Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore

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    • Hari 22


      31 Mei 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Here is some pics from the Uffizi gallery (a week late sorry). We listened to a Rick Steves podcast during our walk around. By the end, our little Uffizi’s hurt.
      We saw Venus and Sara documented a cute photo of everyone taking photos of her- this scene is actually seen quite often, and sara has taken to taking even photos of me taking photos (she has quite the compilation now). I will try to find some to post. It’s a good thing I have find penguins to post these as I’m sure there are photos of everything I have taken photos of already on the internet. We did mostly just look around though.
      At the end I have also included another statue selfie for everyone xx
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    • Hari 14

      Wednesday in Florence

      5 Oktober 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Today we went to Florence. Got a train - splurged on a Frecciarossa - and sped down to Florence in 37 minutes! It seemed to be 90% in tunnels, and not a train ride watching the countryside (I don’t remember such long tunnels when we went north from Rome to Venice on the same route. Anyway, a perfect way to get to the destination. At first we wandered our way to the duomo which is as gorgeous as ever - it is always amazing to behold - and then walked on to the Piazza della Signoria, located where our favourite gelatoria is, along to the Ponte Vecchio before making our way back to the Uffizi.

      Amr had booked entry to the Uffizzi galleries for 11.45…it was a bit tricky booking online, but it was recommended to streamline entry…but it sounded as if it was a guided tour (which we wouldn’t normally do)..but on arrival at the meeting point it turned out that they “guide” met us and gave us tickets so that we could go straight in and not line up…so very good. We spent several hours there, well organised so that you follow on and don’t miss rooms…lovely old masters, and scatterings of the very famous.

      Once finished with our dose of culture, we had a gelato and went and relaxed at another favourite bar on Piazza de la Republica, had a sandwich and tea/wine and relaxed and enjoyed. It was fairly hot by then - another wonderful cloudless day! Wandered round some more, via Santa Croce, Santa Maria Novella and went back to the station to see about trains back to Bologna.

      This time, with no time constraints, we bought cheap tickets (about a third cost of the Frecciarossa) which took us back in about an hour and a half…regional trains, packed full at that time of day and rather fun…we had to change trains at Prato, and ended back at Bologna at just before 7pm. But it was via lovely Tuscan countryside and not nearly so many tunnels!

      Had a little meal at one of the many restaurants here (yum meatballs and salad). A good day.
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    • Hari 5


      4 Agustus 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Puh, was ein Tag! Da ich nicht immer nur die tollen Dinge posten will, hier mal ein paar Eindrücke aus Florenz. Bin nach 2 Stunden geflüchtet! Ein Alptraum! Ich war da schon so oft, aber so habe ich es noch nie erlebt und werde ich auch nicht mehr! 🤷‍♀️😱 Das hat für mich absolut nichts mehr mit Italien und Dolce Vita zu tun…
      Aber es gab auch gutes: Ich habe für 1,86 getankt statt für 1,92 wie es sonst hier gerade üblich ist und wir haben auf der Piazza della Signoria sehr gut und „günstig“ Pasta gegessen: Aglio Olio und Pomodoro für 11 und 12 Euro, Bruscetta 8 Euro, dazu dann noch ein Wasser, eine Cola und einen Vino della Casa für gesamt 55 Euro mit Coperto. Das war dann alles in allem nicht mehr günstig, aber zumindest lecker 😃.
      Ansonsten war es zum Davonlaufen. Die Schlange am Dom für den Turm ging ein Mal fast komplett um das Gebäude rum (und der ist riesig!), die Leute standen zum Teil zu viert nebeneinander 🤦‍♀️😱! Auf der Ponte Vecchio war kaum ein durchkommen und die Angst, dass das alte Ding einfach unter den Massen einkracht hat mich irgendwie begleitet 😃. Nach 2,5 Stunden sind wir geflüchtet! Haben dann einen zweiten Versuch unternommen am Piazza Michelangelo den Blick auf die Stadt zu genießen, aber dort herrschte komplettes Chaos und geschätzt hätten wir locker ne Stunde auf einen Parkplatz warten müssen oder Kilometer weit laufen müssen. Habe dann verzichtet, ich war da schon mal und behalte es einfach so in Erinnerung, wie es damals war: entspannt!
      Gefühlt liefen die Passagiere von 4-6 Kreuzfahrtschiffen durch die Stadt in sehr großen Gruppen und man konnte die Stadt gar nicht besichtigen, weil man ständig auf die Leute achten musste und zusehen musste, nicht umgerannt oder umgefahren zu werden von Lieferanten, Taxen und Radlern, die mindestens genau so genervt waren wie ich.
      Ich probiere es im Frühjahr eventuell noch mal, im Sommer definitiv NIE, NIE, NIE wieder!
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    • Hari 11

      The City of Florence...

      26 September 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Had a fabulous day discovering Florence. Walked from our hotel into the heart of the city and 'wow' you knew when you had arrived. The old buildings and architecture were incredible and then you happen across the luxury shopping district! (Totally out of our league)Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 4

      Piazza del Duomo

      28 April, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 22 °C

      Von der Piazza della Signoria ging es weiter Richtung Dom, wo es eine Runde Eis gab. Den Dom mit all seinen Nebengebäuden steht erst für morgen auf dem Programm.

      Nachdem Eis trennten sich vor erst unsere Wege. Andi brachte Akito wieder ins Hotel und wir gingen weiter Richtung…Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 36

      Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore

      13 Juni 2022, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      The Cathedral of Florence is a gothic style cathedral whose construction began in 1296 and was completed in 1436.

      From the outside, it was easily the most beautiful cathedral we've seen to date. From the inside, it was a bit more plain. Many of the artifacts were moved into the Duomo museum. We'll post that later.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 4

      Fotto on Giotto

      10 April 2023, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 13 °C

      Today was the day Apollo and Aphrodite took a Fotto on Giotto. We woke up and had breakfast at our amazing hotel. Kai ate for a family of at least 10 people so it took us a while but when we finished, we were ready to burn all those calories on our way up the Giotto tower, where, as the title of today‘s blog already says, we took a (hundred) photo(s). What we saw from up there was astonishing, we could see the Dome from a perfect perspective and the view over the old city houses was beautiful. We agreed that Florence was way prettier than Milan and that if it werent for the annoying tourist crowds, we would stay here.
      By the way while we were standing in line for the tower, we started writing our own CV‘s vice versa and had a really good time just standing there in the sun, laughing and waiting for us to get closer to the entrance.
      After climbing the 87.4 metres high Campanile di Giotto and admiring the view, we went to the Cathedral Museum. For lunch we had Glutenfree Focaccia. Mine was really good, but unfortunately they gave Kai the wrong one. He got proschutto, which he doesnt like, instead of salami & arugula. So in the end he only had the focaccia bread and wasnt too happy about it. In the afternoon we visited the Uffizi art museum. We managed to see all the 7 „must see“ paintings we had read about. After learning so many new things about art our poor brains needed some calories, so we „diffused“ to the famous Gelateria Santa Trinita where Kai probably had the biggest ice cream in the world. We ate it by the river and stayed there for hours and hours having the best conversations. We figured out that if my man wasnt going to surprise me with a weekend in florence I wouldnt want him, talked a lot about people walking past us, our spirit animals and decided to set a one year goal for both of us. Our original plan was to walk back to the hotel but then we spontanously bought to-go gin tonics, yes non-alcoholic, and toasted to our wonderful afternoon.
      We diffused to the restaurant „Sgrano“, again 100% gf and had wayy to much pasta there. Since they had Cantucci on the menu we ordered some but instead of getting them with wine as recommended by the restaurant I ordered them with an espresso and got laughed at by the entire staff. (At this point I have to admit, life without alcohol is hard) We had arrived at the restaurant as two people but left as a trio. Our foodbaby Leonardo accompanied us home. On our way back we meandered thorugh the streets and eventually got to our hotel still laughing pretty hard, where the receptionist eyed us suspiciously.
      Funny ending of a hilarious day.
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    • Hari 5

      Waiting for David and finding the sea

      11 April 2023, Italia ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      Today was mainly walking around, eating and waiting for our time slot at the Academia to finally get to see the real David. After we woke up Kai went downstairs to attack the breakfast buffet while I showered and packed my backpack. By the time I got down he was at the pancakes with nutella AND butter. (I dared to tell him that nutella was already made of butter but he didnt really want to hear it)
      We still had our 3 day pass Tickets for the Dome so before the checkout we went to the Piazza to see if we could get in. The dome only opened at 10 so we went to a shop to buy some postcards and headed back to the hotel for the check-out. At 10 we entered the Dome and were almost the first ones in. We were very impressed by the size and height of the Cathedral. The Cupola with its paintings was breathtaking. Before leaving for the archaeological area, Kai and I both lighted candles for our loved ones.
      When we went outside we went to a juicebar where Kai had his second breakfast and I had a smoothie with a banana bread. From there on we didnt really have a plan, we walked around for a long time and eventually found a nice café where we ordered coffee and wrote our postcards. We wanted to see the national library which unfortunately wasnt open for tourists, so we went to the Via dei Neri where I got Focaccia and Kai pizza. Then it was finally 15:15 and we went to the Academia. We were a bit worried when we saw the humongous line in front of the building. Soon we figured out that since we had bought the tickets in advance we could just jump the line and go directly to the entrance, which we did, and it worked perfectly. A few moments later we were standing in front of the huge statue of David. We both have to admit this guy was absolutely good looking, and crazy hot. We admired this piece of art for a couple of minutes but then left quite fast, since we had to catch out train half an hour later. The train to Pisa was very crowded, therefore I had to squeeze myself between the window and our backpacks. In Pisa we noticed that we could take another train than we had planned and we would be way faster. We ran to the biglietteria, made the seat reservations like Speedy Gonzales, got on the platform and jumped on the train.
      The journey to cinque terre was very nice, we passed pretty landscapes and sceneries until we arrived at the sea. We were both so hyped when we saw the waves crashing on the cliffs, the cute pictoresque village with houses of different colours and the green hills surrounding it all. Our hotel la Stella della Marina did not only meet our expectations, it exceeded them by far. The owner Gabriel, was really friendly and showed us a map of Monterosso, the village, gave us recommendations on restaurants and showed us all the nice hiking trails of the area. The room he gave us had a private bathroom and a even small balcony. I was so incredibly happy. After we had unpacked our stuff and settled down for a moment we went to the village and looked for a restaurant. We walked around for a bit but most of the restaurants that looked nice were already full so we decided to get Pizza. It was a good decision, the Pizza was really good. Poor me had to pay Kai‘s dinner too because I had lost a stupid bet earlier. Kai even wanted to get a Nutella-Chocolate-Calzone for two people as dessert and I am so so thankful he didnt. We went back to the hotel and went to sleep:)
      Excited for the hike tomorrow!
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    • Hari 4

      Kultur in Florenz

      6 Juli 2023, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      In den Gassen findet man immer wieder Strassentafeln des Künstlers Clet Abraham. Wir haben noch lange nicht alle gefunden...
      Im Davinci-Museum konnten wir uns im Thema Physik beeindrucken lassen und noch etwas dazu lernen.Baca selengkapnya

    • Hari 56

      Wycieczka do Florencji!

      2 Desember 2023, Italia ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Wybraliśmy się na wycieczkę do Florencji! Bardzo chciałam zobaczyć słynna katedrę i zrobiła na mas faktycznie duże wrażenie❤️ Po przerwie na kawę, ruszyliśmy dalej eksplorować miasto. Zobaczyliśmy Palazzo i Ponte vecchio i spacerowaliśmy pięknymi uliczkami. Podobno dla wielu Florencja to miasto kiczu, ale my w ogóle tego nie odczuliśmy. Wręcz wydała nam się autentyczna i bardzo włoska z tą mieszanką kompletnego bałaganu z urokliwą architekturą. Wspięliśmy się również na Piazzale Michelangelo, gdzie złapał nas i deszcz i bardzo mocny wiatr😅 zaraz gdy zeszliśmy wróciło już słoneczko. Nie mogliśmy również odpuścić sobie zobaczenia słynnej rzeźby Michała Anioła - Dawida. Zrobił wrażenie! Na obie zjedliśmy risotto oraz ravioli z truflami, kocham! Na wieczór wróciliśmy do Werony❤️Baca selengkapnya

    Anda mungkin juga mengenal tempat ini dengan nama berikut:

    Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, Kathedrale von Florenz, Florence Cathedral, Santa Maria del Fiore

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