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Top 10 Travel Destinations Ulster
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    • Day 8

      Bike ride 28 miles and hot!

      September 6, 2023 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Ships in Killybegs harbour, McSwynes castle (ruin), St John's point (Eire number 70) jetty finishing with two well-earned huge ice-creams 😁😁😁. Eire numbers were used to guide American pilots as they over-flew the Atlantic on the way to D-dayRead more

    • Day 13

      Pancake Tuesday (Mardi Gras)

      February 13 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 45 °F

      Some irish pancakes (drop scones) fresh off the pan. Tomorrow is the start of Lent, so today is a day of indulgence 😊

      Here we call today, Pancake Tuesday or sometimes Shrove Tuesday, and of course elsewhere it is more famously known as Mardi Gras..

      We eat them with lemon juice and sugar.
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    • Day 16

      Slieve league

      May 14 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Es geht weiter. Die N15 ist zwischen Sligo und Donegal prima ausgebaut und wir kommen flott voran. Nach dem schon obligatorischen Lidl Stopover steuern wir das erste Tageshighlight an: Donegal Studio, Weberei und Wollshop.
      Man kann die Weberei besichtigen in der tolle Tweetstoffe hergestellt werden. Im Erdgeschoss natürlich der dazugehörige Shop. Elke wird fündig, die Winterbeschäftigung ist gesichert.
      Es sind dann nur wenige Kilometer zum Camping. Nach einer kurzen Pause starten wir noch mit den Rädern zu den Sleave League, den höchsten Klippen Europas. Es sind nur knappe 4 Kilometer, aber die haben es in sich. Belohnt wird man dafür mit einer sensationellen Aussicht auf die Steilküste.
      Nach soviel Action ist der selfmade Lammcurry verdient.
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    • Day 17

      Berge und mehr

      May 15 in Ireland ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Das Wetter ist prächtig, die Tour durch die schöne Landschaft geplant. Diese ist hier deutlich rauer und bergiger als im Süden, aber auch viel grüner. Allerdings gehen die Steigungen auch ganz schön in die Beine. Wieder prägen Steilküste und Sandstrände die Tour.
      An einem kleinen Hafen machen wir Rast und die Stelle sollte eigentlich gut zum Angeln sein. Ein Gespräch mit einem älteren Herrn gibt uns die Info, dass die Pier in der Nähe des Campings zum Fischen viel besser sei.
      Wir beschließen spontan, einen Tag zu verlängern. Der Campingchef bestärkt uns, es könnte Makrelen geben.
      Zwischendurch ein sehr nettes Gespräch mit unseren englischen Nachbarn. Die vielen Probleme sind oft Politik und haben wenig mit den Menschen zu tun. Macht Lust mal wieder nach GB zu reisen.
      Das Essen passt dann schon mal dazu, der Black Pudding ist übrigens ganz lecker.
      Am Abend steigt die Tide wieder und wir fahren noch schnell zum Hafen.
      Und wer sagt es denn, Elke zieht 3 schöne Makrelen aus der See. Der Grill für morgen ist schon halb gefüllt.
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    • Day 22

      Ireland Road Trip Continues

      May 18 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Traveled to Limerick today, bought another suitcase 🤣 checked out Bunratty Castle, I lost Brian and ended up buying some amazing photograph prints off a local woman (it was mentioned my husband shouldn't have left me with the credit card). Then we were off to Galway for lunch and stumbled onto a pub that supported Celtic Football. Drove to Westport and then onto our accommodation at Cabra Castle and OMG it is spectacular.Read more

    • Day 145–146


      May 26 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Petite étape aujourd'hui ! La météo ne s'annonçant pas très bonne, on en a profité pour rouler un peu plus hier sous le soleil !

      Au moment du départ, on croise deux cyclo françaises qui pédalent depuis plus d'un mois en Irlande, et qui ne tarissent pas d'éloges sur les paysages traversés et qui nous disent, vous allez voir c'est superbe !

      On profite d'une matinée finalement plutôt sèche pour terminer notre traversée de la réserve naturelle de "Sperrin Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty" (oui rien que ça!!!).

      On sort finalement de l'Ulster pour entrer en République d'Irlande; mais on y replongera dès demain lors de notre passage à Derry Londonderry, très marqué par le conflit Irlandais. La ville est située en plein sur la frontière.

      Ce soir c'est repos dans un cottage typiquement anglais! On est accueilli avec un thé et des scones pour nous mettre à l'aise ! On va pouvoir regarder la pluie tomber au sec! 🌦️🌦️🌦️
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    • Day 150


      May 31 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Après 8 jours de pédalage et 410km parcourus, nous voilà enfin arrivés à notre pause !
      La ville de Donegal sera notre point d'encrage pour les 3 prochaines nuits.

      La journée a sûrement été la plus ensoleillée depuis notre arrivée en Irlande. Si on y ajoute un vent toujours favorable, on obtient une journée (presque) idéale !
      On a un peu manqué de paysages grandioses ! ... On doit devenir exigeants.

      Après la douche, rien de mieux qu'une bonne bière pour récupérer !
      A la votre ! 🍻
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    • Day 15

      From Falcarragh to Fanad Head

      June 1 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Today's early start rewarded us with a full day of adventure and exploration across the northern reaches of County Donegal, a region celebrated for its stunning beaches, historical sites, and dramatic coastal landscapes.

      Our day began at Falcarragh Beach, where the morning sun and gentle waves welcomed us for a refreshing beach walk. The wide, sandy stretch was peaceful and invigorating, setting a serene tone for the day.

      From there, we traveled to Horn Head, making a worthwhile detour to visit Doe Castle. Perched on a promontory with water on three sides, Doe Castle is steeped in history and offers picturesque views of the surrounding waters. The castle's serene setting and robust architecture provided a fascinating glimpse into Ireland's storied past.

      Continuing our journey, we embarked on a scenic drive around the Rosguill Peninsula. This lesser-known drive rivals the more famous routes in Ireland for its sheer beauty and tranquility. The winding roads offered panoramic views of the rugged coastline, with lush greenery and the expansive ocean stretching out before us.

      The day's highlight was our visit to Fanad Head Lighthouse. Situated at the northern tip of the Fanad Peninsula, the lighthouse stands as a sentinel over the Atlantic, its presence both imposing and reassuring. The surrounding cliffs and the lighthouse itself are not only a beacon for ships but also a magnet for photographers and nature lovers.

      Before concluding our day, we made a stop at Portsalon Beach for a quick dip. Recognized as one of the most beautiful beaches in Ireland, its fine sandy shores and crystal-clear waters were the perfect way to cool down after a day filled with exploration.

      Exhausted yet fulfilled, we returned to our cottage in Dooey, reflecting on the day's journey through some of the most beautiful landscapes Donegal has to offer. As we settled in for the evening, the warm memories of sunlit shores and historic sites accompanied our thoughts, rounding off another perfect day in Ireland.
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    • Day 599

      Glenveagh NP und Lough Beagh

      June 6 in Ireland ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Wir liefen im NP zum Schloss. Dort gab es einen herrlich angelegten Garten. Ein Genuss für die Nase 🤧. Weiter geht's nach Nordirland.
      Wir finden es schade, dass wir diesen nördliche Bereich Irlands jetzt schon verlassen. Die Landschaft ist absolut nach unserem Geschmack 🥰😍🤩Read more

    • Day 5

      The most beautiful beaches!

      June 6, 2022 in Ireland ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      The benefits of having a driver is we can changed what was planned. Another day of sunshine so we made the best of it by heading to the coast. Donegal is the start of the Wild Atlantic Way. Most popular in the south (where we are heading next week) this part of the WAW is very isolated and sparsely inhabited. With that being said, this is truly God’s country with views and vistas that are some of the most amazing. Pictures can’t capture the true beauty. We started the day early to avoid the crowds at Sleive League Cliffs. A steep hike up to the ridge provided the most amazing views. For a while we were almost alone up on the ridge but headed back to the car for the drive back to civilization- sharp turns on one lane roads with no guard rails. Glad we aren’t driving. As we headed back down the mountain, we saw a farmer cutting and drying his peat. Peat is still used to heat many homes. Watching two old men stacking peat to dry was humbling! Has to be backbreaking process but they do what they have to do to heat their homes. The rest of the day was visiting some of the hundreds of isolated beaches. Wide, hard packed sand, driving on it is quite common, we saw a few trucks with families on holiday. Speaking of holidays, this weekend has been a “bank holiday”. This is similar to our federal holiday schedule (side note: St. Patrick’s Day weekend is a bank holiday here). So it’s been unusually crowded on the roads and restaurants. Rounded out the evening with a stroll through the diamond center of Donegal, dinner and a little pub for some traditional music. Walking back to the hotel at 11pm and the sun was just setting. Great day.
      Tomorrow we head into Sligo and Mayo and to Westport for next two days. Grace OMalley’s home - here we come!
      Almost forgot - a stop in Donegal at Eddie Dougherty’s weaving shop resulted in a few purchases. Eddie was the cutest LOM (little old man) ever! Showed us his set up and we were able to purchase things in his shop. Pretty special to know who made your hat and lap throw.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Ulster, Provinz Ulster, Ulaidh, أولستر, Olster, Ольстэр, Ълстър, Cúige Uladh, Úlster, اولستر, Còigeamh Uladh, Queiggey Ulley, אלסטר, Օլսթեր, Provincia Ulster, アルスター, ოლსტერი, 얼스터, Ultonia, Alsteris, Olstera, Алстер, Ulster Séng, Ouotonîn, Ольстер, الستر, อัลสเตอร์, السٹر, 烏勒省, 阿爾斯特省

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