Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore

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    • Dia 5

      Firenze Kathedrale

      14 de setembro de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Nach dem wir ziemlich teure Tickets für den Besuch der Kathedrale inclusive des Kuppelbesuches gebucht haben , damit wir uns nicht anstellen müssen- sind wir auch gestern noch in die Kuppel geklettert. Super Ausblick über die Stadt und da man zuerst innen in der Kuppel entlang läuft, kann man auch die Gemälde gut betrachten. In die Kathedrale selbst kamen wir leider nicht mehr rein, die wurde schon 16.00 geschlossen. Aber am Folgetag standen soviele Leute vor den Türen, dass wir verzichtet haben - wir hatten ja von oben schon geguckt. Und noch sooo viele Kirchen und Kathedralen vor uns....Leia mais

    • Dia 9

      Ciao Bella (Firenze)

      21 de maio de 2023, Itália

      Got Into Florence and first stop is the Duomo for mass after we settled into our new apartment! Still in awe that the Duomo was apart of my daily walk to class and home :) The lunch where George ate a Calzone as big as his head!Leia mais

    • Dia 212

      A Taste of Florence

      28 de junho de 2016, Itália ⋅ 🌙 21 °C

      Hi everyone! Today we decided to be adventurous and spend the day in Florence, only about 55 miles from Bologna. An easy 90 minute trip when your bus is on time (ours wasn't, but we're used to that by now), going to Florence feels like taking a step back in time. So much of the early renaissance mastery in art, architecture, and literature that the Medici family sponsored in the city is still extant; our tour through the Uffizi gallery (formerly a state palace/showroom for the family, and one of the world's largest museum collections) was one awe-inspiring piece after another, from endless halls of Roman-era sculpture to entire rooms of Michelangelo, a da Vinci collection, a wide array of medieval Christian and early Gothic art... even the ceiling friezes were a celebration of knowledge, with portraits of great thinkers in politics, academia, science, and arts. Plus, the pedestrian organized chaos of the Ponte Vecchio is right behind the gallery.

      Sadly, we didn't really get to enjoy the culinary delights of Florence, as the only thing we ate was takeout pizza while waiting in line at the Duomo. It wasn't like Dominos or anything though - still a big step up from what you are probably imagining. The on-the-run lunch was worth it, though - it gave us the time to explore. The interior of the famous church is spectacular, and late in the day we climbed to the top of the 20-story medieval bell tower for a cool breeze and panoramic view of Florence. Check out the pics!
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    • Dia 22


      31 de maio de 2022, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

      Here is some pics from the Uffizi gallery (a week late sorry). We listened to a Rick Steves podcast during our walk around. By the end, our little Uffizi’s hurt.
      We saw Venus and Sara documented a cute photo of everyone taking photos of her- this scene is actually seen quite often, and sara has taken to taking even photos of me taking photos (she has quite the compilation now). I will try to find some to post. It’s a good thing I have find penguins to post these as I’m sure there are photos of everything I have taken photos of already on the internet. We did mostly just look around though.
      At the end I have also included another statue selfie for everyone xx
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    • Dia 21

      Il Duomo

      30 de maio de 2022, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Welcome to Florence ⛲️🖤
      So we caught the train in the morning and got to our hostel, dropped our bags in their room because it wasn’t check in time yet and then went to get some lunch. We got focaccia’s and baby carrots from the Pam and ate them at a piazza.
      We checked into our hostel which we may or may not have accidentally booked for the 29th and 30th nights instead of our actual dates; the 30th and 31st. Oops. But it ended up being okay because the lady was really nice. We did book it while we were very jet-lagged so will try to not do that again.
      Then we walked really fast to the Duomo because that made us a bit late and we walked up the 400 and something stairs pretty fast and I mustered up the courage to ask the security guard to take a photo of us, who then told us he would take few so we could change poses 💅
      We then saw him later the next day when we went to get dinner. I hope he gets paid good.
      Sara took a few of me too but some came out a bit blurry. Maybe it was the stairs. The view was very pretty though. And the art inside the dome was very cool. The longer you stared at it the more weird some of the demons looked.
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    • Dia 33

      D33 Italy - Firenze

      6 de agosto de 2019, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      With the knowledge that we have two full days of exploration to do here, we were able to relax a bit and not worry about being time strict. And yet, by the time we got into bed tonight, we were exhausted! Florence is so easy to get around by foot, in fact it seems very little people catch public transport in the centre, that your day fills up quickly, even if you’re retracing your steps.

      We started our day with a lovely breakfast prepared by our host Silvia, and then set off for Santa Maria del Fiore. We wanted to beat the crowds and the heat by getting to the bell tower early. We beat the crowds at least. 414 steps later and we had our first beautiful panoramic view of Firenze, including the cathedral next door which we would climb later in the afternoon. The terracotta glow of roofs here mimic those of Bologna, so its a good thing there are plenty of monuments in photos for us to distinguish which is which!

      Anthony was in need of some new shorts, more specifically shorts that don’t have a hole in the pocket and bum. We looked in a couple of sporting stores, but to no avail. Only in a sports store in Italy will you find Columbia next to George Armani! Later this afternoon we made a new line for North Face where he found some really smart looking shorts, fingers crossed they don’t get too roughed up in our travels!

      A daily predicament is trying to find a coffee shop with a toilet so we don’t have to pay for a public loo (on average you will pay 1€ per “session”). Walking down one of many hundred alleyways, we found a large industrial-chic cafe with a florist in the back, and lots of non-dairy coffee options. I was fooled to think we hadn’t fallen into a vortex, transporting us back to Fitzroy! More importantly, it had a loo. I really enjoyed my coffee but Anthony was undecided about his Ciocaccino that the waitress had recommended. You can’t win them all!

      Mercato Centrale, which is the Queen Vic of Firenze but with a huge food court and a little more va-va-voom, called our names for an early round one of lunch. We loved wandering through and eyeing off the crazy butchers dividing up the ginormous T-bones with cleavers, the little old ladies spraying their fruits and vegetables with mist, piles of Limoncello, and all the Willy Wonka-esque pasta carefully placed to make displays pop. We found a pasta store that was selling plates of fresh pasta with your choice of sauce, and if the growing queue indicated anything, that was our pick! Half an hour later we were sitting outside on a dirty step admiring our ravioli al limone with a sauce of pomodori con olive. We are in love, and definitely going back tomorrow for more!
      Round two of lunch took us back to Rosalia, a funky salad spot near the main square, which was both convenient and well priced. Plus we get a huge bowl of greens in (yes mums, we’re getting our serves of veggies in!), which is perfect on a hot day. We shared a Mexican salad, so imagine lots of lettuce with beans, corn, onion, tomato, pineapple, avocado dressing and tortilla chips!

      We returned to Santa Maria to visit the Baptistry, which closes for a few hours in the middle of the day for religious purposes. Unfortunately it too is undergoing maintenance so some of the interior was covered but what we could see was beautifully decorated, and many people sitting down on the benches provided were obviously entranced.

      By a small miracle Ant secured us tickets to climb the Duomo at 3.30 so at 3.00 we lined up and got comfy. All of this queuing makes for great people watching, it’s not too tedious!
      The construction of the cathedral itself, named after Santa Maria del Fiore, began in the 13th century Alforno Di Cambio, and the dome that towers over the gothic style building wasn’t added until the 15th century, designed by Filippo Brunelleschi. Apparently it was made without the aid of scaffolding! Another 463 steps took us up through the inside of the ornately painted dome, which on closer inspection is really quite dark and twisted. From my interpretation, it represented the many levels of humanity, and the afterlife, as the painted figures ranged from the perverse and violent down the bottom to Christ Jesus who sat on his throne higher up surrounded by many followers. It was quite steep closer to the top, but the view made it all worth it! In fact, we probably overstayed our welcome by staying up there for so long but if no one is telling you to go, why leave? We could see right over the city towards the Tuscan countryside, including the Piazza Michael di Angelo which we will walk to tomorrow.

      We walked home to rest our weary feet before dinner, but not before sharing another gelato. It’s like a daily Yakult, I swear.
      Dinner was at a sweet restaurant nearby, and again we ate well. We shared a plate of a variety of pecorino cheeses from the region, accompanied with berry jam, honey and bread. For first course, Ant enjoyed spaghetti with an incredible sauce of bacon, tomatoes, Chianti wine and a healthy serving of olive oil. As I only wanted one course, I ordered the tagliatelle with scampi and tomatoes. Dad, you’d be proud! I tore into those huge scampi and made sure there was no meat left in the shells. Luckily I had Ant who was on hand to mop me up afterwards! For second course, Ant ordered grilled chicken with rocket plus a caprese salad. The salad unfortunately did not live up to his expectations as the tomatoes weren’t completely bursting with ripeness, but the grilled chicken was lovely.

      We finished the night off by watching the sun set as we sat on a bridge over the river. Oh, and Anthony got another gelato.
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    • Dia 1

      Palazzo Gamba, Florence, Italy

      18 de maio de 2017, Itália ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Tuesday, May 30 - Sunday, June 4, 2017
      Apartment at Palazzo Gamba

      What a great location. We can almost reach out and touch the Duomo and the Baptistry. We can hear live violin and cello music every evening. The sunrises and sunsets are amazing! There are people everywhere! We have left the windows opemed

      Conveniently located on the main square of Florence’s historical centre, Piazza del Duomo, Palazzo Gamba apartment building is about 40 feet from the Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore, a wonderful 5 minutes walk from the Uffizi Gallery, Ponte Vecchio and all the major attractions in Florence downtown.

      Positives: Location, location, location. It couldn’t be beat. In several minutes you could be at the Ponte Vecchio, The Uffizi, Accademia, Boboli Gardens, Piazza della Signora, The Pitti Palace, or just strolling along the Arno.

      You will find yourself in the liveliest area of Florence, surrounded by a maze of noble palaces and narrow streets that preserve the quiet atmosphere of a small-town and a unique flowering of artistic masterpieces and romantic sceneries. The start of the pedestrian zone of Florence historical centre is just across the street; this means you will never need cabs or buses to fully experience the most romantic restaurants and wine bars of the city, stylish boutiques, clubs and magnificent squares that stage Florence’s traditional events. If you like to return to the room during the day for a little rest breaks, the central location of Palazzo Gamba will allow it without stresses.
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    • Dia 19

      Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore

      27 de setembro de 2023, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

      Day 1 - Florence - Went to the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore

    • Dia 14

      Pausentag in Florenz

      30 de julho de 2013, Itália ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Heute hatten wir unseren wohlverdienten zweiten Ruhetag unserer Reise. Nach einem späten Abend – mit lautem Tanzkurs in einer Edelkneipe nebenan – gabs zum Frühstück erst mal den Kuchen, die Spezialität aus Mantova, die wir seit 4 Tagen durch die Gegend radelten.

      Dann war wieder mal Waschtag, und während die Maschine ihre Arbeit verrichtete, konnten wir uns mit der Jugend im freien Wi-Fi Spot des Platzes unterhalten.

      Später gings nochmal in die Stadt. Heute wieder bei herrlichem warmen Sommerwetter.

      Endlich habe ich nun auch den sehr schönen Dom und das Battistero di San Giovanni besichtigt. Ein Muss – vor allem wenn man zuvor den neuen Roman „Inferno“ von Dan Brown gelesen hat..

      Dann gings wieder – diesmal auf kürzerem Weg wie gestern – zurück zum Campingplatz.

      Jetzt sitzen wir in der Osteria San Niccolo und genießen wieder eine Karaffe Hauswein. Mei gehts uns gut!

      Morgen geht’s dann weiter Richtung Arezzo. Mal schauen wie weit wir kommen..

      Route: Florenz
      Unterbringung: Camping „Michelangelo“ in Florenz
      Strecke: Per Pedes: Molto Kilometri 🙂
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    • Dia 20

      Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore

      6 de julho de 2016, Itália ⋅ 🌧 32 °C

      搭巴士回到 ##聖百花教堂,這天又穿短褲進不去了。在附近找到一家披薩店,本來嫌有點貴,但是真的超級好吃!

      下一站,里米尼 與 聖馬利諾共和國

    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, Kathedrale von Florenz, Florence Cathedral, Santa Maria del Fiore

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