him it is not this guest’s fault and he reluctantly said sorry and went back to help the guy in the kitchen. Guest from Malaysia had been in Agra for 5 days only to see Taj Mahal and Red Fort as he would like to see the 7 Wonders of the world. He is now taking a private taxi (run by host’s friend) to the airport. Finished brekky and went into our room to plan how we will get to New Delhi tmrw and to discuss where we would like to go from there. Early train available from Agra to New Delhi tmrw, early morning or midday. Reassessed countries we can fly to from New Dehli - shortlisted Philippines and UK. Decided we will go to the Philippines, mainly due to time of year and type of travel we would like to do this time around. Got help from host to book train tix to new dehli - comfort class, leaving 5:50am tmrw. Host says this train is always on time as it is a commuter train and starts it’s journey in Agra. Went back to room booked flights - no flights from New Delhi to Manila, have to fly from Bangkok to get to Manila. Will need to stay one night in Bangkok. Booked 1 night at an apartment style guesthouse by international airport. Tomorrow will be a traveling day. Rested until lunchtime. Went to Bedweiser Backpackers hostel for lunch - egg biryani to share + 1 coke. Asked staff how much tuk tuk would be to Red Fort, told us it would be 150 INR and they were about to tell us about a private taxi but we stopped them and told them that made no sense when a tuk tuk to the train station which is a lot further only cost us 100 INR. Said goodbye and walked towards Red Fort to catch a tuk tuk on the way. Caught one for 70 INR. Went to Red Fort but it was PACKED so didn’t go in, appreciated it from the outside. Tuktuk back for 70 INR. Dropped off at Moustache Agra and walked back to guesthouse. M stopped to chat with men he saw fixing a motorbike - they were very intrigued and impressed he knew what repair they were doing and what they needed to do. Chilled at guesthouse until dinner time. Z calls Zeni - had a lovely chat, showing her our room in Agra and a video of rats we saw on the train tracks yesterday. Found out her surgery will take place on Thursday morning - will try to Skype her beforehand. Went out for dinner at Bambino Cafe. Great service and genuine host. Special Thali to share, Coke and plain lassi. Really struggling to breathe through pollution in Agra today, both of us have had headaches almost the whole day. Went back to guesthouse to get an early night - settled our accomodation fees at guesthouse, we’ll get up early tomorrow.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Agra, আগ্রা, Āgrā, Agra - आगरा, אגרה, आगरा, AGR, アーグラ, ಆಗ್ರಾ, 아그라, Агра, ஆக்ரா, Аґра, آگرہ, 阿格拉

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