Galway City

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    • Dag 592


      30. maj, Irland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Galway gefiel uns ganz gut. Lauter Musiker trällerten ihre Lieder. Die Shops sind nett mit allerlei Krimskrams.

      Galway ist eine Hafenstadt an der irischen Westküste, die an der Mündung des Corrib in den Atlantik liegt. Zentrum der Stadt ist der im 18. Jh. angelegte Eyre Square. Rings um den beliebten Treffpunkt liegen Geschäfte und traditionelle Pubs, in denen oft traditionelle irische Musik gespielt wird. Im nahen Latin Quarter sind Teile der mittelalterlichen Stadtmauern erhalten. In den gewundenen Gassen wechseln sich Kunstgalerien, Boutiquen und Cafés mit Natursteinfassaden ab.Læs mere

    • Dag 25

      Galway Tag 2

      27. april, Irland ⋅ ⛅ 4 °C

      4 Grad und kein Wölkchen am Himmel🥶😎.
      Heute morgen holt uns Irma, um 8 Uhr, beim Camping ab. Auf der Salthill Promenade laufen wir bis zu einem Café wo wir ein feines irisches Frühstück genießen. Dann geht es wieder in Richtung Latin Quarter wo, heute Samstag, ein kleiner Markt ist. Wir genießen die lebhafte Atmosphäre von Galway und schlendern durch die Gassen mit den vielen Pubs.Læs mere

    • Dag 3

      Von Rosslare nach Galway

      5. september 2022, Irland ⋅ 🌧 19 °C

      Kurz nach der Ankunft sind wir als erstes in einen Tesco Supermarkt eingefallen und haben uns mit ein paar Leckereien eingedeckt.
      Dann haben wir etwas Kultur eingebaut und einen Zwischenstopp am Rock of Cashel eingebaut.
      Anschließend ging es weiter quer über die Insel bis zu unserem ersten Stopp in Galway.
      Dort haben wir kurz die Stadt erkundet und uns dann auf einem Campingplatz am Meer eingerichtet.
      Zum Abendessen wurde dann gekocht, Baked Beans und Bacon.
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    • Dag 21

      Galway city break

      19. september 2023, Irland ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

      First day in the city. Lots of rain planned for the next few days so we're holing up in Galway and a good chance to enjoy a few city pleasures and a bit of culture. It's feels a bit strange being in the crowds again but we'll adjust I'm sure. Big day out in the city tomorrow 😁
      Big day out was a very wet and windy one! Took shelter in the City Museum to see This Is The Modern World' exhibition; live music posters promoting gigs in Galway during the period 1977-1982. £5 for ticket to Thin Lizzy and £2 for the Boomtown Rats .. those were the days! 😎 .…
      Hit a delicious pizza place, then braved the wind back along the 3k prom.... didn't spot anyone diving off the famous Blackrock diving tower ,but did spot a couple of brave swimmers out there near the steps! 🏊‍♂️🌊🥶. Back at camp and the van's still rattling away in the wind 💨(((🚐))) 💨 ...we're face on to the sea now, so hoping for a less lively night ! 😁. Doolin tomorrow..
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    • Dag 8

      Weak knees, arms are sweaty

      10. september 2023, Irland ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      Nach einer kurzen Überfahrt um Kilometer zu sparen, waren wir bei den Cliffs of Moher die vielen als die Cliffs of Dover verkauft wurden. Anderer Name, andere Klippen. Eindrucksvoll allemal auch wenn dem einen oder der anderen die Knie zittern beim Wandern an der Steilwand entlang. Danach sind wir schon nach Galway reingefahren und bereiten uns auf die Stadt vor. Es bleibt spannend.Læs mere

    • Dag 77

      CÚIG GHRIANGHRAF-Ireland Day 12

      29. juni 2022, Irland ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      We launched the day by joining our Limerick acquaintance Jay at a nearby breakfast restaurant known for its soda bread offerings. Breakfast was great, and we enjoyed further conversation before saying our good-byes.

      Today we ventured to our next stop in the coastal city of Galway. We noticed right away that the area has more wealth and it's clearly a draw for tourists. We chose to stay on the Popcorn Polaris, a quirky, but cozy space on a boat moored next to the Latin quarter. It was a bit windy this afternoon, and the boat rocks a bit, but it's comforting and quiet.

      After resting a bit, we explored the streets in the area. We dropped by a local gay bar for a beer. We were the only patrons while we were there, but we enjoyed a nice conversation with the bartender who is studying physics in college.

      Most of the locals are preoccupied with the inclement weather that has launched summer. I think our years in the Pacific NW has taught us to celebrate sun when it shows up and to find the peace and settling time of the rain. I prefer walking around on cool days so I'm good with the weather.

      We chose a tapas restaurant for dinner. The food was fine overall, but certainly not comparable to the tapas we enjoyed in Barcelona. We had a number of small plates, and we finished with a chocolate lava cake garnished with kumquats and raspberries. I ordered a latte which tasted fine, but looked like something that was produced by a broken convenience store machine. While my comments are sparky, I don't want to take away from the gracious, friendly service without exception. Ireland's people are just delightful.

      We left the restaurant and walked the streets while enjoying the buskers, the energy of the people strolling, and the sounds of pub patrons singing along with musicians.

      We stopped by a bench statue of Oscar Wilde and Estonian author Eduard Vilde. It was a cool likeness, and I took a pic of Jim C with Oscar. Every time I think of Oscar Wilde, I smile at his wicked wit, and I'm saddened by the persecution that he experienced. It appears that some would like to return to those times.

      We ended our walk with a stroll through a park dedicated to JFK. He was the first U.S. president to give a speech there. He delivered the speech 59 years ago today, just months before he was assassinated. JFK was the first President who I remember. He died when I was five years old. While we certainly know that he had plenty of flaws that were revealed in subsequent years, I do think our country would benefit from a youthful president again soon, preferably a woman. Old men have had enough turns in the role.

      We have settled in our cabin on the boat. Jim C is already drifting to sleep. We are both growing more excited about our return home, but I know that we will still squeeze in a few more adventures before doing so.

      "Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."
      Oscar Wilde
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    • Dag 78

      CÚIG GHRIANGHRAF-Ireland Day 13

      30. juni 2022, Irland ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      We had a very good night sleeping on the MVP Popcorn Polaris. We learned that our boat was originally a fishing vessel about four decades ago. Ultimately it was a working boat and was neglected and sunk. It was resurfaced and transformed into a floating lodging space. The popcorn reference is to the red and white striped canopy over the deck which is reminiscent of a carnival popcorn stand.

      The day began with blue skies although the clouds quickly moved in. Jim C made a cappuccino run, and we enjoyed breakfast on the covered deck of the boat.

      We enjoyed a fairly lazy morning and then eventually wandered into the village for lunch. Our plan for the day was to end up in the village of Doolin which is located about an hour south of Galway and is renowned for its music scene.

      Given that most music venues don't get rolling until 8 or 9 pm, we decided to first head out to Burren National Park. The word “Burren” comes from an Irish word “Boíreann” meaning a rocky place. This area is known for its lack of topsoil and limestone outcroppings, yet the area is lush with wildflowers. We enjoyed our walk along one of the trails through woodlands, meadows and bogs. Burren exemplifies resilience and thriving despite conditions that don't support that outcome. Upon reflection, it seems fitting that my maternal grandmother's family was from Ireland. She remains one of the most vibrant and resilient persons who I have ever known.

      After the walk we headed toward Doolin. Given that it was only about 6 pm, we decided to explore a nearby cave known for holding a massive stalactite. As we approached the road leading to the entrance we saw a man in apparent distress. We learned that he had overcorrected to avoid a passing car on the narrow road and he ran over a sharp rock that punctured two tires. He was traveling with two younger men, and they were worried about getting assistance because they had no cell signal.

      We offered to give them a ride back to Doolin, and we learned that the father and two adult sons from Holland who were enroute to Galway after visiting the Cliffs of Moher.

      We returned to Doolin and stopped by a nearby Pub where they had a phone signal. They had no answer from the rental car company, and we told them that we would stay until they had a tenable solution. I told a server at the pub about the problem, and she had contact information about a man nearby who repairs tires. We grabbed a drink and chowder and invited the men to join us.

      We exchanged stories, and learned that they has come to Ireland to attend a Red Hot Chili Peppers Concert in Dublin, and they had decided to explore Ireland. We talked about favorire music groups and we discovered a shared love for Lucinda Williams. I didn't bring up "Car Wheels on a Gravel Road". Too soon. 🤣

      One of the sons had played lead guitar with Up With People. He had had erformed in Wyoming and Colorado. We talked about politics and once again we heard "What happened to America?" as they described their own frustrations back home. I learned that the father was planning to retire in six months, and I talked about the newly learned joys of retirement.

      After a few hours had passed, the tires were repaired and we let our new found acquaintances know that we treated them for dinner and drinks as we said goodbye. We told them that hopefully we had eased the burden of the day for them, and if we saw them in Galway tomorrow they could buy us a beer.

      We never did make it to a music venue, but I wouldn't have traded the experience for anything.

      I believe the Universe rewarded us with a spectacular sunset this evening and we are headed to bed with gratitude for this fine adventure.

      I learned from my brother that our niece gave birth to a son today. Welcome to the world, Jaxson Wren Banner.

      Good night
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    • Dag 79

      CÚIG GHRIANGHRAF-Ireland Day 14

      1. juli 2022, Irland ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      It was a bit of a bleak, wet "Julianurary" day today. Seriously, the day was mostly reminiscent of winter in the Pacific NW. Fittingly, we learned that there is a marker pointing to Seattle and a similar one pointing to Galway from Seattle as both cities are on the same latitude line, sister cities aligned with wet rusting season.

      Most of the day served as a good time to read and relax in the boat's cabin like we normally would do back home. After several years in Washington and Oregon, we've learned to embrace the dark, wet days as settling in days,

      We did go to lunch at a nearby Chinese restaurant, and we could see the chef making fresh noodles as we chose comfort foods. After lunch, we stopped by a few shops, and then we returned to the Popcorn Polaris to shed our damp clothes, and to enjoy the heated cabin.

      We noticed a break in the weather mid-evening, and we thought it would be a good opportunity to check out the music scene at one of the pubs. Before heading to the pub, we split a paella dish, and then we went to the Crane Pub. It turns out that the upstairs music space was standing room only so we decided to grab a pint and join other patrons below.

      One of the things I enjoy about the pubs are the walls lined with photos of performers and posters recalling the top performers of the day. It reminds me of our walls at home lined with photos capturing event points of our family history.

      We left Crane Pub, and we walked down streets in the area. Some were peacefully quiet and others felt like aspects of Bourbon Street in New Orleans.

      Galway is a cute seaside town, and it's clearly designed to draw tourists. It does so successfully, but we're finding that we would eagerly trade it for a walk in the Burrens or a shared meal with newly found friends and hosts in County Laois (thank you again, Markie & Eamon).

      We close the night with gratitude knowing that very dear friends, Ace & Argus were married in Montana yesterday. We first met them in Seattle so the Galway marker pointing to Seattle also reminds us that chosen family matters.

      Given events in the U.S. they decided not to wait to get married, and we wish them the best in their life together. May they have many happy years, and a government that recognizes their marriage as legitimate and due of all the privileges of straight couples.

      Love Wins! ❤️
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    • Dag 81

      Mountain Sound - Of Monsters and Men

      3. november 2023, Irland ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      We met Kevin around 10 o’clock this morning, starting off to Connemara National Park. Along the route we stopped for photos and enjoyed the immaculate views. Eventually, we reached Kylemore Abbey and estate which we spent hours exploring. By 3, we’d eaten lunch and seen everything we possibly could, so we hopped back on the road. En route to Galway, we saw a few villages and the gorgeous fjord! Once the three of us were back in the city, Mom and Dad went out for drinks while I chilled at home. Afterwards, we had dinner across the street and then retired for the night.Læs mere

    • Dag 79

      Galway Bay - The Irish Tenors

      1. november 2023, Irland ⋅ ☁️ 7 °C

      This morning, we packed for the next few days before our driver, Kevin, picked us up at 11. The following hours were spent driving across the country (again) with a stop about halfway to Galway. We arrived in Galway city earlier than our flat was ready, so we killed some time at the aquarium. After an hour or so, Kevin dropped us off at our Airbnb. We didn’t spend very long sitting around, instead we headed for the bookstore and a pub for dinner. One lovely meal later, we ended up in another pub for music. By the time we got home, we were pretty tired and went to bed early.Læs mere

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    Galway City, Cathair na Gaillimhe

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