Antico mercato di Ortigia

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    • Day 19

      Ortigia exploration

      June 30 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 28 °C

      The temperature is forecast in the high 90s today. I got out early enough and walk around the ramparts and have a cornetto and cappuccino on a terrace overlooking the water.

      The papyrus museum is interesting as it creates yet another geographic connection, this time between Egypt and Sicily. Papyrus was imported and grown on Sicily. Some original papyrus texts with Greek writing are displayed.

      On the Piazza del Duomo stands the most varied church in existence I believe. Originally a Greek temple, then Roman, Arab, Byzantine, Norman, and the more recent Europeans from France, Schwaben, Bourbon and Spain. The church is an incredible mix of architectural and religious elements.

      It's hot and two museums are closed time to go lay on the rock that Ortigia calls their beach. A good nap and a swim later I clean up at the hostel and go out on the town and watch two European cup matches.
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    • Day 4

      Sleeper to Sicily

      June 7, 2018 in Italy ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

      At 20.10 last night, I boarded the overnight sleeper train from Milan all the way to Sicily. A marathon journey of some 19 hours 38 minutes. And if I was expecting a luxurious travel experience, I was about to be sorely disappointed - the Venice Simplon Orient Express this was not. The train resembled the kind of graffiti-decorated transport that you might expect of Italian railways on a short local journey from Roma Termini to San Pietro. My 2 berth 1st class compartment had certainly seen better days with little by way of creature comforts. Unlike the meticulously uniformed crews of the Polish and Russian trains last year, with their peaked caps and efficient welcome, this train attendant resembled an overweight and unkempt Reg Varney from On the Buses. With an ill-fitting uniform and grubby shirt which was too tight to fasten, he sported at least two days of grey stubble.

      And if I had expected fine dining in the restaurant car washed down with a glass of Valpolicella, again it was not to be. Not a buffet car nor even a trolley appeared to exist - and on a journey which was to take the best part of 20 hours. How glad was I that I had had that McD’s earlier when accessing their free WiFi. All that was left for dinner was a half eaten packet of crisps, a bag of Mint Imperials and a bottle of water so warm I could have easily have made a cup of tea with it - if only I had a tea bag.

      My travelling roomie embarked at Genoa. He was a tall, bearded Italian who spent some time rearranging our tiny space, with a great deal of moving luggage, ladders, toiletries etc, while parading around (if one can parade in such a tiny space) in his briefs - why have Italian men never heard of boxers?

      Our Trenitalia ‘Welcome Pack’ included amongst other bits and pieces, an eye mask. After being dazzled by the evening lights outside our blind-less window, I decided to make use of them to get to sleep. The underside of the bunk above me was covered in a full-length mirror, and when I awoke I was startled to see who looked like Lady Isobel Barnett from ‘What’s My Line’ staring down at me.

      In spite of this, my lower berth was remarkably comfortable and I got a reasonable night’s sleep. After devouring the last of the Mint Imperials for breakfast, I was amazed to discover by accident that refreshments were available from a cubbyhole at the end of the compartment. A long-life apricot croissant and an espresso later and I began to feel human again. Even Reg Varney came up trumps in converting our two berths into a relatively pleasant sitting area with a few clicks and pulls of levers.

      My Italian friend disembarked at Rosarno in Calabria at 10.00, and I had the compartment to myself for the remaining leg of the trip. The train hugged the coast all the way with terrific views of the Tyrrhenian Sea. This wasn’t so bad after all.
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    • Day 4

      Is it a train? Is it a ship?

      June 7, 2018 in Italy ⋅ 🌬 26 °C

      On arrival at the ferry terminal at San Giovanni, there was no need to disembark - the train rolled on to the ferry in two halves - one of the few places where this actually happens. It was exciting to watch, with the train rolling on, then our half reversing off and then travelling back on to lie parallel with the front half. We were able to leave our belongings and go up on deck as we crossed the Straits of Messina to one of Sicily’s main cities, Messina. It was good to get some fresh air and a walk about. The crossing only took about 30 minutes, just like going to Bute, although Messina had a bit more life about it and a good deal more sunshine than Rothesay usually does.

      The train reunited, we journeyed down Sicily’s east coast, passing the lovely Taormina and the shadow of Mount Etna, the most active volcano in the world, apparently - I think I’ll just stay on the train. Olive and orange trees and giant cacti lined the tracks here. As we pulled into our final destination I felt, like that Rodgers and Hart musical, one of ‘The Boys from Syracuse’.
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    • Day 6


      October 17, 2019 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Heute steht Syrakus, die Stadt des Archimedes auf dem Programm.

      Zunächst eine Runde in der eigentlichen Altstadt. Hier bemerkenswert der Dom (ehemals ein Tempel der Athene, im 7. Jh. zur Kirche umgebaut und im 17. Jh. mit einer barocken Fassade versehen - Norwegen lässt grüßen), der Nymphenbrunnen direkt am Meer, der mit Süßwasser gespeist wird und das Castello, vom Staufferkaiser Friedrich II. ausgebaut.
      Im Anschluss die archäologische Runde (Steinbruch, Ohr des Dyonisos, Grichisches Theater, Opfertempel, Römisches Amphitheater).
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    • Day 10

      Syrakus - Schmelztiegel der Kulturen

      March 23, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Teil I Ortygia: Heute steht den ganzen Tag die Stadt Syrakus auf dem Programm. Genauer gesagt, die Altstadt Ortygia, auf einer durch zwei Brücken mit dem Land verbundenen Insel von etwa einem Kilometer Länge und 500 m Breite gelegen sowie der archäologische Park der Stadt Syrakus. Was will man sagen, Ortygia ist mit Abstand die bisher schönste und interessanteste Stadt auf der Reise, hier herrscht quirliges buntes Treiben, natürlich chaotischer Verkehr, wunderbar restaurierte barocke Gebäude wetteifern mit verfallenen Bauwerken und viel Patina, zu finden sind zudem natürlich ein Dom, ein Kastell, zahlreiche Läden mit Kunst und Krempel und viele Restaurants und Cafés.
      Mittendrin liegt ferner ein großer Platz mit den Ruinen des Dorischen Apollotempel, ist die Stadt doch eine griechische Gründung aus 733 v. Chr. Einer der berühmtesten antiken Bewohner dürfte wohl der griechische Mathematiker, Physiker und Ingenieur Archimedes gewesen sein, er soll 287 v. Chr. hier geboren worden sein. Und ist auch in Syrakus 212 v. Chr. gestorben. Er wurde nach dem Fall der Stadt im zweiten punischen Krieg gegen Rom durch einen Legionär getötet, obwohl Feldherr Claudius Marcellus ihn unbedingt lebend gefangen setzen wollte.
      Besichtigt man den Dom, sieht man auch hier die Reste der Antike. Er ist auf dem Fundament des Athena-Tempels erbaut, die dorischen Säulen aus dem 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. hat man gleich mit in die Kathedrale integriert.
      Nach dem Erdbeben von 1693 wurde die Stadt im Stil des Barocks wieder aufgebaut, zahlreiche prunkvolle Gebäude erinnern daran. Abseits der größeren Plätze herrscht sizilianische Enge. Schmale, dunkle Gassen trennen die mehrstöckigen Gebäude.
      Am Inselende lohnt noch ein Besuch des von Friedrich II um 1239 erbaute Castello Maniace.
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    • Day 68

      Markets and More, Ortigia, Sicily

      May 31, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      We had an easy day today wandering around town. We visited the fresh food markets which are always so interesting. The different fruits and vegetables always intrigue us and the many different types of seafood. Sometimes the smells can be a bit much not being a huge seafood lover but it is interesting to see, especially when you get to see a local carving up a huge tuna like it is no big deal.

      Brad tried a fresh oyster with lemon, gin and Tabasco sauce before we stopped in a cafe in the middle of the market for some brunch. Fresh orange juice, a deliciously fresh caprese salad and a platter or Sicilian cheeses was the perfect brunch sat in the markets.

      We wandered the markets some more, checking out the wares on offer. I have fallen in love with the cacti and their lovely flowers but don’t think I would be able to take one home. Brad did buy a hat though, as the sun is getting hotter as we go on.
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    • Day 81

      Siracusa o Ortigia

      December 19, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Dopo avere lavorato, oggi siamo andati a visitare Siracusa 📍 Abbiamo attraversato il centro storico, situato su un’isoletta, l’isola di Ortigia, collegata da due ponti alla terra ferma 🌉
      Subito ci ha attirati il vecchio mercato, fatto di piccoli banchetti pieni di frutta e verdura 🍊🍅 di formaggi e pesci di ogni tipo 🧀 🐟 ma anche di frutta secca e spezie🫚
      Ci siamo fermati a pranzo al banchetto di un anziano signore che ci ha fatto assaggiare un po’ di tutto sul suo tipico piatto misto 🍽️ Ovviamente abbiamo segnato qualche ricetta 😋
      Poi abbiamo attraversato il centro storico vedendo l’antico Tempio di Apollo 🏛️ la piazza con la Fontana di Diana ⛲️ la maestosa Cattedrale ⛪️ e il Castello Maniace 🏰
      Abbiamo concluso questa giornata divertendoci in una palestra di boulder 🧗
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    • Day 48

      Sightseeing in Syrakus

      March 26, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Syrakus liegt knapp 25 km von meinem Stellplatz entfernt, also geht es heute mit dem Roller zum Sightseeing. Die Hund müssen leider im Womo bleiben, aber das klappt ja zum Glück bisher immer sehr gut. Der Besuch lohnt sich auf jeden Fall. Eine tolle Altstadt mit viel Atmosphäre. Mittlerweile sind ja auch wieder einige Touristen unterwegs, aber zu voll ist es nicht. Beeindruckend ist der Markt, der hier immer am Vormittag abgehalten wird. Insbesondere Fisch, Gemüse und Obst gibt es in allen Variationen. Und den besten Sandwich der Welt! Die weltberühmten Ausgrabungen spare ich mir heute, man muss es ja nicht übertreiben. Am späten Nachmittag geht es dann aber noch einmal zu Fuß mit den Hunden durch Avola. Meiner Meinung nach preisverdächtig im Wettbewerb der hässlichsten Städte Siziliens. Es lebe das Kontrastprogramm. Vielleicht kommt mir das ja auch nur so vor, weil das Wetter langsam schlechter wird. Trotzdem werde ich den kommenden Sonntag noch auf dem Platz bleiben. Am Montag soll das Wetter wieder besser werden und dann geht es nach Cavagrande.Read more

    • Day 11

      Market, Ortigia, Siracusa, Sicily, Italy

      October 12, 2021 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      every wednesday there is a market in siracusa, what luck that i'm here today! the market can be found at the squares in the historic center on via emanuele de benedictis. the market starts at 8am and ends at 1:30pm. luckily i got there early, so there weren't many tourists yet. the fish market is really great, the last time i bought super fresh and delicious kalamari here. don't miss it, when you're here.Read more

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    Antico mercato di Ortigia

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