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Top 10 Travel Destinations Brindisi
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    • Day 55


      February 26 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Pour notre dernière journée italienne, on aura dû pédaler ! 75km jusqu'à Brindisi

      Les routes avaient encore les stigmates de la veille. Mais le soleil était là pour nous tenir chaud. ☀️

      Les paysages magnifiques nous ont accompagnés tout le long du trajet jusqu'à la mer Adriatique.

      Nous avons le temps pour un dernier verre de vin, des taralli, des pâtes (et même une session de Crossfit 🦾) pour savourer notre dernière soirée italienne.

      Il faut finalement embarquer sur le ferry, direction Igoumenitsa en Grèce !
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    • Day 26


      February 14 in Italy ⋅ 🌬 13 °C

      Die gute Nachricht. Gabi geht es soweit okay. Die Gelenke schmerzen immer noch und ein Muskelkater stellt sich ein, aber allem in allem geht es ihr gut.
      Dennoch wollen wir ein paar Tage auf einen Campingplatz stehen, damit wir regenerieren können. Dafür haben wir uns einen alternativen CP ausgesucht.

      Da wir erst am Nachmittag anreisen können, schwinge ich mich auf den E-scooter und fahre ein wenig an der Küste entlang. Gabi bleibt im Wohnmobil.
      Ich bin allerdings schnell zurück, denn vieles gibt es nicht zu sehen.

      Wir fahren als erstes einen kleinen Supermarkt an, der Gasflaschen tauscht. Ein Tipp unserer neuen Gastgeberin.
      Da wir erst um 16.00 Uhr anreisen können, fahren wir zum Strand, der in der Nähe liegt und wir warten für die Zeit ab.
      Die Begrüßung ist nett, werden aber direkt darauf hingewiesen, dass hier auf dem Gelände 2 große Hunde rumlaufen, die erstmal unseren Hunden nicht wohlgesonnen sind.

      Die Vereinbarung ist, die Hunde abwechselnd eingesperrt zu halten und Morgen gehen wir zusammen mit allen spazieren, damit sie sich kennenlernen.
      Wenn's klappt bleiben wir noch hier, wenn nicht, müssen wir uns verabschieden.

      Aber das liebe Kinder, erzähle ich euch das nächste mal... 🦄
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    • Day 7

      Leaving Lecce

      March 7, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      I slept until almost 9am today. I wasn't in a big rush. I booked my train for 11:15, and it's a 25 min walk. I put the cover on the bed and started pulling things out of the closet for packing. When I was reasonably organized, I took a break for breakfast.

      Breakfast was my normal cappuccino and a cornetto--this time with Nutella again. Back at the room, I finished packing by 10am and figured I'd just leave so that I could take my time walking.

      It took a while to walk, mostly because I didn't want to leave! It was a beautiful, sunny morning, and I enjoyed it thoroughly.

      I didn't have to wait long for my train. It arrived early since Lecce is the end of the line. For an extra 10€ l booked 1st class. Totally worth it. Not only did I get a single seat, but it was quiet, and they had "cabin service." I got a coffee and a cookie.

      The train stopped in Brindisi before arriving in Bari. The view out the windows was the sea on one side, mountains on the other, and olive groves on both sides. Beautiful!
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    • Day 3

      Evening in Brindisi

      March 3, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 54 °F

      After my afternoon nap, it was time to get outside. My first stop was the Betty Cafe at the port for my first gelato. I sat by the water and enjoyed it thoroughly--even though it was a little cold!

      At 6pm, I started to think about dinner. Unfortunately, I am in Italy, and no one thinks about dinner at 6pm. Fortunately, they do think about apertivi! I wandered around and settled on a place that had outdoor seating. I had a Hugo Spritz, which was very sweet and delicious.
      I walked by the restaurant I was interested in and it was completely empty. 7pm was too early. So I found an enoteca and had a glass of rosè and some taralli.

      After the wine, it was 8pm and time for dinner. The restaurant, La Cantina Ti L'Artisti, was still empty, but this time, I went in. I am getting more confident with my Italian, and when the server gave me the specials menu in English, I told her that I don't understand Italian food in English. From then on, we spoke in Italian. I had ravioli with burata, followed by grilled calamari. I finished with Catalan cream and some Montrnegro Amaro. I decided I wanted some limoncello. It was the best I've ever had, and when I asked, it turns out they make it in house. I would have bought some if I could. I thanked the server for being so nice and headed home.

      It was a very good day.
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    • Day 2

      In Brindisi

      March 2, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌙 54 °F

      I ended up walking to the B&B Diamora Guerrieri. There were no taxis and it was nice evening. Plus, I was sitting on a train for 5 1/2 hours. It took about 15 minutes and was easy to find.

      As I sort of expected, no one was there. I texted, then messaged on, and finally called. There were 3 boxes on the wall outside the door. And he gave me the code to #2. I had to let myself in and find the room. It wasn't difficult, just weird. The room is nice--it was really hot! I had to turn off the heat and open a window.

      Nothing opened for dinner until after 7:45pm, so I had time to kill. I checked out the TV--nothing in English. I also washed out my dress and socks, changing into jeans and a sweater. I am not tired and will probably need to take something to sleep, since I'm so wound up.

      I decided to walk around and find a place to eat. It turns out that I am really close to the waterfront. I saw one of the restaurants on my list and decided to eat there. It was good, not great. I had a salad with tuna, fennel, and olives, followed by frutta al mare pasta. They did have a nice lemon slushy thing at the end of the meal.

      I walked by the end of the Appian Way before heading back to the B&B.
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    • Day 4

      Checking out of Brindisi

      March 4, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌧 52 °F

      I woke up early this morning and started to pack up. It was sunny out, and I enjoyed my espresso on the patio. I had a roll with Nutella--I'm getting into my Italy groove.

      I hung out in the sun for a while before heading to the room. I took a shower--why are Italian showers so small?!? Then I finished packing up. It was still early, as I planned to take an 11:30ish train. I watched the rest of an episode of "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel",before leaving. It was the only thing I could access for free on Amazon Prime, and I am enjoying it.

      The walk to the station took about 15 minutes, and it's 15 more minutes until my train arrives.

      Arrivederci Brindisi!
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    • Day 17

      BRINDISI - Fährhafen

      January 4, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Nach gerade einmal 17 Tagen "on the road" sind wir schon am Fährhafen in BRINDISI angekommen. 😂😂😂😂

      Hier - direkt vorm Terminal - werden wir die Nacht verbringen und morgen zum "Check-In" haben wir die Pole-Position.

      Und um 1300 soll dann morgen die Fähre ablegen .....
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    • Day 34


      May 8, 2023 in Italy

      Das erste größere Etappenziel Brindisi wurde Heute erreicht. Während der Fahrt führten uns diverse Wege gar an Orte, bei denen sogar die Eidechsen zahm erscheinen. Brindisi selbst scheint nicht gerade geeignet als Feriendestination. Nun geht es auf die Fähre nach Grichenland.Read more

    • Day 15

      Fähre Vlora Brindisi

      May 26, 2023 in Italy ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

      Die Fähre hat ihre beste Zeit hinter sich 😅
      Waren auch nur ca 15 Passagiere auf der Fähre. Leider etwas doof mit den Hunden gelaufen. Entgegen der Aussage des Lademeisters durften sie dann doch nicht im Auto bleiben, sollten eigentlich im Boxen, die aber total verdreckt waren. Letztendlich durften wir uns nur den Hunden in einem kleinen Bereich aufhalten.Read more

    • Day 3

      Wandering Brindisi

      March 3, 2023 in Italy ⋅ ☁️ 59 °F

      I didn't sleep well and ended up taking a sleep-eze at 1:30am. Of course, then it was hard to get up this morning. I got dressed and went to the breakfast room. It was a small room with 3 tables, with room numbers on them. I had to figure out how to work the espresso machine, which is difficult before coffee! There were packaged croissants and some store bought cakes, too. Not impressive.

      It was sunny in the little courtyard, so I went outside to enjoy my espresso and journal a bit. The cleaning team showed up and were loud as they yelled at each other. I had about 5 espressos before I was ready to get dressed and explore.

      First, I walked to the port, which is only a few steps away. Then I walked up the main drag, Corso Umberto. I stopped to get cash, and received 4 "turds," which is what I call 50s. When I travel alone, they are difficult to unload. I went into the bank to try to exchange, but no one was helping me, so I left. I sat on a bench in a piazza with a fountain to figure out what I wanted to do next. I walked back to the port and went as far as I could in one direction. I was also looking for a place to eat lunch. I can discover an entire city, just looking for a restaurant!

      I stopped at a few, but none had outdoor seating. It is supposed to rain this afternoon, and I want to stay outside as much as I can. I found a place on Corso Umberto that looked good. I am now enjoying my first spritz, along with carpacio di bresaola and cacio e pepe arancini. All good!
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