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    • Dzień 42

      Nazareth, Israel

      8 listopada 2011, Izrael ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      We decided to go to Nazareth by local bus it cost 28 Shekels each return, that's about £5.
      So, the busses are great value and comfortable.
      The journey took about 1 hour each way so we got to see quite a lot of the countryside.
      Btw the busses are every 10 minutes, we could learn a lesson from the Israelies.
      I can definitely recommend it as a way to visit Nazareth from Haifa.
      Just in case anyone actually reads this, the bus is the number 331 and you get it at the little bus terminus right outside the port, and the port entrance is 4 to 5 minutes stroll from the ship.
      If you want to get a taxi instead the ones outside the port entrance are cheaper than the ones right by the ship.
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    • Dzień 2

      The Annunciation

      7 marca 2017, Izrael ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      We are in Nazareth! My favorite place we have visited so far...to be fair, it's our first day! This is the town where the Holy family once lived and where Mary grew up. We visited the Byzantine Church of St. Joseph. Tradition identifies this place as the workshop and home of the Holy Family. Father Neil led us in Mass of the Annunciation and found it very moving to pray in front of all the picturesNext to the Church of St. Joseph is the Church of the Annunciation, which stands over the cave of the home of the Virgin Mary. Below the Church is Mary's Well where the angel Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary that she will bear the Son of God. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 2


      17 listopada 2017, Izrael ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Miesto života Jozefa a jeho rodiny.

      (strohé poznámky z kázní)
      - Zachariáš chce dôkaz. Ak to hovoríš, daj mi dôkaz! Mária nechce dôkaz, ale žiada vysvetlenie ako sa to stane.
      - Zachariáš onemel, alebo nevedel sa vykoktať. Zvuky z neho vychádzali, ale nemali žiaden význam. Niečo podobné môže dostať každý kresťan ktorý neuveril. Nebude vedieť o čom hovoriť, alebo nik mu nebude rozumieť, jednoducho bude koktať (nevynímajúc kňazov kazateľov ktorému veriaci ľud nerozumie).
      - Zachariáš má vyjsť z chrámu a dať požehnanie, ale dokiaľ neuverí, dokiaľ nepovie Božie slovo, nebude môcť dať požehnanie. Je veľkou tragédiou veriaceho ak nepožehnáva...
      - Ján sa bude volať! Zachariáš znamená - Pán si spomenie. Alžbeta znamená - tá ktorá je zasvätená. Na koho si Pán spomenie? Pán si spomenie na svoju Cirkev. Očakáva sa, že príde Mesiáš. Preto mu nedajú meno po otcovi ale až po dedovi. Meno Jochanan - Boh je láska.
      - A v momente keď Zachariáš napíše, že Boh je láskou (Jochanan) prestáva koktať a začína hovoriť: "Nech je zvelebený Boh ... "
      - Zvláštne, syn kňaza, ktorý má byť v chráme žije na púšti.

      - Každý významný človek v Starom Zákone sa narodí cez Boží zásah (neplodnosť, staroba...) Je to spôsob vyjadrenia, že iba Boh rozvíja ľudstvo a nie človek.

      - Bazilika Zvestovania, interiér a vstup do krypty
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    • Dzień 10

      Nazareth, Israel

      31 października 2018, Izrael ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

      Die Verkündigungsbasilika (hebräisch כנסיית הבשורה, arabisch كنيسة البشارة, griechischΕκκλησία του Ευαγγελισμού της Θεοτόκου) ist ein katholisches Kirchengebäude in Nazareth. Die Basilika steht über jener Höhle der Stadt Nazareth, in der der römisch-katholischen Überlieferung zufolge der Erzengel Gabriel der Jungfrau Maria erschien (Verkündigung des Herrn). Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 7

      Church of the Annunciation

      12 grudnia 2018, Izrael ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      After visiting the Church of Cana we drove in to Nazareth which is where Jospeh and Mary spent most of their lives. Here we visited the Church of the Annunciation which is where the Angel appeared to Mary asking her to have a child and name him Jesus. We celebrated mass here and also viewed first century ruins of Mary’s house. The basilica was built on these ruins. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 16

      The Church of the Annunciation, Nazareth

      17 lutego 2022, Izrael ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      This is the church on the site where one tradition holds that the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, telling her that she was to be pregnant and carry Jesus. Similarly, tradition says that this is the location of one of the churches founded by Constantine's mother, Helena. Church buildings were built and destroyed here several times. The current basilica dates to the 1960s.
      The 1st picture is of the facade of the basilica from the front courtyard. The 2nd picture is a statue of Mary located in the courtyard with a small labyrinth. Note the wall to the left. There are dozens of depictions of Mary, provided by many nations. Most reflect the culture of the nation that donated each of the pieces.
      The 3rd picture is of the main doors. You can follow the Gospel story in condensed form in the carvings that depict events from Jesus' life.
      This is a 2 story building. The 4th and 5th pictures are in the lower level. The 4th picture looks across the space. The recessed area in the center gives access to the grotto located to the left. The 5th picture looks into the grotto. This is believed to be the remains of Mary's childhood home.
      The last picture is upstairs in the main church. The dome sits above an opening in the floor that is above the grotto in the 5th picture. That connects the larger church with the actual site believed to be where the Annunciation took place.
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    • Dzień 3

      Nazareth - Verkündigungskirche

      28 grudnia 2018, Izrael ⋅ 🌧 12 °C

      Nächster Stopp ist Nazareth. Die Stadt an sich ist nicht besonders hübsch, aber die Verkündigungskirche ist beeindruckend und unbedingt einen Besuch wert. Der Verkehr und die Parkplatzsituation sind katastrophal, aber nach einigem Suchen und viel Geduld ergattern wir doch noch einen Parkplatz und machen uns auf den Weg zur Verkündigungskirche. In der Grotte unter der Kirche stehen noch die Reste des Wohnhauses von Maria, wo ihr der Erzengel erschienen sein soll. Entlang der Wände des Hofes sind Abbildungen von Maria und dem Jesuskind aus aller Welt angebracht. Czytaj więcej

    • Dzień 5

      Nazareth, the Boyhood Home of Jesus

      11 maja 2019, Izrael ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

      The Village of Nazareth is a replica/re-enactment of a first-century farm and village. Located in Nazareth, the Nazareth Village features a carefully researched re-creation of Jesus' hometown. Nazareth is in the inheritance of Issachar. Originally a working farm, the village has been restored with olive trees, terraces, ancient wine press, irrigation systems, and stone quarry. Exact replicas of first-century houses, synagogue, and olive presses have been carefully built using the same methods that would have been used by Joseph the carpenter. The scenes were brought to life as “villagers” populate the farm and houses, living and working with the same type of clothing, pottery, tools and methods that Mary and Joseph would have used.
      Hyssop was used during the first Passover in Exodus 22:12. Moses was selected by God to rescue the Israelites who were captives, out of Egypt. God sent nine plagues on Egypt and each time Moses said the Lord says "Let my people go" but each time Pharaoh said no. The 10th plague the Lord sent to Egypt, was the death of the firstborn males of every household. The only way to escape this plague was if the door frame of the house was covered with the blood of an unblemished lamb. The Jews dipped hyssop in the blood and applied it to their door frames. The Lord "passed over" the Jewish homes with the blood on the door frames and spared their firstborn son. The next morning there was great mourning in Egypt as their firstborn sons, including the firstborn male livestock, were dead. Pharaoh finally conceded and told the Israelites they could leave, though soon after he changed his mind and chased them into the Red Sea. The Lord parted the Red Sea for the Israelites to escape but caused the water to come crashing down on the Egyptians and they were killed.
      Hyssop is a common plant of the mint family. Because of its stiff branches and hairy leaves, it served well for sprinkling. In addition to the Passover, it was also used in the purifying of lepers (Lev. 14:2-7) the cleansing of a plague (Lev. 14:49-52) and the sacrificing of the red heifer (Num. 19:2-6).
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    • Dzień 2


      4 lipca 2019, Izrael ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      We vertrokken vandaag al weer uit het hotel richting Tiberias.

      De dag begon met een bezoek aan Caesarea nationale park. Hier waren de restanten te zien van o.a. een Romeins theater, het paleis van Herodus en een baan voor paardenrennen. We waren ook nog getuige van een Bar Mitzvah (jongens van 13 jaar moeten dan een stuk voordragen uit de Thora, daarna zijn ze dan als jood volwassen).

      De volgende stop was bij het Aquaduct van Caesarea (dit is 8 km lang en gebouwd Herodus de grote om water aan te voeren.

      De route ging door het mooie Karmelgebergte verder richting de bijbelse stad Nazaret (waar Jezus opgroeide). Hier gingen we naar de Basiliek van de aankondiging (waar de engel Gabriel de geboorte van Jezus aan Maria aankondigde).

      ‘s avonds gingen we bij de haven in het stadje eten bij een tent Big Ben. Heerlijk eten voor een schappelijke prijs. (Met Maarten, Bart, Bram en Paul uit Ierland).
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    • Dzień 8

      Latrun and Nazareth

      26 listopada 2019, Izrael ⋅ 🌙 13 °C

      We slept in because we were awake after 3 AM when it started to get chilly and we didn't have proper equipment. Luckily the sun warmed us quickly and we hit the water for a 15 minute swim to a salt island with a tree. Very instagrammable according to Julia ;) We put on mud masks and just relaxed a bit in the water. It was really fun as long you don't get any water in your eyes. Salt enough is already bad but together with sulfur it doesn't sound like something you'd like to try.
      Around midday we started moving in direction of the Mediterranean Sea and then up. On the way to Nazareth we stopped at a Monastery and some Crusader Castle ruins. The Monastery looked beautiful in the middle of the green lush garden. The Crusader Castle had been built by the Knights of the Temple and recently been used by the Jordan army in the Six-Days War. There also leads the Israel Trail along and we saw some hikers.
      It looked like a short drive from there to Nazareth but it led closely by Tel Aviv and we were stuck in traffic that we arrived almost 1 1/2 hours later. Not that we were on a schedule but it's annoying ;)
      Our hostel was pretty cool and we had the dorm rooms almost to ourselves. After settling in we took a walk through the streets...
      Everything of interest is within a 15 minute walk distance.
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    Możesz znać też następujące nazwy tego miejsca:

    Nazareth, Nazaret, الناصرة, ܢܨܪܬ, Natzaret, Ναζαρέτ, Nazareto, Naatsaret, Nasaret, Naẕerat, ナザレ, 나사렛, Nazara, Nazaretas, Nazaré, Назарет, நாசரேத்து, Lungsod ng Nazaret, Nasıra, 拿撒勒

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