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    • Day 20

      Periyar National Park, Kerala

      June 26, 2015 in India ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Periyar National Park and Tiger Reserve now has 45 tigers spread over 920+ square kilometers. Ash and I were not fortunate enough to see a tiger on our tour through the small portion of the park made open to prearranged visits. One of the rangers on our boat, however, took a liking to Ash's and my enthusiasm despite the early hour of the day (credit goes out to the milky and sugary Indian coffee that we been hemorrhaging every day), and offered to take pictures for us throughout the boat tour. His shots made mine look like child's play, so I'm just going to post his when I sync them to the computer.Read more

    • Day 17

      Madurai to Periyar Tiger Reserve

      December 21, 2018 in India ⋅ ☁️ 26 °C

      We loaded into a van and drove up into the mountains for five hours to Thekkady and the Periyar Tiger Reserve. On the way we stopped by a spice plantation for a tour. It was pretty interesting. Madagascar might as well be synonymous with spice. This place was all organic and the shop at the end of the tour offered tea, chocolates, and ginger candy. Later we checked into our hotel and all took naps for a few hours. Nancy and Sophie finally are on the tail end of their illnesses.

      In the evening it was recommended that we go to a local tourist trap to witness a Kalari martial arts demonstration. We were not really interested, but Nancy really wanted to go, so we walked over to the place, put down our 200 rupees apiece and took our seats. It did turn into quite a spectacle. Lots of acrobatics, clashing swords, and jumping through smoky rings of fire. One can see a short demonstration and witness Nancy's obvious delight here:

      Next morning we woke really early for a walk through the tiger reserve. Once again we didn't see any big cats, but did see some interesting trees and a kingfisher.

      Tomorrow it is off to Kerala and a night at a homestay in the backwaters.
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    • Day 10

      Dinner at the Bamboo

      March 5, 2020 in India ⋅ 🌧 23 °C

      Last meal in Periyar..... popped along to the bamboo restaurant...( term restaurant probably over states it a little, tin covered shack more appropriate ) Fish tikka, chicken tikka, fish sweet n sour, veg fried rice, manchurian cauliflower, cashew naan, 3 garlic naan ,extra curry sauce for aw, lemon rice. All agreed the best meal to date 2000 rupee in total, amazing value & staff knowledgeable and really helpful..... yum yum .Read more

    • Day 9


      April 13, 2019 in India ⋅ ☀️ 32 °C

      Also in den Teeplantagen war es ja schon wirklich toll- aber jetzt steigert sich das hier nochmal 😍. Mein Hotel ist mitten in den Kardamom Hills.... ich sitze auf den Balkon buchstäblich mitten im Wald. Die Geräuschkulisse ist der Hammer.... WELCOME TO THE DSCHUNGEL....
      Ich relaxe erstmal im Garten, schwimme ein bisschen und schaue mir dann noch eine Tanzshow an.
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    • Day 9

      The Final Temple

      November 29, 2017 in India ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

      Here are pictures from our visit to the Meenakshi Amman Temple in Madurai on Wednesday, 11/29. This is an enormous complex, 60 acres, built in the early 1600s. The other temples we have been to so far have a shrine to one of the major gods, Shiva or Vishnu. This one is unique as it honors both the god Shiva and his wife, the goddess, Pavarotti. This is a major stopping point for pilgrims on their way to the final temple destination in Kerala. 20 million pilgrims pass through this temple each month.

      As we entered the first gate, we pass through a long busy market area selling all kinds of items associated with temple and religious practice here and at home—threads soaked in yellow turmeric; small tubs of red and saffron colored paste to mark the forehead; packets of cow dung ashes to sprinkle over the ‘minor’ god statues in their alcoves; tiny bowls of hardened ghee (clarified butter) with a fabric wick to light at the god statues; and of course garlands of flowers to thread into women’s hair and use as god offerings.

      As non-Hindus we are not permitted to enter the shrines within the temple honoring Shiva and Pavarotti, however there is plenty to keep us busy. This temple is a beehive of activity. We came across a bangle ceremony where the women family members of a pregnant woman place glass bangles on her arm creating a light tinkling noise that is supposed to be good for the baby.

      We passed by half a dozen marriage ceremonies. Mostly the young girl looking serious and apprehensive and the groom with a big smile on his face. Arranged marriages are still the norm. Even if the bride and groom know each other, the family history and horoscope of each must be evaluated to make sure it is an ‘auspicious’ match before the marriage can be approved.

      This is the 10th temple we have visited on this trip. Each one was significant, historic, different, and interesting. The Meenakshi Amman Temple feels like finally arriving in St. Peter’s Basilica after seeing all the other beautiful churches in Rome.

      Our guide Jay is very generous in sharing his experience and knowledge of the culture. He has been a tour manager for 28 years and is originally from south India, the state of Kerala which is our final destination. Here are a few more interesting things about marriage that he shared with us (I hope I have captured this correctly).

      It has become the trend, at least in the the state of Tamil Nadu where we have been traveling, for the friends of the groom to produce large billboards and posters that they mount all over town to announce the marriage. It will be a picture of the bride and groom (the brides photo is often photo-shopped in since the bride and groom may not physically meet until just before the wedding day). The men who are giving this billboard as their wedding gift have their photos also displayed at the bottom in super life-size. The government is trying to dissuade this practice since there are so many weddings and the plastic billboards produce so much trash. The Indian equivalent of ‘moment of fame’ perhaps?

      Weddings are a large financial and ‘political’ investment as tradition dictates that everyone the bride and groom and their parents know in each village, at work, all family and friends—and the families of all of those—must be welcomed. An average wedding in a small village will have 800-1000 guests. A well-to-do wedding will often hire a producer and the wedding will seem more like a Bollywood production than a vow exchange, with several thousands of people invited and all expenses picked up by the bride and groom and their parents.
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    • Day 11


      March 11, 2015 in India ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

      Periyar Tiger Reservat stand auf unserem Plan, doch wir sollten unsere Jungle Tour nicht machen können, da ca. 1 Monat vorher ein Elefant 2 Besucher getötet hat! So begnügten wir uns mit einer Bootstour, sahen weiiiiit weiiit entfernt einige Bisons und machten uns auf zu den Spice Gardens, welche wirklich sehr spannend waren! Leider mussten wir feststellen, dass wir soviel essen, wo qir gar nicht wissen, wie es aussieht geschweige denn woher es kommt!

      Die restlichen Tage hier verbrachtem wir mit Bummeln, fanden eine herzige Bäckerei mit feinen Sachen und genossen das recht angenehme Klima ohne gross zu Schwitzen...

      Unsere Indien-Zeit ist soweit vorbei, Sri Lanka kann also kommen!!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Thekkadi, Thekkady

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