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    • Dag 14

      Mamallapuram - Arjuna's Penance

      6 januari, Indien ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Next up was The Descent of the Ganges (also known as ‘Arjuna’s Penance’) probably the most spectacular of all the monuments and one of the largest rock relief carvings in the world at 27m long and 10m high. The carvings tell many stories of Hindu myths including the triumph of good over evil and all the effort needed to bring the Ganges from the heavens to earth.Läs mer

    • Dag 35


      6 november 2019, Indien ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Small seaside town with 3 UNESCO world heritage sites. The first is the Shore Temple. (The other 2 UNESCO sites have their own posts.) The Shore Temple has become an iconic symbol of India, being used in their tourism advertising. The second is of the temple grounds with it's many bull statues. The bull is the animal associated with Shiva. Ergo, this is a temple dedicated to Shiva. The next looks back at the town from the Shore Temple grounds. 4th is the town's main street. Last is a look along the beach.Läs mer

    • Dag 14

      Mamallapuram - snacks

      6 januari, Indien ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      We found a Goli seller so we had to have one of those. We love Blueberry and Mango but now we have tried Pineapple, they simply are all delicious! On the way to the Shore Temple we saw a seller of Spring Potatoes, that’ll tie the kids over until dinner!Läs mer

    • Dag 14

      Mamallapuram - Krishna's butter ball

      6 januari, Indien ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      We organised a driver through the Hotel driver who dropped us off. Price was the same as the quote we got through an online taxi firm but we decided to run with it. Not the nicest car and the driver barely spoke English though was a nice enough guy, not sure if we made the right decision there.

      First stop was Mamallapuram. A UNESCO heritage site for the very famous rock monuments dating from the 7th and 8th century. We arranged a guide so we make the most of the experience and it was worth it. Of course it rained again! The 1 rainy day in January average we have well and truly banked some days up for the net 4 years already and we are just starting!

      The first of the monument sites was Krishna’s Butterball. The balanced stone ball is completely natural and was given it’s name according to legend due to the lord Krishna often stealing butter from his mothers store. Over the years there has been many attempts to move the boulder due to worries that it may roll down. The first attempt was in 668AD the biggest attempt was in 1908 when the governor of the day used 7 elephants to try and move it but with no success. Kinda glad they failed!
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    • Dag 14

      Mamallapuram - Tirumurthi Temple

      6 januari, Indien ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      Through the kissing boulders was the next monument site the Tirumurthi Temple. It was a temple dedicated to the three gods, Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma however it is no longer able to be used as a practising temple as the fingers and noses were cut off by invaders thereby destroying the spirit of the site. Outside was the butter well, an enormous hand carved well that we would unlikely have been able to escape from if we fell in!Läs mer

    • Dag 144

      mahab ça surf fort

      6 augusti 2023, Indien

      je retrouve jérôme, krishna puis yolland à Mahab, pas trop de photo pour décrire ce spot mais petite ville tranquille très calme et très peace avec une compétition nationale de surf et des sessions compliquées mais très enrichissantes en 6.8

      MLV et merceeee jérôme
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    • Dag 4

      14.1. - Fahrt nach Karaikudi

      14 januari, Indien ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Es liegen 360 km vor uns, wir starten um 7.30 Uhr im dichten Nebel. Es sind Feiertage bis Dienstag und viele Familien fahren nach Hause. Viele "Fortbewegungsfahrzeuge" sind überfüllt, wunderschön mit Blumenketten geschmückte Pilgerbusse sind auch unterwegs. Vormittags gab es einen Vitaminstoss, fangfrische Bananen. Unsere Mittagspause haben wir in einem vegetarischen Lokal verbracht, sehr sehr lecker, und nur die rechte Hand zum Essen benutzt. Nach 8 Stunden sind wir im Hotel angekommen, im BANGALA, einem familiär geführten Hotel, in einem für die Gegend typischen Gebäudekomplex. Das Hotel wurde schon mehrfach für seine berühmte Chettunad-Küche ausgezeichnet.Läs mer

    • Dag 29

      Indien Tag 2

      29 januari 2020, Indien ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Heute sind wir um viertel nach 5 aufgestanden, da uns Gautam, mit seinem Auto, um halb 6 abgeholt hat. Zuerst ging es, pünktlich zum Sonnenaufgang, an einen Strand außerhalb von Chennai. Anschließend sind wir Richtung Mahabalipuram gefahren. Auf ca. der Hälfte der Strecke haben wir eine Frühstückspause eingelegt. Es gab typisch indisches Frühstück. Scharf und deftig. Nach dem leckeren Frühstück ging es dann nach Mahabalipuram, wo wir uns eigentlich einen alten Tempel anschauen wollten. Da die Eintrittspreise mittlerweile aber recht hoch waren (18€) haben wir uns entschieden das Geld zu sparen (für Lokals hätte der Eintritt nur ca. 50ct gekostet) und weiter zu fahren. Es ging wieder zurück nach Chennai, wo wir die Fortsetzung unserer gestrigen Stadtrundfahrt bekommen haben. Nach einer Kaffee und Tee Pause ging es in ein großes Shoppingcenter, wo sich Gautam für eine Hochzeit einkleiden ließ. Nach der Shoppingtour ging die Stadtführung weiter und endete in einem Starbucks, in dem wir einen leckeren Schockkuchen und jeweils einen Café getrunken haben, natürlich zu überteuerten Preisen. Nach dem Kaffeekränzchen verabschiedeten wir uns von Gautam und gingen zurück zu unserem Hotel, wo wir unsere weitere Reise planten. Als uns jedoch gegen 16 Uhr der Hunger plagte, haben wir uns wieder auf Futtersuche begeben. Es ging durch ein paar Gassen mit soo vielen Ständen. Irgendwann fanden wir ein sehr besuchtes Restaurant und aßen dort jeweils zwei Chapati mit Dipps. Anschließend liefen wir noch etwas durch die Gassen und stießen auf ein Restaurant mit westlichen Gerichten. Wir gingen hinein, bestellten uns eine große Portion Pommes und eine Lasagne (beides sehr scharf). Ich hatte dort zwischenzeitlich nicht nur einen Vogel sondern zwei, dann gingen zurück zum Hotel. Gautam holte uns gegen 9 Uhr ab um noch ein Abschlussbier mit uns zu trinken. Es ging für uns in einen angesagten Club "The Lord of the Drinks", da wir darauf nicht eingestellt waren, war unsere Garderobe nicht ganz passend, wir durften aber trotzdem an den Türstehern vorbei. Der Club war super schick, dementsprechend sah auch unsere Rechnung am Ende aus. Für 2 Mojito, 1 Bier und eine Cola zahlten wir 1500 INR.
      Wir unterhielten uns bis ca. Halb 11 und machten uns dann auf den Rückweg. Wir machten eine Pipipause im Hyatt, zuvor mussten wir uns durchleuchten lassen, allein die Sanitäranlagen faszinierten mit purem Luxus. 😁😂 Um 11 Uhr waren wir wieder an unserer Unterkunft und verabschiedeten uns von Gautam. Unser Wecker war für 4:40 gestellt. Tag Ende.
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    • Dag 138

      premier pas en inde

      31 juli 2023, Indien

      Vasuki le petit soleil qui a illuminé mon arrivé en inde, chennai reste une grosse ville, la nourriture y est excellente, l’hostel était chouette et chargé d’histoire, depuis tranquille pour ne pas me mettre en difficulté

      merci pour touuuuuut
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    • Dag 12

      Hello India

      4 januari, Indien ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      Our driver arrived on time at 10am. Our flight is not till 1.45pm but with check in at 10.45am we were best off being early. No major hitches, we thanked our driver and gave him a tip. Wasn’t perfect but he was a good guy and did try his best to help us.

      All was well until we realised there was no plane at gate 14 where we were waiting and the people had kind of disappeared without us noticing. We have been waiting there for nearly 2 hours and without warning we got the idea there must have been a gate change. 14 was as far away as you could go in the airport so getting to gate R5 with the ‘Final Call’ warning flashing did induce a bit of panic but we made it!

      We’re on our way back to India 😊

      The Hotel package had a pick up service so we found our driver at the airport. Coming outside we had our first ‘can we have a photo with you moment’. Had to get a photo back with them! Nice moment to get us back in India mode and we reflected absolutely nobody asked us for a photo in Sri Lanka – I think we missed that!

      The Pilot told us when we landed that it was clear and 31 degrees. So happy to be free from rain except the moment we left the airport the first drops of rain fell and by the time the driver brought the car around it was pissing down! We just could not believe it, it hadn’t rained for days – cursed travelling Potters!

      We had seen no phone stand at the airport so we asked the driver to stop somewhere where we could get some Indian SIM cards. We didn’t get a picture but it was an hour and 20 minutes huddled under a tin roof at a side of the road shop while we provided every form of identification and personal information from both us and the Driver as our sponsor. Lots of rules, couldn’t get SIMs for the kids as they were under 18, as adults we were only allowed to get 2, we needed passport photos and visa documents as well as where we were staying in India and our Driver had to provide all these things too. Thank goodness he had the patience of a saint and even helped us out by paying! The Hotel had called him twice to ask where he was, gosh what an ordeal!

      We are staying at the Taj Connemara in Chennai. We chose this one as it was really nice and we didn’t have high hopes for Chennai as a destination. If that was the case at least we would be staying somewhere nice. And nice it is!

      Staying in an executive suite comes with breakfast and high tea, very much looking forward to indulging those tomorrow. The rooms are top class and the Hotel itself is very heritage and got the feel of very opulent past times.

      There was a shopping mall next door so Mum and Lara were very keen to check it out. We figured there had to be a food court so we would eat there. Navigating three floors of shops with every shop keeper racing out to greet us and insist we come in and buy something we were exhausted by the time we got back to the bottom floor with what seemed only Domino’s, McDonalds and a particularly dodgy looking ice cream vender with his snacks. McDonalds it was.

      We all had different Chicken Burgers and it is fair to say everyone was surprised with the spice but none more so than Lara! She was so gutted to be let down by McDonalds that it became apparent this would be our one and only time for McDonalds in South India! Mum and Dad not hugely upset by that!

      Deciding we didn’t want to go back through the mall we thought we would try those ice creams. He showed us some funny looking bottles and insisted we try them, they were 35 rupees (about 70 cents) so we thought what the heck! They were the most delicious drinks we have ever tasted in the world ever! They were called Goli drinks, and had those balls you had to release like the Japanese drinks. The flavour we had was Mango. Just too good! Oh and the ice creams were pretty good too!

      Back to the Hotel to enjoy some more of that luxury. Was 8 hours of travel for a 1 hour and 20 minute flight but we are happy to be here!
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