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    • Tag 13

      Fahrt nach Shimla

      22. November 2022 in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Heute früh ging es Punkt 6- mit dem Auto und unserem Fahrer Abinaw los Richtung Shimla, einer Stadt oben in den Bergen und Hauptstadt vom Bundesstaat Himachal Pradesh. Unterwegs gab es einen wunderschönen Sonnenaufgang sowie einige spektakuläre Aussichten zu sehen. Shimla ist sehr eng und belebt, mal sehen was wir hier noch so erleben können..Weiterlesen

    • Tag 4


      19. Februar 2023 in Indien ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Despite feeling shocking again after only four hours’ sleep, we got up promptly at 7am and were first down to breakfast! The day started with a very informative talk and slides about Shimla (the capital of the Himachal Pradesh region), surrounding geography, the East India Company in India and colonisation of India by the Brits. I discovered some woman had had 10 hours sleep and wanted to kill her! 😣

      We then all piled into taxis, 4 to a car, and went up to the Viceregal Lodge where the Viceroys of India lived until partition in 1947-the last Viceroy being Lord Mountbatten of Burma. Shimla was the summer retreat of the Brits during their rule due to the cooler mountain air and it was thought that one fifth of the world was ruled from here during the summer months, as the Brits couldn’t stand the heat. Indeed, Shimla saw some of the most pivotal moments of colonial history. We had a tour and a talk there and a stroll in the grounds.

      Back to the cars and the Hindu Sankat Monchat temple. As it was a Sunday lots of locals were visiting, ringing the bell before entering the temple and taking offerings. The only access for all these people was up a death defying set of steps (about 8) with a wonky handrail so lots of care taken here! A couple of poor old beggar women were seated opportunely at the top of the steps but we have all been warned not to make eye contact or give anything………. 😔. Good views of Shimla were had from here, Ted grazed his lower leg on something sharp, which bled but then, on return to the steps, we nearly lost a group member when she missed her step, grabbed the dodgy handrail, fell to the ground and nearly went backwards (head first) down an unguarded 12 foot drop, saved only by a quick acting Indian couple, plus Ted who leapt forward and grabbed her feet! As this is the same unfortunate woman who left her handbag somewhere in Delhi airport with her phone and credit card in I can only say this could be a holiday to remember, but for the wrong reasons!

      Back to the cars to a hotel for lunch then, during the afternoon, a stroll around Shimla with Raj, the local guide. We walked along the Mall, the main thoroughfare with its variety of shops, stopped for a visit to the Gaiety Theatre where a drama group was practising, stopped at Scandal Point where all the gossip was exchanged, visited Christ Church with a huge statue of the elephant god on the hillside behind. All along the streets are groups of Macaque monkeys who are aggressive and to be avoided as they will pinch hats and sunglasses from your face if they can, that’s if the stray dogs don’t chase them away first! A good 40 min walk back to the hotel and then Ted and I had a swim in the most delightful indoor heated pool prior to dinner. 🤞I sleep tonight.

    • Tag 20

      Its a wrap in Chandigarh

      11. August in Indien ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      This is my final post from India as we will be flying home in a couple of days arriving in green old NZ on Thursday. I will never complain about our roads again in NZ!
      Yesterday we spent a great day exploring more of Shimla including a visit to the old Viceroys house in the days of British Rule. There were the polo grounds, tennis court and beautiful rose gardens. You could just imagine the English ladies sitting about drinking their teas and gins giving out orders to the " natives" It reminded me of the book/ film Passage to India. The grounds also held an Army museum which is not usually my cup of tea but it was fascinating and so many wars India has been involved in. They had a display of some of the soldiers uniforms. Quite magnificent!
      We visited another temple on the top of a steep hill. The most memorable aspect of the visit were the aggressive monkeys who steal your glasses off your face and won't give them back unless you give them food. I kept my glasses in my pocket!
      After a late lunch in town ( tandoori chicken kebab) we wondered into the markets. As it was a Sunday I am sure half of Shimla were there and the further along you went the tackier the stuff but some beautiful silks and pashminas .
      We had a fun evening with the drinks and then usual buffet dinner. The fish curry was the favourite for me.
      Today we drove down the steep windy roads to Chandigarh.
      Chandigarh is a newish city in Punjab as a new capital of Punjab was needed in the 1960s. We havent seen much yet but driving here to the hotel it seems full of beautiful parks..and people. The roads from Shimla to Chandigarh were just full of landslides and am putting up a little video of 1 just after it happened.
      India might be touted as the future power house of the world but their roads you just wonder how they will ever fix.
      Anyway it's been such an eye opener of a trip with a great crew of people .
      You don't realise how vast India is and how varied it is. The colours and the landscapes, the food, the amazingly beautiful hotels and just seeing the people going about their daily business in a country so full of history and culture.
      Looking forward to a grilled lamb chop on return to NZ!
      Thanks for all the comments along the way and sharing a bit of this trip but my ramblings don't really do justice to what we have seen.

    • Tag 12

      Shimla et Bishop Cotton School

      12. April 2023 in Indien ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Réveil avec au moins 13 singes devant notre balcon, à se dorer la pilule au soleil😁Balade dans ville de Shimla, sans passer à côté du traditionnel henné.
      On file ensuite visiter l'école où à étudier Gursaant, la Bishop Cotton Scholl. C'est l'école de garçons la plus (re)connue d'Inde encore aujourd'hui. Nous avons de nouveau été très bien reçu. Rencontre du prof d'anglais, visite ensuite du réfectoire, de la salle de sport, de la salle de tir (où nous avons pu pratiquer), de la chapelle, la salle de spectacle. On a même pu prendre le même goûter que les élèves. Encore de belles découvertes et de belles rencontres.Weiterlesen

    • Tag 15

      Amrista to Dharamshala

      6. August in Indien ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Our last afternoon / evening in Armistar we headed off to the Waga border to see the Beating Retreat ceremony a sort of changing of the guard ceremony. We had no idea what we were going to.
      When we arrived it was party central! Reminded me of waking into a big out door concert or a rugby game. We walked into a type of amphitheatre with music blaring and all the crowds dancing in a type of mosh pit.
      The whole ceremony was like a cross between India come dancing, military tattoo, a crazy crowd at a football game and a whole lot of roosters prancing around with their amazing head gear. Will put a couple of videos up.The amazing thing was the Pakistanis were doing exactly the same thing but we couldn't see their crowds. The whole thing took well over an hour and I think is a huge attraction and it's very important to make more noise then the other side. They at the end with great fan fare hoisted the flag.
      It was a pretty tired bunch of kiwis that returned home that night after a full on day. My tum must be better as even had a glass of wine that night!
      Yesterday we had a 5 hour drive to Dharamshala over a lot of bouncy roads but again always so much to see. We are now out of Punjab and high up at 2 thousand metres in the state of Himachai Pradesh.
      Dharamshala is famous as the place where the Dalai Lama lives and is the base of the Tibetan government .
      There is huge money being put into road construction here and not a red cone in sight but I think some of their health and safety could be a little dodge. As you know in India cows are sacred and they just amble along on any road. Our bus driver stopped to feed them the banana skins we had in the bus.
      On arrival at our beautiful hotel set high up in the hills we got taxis ( bus had a broken fan belt) to see the big Buddhist temple and the house where the DL lives.
      The temple is right in the middle of a busy street where beggars , dogs, little Tibetan markets abound and is apart from the decorated altar, very plain. Their are of course monks everywhere including little boys. They were thrilled when we gave them some kiwi key rings and pens.
      Our guide was great and I think he looks loves cricket more than anything and was so happy when he learnt we were kiwis! The black caps were here recently and met the Dalai Lama which our guide was overjoyed about!
      The evening was spent relaxing and having a beautiful meal in great surroundings and some went swimming! The good thing on this trip is that all our breakfasts and evening meals are prepaid for. Wine is very expensive but the beer is good.
      Next stop Manali.
      All pretty healthy

    • Tag 5

      פגשנו את הישראלית הראשונה בתור לעשות סים (הפעלנו!)
      היא אמרה לנו שאנחנו יכולים לאכול בהודו מה שאנחנו רוצים כל עוד זה מבושל ורותח.
      לכן החלטנו להיות אמיצים ולאכול בדאבה שהסתכלנו עליה כבר יומיים ואמרנו שמתישהו נאכל בה.
      נכנסנו וכולם היו בשוק מאיתנו, הזמנו טאלי ואת מה שהשולחן לידינו אוכל ולא כל כך הבנו מה הזמנו אבל קיווינו לטוב.
      האוכל הגיע והתחלנו לאכול... אחרי כמה דקות טל הסתכלה על העובדים ופתאום ראתה ששלושה עובדים עומדים ומסתכלים עלינו אוכלים.
      טל סימנה לעובדים שהאוכל טעים לנו וישר כולם חייכו וחזרו לבשל.
      היה חריף פשוט ביחס לאוכל בהודו וטעים.
      לקפה ראשון נכנסנו לבית קפה מסורתי (ומשם התמונה של המלצר במדים). היה מעניין

    • Tag 30


      27. August 2023 in Indien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Gestern sind wir hier angekommen.
      Unser Gepäck wurde von deinem schmächtigen Mann getragen 🫣.
      Viele Stufen ging es hoch.

      Heute: Shopping und Essen!!!
      Vom frisch gepressten Saft bis zum Bun Tikki. (Ein Kartoffeltaler mit vielen Soßen und Zwiebeln in einem Brot)
      Es gab noch ein letztes Henna für mich 😊.

      Kulinarisch konnte man sich hier super ausleben. 😊
      Ein bisschen Shoppen. Hier habe ich festgestellt, dass ich einen Holzkochlöffel brauche. 😂

      Abends wurden wir wieder lecker bekocht. 😊
      Es gab Hähnchen. Zum Schluss stellte sich raus, dass unser Guide Nazir auch noch ein begnadeter Koch ist. Die Soße, die es zum Hähnchen dazu gab, löffelten wir.😍

      Morgen gehts nochmal auf die Märkte. Ich habe eine Jacke im Auge😅.

    • Tag 18

      A 13 hour trip

      9. August in Indien ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      We were all up early and on the bus by 7am a little bit anxious about the " 10 hour trip ahead of us and the state of the roads!
      Off we bounced and had not been going long when the driver pulled over to have a quick prayer at the Hindu temple on the side of the road. We hoped he was doing the prayer for the team.
      On we went with mist on all the hills and the raging river beside us. It wasn't too long before we came to a huge traffic jam in the gorge. With great boulder cliffs hanging over us, it's not the kind of place you want to be in. It turned out that a truck was on its side and a grader as well so hence the jam.
      Finally we got through but the bus wasn't sounding too good and the air-conditioning wasn't working. Farmer Frank thought it was the fan belt.
      After a couple of stops an a couple of hours it became clear that the bus was in trouble so off we got in an " interesting town" an found a very nice restaurant to have lunch at.
      After much discussion it was decided that our supposed destination was just going to be too far so a decision was made to go to Shimla only supposedly 4 hours away.
      It took a couple of hours for the bus to be fixed and off we set again. What a trip !
      Winding around hill after hill with sheer cliffs below us and some hair raising moments as our driver although very good is also very fast. Our internal organs were fair rocking and rolling.
      There were a few near misses but I logged talking book as was too stressful to be looking at what was on the road.
      Finally we got to Shimla but still took another hour and a half to get through the city. Shimla is at approx 6 thousand feet with a population of 250 thousand so not big in India standards but it's really spread out and built on steep steep cliffs.
      The drive down to the hotel is so steep the bus couldn't get down.
      We had an amazing welcome into the beautiful hotel set amongst firs and pine trees and all given the little fez type Indian hat.
      Totally exhausted so was a quick meal and now in bed. Looking forward to exploring Shimla tomorrow.
      Great to see more gold medals for NZ. India very excited with the bronze they got in the men's hockey!

    • Tag 19

      Serenity in Shimla

      10. August in Indien ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      What a relief to wake up this morning and know we were not defying death on mountainous windy roads. After a leisurely breakfast we were back on the bus to visit a park high up in the hills with supposedly 360 views of the Himalayas. On the way was a stop to see the yaks of which I was brave enough to sit on one of them. Am not sure who was more worried the yak or me!
      On we climbed to Kufri for the amazing views but sadly it was mist and more mist.
      However when we got there a conference of sorts was going on and we were swamped for selfies by the participants. One of the girls Monica who was a gorgeous girl from Rajasthan really took a shine to us. So much so that when Bridget commented on how nice her shoes were , she took them off and gave them to her. Of course Bridget protested but our new friend ( now my Instagram friend) would not say no and Bridget is now sporting a beautiful pair of sandals.
      I must say wherever we go the Indians are so welcoming and interested in us and LOVE the selfie with us.
      Next visit was the most beautiful Oberon hotel which was built by Scottish architects in the 70s . The original house that burnt down was Lord Ktcheners home who was the viceroy of India in the early 1900s.
      The house/castle was stunning and next level luxury. We had a tour through it and dined there for lunch. What a change from the harrowing journey of yesterday!
      In winter it is covered in snow. It reminded us abit of the chateau at National Park but far more elaborate.
      Shimla was once the summer capital of the whole of India and when the Partition was formed and 2 thirds of Punjab was made into Pakistan it was all signed off here in Shimla. The power house that decided the future on 1 fifth of the world's population. A city that punches well above its weight and beautiful as well.
      Then it was back to the hotel to anxiously watch the K1 race and could only read the commentary of the race. Another gold! Then all through dinner it was again live updates on Lydia. We all went to bed happy to be kiwis and Bridget super happy with her new shoes under her bed!
      Only 3 more nights on this incredible trip and so lucky to have Bessy and Sukumar leading the charge!

    • Tag 14

      Shimla 1/2

      23. November 2022 in Indien ⋅ ☀️ 9 °C

      Heute Nacht haben wir in unser Unterkunft, dem AN Resort in Shimla verbracht. Wir hatten eine Familiensuite und sind mit einer wunderbaren Aussicht auf das Bergpanorama aufgewacht. Nach dem Frühstück geht's auf die Shimla-Marketroad zum Bummeln und danach zurück nach Chandigarh.Weiterlesen

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Shimla, Shimla district, Districte de Simla, Distrito de Shimla, District de Shimla, શિમલા જિલ્લો, शिमला जिला, Distretto di Shimla, शिमला जिल्ला, ଶିମଲା ଜିଲ୍ଲା, ਸ਼ਿਮਲਾ ਜ਼ਿਲਾ, ضلع شملا, Шимла, शिमलामण्डलम्, சிம்லா மாவட்டம், ضلع شملہ, 西姆拉县

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