Florence Cathedral

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    • Day 2

      Anem a Florència

      May 1, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Hem arribat a Florència i plou. Després d'arribar a l'apartament hem anat al mercat a dinar, hem menjat ribollita i lampredotto. Boníssim. A la tarda hem anat pel centre, preciós. A la nit mengem pizza i parlem amb dues japoneses mentre sopem.Read more

    • Day 1

      Palazzo Gamba, Florence, Italy

      May 18, 2017 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Tuesday, May 30 - Sunday, June 4, 2017
      Apartment at Palazzo Gamba

      What a great location. We can almost reach out and touch the Duomo and the Baptistry. We can hear live violin and cello music every evening. The sunrises and sunsets are amazing! There are people everywhere! We have left the windows opemed

      Conveniently located on the main square of Florence’s historical centre, Piazza del Duomo, Palazzo Gamba apartment building is about 40 feet from the Dome of Santa Maria del Fiore, a wonderful 5 minutes walk from the Uffizi Gallery, Ponte Vecchio and all the major attractions in Florence downtown.

      Positives: Location, location, location. It couldn’t be beat. In several minutes you could be at the Ponte Vecchio, The Uffizi, Accademia, Boboli Gardens, Piazza della Signora, The Pitti Palace, or just strolling along the Arno.

      You will find yourself in the liveliest area of Florence, surrounded by a maze of noble palaces and narrow streets that preserve the quiet atmosphere of a small-town and a unique flowering of artistic masterpieces and romantic sceneries. The start of the pedestrian zone of Florence historical centre is just across the street; this means you will never need cabs or buses to fully experience the most romantic restaurants and wine bars of the city, stylish boutiques, clubs and magnificent squares that stage Florence’s traditional events. If you like to return to the room during the day for a little rest breaks, the central location of Palazzo Gamba will allow it without stresses.
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    • Day 20

      Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore

      July 6, 2016 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 32 °C

      搭巴士回到 ##聖百花教堂,這天又穿短褲進不去了。在附近找到一家披薩店,本來嫌有點貴,但是真的超級好吃!

      下一站,里米尼 與 聖馬利諾共和國

    • Day 10

      Duomo of Florence

      November 10, 2014 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 61 °F

      We had been to the Florence Duomo (cathedral) on a previous trip, but I had failed to get an adequate picture of Ghiberti's self-portrait in the doors of the Baptistry. This time I made sure that I got a good one. In 1334 the Florentine Signory approved the design by Giotto of the campanile tower. It is distinguished not by its square shape (which Giotto had hoped to top with a spire), but by its lovely Gothic tracery windows, the reliefs, and in the colored, carved lower panels in marble, carved by Giotto. After his death, the work was carried on by Pisano, Donatello, and Francesco Talenti, to whom the tower owes its crowning glory--the highest arcade with its single Gothic window. There is a story about Brunelleschi's selection to design and construct the dome of the church. He was one of many candidates who interviewed for the job. He told them he would top the tower with a dome, the largest to be built since the Romans built the Pantheon. They asked him how he would do it. He refused to tell them on the grounds that once he explained it, every other architect would copy the idea and claim it as his own. They persisted. Finally he said, "If you can tell me how to stand an egg on its end, then I will tell you how I plan to build the dome." After three weeks of trying to stand an egg on its end, they relented and asked Brunelleschi back for another interview. "We cannot figure out how to stand an egg on end. How would you do it?" "Simple," he said. He took a hard-boiled egg, tapped the end slightly, then set it up on end." "Oh, that's easy," they responeded. "You didn't figure it out," he told them. "We could have done so," they said. He answered, "Similarly, once I build the dome, everyone else will say that they could have done it." They gave him the job, and he built the dome.Read more

    • Day 10

      The Piazza of Il Castello Vecchio

      November 10, 2014 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 59 °F

      Il Castello Vecchio, the "Old Castle," was the home of Lorenzo di Medici, and thus it became the de facto capital of the Florentine Republic. It was used as the center of government long after Lorenzo the Magnificent built for himself a more modest dwelling (at least from the outside) a few blocks away. The plaza in front of the building holds many statues made by renaissance artists. Some are copies of classical models, such as "The Dying Gaul," and the "Rape of the Sabine Women." It was raining hard the day we arrived, so we took shelter under the roof of the gallery.Read more

    • Day 14

      Pausentag in Florenz

      July 30, 2013 in Italy ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Heute hatten wir unseren wohlverdienten zweiten Ruhetag unserer Reise. Nach einem späten Abend – mit lautem Tanzkurs in einer Edelkneipe nebenan – gabs zum Frühstück erst mal den Kuchen, die Spezialität aus Mantova, die wir seit 4 Tagen durch die Gegend radelten.

      Dann war wieder mal Waschtag, und während die Maschine ihre Arbeit verrichtete, konnten wir uns mit der Jugend im freien Wi-Fi Spot des Platzes unterhalten.

      Später gings nochmal in die Stadt. Heute wieder bei herrlichem warmen Sommerwetter.

      Endlich habe ich nun auch den sehr schönen Dom und das Battistero di San Giovanni besichtigt. Ein Muss – vor allem wenn man zuvor den neuen Roman „Inferno“ von Dan Brown gelesen hat..

      Dann gings wieder – diesmal auf kürzerem Weg wie gestern – zurück zum Campingplatz.

      Jetzt sitzen wir in der Osteria San Niccolo und genießen wieder eine Karaffe Hauswein. Mei gehts uns gut!

      Morgen geht’s dann weiter Richtung Arezzo. Mal schauen wie weit wir kommen..

      Route: Florenz
      Unterbringung: Camping „Michelangelo“ in Florenz
      Strecke: Per Pedes: Molto Kilometri 🙂
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    • Day 7

      Cupola del Brunelleschi

      May 25, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 75 °F

      Climbing the duomo was an amazing, but a bit scary, experience! The climb was long, narrow, and at times the stairs were in such a tight circle that it was dizzying. The views at the top, both inside and outside the dome, made it 1000% worth it! The view in every direction is just incredible from the top. It was also very cool to see the artwork on the inside up close. There are a lot of similar painted domes in churches around here but I’ve never been able to get so close. I didn’t realize how scary the art was until we were close to it… pretty dark depiction of hell with people-eating demons. It was interesting to see how huge each of the characters are up close, and also how distorted they seem from that angle. It is unreal that artists used to be all the way up there painting and were able to figure out how to alter their art so it would appear normal from hundreds of feet below despite being on a curved surface.Read more

    • Day 25

      Duomo of Florence

      March 27, 2022 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      The Cattedrale de Santa María del Fiore is the famous cathedral with Brunelleschi's dome that they say they still don't really know how he did it. Construction began in the late 13th century and continued for 140 years when the dome was completed. This building replaced predecessor churches dating to the 4th century when the 1st was consecrated by Ambrose of Milan.
      The 1st picture is the facade of the cathedral. The multicolored building is not painted those are all natural marble from different quarries nearby. The 2nd picture shows the facade and the bell tower. The 3rd captures parts of the baptistry, the cathedral facade, the bell tower and the Palazzo Vecchio in the background.
      The 4th picture is the famous golden door of the baptistry that Michelangelo is reported to have said that the door is so beautiful, it must be the door to heaven. The name has stuck.
      The last 2 pictures are in the nave. Being a Sunday, I didn't get to spend any more time between masses. I'll definitely be back to explore more, not least the construction of the dome.
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    • Day 5

      Brunelleschis Wunder/Der Dom von Florenz

      September 29, 2021 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Nach einer kleinen Schnitzeljagd-Führung quer durch den Dom, mit jede Menge schmalen Stufen, konnten wir die imposante Kuppel bestaunen.

      Auf das Zusatz-Ticket zur Terrasse haben wir verzichtet und unsere Tour durch den Dom mit diesem Höhepunkt beendet. Denn Italien geizt nicht mit Ihren Sehenswürdigkeiten und so gibt es kaum etwas für was man nicht bezahlen und buchen darf.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore, Kathedrale von Florenz, Florence Cathedral, Santa Maria del Fiore

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