Vāsco Da Gāma

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    • Jour 108

      Goa, India - 2 of 2

      2 mai 2023, Inde ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      We then went for a tour and lunch at a Spice Market. The smells were incredibly strong and everything tasted as good as it smelled (and looked). Spices from the garden were fresh saffron, lemongrass, pepper, cayenne, cinnamon, bay leaf, cardamon, cashew, nutmeg, mace, vanilla…. (I lost track after that).

      You can tell from the video that I was drinking “jungle juice” or locally made alcohol fermented from coconuts, FENI. If you watch the video to the end you will see some surprising reactions. It was HOT and the tour ended with a very COLD cool down!

      Great meal and tour of the garden to learn about each spice, see the tree and plants they come from and how they are harvested.
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    • Jour 108

      Goa, India - 1 of 2

      2 mai 2023, Inde ⋅ ☀️ 86 °F

      We’re going to GO to GOA on Karen’s birthday!
      Goa was a beautiful place with flora and fauna (near a rainforest) on the coast of Southwest India and different from much of India. It is known for its beaches and is a major tourist destination from all over the world. It is a mere 1429 square miles with 1.5 million people (out of India’s 1.5 billion).

      SUSAGADO is the word in Konkani that describes this city. The people are laid back but not lazy, just mellow and … overall peaceful. They want people to know that they know how to balance life and not focus on money too much but just enough since they value lifestyle much more. They say they believe in “Capitalism with a social conscience”. The per capita GNP is 3 times everywhere else in India. In other words, people from all over India come here to work and send money home since they make three times as much here.

      The wealth comes from tourism, mineral mining (iron, limestone, manganese, bauxite) and trade. Goa has 2 international airports a very good road, and rail system too as well as infrastructure of telephones systems and electric utilities, better than most of India. Education is very important here and literacy is almost 100% along with top Universities and medical schools here.

      An interesting history in Goa in that the Portuguese maintained the area as an overseas state from the 16th century for 456 years until 1961 when it became part of India. Although the East India Company acquired most of India, they did not in Goa which maintained Portuguese and westernized very early in the 1500s and brought Catholicism there.

      We received a long explanation of the Goa Civil Code/Family Law … seemed very important to our Guide. They eliminated Sati, where if a husband died the wife killed herself by fire. It’s all about when a man dies what happens to his property (who fight for what) or worse what happens when they get a diverse. The details doesn’t matter but it is interesting how many homes are left due to inheridence issues , empty. Made no sense to us.

      Europeans for most of history got their spices from India and many are produced in Goa. A major town here is named for Vasco de Gama for discovering the path to India in 1498 (when Columbus went the wrong way and ended up in America, thinking it was India and named the natives Indians). The Prime Minister of Portugal happens to be Goan and all Goans from as of the date of Independence (about 600,000 people) maintain both Goan and Portuguese passports and feel these strong roots to Portugal. As for religions, Buddhism came here in the 2rd century for about a 1000 yrs and then the Portuguese and Indian (Hindu) influence. The people speak Konkani, Portuguese, English as well as Marathi (popular Indian dialect for the entire region). Sadly, Goa used to have a large Jewish settlement, but Portuguese colonial rulers employed an inquisition from 1560-1820 where thousands were burnt alive for their beliefs. Goa is very much a religion tolerant nation now and Israelis often vacation there these days.

      G20 signs are all over India. The workshops located in many Indian cities are to create international economic cooperation. It plays an important role in shaping and strengthening global architecture and governance on all major international economic issues. India holds the Presidency of the G20 from December 1, 2022 to November 30, 2023.

      The theme of India’s G20 Presidency - “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” or “One Earth · One Family · One Future” - is drawn from the ancient Sanskrit text of the Maha Upanishad. Essentially, the theme affirms the value of all life – human, animal, plant, and microorganisms – and their interconnectedness on the planet Earth and in the wider universe. The theme also spotlights LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment), with its associated, environmentally sustainable and responsible choices, both at the level of individual lifestyles as well as national development, leading to globally transformative actions resulting in a cleaner, greener and bluer future.

      After a fun welcome, our tour included a drive around Goa where we got to see some beautiful homes (see photos) and some that needed work because they were abandoned and others that were more simple. From there we went to the Se Cathedral and Basilica of Born Jesus. The Basilica and the Cathedral across the street (see white Church and interior shots) were built in the 17th century. From there we went to the Hindu Temple, Shri Shantadurga Saunsthan, a private temple complex belonging to the Goud Saraswat Brahman Samaj. It is dedicated to Shantadurga, the goddess who mediates between Vishnu and Shiva (no interior photos allowed). There is a main temple and three smaller temples of other deities which have been built on three sides of the temple. The temple consists of a collection of pyramidal roofs with a dome. Visitors could only walk around the perimeter inside as the “inner” areas were just for Priests.
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    • Jour 6

      Tag 2 in Vasco Da Gama

      17 novembre 2017, Inde ⋅ 🌫 4 °C

      Trotz dem harten Bett, Inder lieben anscheinen ohne Matratze zu schlafen, und lauten Ventilator, schlief ich schon so lange nicht mehr so gut und konnte mich erst um 11 Uhr vom Nichtmehrschlafen überzeugen.

      Ich wollte nur Geld tauschen, was flott ablief, und eine Sim-Karte bei Vodafone besorgen. Aber das war nicht möglich, da zu viel Andrang herrschte und ich keine Lust hatte stundenlang zu warten. Zudem ist es bei den Indern meist üblich in diesen Situationen sich immer vorzudrängeln. In versuchte es noch bei anderen Anbietern, auch kein Glück. Aber im Hotel wurde mir Wlan gestellt, und die Leute sind hier auch äusserst zuvorkommend. Zum späten Nachmittag machte ich noch einen Besuch beim nächsten Strand, der Baina Beach, gleich südl. davon sieht und hört man immer die aufsteigenden Flugzeuge.
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    • Jour 31

      Vasco da Gama - letzter Tag

      12 décembre 2017, Inde ⋅ 🌙 27 °C

      Vor dem Abflug ist es sinnvoll 1 oder 2 Tage in der Nähe des Flughafens zu verweilen, um nicht allzu Stress zu haben. Mein Flug geht morgen früh um 5 Uhr, um 3 sollte ich dort sein. Ich hoffe dass von den zwei bestellten Taxis zumindest einer kommt.
      Heute verbrachte ich noch 5 St. an der nahe gelegenen Baina Beach. Die wenigen Leute am Strand waren immer erstaunt, dass ich mich so 300-400 m raus schwimmen traute, was kein Problem war, weil keine Wellen waren. Selbst ein Soldat von Jaipur war fasziniert. Immer dort wo eigentlich keine Touristen üblich sind, wird man erstaunt registriert und angesprochen. Ansonsten bewegt man sich in Goa aufgrund der vielen Touristen eher unbemerkt durch die Gegend.
      Gerade ertönt ohrenbetäubende Gospelmusik und Gospelpredigt, inkl. Teufelsaustreibung, gleich unter mir. Ein großer Teil in Goa sind aufgrund der langen portugiesischen Kolonie Christen. Zusätzlich vermutlich mit Hinduismus zusammen hängend, gibts fast tgl. auch ein Feuerwerk mit heftigen Böllern.
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    • Jour 108

      Karen’s birthday in GOA, India

      2 mai 2023, Inde ⋅ ⛅ 84 °F

      A one of a kind birthday in Goa, India.
      Great Day and Evening ... Wishing "Karren" 120 years with Health, Happiness and Peace.

    • Jour 5

      In Vasco Da Gama und 30 Grad wärmer

      16 novembre 2017, Inde ⋅ 🌫 25 °C

      Der 2. Flug war auch ok. Wieder eine Sitzreihe für mich. Am Goa Airport Dabolim bin ich um 19 Uhr angekommen. Die Boeing musste 4x kreisen, weil sie zu flott war. Auf dem Monitor konnte ich das gut beobachten. Die Einreise und der Baggage Claim erwies sich genauso flott wie sonst in Zürich. Da ich ein eVisa zuhause gemacht hatte, musste nur noch ein Digibild von meinem Gesicht und beide Hände gescannt werden. Ursprünglich wollte ich draussen vor dem Flughafen den Bus nach Vasco da Gama Zentrum nehmen und später zum Hotel laufen. Da es aber schon Nacht war, kam mir entgegen, dass ein Rollerfahrer mich ansprach und er mich die 5 km direkt zum Hotel fuhr. Hat dann ca. 4€ gekostet, aber ich war dann um 20 Uhr schon im Hotel Rukmini. Eine eher schäbige Unterkunft für 10 €, aber dafür ist die Hauptwache der Polizei gleich um die Ecke. Wie oft ist das Bad besonders schäbig, der Duschkopf ist verstopft, aber es geht auch ohne.

      Und wie immer, kaum ist man angekommen, werden die Lebensgeister geweckt und die Müdigkeit ist wie weggeblasen. Abends lief ich noch etwas durch die Straßen, gleich um die Ecke sind Marktstände und kleine Läden.
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    Vous pouvez également connaitre ce lieu sous les noms suivants:

    Vāsco Da Gāma, Vasco Da Gama, Vasco, Васко-да-Гама


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